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1、Mental Status ExaminationAffect and MoodAffect:An individuals outward expression of emotion.Inappropriate Restricted Range IntensityBlunted or FlatExaggerated,Heightened,or Overdramatic Mobility(decreased/excessive)第一页,共十页。Mental Status ExaminationAffect and MoodMood:An individuals personal experien

2、ce of emotion.Euthymic=Neither happy nor sadDysphoric=Unpleasant feelingsEuphoric=Cheerful,elated,possibly even ecstatic第二页,共十页。MotivationMotivational impairment can make even ordinary life tasks seem insurmountable.Mental Status ExaminationSense of SelfDisturbances of the individuals sense of“who I

3、 am”include:depersonalization identity confusion第三页,共十页。Cognitive Functioning:Level of intelligence evidence by details such as memory and abstract ability.Problems might include memory impairment associated with AlzheimersInsight and Judgment:Understanding and decision making.Mental Status Examinat

4、ion第四页,共十页。Psychological Testing What Makes a Good Psychological Test?n ValiditynPredictivenContentn Reliabilityn Standardization第五页,共十页。What is intelligence?第六页,共十页。Verbal ThinkingVerbal Thinking Are you a creative and skilled writer?Skilled reader?Are you a creative and skilled writer?Skilled read

5、er?Spatial SkillsSpatial Skills Are you good at visualizing through verbal instructions?Blueprints?Are you good at visualizing through verbal instructions?Blueprints?Logical&Mathematical Skills Logical&Mathematical Skills Has math always come easy to you?Has math always come easy to you?Are you good

6、 at deductive reasoning or the use of logic?Are you good at deductive reasoning or the use of logic?Movement SkillsMovement Skills Do have good fine motor coordination?Are you good in sports?Do have good fine motor coordination?Are you good in sports?Musical SkillsMusical Skills Do you have an ear f

7、or music?Can you play a musical instrument well?Do you have an ear for music?Can you play a musical instrument well?Insightful Skills for Understanding Others Insightful Skills for Understanding Others Are you a people person?Do you get along well with just about everyone?Are you a people person?Do

8、you get along well with just about everyone?Insightful Skills for Self-UnderstandingInsightful Skills for Self-Understanding Are you well in touch with your thoughts and feelings?Are you well in touch with your thoughts and feelings?Howard Gardiners Theory of Multiple of Intelligences第七页,共十页。How do

9、we interpret IQ test results?Does a low score on an IQ test mean someone is not smart?Factors that can affect test outcome besides IQWhat do we make of differences in scores between different ethnic groups?African-Americans(as a group)are not as smart as Caucasians and AsiansIQ tests are biased vs.c

10、ertain groupsIQ tests predominantly measure academically-oriented skills.Groups with less access to learning these skills will do more poorly on IQ testsWhat about IQ tests that are supposed to be“Culture-free”?第八页,共十页。Personality and Diagnostic Testing MMPI and MMPI-2 NEO Personality Inventory MCMI

11、-IIISelf-Report Clinical Inventories contain standardized questions with fixed response categories that the test-taker completes,“self-reporting”the extent to which the responses characterize him or her.第九页,共十页。内容(nirng)总结Mental Status ExaminationAffect and Mood。Blunted or Flat。Sense of Self。Insight and Judgment:。MMPI and MMPI-2。MCMI-III第十页,共十页。

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