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1、专四听写评分标准及技巧专四听写评分标准1. 听写共分15小节,每节1分,扣分一律写在试卷右边的空白处。大错误下划线,小错误用圆圈表示,重复错误用三角记号表示。2. 每节最多扣1分。3. 重复错误,仅扣一次分。4. 错误共分两类:小错误(minor mistakes)和大错误(major mistakes),分别扣0.25分和0.5分。A 小错误:1) 单词拼写错一到两个字母:Sequence sequaince, secuenceJewelry (jewellery) jewlry, jewllyPilots pilots, pirots2) 标点符号错写(含大小写)World War I w

2、orld war oneto the normal . To the normal, and then adopted . And then adopted Reversing the usual order, 没有 “,”3)冠词、单复数错误:With fortune hunters with the fortune hunters90 percent 90 percents4) 小错误扣分标准:小错误在一节中出现一次,留作总计;出现两次,扣0.5分;出现三次,扣0.5分后留一小错作总计,出现四次,扣一分。5)未扣小错误的扣分标准:累计2-4个:扣0.5分累计5-8个:扣1分B 大错误:漏写

3、、加词、造词(冠词作小错计)、大移位、时态错误,每个错误扣0.5分。例:race west, raised, risk; flying fine, fined, dinningloved love; while weregenerally general5. 一些特例的扣分标准:1) 下列情况不扣分:World War I World War One;.Then army officers , then army officersrace car racecar; fortune hunter fortune-hunter90 percent. And 90%, and 或90% and2)下

4、列情况扣分:Are an exception are essection 扣一个小错加一个大错combat come back 算一个大错6. 总分只有0.5分时,以一分计算;其余总分中如含有小数点的,小数舍去,保留整数,如12.512,7.57。7. 空白卷一律打0分。从以上标准可以看出,扣分有主要和次要信息之分,因此听的时候也要分清重点和非重点;另外听写的全部内容根据意群分成15分,每个意群最多扣1分。如果在听的过程中有个别词或词组一下反应不出来,就不要苦苦纠缠单个的词,要跟着录音进行下一意群的听写,避免个别词或句的错漏影响对其他内容的听音。听写技巧共一篇短文,长度约150个词,含15个左

5、右意群,每个意群一分。共朗读四遍:第一,四遍以正常速度朗读,语速为每分钟120个词;第二三遍朗读时意群,分句间会留出15秒。1. 认真对待第一遍,统领全文 第一遍的朗读速度快,首先要抓住文章的主题(topic)。重点不能放在某一个词汇上,而是要善于捕捉关键词,把有把握的词、句合乎逻辑、简洁地联系起来,以便容易地理解篇章内容。听的同时,如有可能,在草稿纸上简单地写下能够反映篇章结构的关键词,以帮助自己清晰地理出文章的篇章结构。即使明日听清楚或没有听到某些词汇或句子也能根据自己的预测和背景知识进行自动弥补。 2. 掌握节奏,合理安排时间 往往不是听不懂,而是写不下来。等到有时间回头来写,又忘了听到

6、的内容,懊悔不已。其实,听力考试每分钟阅读的字数和停顿时间有严格限制:第二遍和第三遍每分钟约念90个词左右,意群、分句和句子之间都有约15秒的空隙。这就像是唱歌,拍子已经固定,我们要做的是跟上节奏,过分的紧张只会造成混乱,直接影响发挥。为了能很好地跟上书写速度,考生应该听完一个意群后再写,不要边听边写。写的同时,既要能快速反应适当的词汇,又要能快速反应出正确的拼写,同时要有自己的一套简写方法。如对待较长的单词可以先缩写,等全部文章听完后再回头来补充完整。例如:dictionary可以先写成dic,到最后检查全文的时候再补充完整。 3.合理利用最后一遍 很多考生认为最后一遍语速较快,根本来不及校

7、对全文。其实如有短小的词缺失,可以简单地打一个符号,然后运用自己的语法知识,在最后检查的时候补充。如:a,an,the,in,on等虚词,完全可以判断出来。如果遇到较长的一段内容缺失,千万不要听一个词写一个词,因为时间有限,可以在心理默记一些内容,写下关键词,最后再补全。 4.仔细检查全文 通过平时训练,发现许多同学不仔细检查所听写内容,认为录音已经放完,听不出来的内容已经没有办法补救了。其实不然,通过通读全文,可以从逻辑上判断一些同音异性的词,或发音相似的词,如:是see还是sea,就可以通过上下文判断出来。 5.运用语法知识进行判断 要充分利用语法知识进行分析,如单复数是否一致、上下文时态

8、是否相配、句子是否完整、大小写是否恰当、介词搭配或词语用法是否合乎规范、前后语意内容是否通顺。 6. 增强语感,提高记忆力 平时要多练习大声朗读,有意识地背诵一些好的句子和表达方法,增强对英语语言结构、用词、习惯用语的熟悉,来加强自己的语感。在提高记忆力方面,可通过复述所听过的新闻、看过的故事,或刚读过的文章,延长英语在脑海中的停留时间,练就用英语思维的能力。7、错误分析A. 由音变现象而导致的错误 正确:More energy arrives at the earths surface in an hour than is consumed in the world in a whole y

9、ear.错误:More energy arrives at the earths surface in a how than is consumed in the world in a whole year. 正确:It is up to the tour operator.错误:Its up to the tour operator. 正确:Can you imagine how difficult life would become. 错误:Can you imagine how difficult life will become. 正确:Everywhere we turn, we f

10、ind paper. 错误:Everywhere we turn, we fine paper.音变现象:连读连读,即语速加快时,两个或多个分属不同单词的相邻音连在一起读出的语音现象。常见的连读分为以下三种:辅音+元音即第一个单词以辅音结尾,下一个单词以原因开头时,两个词连读。如:out and out sit up look out of辅音+h音即第一个单词以辅音结尾,下一格单词以清辅音h开头,前一辅音将击穿清辅音h,直接与h后的原因相拼。如:giver her miss him is he busy字母r+元音即第一个单词以字母r或者re结尾,下一个单词以原因开头,原本不发音的字母r或者

11、re发辅音r,并与后面的元音相拼。如:are in there are more and more where am I2004 Flight 5125 scheduled to take off at 11:30 will be delayed for 20 minutes. Please check in half an hour prior to departure.常见音变现象:同化 英语口语中,某些音,特别是辅音连读通常发生音变,称作音的同化现象。常见的同化变音有四个 t+j not yet last year d+j did you could you and you z+j be

12、cause you seize you s+j suit issue常见音变现象:弱音 弱音指元音的弱化,即一个单词中的元音在口语中,由于说话速度快或在句中处于次要位置而不发标准读音,变为弱化元音的现象。常见的弱音现象:长原因弱化为短原因 he been元音前的辅音省略或辅音前的元音弱读 his have元音弱化成? us for 常见音变现象:失去爆破 /p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/是英语中的6个爆破音。(爆破音是指发音器官 在口腔中形成阻碍,然后气流冲破阻碍而发出的音。)在 某些 情况下,发爆破音时,气流不必冲破阻碍 ,而只是发音器官在口腔中形成阻碍,并稍做停顿,

13、即做好发出这个爆破音的准备,但不要发出音来。这类情况就叫做失去爆破或不完全爆破 。 不完全爆破的几种可能 1. /p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/这6个爆破音中的任何两个音素相邻时,前者发不完全爆破音,后者则要完全地,彻底地进行爆破。 I has a ba(d) col(d) today. You shoul(d) ta(k)e care of the children. Gla(d) to meet you. 2.爆破音/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/在/t?/, /d?/, /?/, /?/的前面时不完全爆破。 Have you rea(d)

14、the book about tha(t) child? The thir(d) chair is broken. 3.爆破音/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/在/m/, /n/, /l/, /s/的前面时不完全爆破。 Goo(d) morning, sir. Goo(d) night. They are very frien(d)ly to us. For many people in the west, New Years Eve is the biggest party of the year. Its time to get together with frien

15、ds or family and welcome in the coming year. (2009)B.由英美两种发音差异而导致的错误 The fees and ceremonies vary (very) greatly from state and state. Todays family, however, can be composed of diverse combinations.(cambinations) There are carefully scheduled (.)stops.英音和美音的几大区别 美音中除了Mrs.中的“r”不卷舌之外,只要含有“r”字母的单词均要卷舌

16、。 spare burglar purpose chairman horse dirty ladder lecture weather字母a的发音 ask cant dance fast half path chance advantage answer字母o的读音Bottle popular odd shop box crop hot polish spot美音中/t/ 出现在两个元音之间且处于非重读位置的时候,发音近似/d/Letter matter city better pretty waiter winter chapter字母u在l, d, n, t 之后,发音不同Due prod

17、uce attitude student opportunity supermarket tune stupidile的发音不同fertile hostile missile textile.特殊的单词Either neither record dictionary factory laboratory historyC.同音词与近音词 同音词air-heir, aisle-isle, arent-aunt, bare-bear, brake-break, bred-bread, buy-by, cell-sell, cent-scent, cereal-serial, coarse-cour

18、se, complement-compliment, dam-damn, dear-deer, die-dye, eight-ate, eye-I, fair-fare, father-farther, flour-flower, for-four, forth-fourth, groan-grown, hair-hare, heal-heel, hear-here, herd-heard, hole-whole, hour-our, idle-idol, knight-night, knot-not, know-no, knows-nose, knew-new, made-maid, mai

19、l-male, wring-ring, meat-meet, one-won, pair-pear, passed-past, peace-piece, plain-pear, poor-pour, pray-prey, principal-principle, profit-prophet, real-reel, right-write-rite, root-route, sail-sale, scene-sen, sea-see, seam-seem, sew-so-sow, sight-site, steal-steel, sun-son, tail-tale, there-their,

20、 threw-through, tire-tyre, two-to-two, way-weigh, wear-where, weather-whether, week-weak, weight-wait, wood-would, wore-war, worn-warn近音词 lead-lid, deed-did, peek-pick fool-full, pool-pull cart-cut, heart-hut mass-mess, bad-bed, dad-dead fight-fat, bike-back, lack-like veil-whale, vest-west, vet-wet

21、 sign-shine, sigh-shy, same-shame course-cause,fuss-fuzz,house-house,loose-lose worth-worse,path-pass,think-sink thin-thing, sin-sing, ban-bang, right in-writing lace-race, collect-correct, light-right need-lead, night-light,nine-lineD.单词评写错误 容易混淆的词尾visitor-visiter builder-buildor distributor-distri

22、buter resistance-resistenceindependence-independence license-lisence词性转换引起的错误Explain exhibit complex sympathy拼写小结 注意数字的书写,避免数字表达法引起的错误 认真核查单词的拼写,句首单词首字母要大些。 注意单词中有不发音字母的拼写形式,并勤记录。如exhibit, honor, knife, island, comb, tomb 注意单词中辅音字母的单双写问题。如success, necessary, command, disappear, common place, attitud

23、e, communicationE.语法错误 名词单复数The medicine men (man) were often successful for another reason, too.语法规则:名词前若有a,an,则该名词必为单数名字前若是the,则该名词可能为单数也可能为复数 名字前若是few, a few, a good many, a great many, a number of等词或短语,则该名词一定为复数名词前若是little, a little, much, an amount of, a great deal of等词或短语,则该名词一定为不可数名词名词前若是some

24、,any, a lot of, plenty of, a quantity of, masses of等词或短语,则该名词可能为单数也可能为复数名词后的谓语是is, was,则该名词一定为单数名词后的谓语是are,were,则该名词一定为复数因动词的时态,语态和单复数而引起的错误 The language which remains (remain) unchanged (unchange) is nothing but dead.(2000) In most states, a waiting period is required (require) before the license i

25、s issued.冠词使用不当引起的错误 单数可数名词前必须加冠词,听写完后,必须检查冠词的使用是否恰当。F.由于背景知识缺乏而导致的错误 正确:in Victorian times 错误:in victory times 正确:the nuclear family 错误:the new clear family 正确:United Nations Day 错误:United Nations DayG.标点符号 The idea, for example, of being a painter or a musician may seem very attractive.(2008) The

26、idea for example of being a painter or a musician may seem very attractive. A three-day wait is the most common.(1997) A three day wait is the most common. For many people in the west, New Years Eve is the biggest party of the year.(2009) For many people in the west, New Years Eve is the the biggest party of the year. 阅读时多注意标点符号的应用。 注意插入语前后都应该用逗号,如it is said, it is believed, it is reported, for example, for instance, I believe, I think, however, then, such as 注意不要漏掉名词所有格中的一撇和合成词的连字符 状语从句在前时,一定要用逗号与主句分开。18

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