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1、Unit 6 Makr Moven n ChiaKey t ercisesOpneruggesed asws fo rfeence。 Ruler, tape, lcaor, ammer, pincers, rill, wrenh, saw,etc。2。I once made ak wh ni, sissor, ruler, tape, woodandpr. At firstit dit worktoo el、 Mfaher helped eprove teesign and then itflew much bttr、 It was so uch more atifying tfla kite

2、 de b melf.3、 Tee are lrge ortaleinhemarspac.akrs tere are uing allids maeils to uild thins、 Ansteadofwoialne, heyare municaing wit each ter, hring ideas and leanig new skls frm one anther.Rading IneatingI。 Undstndn th ext1. exOrgaizationMs、 Peng, who made a talking tree at Xinchejian/ Paras、 1-3;Pa

3、ra、 12the relationship between creation and copying / Para、 11the definitions of maker / Paras、 4-5the mission of Xinchejian / Para、 6the aim of Seeed Studio / Paras、 9-10the significance of the maker movement to Chinese industry /Para、 7the support from the Chinese government / Para、 82、 Cmrehensin

4、 Check2.1 ocuin n theai id he aemovementisnw gainng groun in Cin admakerspacsike Xinchjan ad eed udio are oen tte publi。 mker is soenwo bul, reates orhckphysicalaterials。 he are eren frothe traditil nventorsho tkered in gre. Maersoftn use twar to dsin objectstbe roucd y dsktp macines like3 prer。 And

5、 they oftnooerat ad shar theirideas onln。 Th hiese govem is uportn hs movement bbuildigmre gvenmen-suportd invatin houe and orgizi ak criva、 Andit hoped that hsmoemthlp Chinese industry move to a nw sage、Althougomeeverss China mkr moemen as producigopycatoods,r、 Pan a, founder fSeee Stdi, ases paien

6、ce、。2 Diggi intodetal 1. The canikr wt everythng rom art prjects to bots。2。 It n react t humantc、Adtcan alk。3. define a ake s someone wh bulds, crat or hacks hyical mteral, whethr oo,clthin r gdget。4。 Hescribs makas “th We geertiocratinghysilthins rthethanjus xls screes。”5.It s a ndui or eople to sa

7、 “Thisinteraivesuff s not t scy,not hat diffcu.”6。 Theyhoptaton f thtikrr y deveop e nextgrundbeakg tecnology、。 t pecalize in the mallscalafacurin of exerimental,icemaepoducts、8、 t featura piture of te outhAmercan evolutonary C Gevaa, h hed soing electrni pnentinsted of air、。He watst showtht cretin

8、somehing originalstartsro learningand coying。2.3 derstaning diffiult sentees 1。 A 2、 B . 4、 A I。 Fcsing o Langua i ontet1。 Ky ods & Epresions1、 1. For the time bein, hi pute ytem is stl in its experimnt stags、。 There is gring tnency to regard mony mrehihy tn qlit of life。3。 Th olowngtab incud list o

9、fsubjcs atthefroi of scieific exlorato、4。Couter tehloy inllits hses from hardwar tsoftwae h be lss expni。5。 Probemsovi, lke other mta actite uch ceativity, i ard to defin butgenerallyeasy tocgnie、6. ueto is ealh probems, Ricr as t give uphaphysical wor o hi farm.、 My storybook ccupy mst o te sp f my

10、tw bookshlves in m bedroom。 a eger tnow where myformr lassmas ae no、9。 nlineste ar boomng coninuy increasing thei arke share。、 Cloudbaed ol enabeyou egaaninterct with your audie i ralie。1. t iamazina Jck builta roboof hs ow。12、 Hum beings re bn wth a apacity olarlangages、13。 Jacemeded oe a querestaa

11、 special in eafod、4、her re threepromiing ndidatesf te job、5。 Eml and her partnes are wrkigonteir clssoom prsentatin。1、2 。 gai gund 2。 mirae 3. aormin 4、 opoents5、 maufacture 、 ecuted 7、 exhibited 、 sortof (hon)1。31. Emytae an intest makng tings frm all tpso mtra.2、 This busines specializes in theman

12、ufactr/mnufacturingad retailsales o grdentools、3。 The sino or by is agoo brrie o thevirus,unlsit is brokn orcut。 The post calls for peopetopt dwtheir marpedae orefe-oace municatontheah other。5、 Itisipotan to lect andhie the es candidas for thepst。2。Wrd rmtion2、 ollect collecrcollection frend frndlyf

13、rendshiimpres impresvimpresson expermet experimenalcate location enouage eourgementefinte efinitely eployployermploe/employmnturvie survivor/survival hrd adhip2。. The cidr hughly enjyed thmseve ath Makr FaireinNw ork。. ws a lit ofmanfactres w ca t out usom asrcu deigns and ciruit boards.3、 ogr likes

14、 radin; hes anctivemrof the local bocub。4. As small cunty, it had t tk nroad to it ndusrlzatio。5。 Nowaday many womenare successfu in bsines aen。6. he wether is s chaebl gh u the ountais tatte frat s sotimes ot relabe。 he sensors cnonitor ped ad ditane f thca n front。8、 The direct ecruitment f e bnk

15、ws very usorizinginerview ndcrer fa t vaious niesitis drng te hri season。3。 Sntene Paten3、11、 The moe gve,e mor you recive.2、 Te more Mik ears, the moe he spends、3。 The more you explai,the more onused I am/fel、.21、Joh waitd te orway, his oat ripng water。iana stooat the ed of the dvgboard,ee musl o h

16、er body antitig atin。3。 Jmslippo the ce-coated steps, h headbangedaisthe ground is bk bruisd。4、prehenive Practice4。1Coze Do ou kow what Ive bee doin? Ive beninteracting witha te, etti it o tak、o, dont laugh. Its tr。 m not aking t up。 The tree is the reatn of someone th maker ovemnt。 dotknow yo hav t

17、ken n inrest in he movment,bu I fid t ascinain。ts ver popar iAerca a now it is gaiing gound inhina。I i eve rcivn encuragment fome goernent, hich hoe willhp to rasorthe onmy、Te makermoveent bingstogethe raditiona raft sklls wth e ver aet in eletonic tcholog oreate smething new. Itoes so by providin p

18、las where makrs n gettoethr to ear n skils from one anther、 Mkers so encourg the shario ieas, rath hnworkingin secret. So wy not gv i a try? If you ke tinkering with things you mgt e pivenng omthingen mre urprising tha a talking tre!4.2 anslatin1、Th akr ire inNe Yor got tothernentor f all aes。2、 ake

19、rs ehitd thir aest eations.3。 nusriaized ntions must akheead n reducgtecarbon eion、4。 Wih he rght tool a pration, akersae theapci tochng hewold、5. Asfar as I know, they r working on aprojectin scr、6、 Thitwn has omingtoutindusty and ( fourshin) real eta ark、7、 helast dead, tedgl revoton has timlatd e

20、ole ceativit inannpecdned way。8。At Xinheian, Chns first formmakerspce,makrs aetikeringith al typesof materials, such as metals, plastics adelconic onnts.Radin ompehendingeadig 1. Cpeenso Che forReading 1。 T 。 F 3、F 、 5. T 6、 T 7。T 8、 T 。 10。 F。aslan1、 让柴火与众不同得就是它既与广义得创客运动有关,又同全球制造业正在经历得转型相关。. 一张巨大得木

21、头桌子占据了创客空间得大部分地方,它就是可以用于从焊接到编程到社交等多用途得工作台、3、 当中国开始失去相对于其它国家得成本优势时,它再也无法依赖制造业中传统得低利润、高产量得经济模式了。、正如其名称所暗示,潘希望通过各方协力,能够让中国刚刚兴起得创客文化得小枝条点燃创意之火。Radng2prehensiChek for eaing 、 a flied orangerobotic iraf name Russell that hewe, aed, wlked ad even talkd2、 a ga redweather balloonin th Rose Garen3。 pper-cfed

22、dinosauhad the allay4。a 3rnted cule ofrsdet ObaasStaeof the UnioAddress5. a 3rnted aak6。 microse adout ooded paer7。obots mdeby e Bet siterIegrate ls PracticingI。Viewig & Lsein1.When as er young, I wn loveithanmtio、 But I fond mself flwin mre int scuture, because I ralie ro m wn teperat, the effor an

23、d tim inolved to maethethin acually move was au hesae asthe effr tme nved o make anmaton.、 Te ff isllgarbage、 f it isn srted in a w hat mkssnse o me,thenm s warehousng gabge. f thn avethirlace ndnow re ty are, te his i stock ile f valbl mtrial、 These this are reasresto me, but not iIcnt cess them ad

24、 reber hr they ae、3、 Iondmyseln n intresing sort f gapten themaker momt nd te r orl. The majority ofeople rxcitd abou t、 Bty wa to kowhasit for。Ifu ae to skwhs rfor,thenchances are you wil nevereed at nyou ome。 WritinModel par yorreferenchere r many benefits o/to brngnt makermoemnt nto tecassro. Frt

25、 nd oremost it cals fo students t trn f ingpasveersinto tv soerers by stmulating heirimnation a creativity。 It also alosudens to on“rel le” poble in mah orscince clr。 hi epsstudents ealiz the pcticl aspectso edtion nd cntrom eir mtivaton。Morve, tuents cnearow interact with eac ohr efetivl,enerating a senseofggement and mutual accetane. Add l tis, pletin ofach project bosts te cofidence of students inheir apacity tobuilsmething use. In ort, h makermoment ijects crtvi, ecageet,espit femwok and a snse aciement intoth clasom,openng u avat n exctng ne ont inthe wo of dcan、 (137 ords)

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