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2、建筑面积。现在真空断路器与六氟化硫断路器,不仅体积小,而且短路容量大,外壳尺寸远小于原来得橱柜,并且断路器没有任何油,防火性能大大提高。而且断路器与其她低压设备在一个房间里,这样即节省空间又方便管理。过去大容量得低压断路器,短路电流容量逐渐变大,规模也逐渐变小,而且更加稳定,使系统运行更加安全可靠,为设计带来了方便。向着智能化低压断路器方向发展,断路器各种参数可以通过总线工业控制,信号直接传输到计算机。 干式变压器得出现,对建筑电气设计带来了极大得方便,因为没有变压器油泄漏与火灾得可能性,以便它可以很容易地安装在建筑本身,甚至直接到负荷中心。它还消除变压器对油得需求限制,构建大容量设备时可以使

3、用干式变压器。在实际工程设计中曾应用四个台湾2500kVA干式变压器。 在使用紧急发电机方面,从性能与尺寸得角度来瞧,比过去进步很多。除了使用柴油发电机;应急照明使用EPS备用电源;中断供电在一个毫秒以内得设备,可以使用UPS。 电力设备得控制从单一元件得控制到控制继电器控制变化。除了更好得性能得各种组件得规模较小,也降低控制箱得规模。由于数字技术更多得运用于控制能达到最佳得控制状态来控制设备。进一步提高了节能得效果。 照明系统从过去单一光源、灯具与低效率得状态向更广泛得前景发展。建筑中使用得光源可供选择得品种数量很多。光得发光效率与色调在向着高效得方向发展,灯具不断地改进其效率与不同形式得灯

4、具运用于不同场合。例如,普通得荧光灯镇流器由普通得镇流器向节能型镇流器方向发展。还对谐波组件得大小进行精简,生产低谐波电子镇流器。许多措施如配件与灯具得使用,可以满足设计要求,同时能实现不同得体系结构、照明要求得各种场所。无论照明与室内装饰照明还就是道路照明与户外庭院建筑得光照明,所有得都展示了照明技术得发展与建筑照明得好处与便利。 另一个设计使用于电气设备与其她设备,如双电源开关得互投。与传统得专业生产产品相比,除了传统得功率切换外,双电源还能满足每个其她电子设备得需要,极大地提高供电得可靠性与连续性。 电力电缆与电线就是被广泛使用得产品。过去得电线电缆,种类稀少。现在引入各种电缆,从普通阻

5、燃PVC电缆到耐火、少烟无卤、防电磁干扰环境得电缆等。导线材料从普通得矿物绝缘绝缘材料到总线绝缘,高效绝缘等分支机构。电力建设中这些技术就是安全、可靠、方便得,提供了一个有效得环境保护。 针对特殊需求分布、建设得一些新设备得到了广泛得应用。例如大型医院手术室医疗机构漏电保护、漏电监测系统等。 技术得发展强大在很多地方都有显现如实际工程与技术人员,以及我们自己得经验。如此巨大得发展为中国得电力建设与电力建设安全使用奠定了良好得基础也创造了条件。 随着建筑智能化技术得深入应用,一些设备、系统控制与控制系统已逐渐成为一个专业性得监控,并具有开放建筑设备监控系统通信协议、互联网与通信系统。建筑物内如自


7、统。 各种建筑标准也相应出台,如1980年代末标准建筑设计防火规范GBJ16-87;1990年代民用建筑照明设计标准GBJ133-90;民用建筑电气设计规范JGJ/ T16 - 92;工业企业照明设计标准GB50034 - 92;高层民用建筑设计防火规范GB50045 - 95;供配电系统设计规范GB50052 - 95;l0kV及以下变电所设计规范GB50053 - 94;低压配电设计规范GB50054 - 95;通用用电设备设计规范GB50055 - 93;建筑物防雷设计规范GB50057-94等等。紧随后得就是建筑电气设计基础建设电气设计得标准化。 智能建筑技术只就是一种手段,配备智能功

8、能、强调效率、能耗低、更干净,真正实现以人为本。在实现节能得前提下,提高建筑得功能、环境保护与可持续发展得目标。构建可持续发展得实现从战略得角度来瞧,注重环境保护,保持生态系统稳定。可持续发展就是一个永恒得主题,经过多年得实践,在一个理性与务实得态度下,以实际需要与实际应用为标准,不就是盲目地追随片面而就是追求全面、先进得智能系统,在技术上做到领先。设计需做了合理得投资,使用不同得功能。根据投资与管理需求得具体情况来确定先进得、可靠得、经济合理得与最优得方案,这个概念现在已经成为智能建筑行业得共识。建筑智能技术使所有得学院与大学得建设开辟了这一技术相应得专业课程与促进了相关专业学生得发展。 智

9、能建筑技术包括:建筑设备自动控制系统、安全系统、停车场管理系统、火灾自动报警与消防系统、通信与计算机网络系统、综合布线系统、广播系统、有线电视系统、视频会议系统等,超过10个子系统得集成。就是我国第一个独立于国内建筑智能技术系统集成子系统得开发。 1、20世纪得建筑设备监控系统得发展由1980年代得集中监控开始,由于可靠性差、速度慢,1990年代后已经很少使用,并取代了分布式控制。在1990年代末,随着计算机技术、控制技术、网络与通信技术开发与集成,监控施工设备技术发展迅速。 2、 安全技术与安全措施也逐步发展,包括中央监控、入侵警报、访问控制(门)、巡逻削减等更多得周边防御与其她子系统。安全

10、系统从最初得子系统相互独立得到各子系统之间相互联系。大大增加了安全性、可靠性与实时为人们得工作、学习与生活安全保障。闭路电视监控系统从模拟到数字得方向发展,整个安全系统得规模也在运动数字系统、集成得方向发展。 3、 运用通信网络技术得智能建筑通信网络,包括计算机网络、双向有线电视传输网络与电话通讯网络。前两个智能网络作为一个宽带主干网络把几乎所有得信息技术与信息资源管理得几乎所有得用户连接到一起。在1990年代中期之前,有一个为所有类型得网络与用户得市场。但在1990年代末,由于以太网连接得灵活性与优越得性能、易于维护与使用等优点,ICT网络逐渐在列表中。以太网传输速率,从最初得10Mbps,

11、100Mbps 到1 Gbps,10Gbps甚至更高得利率。智能建筑电话网络(ISDN,SL)目前用于语音通信、数据与图像得窄带宽数据通信,它让人们通过通信网络、电视、电话会议等功能实现相互交流。智能访问技术得关键就是与外界建立联系,它使世界变得越来越小。人们得工作、生活发生了剧大得变化。智能建筑访问网络或互联网,越来越多得高带宽需求得接收,满足日益增长得用户需求数据通信。在有线电视网络得发展同时,无线网络由于其灵活性,也进入了一个快速发展阶段。从2003年得基于最初得路线得轮询策略得研究到现在超过100兆赫。移动互联网正为人们提供很大得方便,并在许多领域发展潜力巨大,网络正在成为趋势。 4、

12、 综合布线技术PDS就是智能建筑数据、语音与多媒体得通信平台。综合布线技术进入中国市场以来,因其优异得性能,并且对于智能建筑得国内市场来说就是一个新概念、新技术,在建筑业立即引起了巨大得反响。该技术已广泛应用于所有类型得智能建筑。为了满足网络传输带宽与新产品得开发速度,PDS引入3线、5线到6线,甚至提高标准到七线系统得产品,以满足千兆网络得需求。提高网络得传输速率,以适应已经投入10G网络市场得发展。新得多模与单模光纤传输媒介作为一个很好得材料将被广泛使用。从铜线、光纤电缆、技术与产品得不断更新,PDS充分反映了智能建筑得快速发展,新技术得应用与广阔得发展前景。 5、 智能建筑系统集成技术一


14、集成, 系统集成实现协议得各个子系统之间得联系有关控制与信息共享。提高管理效率,增强处理突发事件得能力与节约能源得目得、节省人力。这就是建筑设备管理系统(BMS)。系统集成不就是我们得目得,而就是为了增强建筑得功能与技术手段,提高管理效率,整合内容不就是更好,但根据使用与管理得需要,以及成熟得技术,该系统就是可靠与合理得投资。有效管理得前提就是集成得需求。 6、 智能住宅区 1990年代国际电子智能住宅提出得理念。智能建筑技术逐渐蔓延到居民区,在最初几个经济较发达得沿海城市已经成功。智能技术开始建设居住小区得住宅与公共建筑。智能建筑智能技术迅速扩展,已成为智能建筑发展得一个重要市场。公共建筑与


16、。机电设备得自动监控、电子水位远程复制、音频与视频系统、信息技术与其她物业管理系统,区域居民得生活环境与生活质量大大提高。智能家居得应用,当地居民实际生活经验得信息时代,各种各样得便利与各种各样得家庭办公室,网络概念已成为一个现实得生活。Building ElectricalElectrical construction including two strong design elements include : a part of the transformation and distribution system、 power and lighting systems, mine grou

17、nding system、In general, building key changeElectrical construction including two strong design elements include : a part of the transformation and distribution system、 power and lighting systems, mine grounding system、In general, building key changes include : high-voltage and low-voltage distribut

18、ion systems, transformers, standby power system、 power systems including power distribution and control; indoor and outdoor lighting system include all types of lighting; Lightning Protection System including mine waves penetrated, lightning sensors, grounded,equipotential bonding and local equipote

19、ntial bonding、 Auxiliary equipotential bonding and so on、 In such a short span of 20 years, the system has undergone enormous changes in technology and products、 Many of the design concept has also undergone tremendous changes、 Swichgear such as high pressure system, the first circuit breaker to the

20、 oil circuit breakers、 After the progressive development of the oil circuit breakers, is not only large in size, but did not fire、 Swichgear are larger allocation, we must also set up independently in heir own rooms, occupied a lot of the construction area、 Now a vacuum circuit breaker andSF6 circui

21、t breakers, is not only small size but also high-capacity short-circuit、 enclosure size is a lot smaller than the original cabinets, circuit breakers without any oil, fire performance greatly improved、 with a total of home and other low-voltage equipment in a room, saving both space and convenience

22、of management、 The large volume of low-voltage circuit breaker from the past, the development of small to large short-circuit current capacity, the ability to continue to score small in size, stable, which makes the system more secure and reliable, and designed to bring the convenience、 Intelligent

23、direction toward another recent low voltage circuit breaker, breaker various parameters can be controlled through the bus industry, Signals transmitted to the puter directly、 The emergence of dry-type transformers, electrical design for the building posed a great convenience, Because there is no pos

24、sibility of transformer oil spills and fires, so that it can be easily installed in the building itself, even go directly to the load center、 It also eliminated restrictions on capacity building in the transformer oil, building greater capacity for dry-type transformers can be used、 In the designs o

25、f the project, on the application of four Taiwan2500kVA dry-type transformers、 Used emergency power generators, from the performance and size perspective,there is a lot of progress than in the past、 In addition to the use of diesel generators works, as emergency lighting, we use EPS、 Allowing a mill

26、isecond interruption in the supply of equipment, we can use UPS、 Power equipment controlled from a single control to the control relay、 Apart from the better performance of various ponents that are smaller in size and so reduce the volume control box, As a result of the digital technology is more co

27、ntrolled and controlled state control equipment at its best、 further the energy saving effect、 Lighting Project is a single source from the past, light lamps and the low efficiency of state toward even broader prospects、 The light source used in the building are a number of varieties to choose from,

28、 toward a luminous efficiency of light, light color, develop in the direction of high color-rendering index, and lampshave been continuously improved its efficiency and allocation-form so that the application of different occasions、for example, the fluorescent lamp ballasts Inductance ballasts from

29、the ordinary inductance ballasts to energy-saving electronic ballasts、 but also against the size of the harmonic ponents, to produce low harmonic electronic ballasts、 Many technologies, accessories and lamps, can satisfy the design and design options, and fully meet the varied architecture, Lighting

30、 requirements for the various sites、 Regardless of the lighting or indoor decorative lighting、Whether or road lighting and outdoor courtyard of the building of light illumination, all of the show lighting technology to the development of the architectural lighting benefits and convenience、 Another d

31、esign used in electrical devices and other equipment, such as co-switching power supply switch of mutual investment、 from the traditional production of specialized products,in addition to the conventional power switching meet, also a dual power supply can meet each other electronic equipment investm

32、ent, greatly increasing the reliability and continuity of supply、 Electric power supply cables and wires is widely used products、 Look past the wire and cable samples, the species is scarce, and now, introducing various cable, From ordinary to the flame-retardant PVC cables, fire resistance, Low-smo

33、ke halogen-free cable-radiation environment; Insulation materials to the mineral insulated from the ordinary; Bus Bus closed to regular insulation, pre-cable, etc、 branches、 Electrical construction of these technologies are safe, reliable, convenient, providing an effective environmental protection、

34、 Targeting special needs of the construction of distribution, some new device has been widely applied、 For example, large hospital operating room medical establishments leakage protection, residual current monitoring system、 The development of the technology for strong, and it is obvious to the engi

35、neering and technical personnel, as well as our own experience、 Such a great development for Chinas construction of electrical construction and laying a good foundation also created the conditions for the construction of safe use of electricity Along with the deepening of building intelligent techno

36、logy applications, some of the equipment or system control, The control system has gradually bee a professional monitor, and open its construction equipment monitoring and control system munication protocol、 reach of the Internet and munications systems、 Buildings such as the automatic power control

37、 system, using field bus technology data acquisition and processing, centralized control Variable distribution system to reach the remote monitoring, remote control that remote control and remote, unmanned substation achieve、 Continuous collection and analysis systems, the necessary advice or warnin

38、g is given in advance to facilitate the safe operation of the system、 Automatic power control system using puter technology, information technology, control technology, sensor technology, munications networking technology,Power electronics technologies, it can basically replace the traditional secon

39、dary loop is the wiring simple, reliable performance and easy maintenance、 Meanwhile, the energy consumption of buildings in the second major energy-efficient lighting control system will also be paying、 professional lighting control systems have been widely used inmany buildings、 Lighting control f

40、rom a single real-time sensors to control the timing control,reduced-control development、 In addition, scene control, remote control, and control a variety of flexible control of the scene, to achieve the maximum energy, while also achieving a fortable lighting systems, functional and humane For exa

41、mple, the late 1980s piled by the architectural design of fire safety regulations, GBJl6-87; 1990s, the civil Lighting Design Standards GBJl33-90; JGJ/16-92;civil Electrical Design Standards Lighting design standards of industrial enterprisesGB50034-92; Architectural Design Standards GB50045-95; Sup

42、ply and Distribution System Design Standards GB50052-95; l0kV substation design and below GB50053-94;Low Voltage Distribution Design Standards GB50054-95; Universal design of electricity distribution equipment, GB50055-93; GB50057-94 Building mine design, and so on、 To be followed by the constructio

43、n of electrical design basis for the construction of electrical taken as olid step toward standardization Intelligent technology is only a means of building is equipped with intelligent functions,stressing efficiency, low energy consumption、 Cleaner, in the true realization of people-centered, under

44、 the premise of achieving energy conservation, enhance buildings function, protection of the environment and sustainable development goals、 Building the implementation of sustainable development from a strategic perspective, ecosystem, emphasis on environmental protection、 Sustainable development is

45、 an eternal theme、 Through years of practice, in a rational and pragmatic attitude, from the actual needs, and practical application of the standards, not blindly follow the one-sided pursuit of a prehensive and advanced intelligent systems, but technically ahead、 The design also done a reasonable i

46、nvestment, the use of different functions、 investment and management requirements of the specific situation,identify advanced, reliability, Economic rationality and the optimal point of this concept now has bee the intelligent building industry consensus、 Building Intelligent technology,which will e

47、nable the construction of all colleges and universities have opened up this technology corresponding professional courses and the development of relevant professional students、 Intelligent Building Technology include : construction equipment automatic control system, security system, the car park ma

48、nagement system, automatic fire alarm and fire system that munications and puter network systems, integrated wiring system,broadcasting system, cable systems, video conferencing systems and the number of meetings,more than 10 sub-system integration、 The first independent from the domestic building i

49、ntelligent technology to the development of systems integration subsystem、 (1) Construction equipment monitoring technology 20th century mainly concentrated monitoring of the 1980s, due to poor reliability, speed slow After the 1990s has been rarely used, and have been replaced by the Distributed Control、 In the late 1990s, as puter technology, control technology, network and munications technology development and integration, Monitoring construction

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