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1、初中常见短语复习集锦1.发生take place 2.减肥lose weight 3.用完,耗尽run out(of)4.售完sell out 5.露面show up 6.查明;找出find out 7.穿衣服get dressed 8.寻找look for 9.结婚get married 10.鼓励某人做某事encourage sb.to do sth.11.邀请某人做某事invite sb.to do sth.11.尽力做某事try to do sth./try one s best to do sth.12.花费.做某事spend.doing sth.(在.上花费.spend.on st

2、h.)13.值得做be worth doing sth.14.练习做某事practice doing sth.15.等待某人wait for sb.16.用.覆盖.cover.with.17.即将要做某事be about to do sth.18.捎某人一程give sb.a lift 19.(闹铃)响go off 20.截止到.;在.以前by the end of 21.满是.be full of=be filled with 22.有机会做某事have a chance to do sth.23.让某人失望let sb.down 24.开除某人kick sb.off 25.齐心协力pull

3、 together 26.对某人苛刻be hard on sb.27.令人惊讶的是to one s surprise 28.对.感到兴奋be excited about sth.29.放弃(做某事)give up(doing sth.)30.主动做某事offer to do sth.31.给某人提供某物provide sth.for sb.32.有.共同点have.in common 33.使某人发疯drive sb.crazy/mad 34.既不.也不.neither.nor.35.很久以前once upon a time/long long ago 36.宁愿做.而不愿做.prefer t

4、o do sth.rather than do sth./prefer doing sth.to doing sth 37.格外努力go out of one s way to do sth.38.习惯于做某事get/be used to doing sth.39.不再not.anymore/no more 40.过去常做某事used to do sth.41.犯错误make mistakes 42.偶然;意外地by accident 43.错误地by mistake 44.切碎;剁碎cut up 45.砍倒;砍下cut down 46.期待做某事look forward to doing/e

5、xpect to do sth.47.理应做;应该做be supposed to do sth.48.让某人做某事let sb.do sth.49.使某人做某事make sb.do sth.50.因.而出名be famous for 51.作为.而出名be famous as 52.为.所熟知be famous to 53.做出努力做某事make an effort to do sth.54.顺便拜访drop by 55.大动肝火get mad 56.首次;第一次(for)the first time 57.脱下;起飞take off 58.毕竟after all 59.赚钱;挣钱make m

6、oney/earn money 60.取得进步make progress 61.付款pay for 62.(和)交朋友make friends(with)63.到 17 岁时by the age of 64.在.岁时at the age of 65.总计;总共in total 66.用这种方式in this way 67.与生俱来be born with 68.随着.起舞dance to 69.随着.唱歌sing along with 70.感觉喜欢做某事feel like doing sth.71.取决于;依靠depend on 72.关闭 shut off/turn off 73.使.开心

7、起来cheer up 74.既然那样的话in that case 75.准时;按时on time 76.及时in time 77.大量;充足plenty of/lots of 78.偶尔;间或once in a while 79.坚持;固守stick to 80.宁愿做某事prefer to do sth.81.宁愿某人做某事prefer sb.to do sth.82.追逐;追赶run after 83.同时at the same time 84.迟到be late for 85.保持健康keep healthy/keep fit 86.不但.而且.not only.but also.87.

8、随意做某事feel free to do sth.88.多余;超过more than 89.少于;不足less than 90.属于belong to 91.玩的开心have fun/have a good time 92.捡起;(用车)接送pick up 93.太.而不能too.to 94.如此.以致.so.that.95.不是.就是.either.or.96.两者都both.and.97.其余的;剩下的the rest of 98.阻碍;妨碍get in the way of 99.长大grow up 100.关心;在意care about 101.对.认真be serious about

9、 102.对某人严格要求be strict with sb.103.对某事严格要求be strict about sth.103.担心be worried about/worry about 105.在去.的路上on the way to.106.迷路get lost/lose one s way 107.顶嘴;回嘴talk back 108.远离;不靠近keep away(from)109.同意某人agree with sb.110.自己做决定make ones own decision 111.确信make sure 112.确保做某事make sure to do sth.113.决定做

10、某事decide to do sth.114.后会做了某事regret doing sth.115.遗憾要做某事regret to do sth.116.看见某人正在做某事see sb.doing sth.117.做兼职工作part-time job 118.查询;查阅look up 119.仰慕;钦佩look up to 120.浏览look through 121.把.分成.devide.into.122.最终in the end 123.阻止某人做某事stop/prevent/keep sb.from doing sth.124.教某人做某事teach sb to do sth.125.

11、教训某人teach sb.a lesson 126.的数量the number of.127.一段时间some time 128.有道理have a point 129.对.有影响make a difference to 130.毫无疑问without doubt 131.落入;陷入get into 132.入睡fall asleep 133.醒来;苏醒wake up 134.分发hand out 135.分发;发(光、热)give out 136.陷入麻烦get into trouble 137.根据.according to.138.寻求帮助ask for help 139.送出send

12、out 140.由.制成.be made of/from 141.产自;在.生产be made in 142.避免做某事avoid doing sth.143.据我所知as far as I know 144.全世界all over the world/around the world 145.允许某人做某事allow sb.to do sth.146.对.感兴趣be interested in 147.向.借.borrow.from.148.借.给.lend.to.149.手工by hand 150 尽管;虽然even though/even if 151.一.就.as soon as 15

13、2.照顾care for/look after/take care of 153.为.感到自豪be proud of/take pride in 154.擅长;在.做得好be good at/do well in 155.认为;想起think of 156.亲自;亲身in person 157.公开地in public 158.应对;处理deal with/do with 159.参加take part in 160.敢于做某事dare to do sth.161.害怕做某事be afraid to do sth./be scared to do sth.162.在.的角落at the cor

14、ner of 163.建议做某事suggest doing sth.164.建议某人做某事advise sb.to do sth.165.相互;彼此each other/one another 166.急匆匆地in a hurry 167.要求某人做某事request sb.to do sth.168.在.和.之间between.and.169.经过go past 170.沿着.走go along 171.起初;刚开始at first 172.开花;出来;出版come out 173.警告某人做某事warn sb.to do sth.174.提醒某人做某事remind sb.of doing

15、sth.175.处于危险中in danger 176.与.相似be similar to 177.摆放;摆出lay out 178.拿出;带走take out 179.冲走wash away 180.与.分享.share.with.181.关注pay attention to 182.没做;不做without doing sth.183.做笔记take notes 184.饱受压力(be/become)stressed out 185.害怕做某事be afraid of doing 186.把.和.联系起来connect.with.187.是否whether or not 188.一个字一个字

16、地word by word 189.爱上fall in love with 190.也as well 191.帮助某人做某事help sb.do sth.192.几乎从不hardly ever 193.熬夜stay up late 194.对.有害be harmful to 195.进行体育运动do sports 196.在某人有空的时候in ones free time 197.一点儿也不not at all 198.的答案the answer to 199.做某事的最好方式the best way to do sth.200.只要;既然as long as 201.善于应付be good

17、with 202.事实上;其实in fact/as a matter of fact 203.与.类似的be similar to 204.编造;弥补make up 205.等等and so on 206.由.决定be up to 207.认真对待.take.seriously 208.成为现实come true 209.对.有把握be sure about 210.成为足球队的一员make the soccer team 211.承诺make a promise 212.写下;记下write down/take down 213.与.有关系have to do with 214.学着做;开始

18、做;占据take up 215.能做某事be able to do sth.216.参与;在.中扮演角色play a part in 217.反复;多次over and over again 218.感到厌烦get bored 219.醒来wake up 220.倒下;倒塌fall down 221.直到.才.not.until.222.闲逛hang out 223.前天the day before yesterday 224.拒绝;关小turn down 225.在.的末尾at the end of 226.(帮助)分担工作;解决难题help out 227.的开幕式;落成典礼the ope

19、ning of 228.环游世界travel around the world 229.赚钱;挣钱make money 230.保守秘密keep.to oneself 231.生某人的气be angry with sb.232.犯错误make mistakes 233.解决问题solve the problem 234.逃避;逃跑run away from 235.害怕做某事be afraid to do sth.236.完成某事的一半be halfway to doing sth.237.休息have a rest/take a break 238.下车get off 239.排队等候wai

20、t in line 240.马上;立刻right away/right now 241.被晒伤get sunburned 242.冒险take a risk/take risks 243.去旅游take a trip 244.切除;切断cut off 245.离开;从.出来get out of 246.管理;掌管be in control of 267.看见某人正在做某事see sb doing sth.268.期待某人做某事expect sb to do sth.269.做某事有麻烦have problem/trouble(in)doing sth.270.介意做某事mind doing s

21、th.271.倒垃圾take out the rubbish 272.从事;创作work on 273.扫地sweep the floor 274.依赖;依靠depend on 275.目的是;为了in order to 276.结果as a result 277.做完某事finish doing sth.278.厌恶做某事hate doing sth.279.向某人提供某物offer sb.sth./offer sth to sb.230.至少at least 231.扔掉throw away 232.考虑think about 233.洗餐具wash the dishes 234.生病be

22、 ill/fall ill 235.对某人严格要求be strict with sb.236.删除;删去cut out 237.重要的事big deal 238.和睦相处get on with 239.把.和.比较compare.with.240.依某人看来in ones opinion 241.各种各样的all kinds of 242.允许某人做某事allow sb to do sth.243.在.前面in front of 244.稍后;一会儿之后in a moment 245.出售;降价销售on sale 246.拒绝做某事refuse to do sth.247.入睡;睡着fall

23、asleep 248.洗淋浴take a shower 249.逐渐消失;逐渐变弱die down 250.费力前往make one s way to 251.对.有意义have meaning to 252.拍照take photos/pictures 253.看一看have a look 254.忙于做某事be busy with/doing sth.255.冲.大声叫嚷shout at 256.把.变成turn into 257.继续做某事keep on doing sth./continue to do sth 258.代替做某事instead of doing sth.259.使某人

24、做某事make sb.do sth.260.带领某人参观某地show sb.around 261.吸收;吸入take in 262.面对in the face of 263.出生时at birth 264.为了.而奋斗fight for 265.走路时撞上walk into 266.死于die of/from 267.大约or so 268.绊倒fall over 269.达到;至多有up to 270.成功做某事succeed in doing sth.271.和.打架fight with 272.自从ever since 273.属于belong to 274.的数量the number

25、of 275.到达arrive in/at=get to 276.对.感兴趣be interested in 277.迫不及待做某事cant wait to do sth.278.希望做某事hope to do sth.279.一对;两个a couple of 280.搭建;张贴put up 281.希望某人做某事wish sb.to do sth.282.想做某事would like/love to do sth.283.数以千计的thousands of 284.多于more than 285.离.远 far from 286.赠送;捐赠give away 287.查看;检查check o

26、ut 288.至于as for 289.搜寻;寻找search for 290.在.对面across from 291.根据;按照according to 292.说实在的to be honest 293.捎个口信take a message 294.停止做某事stop doing sth.295.练习做某事practice doing sth.296.受某人欢迎be popular with sb.297.在周末on/at weekends 298.许愿make a wish 299.遵守规则follow/keep the rules 300.谈论talk about 301.与.交谈tal

27、k to/with 302.出去吃饭eat out 303.说笑话tell jokes 304.散步go for a walk 305.保护.免受.protect.from.306.故意;有意地on purpose 307.推迟put off 308.为.做好准备prepare for/get ready for 309.设法完成某事manage to do sth.310.沉浸于.be lost in 311.随便(吃、喝)help oneself to 312.把.分成.divide.into.313.切碎cut up 314.考虑做某事consider doing sth.315.碰巧;

28、偶然by chance 316.使.振作起来cheer up 317.避免做某事aviod doing dth.318.缺席;不在场be absent from 319.负担得起做某事afford to do sth.320.自言自语talk to oneself 321.忘记做过某事forget doing sth.322.忘记去做某事forget to do sth.323.有点儿;稍微kind of 324.(可以)随意做某事feel free to do sth.325.清理;丢掉clear out 326.接近;几乎close to 327.说实在的to be honest 328.

29、全年;整年all year round 329.想出;提出(计划;主意等)come up with 330.爱上;喜欢上fall in love with 331.(外貌或行为)像take after 332.听listen to 333.看look at 334.选择做某事choose to do sth.335.和.交流communicate with 336.热衷于be crazy about sth.337.和.讨论discuss with 338.碰巧做某事happen to do sth.339.在.的帮助下with the help of sb.340.改变主意change one s mind 341.取代某人take one s place 342.承诺做某事promise to do sth.常考句型或固定结构1.The+比较级,the+比较级越.,就越.2.It is+形容词+(for sb./of sb.)+to do sth.对某人来说,做某事是.的3.There be sb./sth.doing sth.有某人或某物正在做某事。4.比较级+and+比较级越来越.5.think/find it+形容词+to do sth.认为/发现做某事是.的6.One.,the other.一个.,另一个.7.It is said that.据说.

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