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1、Part 1 Single Best Choice Questions (401 point=40 pts)Instruction: (1) Mark the letter that corresponds to the right answer in the formatted ANSWER SHEET with 2B PENCIL. Since the marks are read by computer, answers in this question sheet will not be collected. (2) For one question, only one letter

2、is permitted to be darkened, otherwise, it will be recognize as wrong by the computer. (3) Do not forget to mark your student ID number and write in your name.1. Bacteria that lack cell walls and do not synthesize the precursors of peptidoglycan are calledA. Spirochetes B. ChlamydiaeC. MycoplasmasD.

3、 L formsE. Bacilli2. Each of the following is a typical property of obligate anaerobe EXCEPTA. They generate energy by using the cytochrome systemB. They grow best in the absence of airC. They lack superoxide dismutaseD. They lack catalaseE. Tetanus is caused by a typical obligate anaerobe3. . Which

4、 one of the following agents lacks nucleic acid?A. BacteriaB. VirusesC. ViroidsD. PrionsE. Protozoa 4. Which one of the following most correctly describes vaccines containing live, attenuated (weaken) pathogens?A. Pathogen does not multiply in human hostsB. They provide extended, sometimes life-long

5、 immunityC. There is no possibility for reversion to pathogenic formD. They provide little cell-mediated immunityE. They are administered by injection5. Each of the following statements concerning the killing of bacteria is correct EXCEPTA. A 70% solution of ethanol kills more effectively than absol

6、ute (100%) ethanolB. An autoclave uses steam under pressure to reach the killing temperature of 121 oCC. The pasteurization of milk kills pathogens but allows many organisms and spores to surviveD. Iodine kills by causing the formation of thymine dimers in the bacterial DNAE. Ultraviolet is widely u

7、sed to disinfect the air of a room6. A patient presents with severe colitis associated with an overgrowth of Clostridium difficile (艰难梭菌) in the lower bowel. The most likely cause of this condition is A. botulinum food poisoningB. a stomach ulcerC. a compromised immune systemD. abtibiotic therapyE.

8、mechanical blockage of the large intestine7. The growth rate of bacteria during the exponential phase of growth is A. ZeroB. IncreasingC. ConstantD. DecreasingE. Negative8.A principal criterion for the diagnosis of meningococcal meningitis is observation of bacteria in a sample of A. urineB. spinal

9、fluidC. salivaD. throat swabE. sputum9. Each of the following statements concerning peptidoglycan is correct EXCEPTA. It has a backbone composed of alternating units of muramic acid and acetylglucosamineB. Cross-links between the tetrapeptides involve D-alanineC. It is thinner in gram-positive than

10、in gram-negative cells D. It can be degraded by lysozymeE. It can be degraded by penicillin10. Each of the following is a typical property of obligate anaerobe EXCEPTA. They generate energy by using the cytochrome systemB. They grow best in the absence of airC. They lack superoxide dismutaseD. They

11、lack catalaseE. Tetanus is caused by a typical obligate anaerobe11. The effects of antibody on bacteria include each of the following EXCEPTA. Lysis of gram-negative bacteria in conjunction with complementB. Augmentation of phagocytosisC. Increase in the frequency of lysogenyD. Inhibition of adheren

12、ce of bacteria to mucosal surfacesE. Neutralize exotoxins12. Each of the following statements concerning exotoxins is correct EXCEPTA. Exotoxins are polypeptidesB. Exotoxins are more easily inactivated by heat than are endotoxinsC. Exotoxins are less toxic than the same amount of endotoxinsD. Exotox

13、ins can be converted to toxoidsE. Exotoxins are usually composed of two subunits including binding subunit and active subunit13. Each of the following statements concerning the killing of bacteria is correct EXCEPTA. A 70% solution of ethanol kills more effectively than absolute (100%) ethanolB. An

14、autoclave uses steam under pressure to reach the killing temperature of 121 oCC. The pasteurization of milk kills pathogens but allows many organisms and spores to surviveD. Iodine kills by causing the formation of thymine dimers in the bacterial DNAE. Ultraviolet is widely used to disinfect the air

15、 of a room14. Each of the following statements concerning the normal flora is correct EXCEPTA. The normal flora of the colon consists predominantly of anaerobic bacteriaB. The presence of the normal flora prevents certain pathogens from colonizing the upper respiratory tractC. Fungi, eg, yeasts, are

16、 not members of the normal floraD. Organisms of the normal flora are permanent residents of the body surfacesE. Normal flora may occasionally cause diseases15. The growth rate of bacteria during the exponential phase of growth is A. ZeroB. IncreasingC. ConstantD. DecreasingE. Nagtive 16. Which of th

17、e following statements regarding virus character is true?AViruses replicate by binary fission BAll RNA viruses are spherical in shapeCHelical nucleocapsids are found with single-stranded DNA viruses DSome viruses with DNA genomes contain a primitive nucleus.EViral surface proteins protect the viral

18、genome from nucleases17. A 40-year-old woman is diagnosed with cervical cancer. This cancer is common worldwide and has a sexually transmitted viral etiology. The causative agents of human cervical cancer include: A. HCVB. HBVC. HIV D. HPV, low-risk types 6 and 16.E. HPV, high-risk types 16 and 18.1

19、8. Which one of the following viruses possesses an RNA genome that is infectious when purified?A. Influenza virusB. PoliovirusC. PapillomavirusD. Measles virusE. Rotavirus这样的题离实际有点远19. Which of the following descriptions about endocytosis in viral entry is true: A. host plasma membrane surrounds who

20、le virion and forms a vesicleB. host plasma membrane surrounds only viral protein coat and forms a vesicleC. host plasma membrane surrounds only viral nucleic acid and forms a vesicleD. viral spikes fuse with host plasma membraneE. host plasma membrane surrounds only viral spikes and forms a vesicle

21、20. The type-specific antigen (A, B, or C) of influenza viruses is found on which viral constituent?A. HemagglutininB. NeuraminidaseC. NucleocapsidD. Polymerase complexE. Major nonstructural protein21. Which of the following can be used to quantitate the infectious titer of viruses?A. Electron micro

22、scopyB. Polymerase chain reactionC. Plaque assayD. Enzyme immunoassayE. Hemagglutination22. A middle-aged man complained of acute onset of fever, nausea, and pain in the right upper abdominal quadrant. There was jaundice, and dark urine had been observed several days earlier. A laboratory test was p

23、ositive for HAV IgM antibody. The physician can tell the patient that A. He probably acquired the infection from a recent blood transfusionB. He does not need to worry about to develop chronic hepatitis.C. There is less possibility to transmit the infection to family members by person-to-person spre

24、ad for up to 2 weeks. D. He will be resistant to infection with hepatitis B.E. He will be at high risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma23. The presence in neurons of eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusion bodies, called Negri bodies, is characteristic of which of the following central nervous syst

25、em infections?A. Herpes virus infectionB. RabiesC. Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE)D. New variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob diseaseE. Postvaccinal encephalitis24. When HSV is not active in the body, what happens to it?A. It lies dormant in the liver.B. It lies dormant inside nerve cells.C. It is e

26、liminated from the body.D. It lies dormant in the lung.E. None of the above.25. Ebola virus is highly virulent to humans. The following facts are correct except: A. Studying live virus needs BSL-2 to BSL-4 ( biosafety laboratory).B. The virus may be transmitted by direct contact of body fluid among

27、humans.C. The virus may be transmitted from bat to humans.D. The virus can cause hemorrhage and high fever.E. The virus is filament shaped.26. Killing of liver cells infected with HBV is primarily caused by: A. Shut-off of cellular protein synthesis.B. Degradation (降解) of cellular mRNA. C. Attack by

28、 cytotoxic T lymphocytes directed against HBV antigens.D. Cellular genome rearrangement and deletion induced by HBV infection.E. None of the above.27. Infectious BSE (bovine spongiform encephalitis) agent can be detected in amyloid plaques (淀粉样蛋白斑) in infected brains of cows. Which of the following

29、descriptions regarding its nucleic acid types is correct?A. Negative-sense, single-stranded RNA.B. No detectable nucleic acid. C. DNA copy of RNA genome, integrated in mitochondrial DNA.D. Single-stranded, circular DNA.E. Small interfering RNA, smallest known infectious RNA. 28. The “asymptomatic pe

30、riod” following the initial acute HIV-1 infection is characterized by:A. High levels of HIV replication in lymphoid tissue.B. High levels of HIV replication in peripheral T cells.C. Inability of the immune system to respond to antigen stimulation.D. Absence of detectable HIV genomes or mRNA in perip

31、heral T cells.E. High levels of free virus in the blood.29. The following viruses are highly associated with carcinogenesis, except:A. HTLVB. HBVC. HCVD. HPVE. HEV30. Both Burkitt lymphoma and infectious mononucleosis are caused by what virus? A. Cytomegalovirus B. Epstein-Barr virus C. Varicella-zo

32、ster virus D. Herpes simplex-1E. Adenovirus31. Which of the following components are found in the cell walls of gram-positive bacteria but not gram-negative bacteria?A. PeptidoglycanB. LipopolysaccharideC. LipoproteinsD. Teichoic acidE. Outer membrane32. Which one of the following statements concern

33、ing plasmids is true?A. All plasmids can be transferred between bacteria by conjugationB. Much of the information coded in the plasmid is essential to the survival of the bacterial cellC. Resistance plasmids carry genes for antibiotic resistanceD. Resistance plasmids cannot be transferred to other b

34、acterial cellsE. Plasmids lack an origin of replication33. A 48-old woman presented at the emergency room complaining of urinary urgency (尿急) and waist pain. Microscopic examination of a urine sample revealed ram-negative rods. Prior to initiation of antibiotics therapy, she abruptly developed fever

35、 and chills. Hypotension (low blood pressure) and hyperventilation rapidly followed. These observations suggest that the patient is responding to the release of bacterialA. collagenaseB. exotoxinC. hyaluronidaseD. lipopolysaccharideE. peptidoglycan34. Most microorganisms pathogenic for humans grow b

36、est in the laboratory when cultures are incubated atA. 15 20 oCB. 20 30 oCC. 30 37 oCD. 38 50 oCE. 50 55 oC35. The form of genetic exchange in which donor DNA is introduced to the recipient by a bacterial virus isA. TransformationB. ConjugationC. TransductionD. Transfection (转染)E. Mutation36. Each o

37、f the following statements concerning endotoxins is correct EXCEPTA. Endotoxins are more stable on heating than exotoxinsB. Endotoxins bind to specific cell receptors, whereas exotoxins do notC. Endotoxins are part of the bacterial cell wall, whereas exotoxins are notD. Endotoxins are less toxic tha

38、n exotoxins of the same weight amountE. The toxic component of endotoxins is lipid A37. Which of the following is appropriate to determine the etiologic diagnosis of infection?A. Culture and identification of the agentB. PCR detection of pathogen-specific genes in patients specimensC. Demonstration

39、of a meaningful antibody or cell-mediated immune response to an infectious agentD. Morphologic identification of the agent in stains of specimens or sections of tissues by light or electron microscopyE. All of the above38. The growth rate of bacteria during the exponential phase of growth is A. Zero

40、B. IncreasingC. ConstantD. DecreasingE. Negative39. Which of the following statements is true? A. Mycobacterium tuberculosis produces a lipopolysaccharide.B. Rickettsia and Shigella sonnei are both members of the Enterobacteriacae.C. Enterobacteriaceae do not cause opportunistic infections.D. Helico

41、bacter pylori can cause stomach ulcersE. Pathogens never carry out autolysis (self digestion) this is one of the reasons they are so virulent.40. Clostridium tetani grows in a/an _ environment. A. acidic B. anaerobic C. high oxygen D. aerobic E. high osmoticPart II Blank Filling (20 blanks 1 point=2

42、0 pts )Instruction: Write the answers in the answer sheets. You do not need to rewrite the questions in the answer sheets, just write the answer after the question number. 医学微生物英语试题1.Basic structure of virus includes _, Polymerases and _; Special structure of virus includes _ and _.2. In a bacterium

43、 cell, there are several genetic materials, including _,_,and _. 3. Some bacteria can be transmitted through sexual route. They are _, _, and _. 4. The general steps in viral replication cycles are: (1) _, _, and _. (2) _. (3) assembly and _5. Please list 5 viral pathogens that may cause sexually-tr

44、ansmitted infections (STI) _ _, _ _, _ _, _, and _ .Part III Answer the following questions briefly (55 point=25 pts)Instruction: (1) Write the answers in the answer sheets. You do not need to rewrite the questions in the answer sheets, just write the answer after the question number. (2) A concise

45、answer to exactly meet the question is preferable, for example, give a list of the key points. You dont need to write an essay.1. Staphylociccus aureus produces various virulent factors including enzymes and toxins that cause injuries and diseases in human beings. Please write at least five of these

46、 virulent factors.2. Tetanus is caused by clostridium tetani when an open deep injury happens.if there is someone with an injury, what should we do to prevent tetanus?3. Please analyze the possible mechanisms for influenza virus antigenic shift and the outcomes.4. Describe the types of hepatitis vir

47、uses, transmission routes and the relation with HCC.5. Depict the common infection characteristics for herpes viruses by examples, please.Part Case Questions (7pts+8pts=15pts)Instruction: (1) Write the answers in the answer sheets. You do not need to rewrite the questions in the answer sheets, just write the answer after the question number. (2) A concise answer to exactly meet the question is preferable.1. Please describe the differences of attenuated vaccines and killed vaccines in t

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