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4、固定搭配的顺序,从各个角度考虑,可以先跳过无法确定的选题,先易后难,循序渐进。B.B.前后参照,寻找线索。对于较难的题目,要反复阅读空白前后的句子,联系上下文,寻找语境线索和提示。句中信息空白的填补,可以由该句内的信息提示来确定,但有时也需要参照相邻或相隔较远的句子中的信息提示,甚至需要结合全文内容,仔细琢磨,选出合乎逻辑的答案。3.回读全文,难点补缺。复读全文,再次通过前两遍阅读所营造的语感来核实选项答案,检查文章前后是否连贯、语义是否流畅、内容是否矛盾、结构是否严谨,同时补上难点空缺。试题详解2010年试题Zoos have become an important site for the

5、 preservation and protection of wildlife resources,_61_ those species that are endangered._62_,many zoos displayed live animals for public entertainment.Presently some zoos have become scientific and educational _63_ that have contributed to the understanding and conservation of wild animals populat

6、ions._64_ the challenges facing modern zoos are the cost of upgrading old facilities,the struggle to obtain _65_ operating funds,and the need to attract more visitors to new and entertaining exhibits.Many _66_ zoos in American cities have undergone renovation(翻新)during the last decades of the 2oth c

7、entury.Among the recent trends in zoo _67_ is the construction of new enclosures that resemble natural habitats(栖息地).The replacement of traditional steel bars and concrete floors _68_ appropriately designed surroundings improves visitor appreciation of the animals.Such renovations may _69_stress on

8、animals and allow them to interact with one another more naturally.Several major zoos conduct captive propagation programs.A captive propagation program includes the breeding of _70_ zoo or wild animals to obtain offspring,usually for release to _71_ or for transfer to other zoos.Captive breeding is

9、 one method of _72_ some species from extinction.Zoos have expanded and improved public education programs also,with education departments that develop programs _73_ zoo exhibits.Public activities include in0school programs,zoo tours,special events,and websites.The zoological Society of New York,for

10、 example,conducted a major project with a Western African government to monitor an elephant herd _74_ it moved throughout its range.The importance of zoos will increase as natural habitats are diminishing.Through their efforts _75_ conservation,education,and environmental advocacy.Zoos will continue

11、 to play a critical role in wildlife preservation throughout the world.实例详解2010年试题快速阅读文章各个段落主题句,迅速把握话题,确定话题熟不熟悉。文章首句(主题句)大致呈现了文章内容:动物园的功能意义。Zoos have become an important site for the preservation and protection of wildlife resources.继续阅读前,考虑一下我们所知的动物园的功能有哪些。全文结构:段落首句帮助我们迅速获得该话题的大概信息。Many _zoos in Am

12、erican cities have undergone renovation(翻新).Several major zoos conduct captive propagation programs.Zoos have expanded and improved public education programs also,with education departments that develop programs _ zoo exhibits.The importance of zoos will increase as natural habitats are diminishing.

13、通读全文,顺手牵羊,粗选答案。Zoos have become an important site for the preservation and protection of wildlife resources,_61_ those species that are endangered._62_,many zoos displayed live animals for public entertainment.Presently some zoos have become scientific and educational _63_ that have contributed to t

14、he understanding and conservation of wild animals populations._64_ the challenges facing modern zoos are the cost of upgrading old facilities,the struggle to obtain _65_ operating funds,and the need to attract more visitors to new and entertaining exhibits.61.a.superficially b.especially c.important

15、ly d.supposedly62.a.By that time b.By the time c.At one time d.At that time63.a.institutions b.associations c.foundations d.corporations64.a.Along b.Toward c.Among d.Through65.a.limited b.professional c.sufficient d.excessiveMany _66_ zoos in American cities have undergone renovation(翻新)during the l

16、ast decades of the 2oth century.Among the recent trends in zoo _67_ is the construction of new enclosures that resemble natural habitats(栖息地).The replacement of traditional steel bars and concrete floors _68_ appropriately designed surroundings improves visitor appreciation of the animals.Such renov

17、ations may _69_stress on animals and allow them to interact with one another more naturally.66.a.newer b.older c.former d.later67.a.management b.improvement c.achievement d.assessment68.a.under b.for c.into d.with69.a.reduce b.cause c.increase d.avoidSeveral major zoos conduct captive propagation pr

18、ograms.A captive propagation program includes the breeding of _70_ zoo or wild animals to obtain offspring,usually for release to _71_ or for transfer to other zoos.Captive breeding is one method of _72_ some species from extinction.70.a.selected b.sustained c.promising d.surviving71.natural b.the n

19、atural c.wild d.the wild72.restraining b.saving c.sheltering d.exemptingZoos have expanded and improved public education programs also,with education departments that develop programs _73_ zoo exhibits.Public activities include in-school programs,zoo tours,special events,and websites.The zoological

20、Society of New York,for example,conducted a major project with a Western African government to monitor an elephant herd _74_ it moved throughout its range.73.a.attributed to b.opposed to c.referred to d.related to74.a.as b.as if c.so d.so thatThe importance of zoos will increase as natural habitats

21、are diminishing.Through their efforts _75_ conservation,education,and environmental advocacy,zoos will continue to play a critical role in wildlife preservation throughout the world.75.a.in search of b.in honor of c.in support of d.in charge of实例分析2(10年试题特点上下文中找答案)Are you single but too busy to sear

22、ch for love?Then you need to try the latest dating phenomenon that is sweeping 61 the UK-speed dating.Speed dating 62 men and woman meeting in a room and finding out as much as they can about possible 63 in three minutes.Its proving every 64 with Britains young people who find that they havent got t

23、he time to meet that special one.61.A.off B.across C.over D.through62.A.requires B.inquires C.revolves D.involves 63.A.partners B.spouses C.friends D.counterparts64.A.practical B.popular C.favorable D.normalAt a speed dating event you are given three minutes to talk,65,with a member of the opposite

24、sex.Then a bell is 66 and you move to another person and start chatting again.By the end of the evening you will have spoken with up to twenty men or women!65.A.all in one B.one after one C.one on one D.one and all 66.A.knocked B.shaken C.swung D.rung If,by the end of a conversation,you 67 the perso

25、n or would like to see him or her again,you write it 68 on a card.Then,if the other person also fancies you,the organizers will contact you with their details.But is three minutes long enough to make an impression and 69 if you want to see someone again?Research suggests that 70 can be felt within t

26、he first thirty seconds of meeting someone,and that is 71 speed dating is all about,knowing quickly if you are going to like someone.67.A.attract B.enjoy C.chase D.fancy 68.A.down B.off C.up D.back69.A.work on B.work out C.work at D.work up70.A.emotion B.sentiment C.chemistry D.attachment71.A.how B.

27、what C.all D.whereAnd what about romance?Is it possible to make a good 72 in such a short time?73,people say you cant hurry love.However,Britain will soon have its first marriage from a speed date.So,if you are on a 74 to find Mr.or Miss Right,what have you got to lose?75,you still go home on your o

28、wn.But at best,the person of your dreams could be just three minutes away.72.A.conclusion B.refection C.guess D.judgment 73.A.In all B.After all C.Of all D.And all 74.A.tour B.route C.direction D.mission 75.A.At last B.At first C.At worst D.At end实例3(09年)Nuclear energy is an efficient and convenient

29、 substitute for conventional forms of energy which were found in special geographical locations.Large amounts of _61_ and effort are required to _62_ these locations.Once the sites are found,man and equipment must be brought to tap and use these sources of energy.However,a large proportion of such s

30、ites are found only in far and _63_ places.This increases the difficulties of _64_ these forms of energy.With nuclear energy,such difficulties are at present.Nuclear reactors can easily be built anywhere,and man does not have to compete with the _65_ of nature in order to obtain the energy.For equal

31、 amounts of energy,nuclear energy is much more convenient and inexpensive to obtain than conventional sources of energy.61.A.incentive B.capital C.interest D.currency62.A.point B.recognize C.identify D.label63.A.isolated B.single C.sole D.solitary64.A.detecting B.selecting C.harnessing D.concentrati

32、ng65.A.potentials B.powers C.strengths D.forcesWith nuclear energy,the amount of pollution is greatly reduced._66_ the production of nuclear energy is based on the fission(裂变)of atoms,pollution is kept to a very low level.The energy produced in the reactors is converted into heat and electricity,and

33、 these have _67_ or no pollution at all.Conventional forms of fuel,_68_,produce large amounts of pollution.66.A.If B.While C.Though D.Since67.A.little B.much C.more D.less68.A.as a result B.in general C.on the other handD.in effectProduction of nuclear energy uses the _69_ of the fission of atoms:th

34、us,_70_ amounts of energy can be obtained from it.The worlds reserves of oil,coal and natural gas are running _71_ at a tremendous rate and current estimates predict that _72_ of the 21st century most of these conventional fuels will be used up.Nuclear energy is the exception _73_ this gloomy predic

35、tion through splitting and fusing atoms,large amounts of energy can be produced,and _74_ this process can go on and on until all our energy needs are satisfied.The _75_ of nuclear energy as a boundless source of energy is indeed great,and we must harness it whenever possible as conventional fuels wi

36、ll not be around much longer.69.A.process B.rule C.principle D.function70.A.incomplete B.definite C.infinite D.defined71.A.out B.up C.away D.down72.A.at the end B.by the end C.in the end D.to the end73.A.in B.for C.of D.to74.A.substantially B.additionally C.effectively D.theoretically75.A.use B.potential C.popularity D.transformation

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