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1、样品制作合同范本五篇Sample Production Contract Template One中文:【合同编号】【合同主体】甲方:(公司名称) 住所:(公司地址) 法人代表:(法定代表人) 联系方式:(电话/邮箱)乙方:(公司名称) 住所:(公司地址) 法人代表:(法定代表人) 联系方式:(电话/邮箱)【合同签订日期】甲乙双方经友好协商,就甲方委托乙方制作样品达成如下协议:一、委托内容1.1 甲方委托乙方制作(产品名称)的样品,具体规格和要求详见附件1。1.2 样品制作工期为(具体时间),如因不可抗力因素导致延期,双方协商解决。二、价格与结算乙方制作样品的费用为(具体金额),甲方应在样品交

2、付后(具体时间)内结清款项并签署收据。三、知识产权3.1 样品的设计版权归甲方所有,乙方不得擅自复制、转让或使用于其他产品。3.2 如乙方以样品设计进行二次开发或用于产品生产,需经过甲方书面同意并支付一定费用。四、保密条款双方对涉及商业机密的信息应保密,未经对方同意不得向第三方透露。五、违约责任任何一方未能履行合同约定的,应承担相应的违约责任。本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,至双方履约完毕止。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):签字: 签字:日期: 日期:English:【Contract Number】【Parties】Party A: (Company Name) Registered Addr

3、ess: (Company Address) Legal Representative: (Legal Representative) Contact: (Telephone/Email)Party B: (Company Name) Registered Address: (Company Address) Legal Representative: (Legal Representative) Contact: (Telephone/Email)【Date of Contract Signing】Party A and Party B have reached the following

4、agreement through friendly negotiation regarding Party As commissioning of Party B to produce a sample:1. Commissioned Content1.1 Party A commissions Party B to produce a sample of (Product Name), with specific specifications and requirements detailed in Annex 1.1.2 The production period for the sam

5、ple is (Specific Time). In case of delay due to force majeure factors, the parties will negotiate a solution.2. Price and SettlementThe cost of producing the sample by Party B is (Specific Amount). Party A shall settle the payment after the delivery of the sample within (Specific Time) and sign the

6、receipt.3. Intellectual Property Rights3.1 The design copyright of the sample belongs to Party A, and Party B is not allowed to copy, transfer, or use it for other products.3.2 If Party B uses the sample design for secondary development or product production, written consent from Party A and the pay

7、ment of a certain fee are required.4. Confidentiality ClauseBoth parties shall keep confidential information involving commercial secrets and shall not disclose it to third parties without the other partys consent.5. Liability for Breach of ContractAny party that fails to fulfill the contract shall

8、bear corresponding liability for breach of contract.This contract shall come into effect from the date of signature and seal by both parties and shall remain in effect until both parties have fulfilled their obligations.Party A (Seal): Party B (Seal):Signature: Signature:Date: Date:Sample Production

9、 Contract Template Two【Contract Title】 Sample Production Contract中文:【合同编号】【合同主体】甲方:(公司名称) 住所:(公司地址) 联系方式:(电话/邮箱)乙方:(公司名称) 住所:(公司地址) 联系方式:(电话/邮箱)【合同签订日期】鉴于甲方有意向委托乙方制作产品样品,双方经协商达成如下合同:一、委托事项1.1 甲方委托乙方制作(产品名称)的样品,制作周期为(具体时间),双方共同确认产品要求和要求。1.2 样品制作完成后,双方应共同检验并确认样品质量,如有瑕疵需及时沟通解决。二、价格及支付方式乙方制作样品所需费用为(具体金额

10、),甲方应在样品确认无误后(具体时间)内付清款项。款项支付方式为(支付方式)。三、知识产权3.1 样品的知识产权归属甲方所有,乙方不得擅自使用或泄露到第三方。3.2 乙方在样品制作过程中所获得的技术秘密及经验应保密,不得用于其他用途。四、违约责任任何一方未能履行合同义务的,应承担相应的违约责任。合同自双方法定代表人签字、盖章之日起生效,至甲方付清所有费用并接受样品后终止。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):签字: 签字:日期: 日期:English:【Contract Number】【Parties】Party A: (Company Name) Address: (Company Address)

11、 Contact: (Telephone/Email)Party B: (Company Name) Address: (Company Address) Contact: (Telephone/Email)【Date of Contract Signing】Considering Party As intention to commission Party B to produce a sample of their product, the two parties have reached the following contract through negotiation:1. Comm

12、issioned Matters1.1 Party A commissions Party B to produce a sample of (Product Name) with a production period of (Specific Time), and both parties confirm the product requirements.1.2 After the completion of the sample production, both parties shall inspect and confirm the quality of the sample tog

13、ether. Any defects should be communicated and resolved promptly.2. Price and Payment MethodThe cost of producing the sample by Party B is (Specific Amount), and Party A shall make the full payment within (Specific Time) upon confirming the accuracy of the sample.The payment method is (Payment Method

14、).3. Intellectual Property Rights3.1 The intellectual property rights of the sample belong to Party A, and Party B shall not use or disclose it to third parties without authorization.3.2 Any technical secrets and experience acquired by Party B in the process of sample production shall be kept confid

15、ential and not used for other purposes.4. Liability for Breach of ContractAny party that fails to fulfill its contractual obligations shall bear corresponding liability for breach of contract.This contract shall become effective from the date of signature and seal by the legal representatives of bot

16、h parties and shall terminate upon Party As full payment and acceptance of the sample.Party A (Seal): Party B (Seal):Signature: Signature:Date: Date:Sample Production Contract Template Three【Contract Title】 Sample Production Agreement中文:【合同编号】【合同主体】委托方:(甲方公司名称) 住所:(公司地址) 法定代表人:(法定代表人) 联系方式:(电话/邮箱)供应

17、商:(乙方公司名称) 住所:(公司地址) 法定代表人:(法定代表人) 联系方式:(电话/邮箱)【签约日期】甲方公司(以下简称“委托方”)与乙方公司(以下简称“供应商”)就以下事宜达成如下协议:一、委托内容1.1 委托方委托供应商生产制作(产品名称)的样品,样品要求详见附件。1.2 供应商应按照要求制作样品,并在规定时间内提供给委托方验收。二、价格及付款方式2.1 供应商制作样品的费用为(金额),费用应在委托方验收合格的样品后(时间)内支付。2.2 付款方式为(具体付款方式),应在供应商提供发票后支付。三、知识产权3.1 样品的知识产权归属委托方所有,供应商不得将样品用于其他用途。3.2 供应商

18、在生产制作过程中所获得的技术秘密应保密,不得泄露给第三方。四、保密义务双方应对合作过程中涉及到的商业秘密严格保密,未经对方同意不得泄露。五、违约责任若任何一方未能履行合同规定的义务,应承担相应的违约责任。本协议自双方盖章签字之日起生效,至双方完成合同约定的义务终止。委托方(盖章): 供应商(盖章):签字: 签字:日期: 日期:English:【Contract Number】【Parties】Client: (Name of Party A) Registered Address: (Company Address) Legal Representative: (Legal Represent

19、ative) Contact: (Telephone/Email)Supplier: (Name of Party B) Registered Address: (Company Address) Legal Representative: (Legal Representative) Contact: (Telephone/Email)【Signing Date】The Client (hereinafter referred to as the Client) and the Supplier (hereinafter referred to as the Supplier) have r

20、eached the following agreement on the following matters:1. Commissioned Content1.1 The Client commissions the Supplier to produce a sample of (Product Name), with detailed sample requirements in the attachment.1.2 The Supplier shall produce the sample according to the requirements and provide it to

21、the Client for acceptance within the specified time.2. Price and Payment Method2.1 The cost of producing the sample by the Supplier is (Amount), and the payment shall be made within (Specific Time) after the Client accepts the qualified sample.2.2 The payment method is (Specific Payment Method) and

22、shall be made after the Supplier provides the invoice.3. Intellectual Property Rights3.1 The intellectual property rights of the sample belong to the Client, and the Supplier shall not use the sample for other purposes.3.2 The technical secrets acquired by the Supplier during the production process

23、shall be kept confidential and not disclosed to third parties.4. Confidentiality ObligationBoth parties shall strictly keep confidential any business secrets involved in the cooperation and shall not disclose them without the consent of the other party.5. Liability for Breach of ContractIf any party

24、 fails to fulfill the obligations stipulated in the contract, they shall bear corresponding liability for breach of contract.This agreement shall become effective from the date of signature and seal by both parties and shall terminate upon the completion of the contractual obligations by both partie

25、s.Client (Seal): Supplier (Seal):Signature: Signature:Date: Date:Sample Production Contract Template Four【Contract Title】 Sample Production Agreement中文:【合同编号】【合同主体】出售方:(甲方公司名称) 住所:(公司地址) 联系电话:(电话/邮箱) 购买方:(乙方公司名称) 住所:(公司地址) 联系电话:(电话/邮箱)【签约日期】鉴于出售方有意向将样品出售给购买方,双方经友好协商,达成如下协议:一、委托内容1.1 出售方将(产品名称)的样品出售给

26、购买方,样品的具体规格和要求详见附件。1.2 购买方应按照规定时间和方式支付购买样品的费用。二、价格与支付条款2.1 样品的售价为(金额),购买方应在收到样品后的(时间)内支付全部费用。2.2 付款方式为(具体付款方式),应在购买方收到结算单后支付。三、交付条款出售方应在收到购买方的款项后的(时间)内将样品交付给购买方。四、知识产权4.1 样品的知识产权归属出售方所有,购买方不得将样品及其设计用于其他用途。4.2 出售方不得未经购买方许可将样品及其相关资料泄露给第三方。五、保密义务双方应对合作过程中所涉及的商业秘密进行保密,不得向第三方透露。六、违约责任任何一方未能按照约定履行合同的,应承担相

27、应的违约责任。本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效,至双方履约完毕止。出售方(盖章): 购买方(盖章):签字: 签字:日期: 日期:English:【Contract Number】【Parties】Seller: (Name of Party A) Address: (Company Address) Contact: (Telephone/Email) Buyer: (Name of Party B) Address: (Company Address) Contact: (Telephone/Email)【Signing Date】Witnessing the Sellers intentio

28、n to sell the sample to the Buyer, the two parties have reached the following agreement through amicable negotiation:1. Commissioned Content1.1 The Seller sells the sample of (Product Name) to the Buyer, with specific specifications and requirements detailed in the attachment.1.2 The Buyer shall pay

29、 the purchase price for the sample in the specified time and manner.2. Price and Payment Terms2.1 The selling price of the sample is (Amount), and the Buyer shall make the full payment within (Specific Time) after receiving the sample.2.2 The payment method is (Specific Payment Method) and shall be made after the Buyer receives the invoice.3. Delivery TermsThe Seller shall deliver the sample to the Buyer within (Specific Time) after receiving the Buyers payment.4. Intellectual Property Rights4.1 The intellectual property rights of the sample belong to the Seller, and the Buyer

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