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1、word格式上海小学英语教材(牛津版)梳理一览表Oxford Shanghai Edition 梳理重点: 每本书一共有几个单元,每个单元的语法重点及课次安排。一年级(上)共分为4个模块,12个单元,各单元语法分别为:模块课次ModuleUnitGrammar考点/易错点1-21Getting to know you 1- Greetings1.daily greetings2.pronoun: I3.verb to be: Im1.日常问候语2.自我介绍3.人称代词4.陈述句2- My classmates1. pronoun: me2. article: a3. imperative: G

2、ive me, please.1.不定冠词2.祈使句3.人称代词的宾格4.Here you are的用法3- My face1. demonstrative: this2. possessive adjectives: my your3. verb to be: This is 4. imperatives: TouchLook!1.指示代词2.物主代词用法1-22Me, my family and friends1- My abilities1.modal verb can: I can 2. Wh-question: What can you do1.情态动词can的用法2.特殊疑问句2-

3、 My family 1.pronoun: he, she 2. possessive adjective: my3. verb to be: He/She is4. Wh-question: Who is he/she?1.人称代词2.物主代词3.Who的用法3- My friends1. possessive adjective: my2. verb to be: He/She/This is3. Wh-question: Who is he/she?4. modal verb can: I can1.物主代词2.指示代词3.情态动词1-23Places and activities1-I

4、n the room1. numbers:one-six2. countable nouns(plural)3. Wh-question: How many.?1. 基数词2.可数名词2.many的用法2-In the fruit shop1. countable nouns(plural)2. Wh-question: How many.?1.可数名词及复数用法2.How many 句型3-In the restaurant1. modal verb may: May I have,please?1. 情态动词may用法1-24The natural world1.On the farm1.

5、 demonstratives: this, that2. Wh-question: Whats this? Whats that?3. verb to be: It isI am4. imperatives: Draw. Cut. Stick.1.指示代词2.祈使句3. 句型It is2.In the zoo1.Yes/No questions: Is this? Is that?2. verb to be: It is3. Wh-question: Whats this? Whats that?1.一般疑问句的用法2.特殊疑问句3.In the park1. Wh-question: Wh

6、ats this? Whats that? What color is it?2. verb to be: It is3. imperative: Color the1.特殊疑问句的用法2.祈使句重点:人称代词:I, you, he, she, me; 物主代词:my;指示代词:this, that;基数词; 各种句型的用法(陈述句、疑问句、祈使句)一年级(下)共分为4个模块,12个单元,各单元语法分别为:模块课次ModuleUnitGrammar考点/易错点1-21Using my five senses1- Look and see1.numbers:one-ten2.verb:see3.

7、verb to be: Its1.基数词2.see的用法2.Its=It is2- Listen and hear1.verb: hear2.Wh-question: What do you hear?1.hear的用法3- Taste and smell1.Imperatives: smell.tastetouch1.感官动词1-22My favorite things1-Toys I like 1.article: the2.verb: like3.Can I help you?1.定冠词2.句型can I help you的用法3.like的用法2- Food I like1.verb:

8、 like2.yes/no question: Do you like?1.句型Do you like的用法3- Drinks I like1. Wh-question: What do you like?2.Happy birthday!1.句型What do you like2.生日祝福语1-23Things around us1-Seasons1.prepositional phrases: in spring, in summer2.verb:sing,see,drink1.表季节介词的用法2-Weather1. Wh-question: How is the weather?2.im

9、perative:Lets1.季节的询问2.句型Lets的用法3- Clothes1.verb need: I need2.Wh-question: What do you need?1.动词need的用法1-24Things we do1.activities1. pronoun: he, she, I, you2.Model verb can: I/she/he/you can 3. Wh-question: What can you/she/he do?1.情态动词can的用法2.人称代词2.new years day1.article: the2.imperatives: draw,

10、write, fold3.Happy new year1.定冠词2.新年祝福语3.story time1.conjunction:and2.here comes3. Wh-question: Wheres?1.连词and的用法2.句型Wheres的用法重点:介词in的用法;动词need;基数词1-10;连词and;lets句型二年级(上)共分为4个模块,12个单元,各单元语法分别为:模块课次ModuleUnitGrammar考点/易错点1-21Getting to know you1.Hello1.pronoun: I2.verb to be: Im1.I 的主格和宾格2.Im Danny1.

11、article: a 2. pronouns: I, you3.verb to be: Im/Youre4. Wh-question: Who am I?1.冠词的用法2.人物介绍3.A new classmate1. Yes/No questions: Are you?Yes, Im/No, Im1.对于句型Are you?的用法及回答1-22Me, my family and friends1.I can swim1. Yes/No questions: Can you?Yes, I can/No, I cant.2. Wh-question: What can you do?1.句型Ca

12、n you?的用法及回答2.Thats my family1. possessive adjectives: my your2. Yes/No questions: Is she/he? Yes, she/he is. No, she/he isnt3. verb to be: he/she is.4. Wh-question: Who is he/she?1.物主代词的用法2.句型Is she/he?3.人物介绍3.My hair is short1.Countable nouns (plural)2. verb to be: my/youris/are1.可数名词相关用法2.Be动词的用法

13、1-23Places and activities1.In the childrens garden1. Wh-question: What can you see?2. verb to be: Its1.动词can的用法2.句型Its2.In my room1.prepositions: in, on, at2.article:the3.imperative: putin/on1.介词in, on, at的用法2.词组putin/on3.In the kitchen1. prepositions: in, on, under2. Wh-question: How many?3. there

14、be: there is/are4. Give me, please.1.介词的用法2.句型How many3.句型there be1-24The natural world1.In the sky1. imperative: look at2. Wh-question: How many?1.look at的用法2.In the forest1.pronoun:me2. verb to be: Im3. Simple present tense: I likeIt likes1.I,me的用法2.一般现在时3.In the street1. verb to be: Its2. Wh-ques

15、tion: Whats this?3. DontDraw. Color. Cut.1. Dont的用法;重点:冠词a, the的用法;there be句型;How many句型;介词in, on, at, under的用法;be动词二年级(下)共分为4个模块,12个单元,各单元语法分别为:模块课次ModuleUnitGrammar考点/易错点1-21Using my five senses1. What can you see?1. Wh-question: What color is/are?What can you see?I can see1.表示各种颜色的单词2. Touch and

16、feel1. Yes/No questions: Is it?Yes, it is/ No, its2. Wh-question: What is it?Its1. 句型Is it?的用法及回答2.句型What is it?的用法及回答3. What can you hear?1. Wh-question: What can you hear?I can hear2.modal verb can:can/cant1.情态动词can的用法1-22My favorite things1. Things I like doing1. Wh-question: Do you like (doing)?

17、 Yes./No. I like (doing)Adverb: too1. 动词like的用法2. 副词too2. My favorite food1. Wh-question: What do you like eating? I like eating1.like doing3. Animals I like1. Wh-question: What are they?They are2. Yes/No questions: Do you like? Yes, I do/ No, I dont.3. pronoun: one4.verb have: They have1.one作代词的用法2

18、.动词have的用法3.句型Do you like? Yes, I do/ No, I dont1-23Things around us1.The four seasons1.verb like: I like (doing)in/on2.Yes/No questions: Do you like? Yes, I do/ No, I dont.1.介词in和on的用法区别2.动词like2.Rules1.imperatives:look atLets2.verb to be: Its(adjective)1.祈使句型look atLets3.My clothes1.verb have: I h

19、ave2. verb to be: Its(noun)1.动词have的用法2. Its句型1-24More things to learn1.Activities1. Yes/No questions: Can he/she/? Yes, he/she can. /No, he/she cant.2.verb: play1.动词play接球类名词时的用法2.Mothers Day1.imperative: Have2.What can I do for?1句型What can I do for?2.动词have3.Story time1.verb to be: Im(adjective)2.

20、verb like: I dont like3.verb want: I want1.动词want的用法2.句型Im(adjective)重点:can的用法;like doing;介词in, on用法区别;I want/have三年级(上)共分为4个模块,12个单元,各单元语法分别为:模块课次ModuleUnitGrammar考点/易错点1-21Getting to know you1. How are you?1.pronouns:n I, you2. verb to be: I mThis is3. How are you?4.Miss, Mr, Mrs1. 句型How are you?2

21、.Miss, Mr., Mrs.的用法2.Whats your name?1.imperative: stand up, sit down, look at2. Whats your name? My name is1.动词stand, sit, look的用法2.句型Whats your name?3. How old are you?1.numbers: one-ten2. Yes/No questions: Are you ?3.difinite article: the1.句型How old are you?2.序数词1-22Me, my family and friends1. My

22、 friends1.imperative: look at2.modal verb can:3. Wh-question: Whos your friend?1.can、look的用法2.用英语描述人物2. My family1. Nice to meet you!2. Wh-question: Who is he/she?3. Yes/No questions: Are you?1.英语介绍家人2.句型Nice to meet you!3. About me1.possessive adjective: my2.verb to be: Im/You areMyis /are3. impera

23、tive: look at1.物主代词2.look的用法1-23Places and activities1. My school1. Wh-question: Whats this/that?Where is my classmate?2.possessive adjectives: my, your3.definite article: the4. Yes/No questions: Is this/that?1.物主代词的用法2.定冠词the3.be动词的主谓一致2. Shopping1. Wh-questions: How many/much?2. indefinite article

24、s: a, an3.countable nouns (plural)4. Yes/No question: Do you like?5. verb to be: there are1.how many与how much的比较2.不定冠词:a, an3.名词的复数4.there be句型3.In the park1. Wh-questions: What color is it?2. verb to be: ItsHere is3. Yes/No question: Is this?4. possessive adjectives: my, your1.句型What color is it?2.

25、形容词性物主代词1-24The natural world1. Insects1. Wh-questions: What is it?Whats this?2.modal verb:can3. conjunction: and1.情态动词can的用法2.连词and的用法2. On the farm1. Wh-questions: What are they? How many?2.verb to be: Theyre3. imperatives: put on/count4. numbers: one-ten1. how many的用法2.序数词3.It is/They are比较3. Pla

26、nts1.verb to have: It hasWe have2.verb to be: it is/they are/we are3. conjunction: and1.have的用法2.主谓一致重点:情态动词can;be动词主谓一致;have的用法;howmuch, how many的用法区别三年级(下) 共分为4个模块,12个单元,各单元语法分别为:模块课次ModuleUnitGrammar考点/易错点1-21.Using my five senses1.Seeing and hearing1. Wh-questions: What can you hear/see?2. modal

27、 verb: can3. there be: There is1.there be句型2.连词and, but的用法2. Touching and feeling1. Wh-questions: How does it feel?How do they feel?How much/2. Pronouns: I, it, they1.have的用法2.感官动词feel3. Tasting and smelling1. imperatives: e.g., Close your eyes. Smell this.2. Wh-questions: How does it smell/ taste?1

28、.感官动词smell, taste1-22My favourite things1. Animals1. Yes/ No question: Do you like?2. verb to be: Its/They are1. Its/They are句型单复数用法2. 2.like用法2. Toys1.Wh-question: What do you like?2. verb to be: Its1.情态动词can用法3. Clothes1. Wh-questions: What is it?What this/ that?2. Yes/ No question: Are those/ the

29、y?1.指示代词单复数2.be动词单复数1-23Things around us1.Shapes1. verb have: I have2. Yes/ No question: Are those/ they?1.have的用法2.句型how many3.句型what shape is2. Colors1. Wh-questions: What color is/are?2. verb to be: Here is Its1.句型like doing2.句型What color is/are?3. Seasons1. Wh-questions: What season is it?2. Yes

30、/ No question: Is it3. verb to be: Its1.情态动词can的用法 1-24More things to learn1. My body1. verb have : I have2. Yes/ No question: Can you?3. verb to be: These are They are1. have的用法2. 2.these,those3. 反身代词myself,yourself2. Childrens Day1. Wh-question: What do you do on?2. Yes/ No question: Do you?1.on表示

31、时间的用法2.介词in, on, at3.基数词first,second3. Story time1.verb to be: This is Its Im2. imperatives: e.g, Open the door.3. modal verb: can1.指示代词2.祈使句3.情态动词can重点:情态动词can的用法;反身代词myself,yourself;介词in,on,at;序数词first,second;动词have的用法四年级(上)共分为4个模块,12个单元,各单元语法分别为:模块课次ModuleUnitGrammar考点/易错点1-21Getting to know you1

32、. Meeting new people1. modal verb:can2. possessive case of nouns: Peters3.possessive adjectives: my, his, her1.所有格2.物主代词2. Abilities1.conjunction: and2. Yes/ No question:-Can she.?Yes, she can/ she cant.1.连词的用法3. How do you feel?1. possessive case of nouns: Gingers2.there be: there is/are3.model ver

33、b: can1.所有格2.there be句型1-22Me, my family and friends1. Jills family1. Yes/ No question: do you have? Yes, I do/ No, I dont.2. How old is?3. conjunction: but1.怎样询问年龄2.转折连词but2.Jobs1. Wh-question: what doesdo?2.verb to be: he/she is1.怎样询问工作职业3.I have a friend1.verb to have: I have/he has2. model verb:

34、 can1.have与has的用法与区别2.情态动词can的用法1-23Places and activities1. In our school1.verb to have: this isthatsits2.there be: thereis/are3.prepositions:on,in,in front of, behind1.介词的用法2.there be句型3.have/has2. Around my home1. Wh-question: where is?2. Yes/ No question: is/are there.? Yes, there is/are. No, the

35、re isnt/arent1.there be句型的应用3. In the shop1. Wh-question: How much is it/ are they?2.verb to be: its/theyre1. how much询问价格的用法2. be动词1-24The natural world1. A visit to a farm1.imperatives:Dont ; Lets2.verb to be: these are3.verb to have: he has1.祈使句lets2.have,has的用法2. At century Park1. imperatives:Do

36、nt ; Lets2. Wh-question: where iswhat do you have3. model verb: can1.情态动词can的用法2.祈使句Dont的用法3. Weather1. Wh-question: How is the weather in?2.there be: there are3. model verb: can1.怎样询问天气2.there be句型重点:情态动词can;祈使句;there be句型;所有格的用法四年级(下)共分为4个模块,12个单元,各单元语法分别为:模块课次ModuleUnitGrammar考点/易错点1-21Using my f

37、ive senses1. What can you smell and taste?1.alternative question: is it or?2. Wh-question: what this?How about?1. like的用法2. 2.指示代词2. How does it feel?1. Wh-question: whoseis this2. possessive case of nouns: Dannys1.所有格的用法2.代词whose的用法3. Look at the shadow!1.simple present tense: it rises behind the h

38、ill.2.preposition: in, on, at1.一般现在时2.介词的用法1-22My favorite things1. Sports1. simple present tense: she often plays badminton with me.2.there be: there is1.一般现在时2.there be 句型2. Cute animals1. Wh-question: what does(do)?2.simple present tense: she eats fish.1.一般现在时2.特殊疑问句3. Home life1.present continuo

39、us tense:am/is/are(doing)2.there be: there are3.conjunction: and, but1.现在进行时2.连词but,and1-23Things around us1.Sounds1. Yes/ No question: is/are(doing)?2.there be: there are1. 现在进行时2. there be 句型2.Time1. Wh-question: what are you doing?2.time expressions: seven oclock1.现在进行时2.时间的表达方式3. Days of the wee

40、k1.frequency adverbs: always, usually, often2. simple present tense: Peter goes to school from Monday to Friday.1.频率副词2.一般现在时1-24More things to learn1.A music class1. Wh-question: what can you play?2. Yes/ No question: is that?3.verb: play1.play+乐器的用法2. Festivals in China1. Wh-question: what festiva

41、ls do you like?2. frequency adverbs: always, usually, often1.一般疑问句2. 频率副词3. Story time1. present continuous tense:is making2.verb: have3. simple present tense:sits1.一般现在时2.现在进行时3.动词have重点:一般现在时;现在进行时;频率副词;时间的表示方法;there be句型;连词and,but;介词in,on,at五年级(上)共分为4个模块,12个单元,各单元语法分别为:模块课次ModuleUnitGrammar考点/易错点

42、1-21Getting to know you 1. My birthday1. Wh-question: when is you birthday ?2.expressions of time3.ordinal numbers 1.时间的表达2.序数词2. My way to school1. Wh-question: when do you?2.prepositions: by, on 1.介词的用法2.特殊疑问句3.My future1. Wh-question: what do you want to be 2. simple present tense:wants to 1.一般现在

43、时2.特殊疑问句1-22Me, my family and friends1.Grandparents1. Wh-question: how often2.adverbs of frequency: once, twice 1.频率副词2.Friends1.pronoun: both, all 2.adjectives: same,different 3.verb: like 1.代词both,all2.动词like的用法3.Moving home1. Wh-question: why do you like it?2.conjunction:because3.there be: there are 1.连词because2.以why开头的特殊疑问句3.there be句型1-23Places and activities1.Around the city1. Wh-question: how do I get to 2.verb want: I want

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