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1、专业资料航空工程英语ESSENTIAL(基础) ENGLISH OF AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING航 空 工 程 英 语 基 础LESSON 1 THE B737 FUSELAGE机体一、生词飞机Airplane半硬壳式Semi-monocoque机身Fuselage起落架Landing gear动力装置Power plant支柱Strut分为Divide into包括Contain天线Antenna玻璃纤维Fiberglass蜂窝状物Honeycomb整流罩Fairing铰链Hinge压力密封隔板Bulkhead驾驶舱flight compartment进口Entry机上

2、厨房Galley登机梯Airstair电子设备舱Electronic equipment bay检修口Access door旅客舱Passenger cabin货舱Cargo逃逸Escape舱口Hatch空间Space燃油箱Fule bank终止Terminate辅助动力装置Auxiliary power unit水平安定面Horizontal stabilizer桁架Truss排出Exhaust设计Design和一样The same as伸长stretch延伸Extension脊鳍Dorsal fin增强Strengthen相对于Relaviate to 滑轨Skid结构structure修

3、改revise二、TEXT1. the B737 is a low wing airplane. B737 has semi-monocoque fuselage and fully retractable landing gear. Two power plants are located under the wings on short struts.波音737是一种下单翼飞机。它拥有半硬壳式机身和全收式起落架。两台发动机位于机翼下方短支架上。0. The 737-300 fuselage is divided into four sections: section 41 , sectio

4、n 43 , section 46 and section 48 .波音737机体为为四部分:41、43、46和48.0. Section 41 contains the radar antenna behind a fiberglass honeycomb fairing, hinged at the top. aft of the pressure bulkhead, above the floor, are the flight compartment and forward airstair and its door, and the electronic equipment bay

5、.this section has two lower access doors.41部分包括铰接在蜂窝状玻璃纤维雷达罩后面顶部的雷达天线、压力隔板后方及地板上方区域是驾驶舱和前登机梯及其门,还有电子设备舱。这部分有两个下检修口。Section 43 contains the passenger cabin and the forward cargo compartment.43部分包括客舱和前货舱。5. Section 46 contain the center and aft portion of the passenger cabin ,two overwing escape hatch

6、es and aft entry and service doors. The space below the floor includes the wing center section (fule tank), air-conditioning bays, wheel well, hydraulic bay and aft cargo compartment. this section terminates at the aft pressure bulkhead.46部分包括客舱中后部,两个逃生舱及入口和服务门。地板下的空间包括中央油箱、空调舱、轮舱、液压舱和后货舱。这部分终止于后压力隔

7、板。6、Section 48 contains the auxiliary power unit(APU) and horizontal stabilizer truss. Access to this section is through a door on the left side. Aft of which is the APU access door and APU exhaust.48部分包括辅助动力装置和水平安定面桁架。可以通过左侧口盖接近。在它们的后面是APU检修口和APU排气口。7. The 737-300 is the same basic design as the 73

8、7-200, with a body stretch of 104 inches, a wing tip extension of 14 inches, a horizontal tail extention of 36 inches, a larger dorsal fin and strengthened stabilizer.737-300与737-200具有相同的基本设计,机体伸长了104英寸,翼尖延伸了14英寸,水平尾翼延伸了36英寸,还多了个大的脊鳍和增强的水平尾翼。8. The 737-400, relative to the 737-300, has body stretch

9、of 120 inches, tow additional overwing exit, tail skid, and strengthened landing gear.737-400与737-300相比较,机身伸长了120英寸,多了两个逃生出口,尾部滑轨及加强了起落架。9. The 737-500 uses the 737-300 basic structure with a 94 inches shorter body and a revised forward and aft fairing (wing to body).737-500使用了737-300的基本结构,机身短了94英寸,

10、并且修改了前后整流罩(机翼到机体)。LESSON 2 THE PNEUMATICS SYSYTEM 增压系统一、生词目的Purpose压缩空气compressure Air 压缩空气pneumatic环境Environment阶段,相位Phase得到Obtain发动机引气Engine bleed外部的External车Cart接头Connector整流罩Cowl热的Thermal防冰Anti-icing也,此外Also提供provide饮用水Potable water液压的Hydraulic启动器Starter在之内Within正常的Normal取代Substitute满足Meet需要,要求N

11、eed上部、顶部Top图形Figure绝缘Isolation活门Valve管道Duct结合、连接Join交叉、跨接crossover管理、调整govern适当的appropriate二、TEXT1. the purpose of the pneumatic sysytem is to supply compressed air for a controlled temperature and pressure environment during all phases of flight and ground operation .air is obtained from engine ble

12、eds. APU、or from an extermal ground cart through a connector located on the fuselage.增压系统的作用是为飞行及地面所有阶段的温度和压力控制提供压缩空气。压缩空气的来源可以是发动机引气、APU、或通过机身上的连接头与地面气源车相连供气。2. The pneumatic system controls the temperature and the pressure of engine bleed air source. The pneumatic system provides high temperature,

13、 high pressure air for the air conditioning .pressurization, wing and cowl thermal anti-icing .also, the pneumatic system provides pressure for the potable water system, hydraulic system and engine starters. The engine bleed air systems are located on the engine and within the support strut.增压引气控制发动

14、机引气的温度和压力。增压系统为空调、增压系统、机翼及整流罩热防冰系统提供高温、高压引气。同时,增压系统还给饮用水系统、液压系统和发动机起动系统提供压力。发动机引气系统位于支架内部发动机上。3. The normal cabin air source is obtained from the 5th-stage of the engines at low engine power, 9th-stage air automatically substitutes to meet user system needs.正常情况下,客舱空气来自于发动机低能量的第5级,9级空气自动分配以满足用户系统的需要

15、。4. On the top of figure 2-1, the isolation valve separates the left and right halves of the system. On the left side of the isolation valve, the APU bleed air duct joins the left side crossover duct; on the right side ,the pneumatic ground service connector joins the right side crossover duct. From

16、 these ducts the user system are supplied with pressurized air ,governed by the appropriate control valves.在图2-1的上方,隔离活门将左右系统分隔成独立的两部分。在隔离活门的左边,APU引气管道立连接着左交输管道;在右边,压缩空气地面接头连接右交输管道。用户系统可以从这些管道获得压缩空气,通过适当的控制活门进行控制。LESSON 3 AIR CONDINTION空调系统一、单词空气调节Air conditioning 环境Ambient机组Crew加热heat冷却Cool增压pressu

17、rization引出,放出Bled总管道Manifold分离Seprate独立的indenpendent冷却组件Cooling pack调节,管理regulate暖,热Worm减少Reduce期望Desire涡轮冷却器Air cycle machine整的Integral包括Consist of 共同的Common轴Shaft离开Leave膨胀VExpand膨胀NExpansion下降Drop零下Sub-zero分配Distribute此外In addition配平空气管道Trim air line混合Mix室、容器Chamber加上,增加Add头顶上Overhead竖管Raise收集器Col

18、lector防护罩Shroud过滤器Filter排出口discharge再分配Redistribute二等分halve二、TEXT1. the air conditioning system provides a conditioned air environment for the passengers and crew , heats the cargo compartment, cools the electronic equipment, and supplies air for the pressurization system.空调系统为旅客和机组提供环境温度的控制,为客舱供热,为

19、电子设备舱降温,还有为增压系统提供空气。2. Air is bled from the pneumatic manifold and conditioned by 2 separate and independent cooling packs. Air flow into the packs is regulated by the pack valves. 空气从增压主管道和空调中通过2个隔离的,相互独立的冷却组件中被引入。空气流进组件中通过组件活门调节。3. Air from the pneumatic manifold is too warm and must be cooled. Th

20、e pupose of 2 packs is to reduce engine bleed air temperature to the desired temperature.从增压主管道中来的空气太热,需要降温。两个组件的作用就是将发动机引气温度降低到需要的温度。4. An air cycle machine is an integral unit of each cooling pack. The air cycle machine consists of a turbine wheel and a compressor wheel mounted on a common shaft.

21、Air flowing through the air cycle machine drives the turbine, the turbine drives the compressor section. As the air leaves the turbine it expands greatly. This expansion can cause the temperature of the air to drop to sub-zero levels.涡轮冷却器是构成每个冷却组件所必需的。它包括一个涡轮和一个压气机,安装在共同的轴上。气流通过涡轮冷却器驱动涡轮,涡轮驱动压气机部分。

22、当空气离开涡轮后急剧膨胀。这种膨胀能够导致空气温度降到零度以下的程度。5. In figure 3-1, we can see that the conditioned air from the right pack flows into the main distribution manifold, the conditioned air from the left pack flows into the main distribution manifold and into the flight compartment. In addition, a trim air line from

23、the left mix chamber adds hot air to the flight compartment duct. The main distribution manifold supplies the passenger compartment overhead distribution system through tow sidewall risers. 在图3-1中,我们可以看出,调节空气从右组件流向主分配管道,还有调节空气从左组件流向主分配管道和进入驾驶舱。另外,从左混合舱出来的配平空气管道增加热空气给驾驶舱管道。主分配管道通过两个侧壁竖管供气给客舱顶部分配系统。6.

24、 A 3-phase fan draws air from the collector shroud through filters and discharges into the main distribution manifold for redistribution.一个三相风扇从收集器防护罩穿过过;滤器和排出口进入主分配管道,用以再分配。LESSON 4 PRESSURIZATION INTRODUCTION增压系统简介一、单词组件Pack控制Control座舱高度Cabin altitude外流阀Outflow valve保持Maintain尽可能的As as possible目的地

25、destination安全的Safe舒适的Comfortable曲线Curve对时间的Against time起飞Takeoff巡航Curise虚线Dotted line实线Solid line爬升Ascend下降Descent近Near环境ambient减小decrease变化率rate确定、决定Determine大气Atmosphere例子Example磅/英寸Psi=pound per square inch参照By referring图表Chart描绘Depict与的关系曲线versus称之为Is referred to as 制度Sytstem水银mercury毫巴Millibar相

26、等的identical施加exert排出exhaust向机舱外outbroud二、TEXT1. the air conditioning packs supply conditioned air into pressurization system. the pressurization system controls cabin altitude by regulating air flow from the fuselage, through the outflow valve. The pressurization system maintains cabin altitude as c

27、lose to sea level as possible or at an altitude equal to the altitude of the flight destination, so the pressurization system provides a safe comfortable cabin altitude for the crew and passenger at all airplane altitude.空调组件为增压系统提供调节空气。增压系统通过调节机身气流控制客舱高度,通过外流阀,增压系统保持客舱高度尽可能的接近海平面或等于飞行目的地高度,这样增压系统可为

28、机组和旅客在整个飞行过程中提供一个安全舒适的客舱高度。2. Figure 4-2 shows a curve of airplane and cabin altitude against time from take off through cruise to landing . airplane altitude is shown in dotted line. Cabin altitude is shown in solid line. The airplane starts its flight at an airport altitude near sea level, ascends

29、, cruises, and descends to a landing airport near sea level.图4-2显示为飞机和坐舱高度在起飞、巡航及着陆阶段的时间曲线。飞机高度显示为虚线,坐舱高度显示为实线。飞机以接近海平面的机场高度开始飞行、爬升、巡航、下降和接近海平面的机场着陆。3. Cabin altitude starts at the take off altitude. As the airplane climb, the ambient pressure decreases; the higher the altitude, the lower the pressu

30、re. The altitude inside the airplane (cabin altitude)also climbs but at a lower rate than the airplane. The pressurization system provides the pressure differential between the cabin and ambient. 客趁高度开始于起飞高度。当飞机爬升时,环境压力减小,高度越高,压力越低。飞机内部高度(坐舱高度)也以一个低于飞机的速率爬升。增压系统提供客舱与外界环境之间的压力差。4. The airplane altitu

31、de above sea level is determined by measuring the pressure of the ambient atmosphere. For example, see figure4-3, at 30,000 feet above sea level the ambient pressure would be 4.36 psi. the cabin altitude can be measured by adding the ambient pressure to the 7.80 psid maintained in side the airplane

32、by the pressurization system: ambient pressure 4.36 psi at 30,000 ft.Pressuree diffeential 7.80psid12.16psiby referring to the chart depicting ambient pressure versus altitude, if the ambient pressure is 12.16psi, the cabin altitude would be 5150 ft (see sigure 4-3).飞机高度可通过测量环境大气的压力来测得。例如:图4-3,在高于海平

33、面3万英尺的环境压力为4.36PSI。客舱高度可通过环境压力加7.8PSID来测得,7.8PSID由增压系统保持:环境压力:4.36PSI 30000FT压力差;7.8PSID坐舱压力:4.36+7.8=12.16PSID参照图表描述环境压力高度曲线,如果环境压力是12.16PSID,客舱 高度将是5150英尺(图4-3)5. the cabin pressure is referred to as “psid” and indicates the differential pressure, in pounds per square inch , between inside and out

34、side of the airplane. There are many systems for measuring pressure and “psi” is only one .airplane systems measure pressure in inches of mercury and millibars; these indications are identical to 14.7psi as a measurement of the pressure exerted by the atmosphere at sea level.客舱压力被称为“PSID”并用“磅/英尺”指出压

35、力差,在飞机内外,有许多系统可测量压力,“PSI”只是其中之一。飞机系统用英寸水银或毫巴来测量压力;这些指示等同于受到海平面大气压力14.7PSI。6. The pressure control systems provide cabin differential pressure by controlling the outflow of air from the faselage. The pressure control system consists of an aft outflow valve, forward outflow valve, pressure controller,

36、 control panel, pressure sensing inputs, and monitoring indicators.压力控制系统通过控制机外气流来提供客舱压力差。压力控制系统包括一个外流阀、前外流阀、压力控制器、控制面板、压力传感器和监视器。7. The aft outflow valve allowing cabin air to exhaust overboard to maintain cabin pressure. The forward outflow valve receives a control signal from the aft outflow valv

37、e . when the aft outflow valve is closed, the forward outflow valve receives a signal to drive full closed.后外流阀允许客舱空气排出到机外以保持客舱压力。前外流阀接收一个从后外流阀来的控制信号。当后外流阀被关闭时,前外流阀接收又个信号驱使完全关闭。LESSON 5 FIRE DETECTION火警探测一、单词火警探测Fire detection在周围Around组件Pack监控Monitor存在Exist泄漏Leak部件Component警告Alarm报警器horn过热Overheat铃声

38、Bell规定specify发生Occur听觉Aural在之下beneath面板Panel器件device与相对应Respond to 机翼Wing灭火器Extinguish盆basin厕所Lavatory瓶Bottle擦手纸斜槽Tower chute可选的optional角落Corner特征feature轮子wheel可用的Available放出discharge位置Location完成Accomplish元件element天花板Ceiling二、TEXT1. the fire detection systems monitor airplane components for overheat

39、, fire or smoke condition. Engine and APU fire and overheat indication occurs on the P8 and P7 panels. Wing and body duct overheat warning occurs on the P5 and P7 panels. Lavatory smoke detection indication is an optional feature that is available. Indication can occur at the lavatory location and o

40、r on the P5 panel.火警探测系统监控飞机组件的过热、失火或烟雾等情况。发动机和APU过热和失火指示出现在P8或P7板上。机翼和机身管道过热警告出现在P5或P7板上。厕所烟雾探测指示是一个可选装配件。指示能够出现在厕所位置或P5板上。2. Engine fire and overheat detection is provided by detector elements located around the engine. The engine and APU fire detection accessory unit M279, located in the E/E bay

41、determines if a fire or overheat condition exists. When detected indications occur in the flight deck an alarm bell is provided by the aural warning devices unit M315 for a fire condition. The two engine fire extinguisher bottles are located on the upper left aft corner of the main wheel well and ar

42、e discharged from the flight deck.发动机失火和过热信号探测由安装在发动机周围的探测元件提供。发动机和APU火警探测组件M279,安装在电子设备舱,用于判断是否有失火或过热情况发生。当在飞机蒙皮探测到火警信号时,音响警告设备M315将给出一个警告铃声。两台发动机灭火瓶安装在主轮舱左下方后角处,并从处释放。3. The APU detectors sense fire conditions only. Monitoring of the sensors is accomplished by the M279. indications occur on the P2

43、8 panel in the wheel well and also in the flight deck. The APU fire bottle is located behind the aft pressure bulkhead and is discharged either from the flight deck or P28 panel.APU探测器只感应火警信号。传感器的监控由M279完成。指示出现在P28板在主轮舱和FLIGHT DECK。 APU灭火瓶后压力隔板上,并通过P28板或FLIGH DECK释放。4. Wheel well fire detection is p

44、rovided by detector elements mounted on the wheel well ceiling. The detectors provide input to the M237 module located in the E/E bay. Indications occur on the P7 and P8 panels and an alarm bell is provided by the M315 module.轮舱火警探测由安装在轮舱天花板上的探测元件来提供。探测器提供信号给安装在电子设备舱的M237组件。指示信号出现在P7和P8板上,警告铃声由M315组

45、件提供。5. The wing and body overheat detection system exists to monitor the pneumatic system for leaks . the detection system is divided into a left and right system. The detectors provide input to the M237 module. Overheat indication occurs on the P5 and P7 panels.机翼和机身过热探测系统监控增压系统有无渗漏。探测系统分为左右两部分。探测器

46、提供信号给M237组件。过热指示信号出现在P5和P7板上。6. The lavatory smoke detector is located in each lavatory, the detector will provide a warning horn and indication at a specified smoke level .located in each lavatory, beneath the wash basin, is a fire extinguisher bottle which responds to high temperature in the tower chute.厕所烟雾探测器安装在每个厕所里,探测器将在规定的烟雾层度发出警告信号。灭火瓶安装在每个厕所,洗手池下面,可以对擦手纸斜槽里的高温情况作出响应。LESSON 6 OXYGEN SYSTEM氧气系统一、单词氧气Oxygen要求、命令Acquire单独的independent安装Install气态的Gaseous称为designate稀释器

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