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1、2018学年第一学期期末考试(宝山区)C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words( 在短文的空格中填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词, 首字母已给) Watch young children in a school class. You will often notice that there are three or fourespecially boys who cannot sits s_81_. They have trouble paying attention to the teacher for

2、 longer than a few minutes, and they seem to forget things the teachers tells them. What is the manner with them? Many doctors think they need medicine, so they give the children a drug c_82_ Ritalin(利他林). It is supposed to help them settle down and pay better attention. It works, but it is also dan

3、gerous. Ritalin has some bad side effects, and it can even kill children who take too much. Because of the serious side effects of Ritalin, many people think it is not good for children. Ritalin seems to affect both a childs mind and body. The drug does help children calm down and focus, but some sc

4、ientists claim(声称) that Ritalin decreases the flow of blood to the b_83_. This effects a childs thinking and memory and makes it more difficult to learn. Scientists also think that the drug might l_84_ a childs ability to grow and an cause trouble sleeping. Another problem is that children can take

5、too much of the drug. Some children like the way the drug makes t_85_ feel, so they take more than they should. They know this is wrong, but they cannot stop, much the same as people who cannot stop smoking. A third problem is that doctors do not know if the drug is really safe or not. Doctors do no

6、t know what happens to children who take this drug for a long time. They do not know if these children show side effects after they grow up. Ritalin might help when children are young but are there bad effects l_86_ in life? Because nobody knows for sure, some scientists say that Ritalin should not

7、be used. Today, some doctors and teachers say that there are better ways than drugs to help children with attention problems. One good idea is to give children better food and make sure they get more rest. Another way to help children with attention problems is to find teachers who have special trai

8、ning with a_87_ children. Such teachers know how to help these children learn. Another idea is for parents and teachers to simply be patient. Most childrens attention will improve naturally as they get older. Parents and teachers just have to give these children time to develop. 2018学年第一学期期末考试(崇明区)C

9、. Read the passage and fill In the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)In the age of digital printing(数字印刷), almost all newspaper articles are typed with computers. But The Musalman, the oldest Urdu-language daily newspaper in India, is still being published as the worl

10、ds (81)1_ hand-wtitten newspaper.The newspaper has four pages. The front page is for national and international news. The second and the third pages are for local news. The fourth page is for sports news. Some (82)s_ is left blank at the bottom right corner of the front page, in case there is breaki

11、ng news.Every day, it takes three calligraphers(书法家)three hours to write a page before the paper is printed and sent to its 21, 000 readers. These calligraphers must be very (83)c_ not to make any writing mistakes, because even a small mistake can lead to a whole page being rewritten.The newspaper m

12、akes so (84) l_ money that costs are hardly covered. But for Syed Arifullah, who took over the newspaper from his father, it is his duty to keep the paper alive as a way to protect the Urdu language and especially its calligraphy. He says that calligraphy is the heart of The Musalman, and if someone

13、 removes the heart of the paper, there will be (85)n_ left.People working for the newspaper also feel very (86)p_ to be part of it. They are really devoted to(致力于)their work and believe that their work helps preserve a dying art.First published in 1927, the newspaper is (87)l_ to exist for another 9

14、0 years. Lets wait and see.2018学年第一学期期末考试(奉贤区)C. Fill in the blanks with the proper words.(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给。) In the city I live in, some seats on every bus come in orange color, different from the rest which are blue. Those seats are intended for(预留) a certain group of peoplethe o

15、ld and some who need special care, such as the disabled or those with small babies. So you can often see young people choose to take others seats instead of the orange ones if possible. One day, my friend Lisa boarded a bus and found the only untaken seat was an orange one. She h_81_ for a moment an

16、d slowly walked to it and sat down. As the bus went on, passengers accumulated(聚集) from stop to stop and the bus became really c_82_. At that time, someone near the door asked loudly if there was anybody who would like to o_83_ a seat to the old man who had just got on the bus. On hearing it, Lisa l

17、ooked around to see where the old man was. She was even about to get up but found it difficult to do so. Thinking that someone near the old man would do him a favor, she remained seated. Actually, she had another reason to do so. To her s_84_, she soon became the target of criticism(批评的目标) from some

18、 people standing beside her. “Shameless,” a voice said. “Morality decays(道德败坏),” another voice added. Lisa kept silent as the short conversation went. She wanted to say something but held the words back. She understood as the only young person taking the orange seat on this bus , she “should” feel a

19、shamed. Lisa turned her face to the window to hide her embarrassment. If you were a passage on that but, would you stand out a _85_ her and blame(责怪) her for not giving up her seat? If I hadnt known the story of Lisas side, I would. However, the truth is : Lisa had just a small o_86_ and was in reco

20、very (恢复). Her doctor had told her to sit instead of s_87_ as much as possible. The long bus trip would give her trouble if she stood all the way.2018学年第一学期期末考试(虹口区)C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper wordsMany people think of bully(欺凌)as one child pushing or hitting another. Howe

21、ver, bullying is not only p_81_. Words also hurt people badly. When I was in junior high school, the girls in my class would laugh at me or ask questions designed to embarrass me. Their words really hurt me so much that it was difficult for me to f_82_ my attention on study.Be kindYou may not think

22、of yourself as a bully, but do you always play jokes on others? If the other person isnt laughing. Your words or actions may hurt more than you think. When some people are bullied, they will make r_83_ by hurting others. No matter what your experiences are, being kind will make you truly powerful.Sp

23、eak upWhen you notice one person bullying another, you are supposed to warn them to stop i_84_ and firmly(坚定地). Your hesitation will make the problem worse, if they dont stop, walk away and tell an adult about the bullying.Stand tallIf you are bullied, dont try to face it alone, but ask a parent or

24、other trusted adult for help. Similarly, in places where bullying happens, stay close to a friend b_85_ bullies often aim at people who are isolated(孤立的). When youre being bullied, walk away calmly. Leaving will keep you safe, and if you dont seem frightened or upset, the bully may feel bored and l_

25、86_ interest in you.Finally, remember that what is happening is not your m_87_. Bullies are responsible for their actions and words. Make sure your life will not be affected by their words and action. And when you meet others who are weaker than you, remember that they are valuable, too.(296 words)

26、2018学年第一学期期末考试(黄浦区)C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper wordsIt does not always come easy to discover oneself. From a young age, I had a strong sense of who I was to become, but an accident made me redefine(重审)myself.To me, cycling was above all. There was n_81_ in this world that

27、filled my heart with such joy. I spent twenty-four hours a week practicing my s_82_. Having no social life or interests but cycling, my great love brought me first place medals in nearly every competition.Unfortunately, in one show, I fell down and hurt myself b_83_. After several X-rays and MRI(磁共振

28、)scans, the doctor told me that I couldnt return to my sport any more. The pain in my back was hard to bear and even the b_84_ daily tasks became difficult.As my passion(激情)was taken away, I had little sense of who I was to become. After eight months of suffering, something had to c_85_. Instead of

29、wasting my days sitting around painfully, I began to put my energy into local community service projects. By volunteering as a swimming teacher and summer reading assistant for kids, I got an idea of who I wanted to become. After a few months, I spent most of the time on my interest in the arts. Lit

30、tle by Little, I stepped out of the shadow(阴影)and r_86_ my confidence.Sometimes, some large rocks block our way. We can choose to stay behind or try to climb over. My accident was a rock, but it f_87_ to stop me from reaching success. Today Im a very confident and optimistic person.2018学年第一学期期末考试(嘉定

31、区)C. Fill in the blanks with proper words.Waste sorting is a simple process that requires neither a lot of time, nor any special resources. When you throw away trash(废物), do you know which bin it should go in? Have you ever n_81_ the differently-colored trash bins on the street or in your neighborho

32、od?Some of you might not be able to answer this question easily. In fact, it is very important. Not knowing how to sort waste can make it even h_82_ to save energy and protect the environment.If you dont sort your trash, all of it will go to a landfill(垃圾填埋场) and be m_83_ together. These landfills c

33、an take up large areas of ground that could have been used for planting trees or crops. The electronic waste can pollute the soil and groundwater(地下水). Other pieces of garbage, like the metal part of a pen, can be used to make other things if they are p_84_ recycled.With this in mind, many governmen

34、ts in China have been running waste-sorting activities in recent years. For example, Shanghai announced in July that within three years, all of its residents should sort their waste into f_85_ groups: wet, recyclable, harmful and dry.Many other c_86_, including Shenzhen and Qingdao, plan to use this

35、 method to sort their waste. Now that you know this, perhaps you can do your part to protect the environment and encourage others to sort their trash.Waste sorting is also a major problem around the world. Different countries are using different methods to sort their trash. Japan is l_87_ the world

36、in waste sorting. It is a very important part of Japanese life and Japanese people will expect foreigners to follow their belief.2018学年第一学期期末考试(金山区)C. Fill in the blanks with proper words.(14分)Sam had always wanted to visit the International Space Station. He was really interested in the experiments

37、 that were happening there. He had read about growing food using water only. He thought that this was important as it was a way to provide food w_81_ using land. Some of the techniques used in the Space Station had already been included in architectural plans for some super skyscrapers. So when Spac

38、e Dreams, a space travel company, held a competition, Sam decided to enter. The p_82_ was a trip to the Space Station itself!The competition involved writing a description about how you would feel about traveling into space. Sam sat down and wrote how he thought it would feel. Buzz Aldrin, the astro

39、naut was the judge. There were 1,209,678 entries(参加的人), so Sam thought that there was n_83_ way he would be a winner. The day when the competition winner was announced, Sam was expecting a phone call. When the phone rang, he answered, “Hi.” A voice replied, “Hello, can I speak to Sam? This is Jack M

40、ellow of Space Dreams.” Jack told Sam he was the winner. Buzz had said that Sams writing d_84_ exactly how he had felt on his first space trip. Sam could not believe it. Jack had already arranged with Sams school for him to take a few days off. He had to go to t_85_ before he could fly.Sam learnt ho

41、w to put on a space suit. Then he was put onto a machine and turned around. This was to help him get used to travelling at very fast speeds. He also learned how to move without gravity(重力) to k_86_ him on the ground. That was fun. He could do summersaults and fly through the air well, walk through t

42、he air in reality. The day came for take-off. Sam felt really f_87_ because he knew nothing about what would happen after taking off. He was with two other people and an instructor. He had to climb into a tiny capsule in the nose of a rocket. Then the rocket went quickly into space. Sams dream came

43、true.2018学年第一学期期末考试(静安区)C. Fill in the blanks with proper words.Its a school day morning. You are dressing yourself in the bedroom. At the same time, you are thinking about taking your schoolbag from the living room. But when you walk through your bedroom door and into the living room, you suddenly

44、forget w_81_ you are there and just dont know what to do.Most people would think they have a poor m_82_. But scientists believe that the act of walking through doorways makes them forget things. They call it the “doorway effect”.The scientists from the University of Notre Dame in the US did an e_83_

45、. They placed several objects into two rooms. The students had to put an object from Room A into a shoebox and then carried it to Room B through a doorway. In Room B, they exchanged it for another object and brought it back to Room A in the shoebox. Then the students were asked to do the same things

46、 w_84_ crossing through a doorway.During the period of time, the scientists would randomly(随机地) ask the students which object was in their shoebox at the moment. The scientists found their answers were slower and less c_85_ when they walked through a doorway and into a new room.“A doorway is just li

47、ke a boundary(分界线) in the mind,” the lead scientist Gabriel Radavansky told Scientific American. Setting “boundaries” in our minds can cause us to forget things c_86_. For example, when you walk into the living room, your brain thinks the act of getting your schoolbag is already “done” and it moves

48、on.Is there a way to s_87_ the “doorway effect”? Writing down what you need before going into another room might be helpful.2018学年第一学期期末考试(闵行区)C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.Have you ever been in an animal rescue? It can be very heartbreaking, but sometimes, with l_81_ and skill, a tragic story can turn into an inspiring one. This is what happened to Winter, the dolphin.Winter was found off the coast of Florida in December of 2005. She was just a few months

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