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1、高中英语必修二教学设计M2 U4 Wildlife Protection第一课时warming up and rpe-read and reading武汉市第二中学孟红生课堂实录教学目标:通过阅读文本,让学生树立保护野生生物的意识教学重点:Daisy 在神奇之旅中发现不同野生动物的不同生存状况教学难点:Daisy 在神奇之旅中的情感变化Warming up & pre-readingGuess what impressed me most in Yichang? Im Mr. Meng from Wuhan No.2 High school. I came here 3 days ago, w

2、hen I was shown around the beautiful city of Yichang. Can you guess what impressed me most in Yichang? Student A: the delicious food hereStudent B: the beautiful sceneryStudent C: the Three GorgesShow the student 3 pictures (famous school, talented students and colorful English) What impressed me mo

3、st is your famous school, talented students and colorful English. You like colorful English activities, so do I, especially brainteasers. Do you like them?Yes.Show the students a brainteaser.Why dont polar bears eat penguins?Now, Lets try one. Student D: Because polar bears live in the north pole wh

4、ile penguins live in the south pole.Correct. I think you will make a brainteaser expert. Yes, penguins live in the south pole. How many students think they never existed in the north pole? To tell you the truth, penguins did exist in the north pole thousands of years ago. But the astonishing fact is

5、 that they died out 400 years ago due to over-hunting. All the students raised their hands.Another shocking fact is that the last Yangtze River dolphin,Qiqi, died in 2007. They used to exist in large numbers in the Yangtze River, both in Yichang and Wuhan.But they have died out, so we will never hav

6、e a chance to appreciate their beauty and elegance. The students looked sad.Pre-reading Question: what other endangered species can you name? Its true that many animal species have died out, whats worse, more are endangered, including red-crowned crane. Show the students pictures of endangered speci

7、es (panda, South China tiger, Tibetan antelope, golden monkey) Show a picture of polar bears Even polar bears, the Arctic rulers became endangered due to global warming, lack of food source and shrink of habitat. Show the students a picture of a mother polar bear with her babyCan you read any messag

8、e in the mother bears eyes? Deep in thought.Student E: she is uncertain about her babys future. She is hopeless.I think she is both hopeless and hopeful. She hopes that we can help them. Nod their heads.Will you help them? Yes!Fortunately, many people do care about wildlife protection, including a g

9、irl named Daisy. Lets read the text: How Daisy learned to help wildlife. Reading The first reading (4 minutes) Lets read the whole passage quickly to get some information from the text Show the four questions:1. Who took the journey? 2. How did she travel? 3. Where did she go?4. What animals did she

10、 see? Lets see whowill be the first to get answers to the 4 questions. Read silentlyStudent F: DaisyBy flying carpet.Tibet, Zimbabwe and a rainforest. Tibetan antelopes, elephants, a monkey and a millipedeYou are king of speed and efficiency in reading comprehension. Can we be friends?Yes.Shake hand

11、s with the teacherThe second reading (6 minutes)Now, lets read the text again paragraph by paragraph to see what Daisy found about the wildlifeRead the paragraphs in different ways Read the first paragraph silently.Students read the first paragraph silently. (1.5)Paragraph 1 Read silently What is ha

12、ppening to Tibetan antelopes?Student G: They are being killed. They are now an endangered species.By the way, why are they being killed Student H: For wool to make sweaters.A boy raised his hand and said“Mr. Meng, why are you wearing a sweater?”Surprised, I answered,“Yes, Im wearing a sweater. But i

13、t is not made of real wool. Its artificial wool, man-made. Come and touch it.” The boy touched my sweater,“Yes, its not real wool.”The others (including other teachers present) burst into laughter.Paragraph 2 Read silently while listening to the tape Now, Lets read the second paragraph silently whil

14、e listening to the tape and see what is happening to elephants in Zimbabwe Read silently while listening to the tape (1)Student I: They used to be hunted without mercy. Now their numbers are increasing thanks to the governments help.Paragraph 3 Read aloud along with the tape Now, Lets read the third

15、 paragraph aloud along with the tape and see what the monkey is doing with the millipede.Student read aloud along with the tape (1.5).Student J: The monkeys used the drug in the millipede to protect themselves from mosquitoesWhats the relationship between them? If we help each other to improve our E

16、nglish studies, we cooperate. (write cooperate on the blackboard.) If we help each other to found a company, we are co-founders. (write co-founder on the blackboard.) PuzzledThey depend on each other to exist.Student K: They co-exist.Wonderful answer. If all species co-exist, they form a wildlife .W

17、ildlife chainDo remember we human beings are a member of the chain. So protecting wildlife is protecting ourselves!Paragraph 4 Read aloud together Now read the fourth paragraph aloud to see if Daisy continued her journeyStudent read aloud together (1)Student L: No. She was back in reality.The third

18、readingNow, lets read it a third time to see how Daisy felt during her magical journey. But you dont need to read every sentence. Read bits here and bits there. Human feelings or emotions are hidden behind actions. So pay attention to the verbs that may communicate human feeling or emotions. Let me

19、show you an example Before she started her journey, she longed to help wildlife. If you long to do something, you cant wait to do it, you are eager to do it. (Show eager on the screen.)Its your turn now. Students read silently to pick out the verbs which communicate human feelings or emotions.(5)Cri

20、edsadBurst into laughterrelievedSmiled cheerful eagersadrelievedcheerfulamazed. Thats the emotional development of Daisy in her journey. No wonder the writer says“What an experience!” amazedNow, lets come to the ending of the text. What an ending!And there was always WWFHow do you understand it?Disc

21、ussion(1)Student M: Whatever difficulty we may meet with in wildlife protection, we can always turn to WWF.Post-readingShow the students information about WWF. Yes. WWF stands for world wildlife fund. Lets get familiar with this organization.There is a WWF whose base is in Switzerland. Cant we have

22、WWF branches elsewhere? Student N: We can have WWF branches in our family, our class and our school.Do you want to set up the first WWF branch in your school? Yes! (All the students)They have a slogan“for a living planet”. Can you think of a similar sentence like the one in our text“No rainforest, n

23、o animals, no drugs.”to raise awareness of wildlife protection? Students began to write“no no, no”on heart-shaped sheets of paper.(2)Now lets stick our paper to the blackboard Students came to the blackboard one after another to stick the paper to it, forming a big WWF on it.Let the student vote for

24、 their favourite sentence.“No mercy, no wildlife protection.” I solemnly announce the first WWF branch in Yiling Senior Middle school is founded today! All the students stood up to applaud warmlyDo you want to know my sentence?Yes!Its no wildlife protection, no human beings! Summary Show a picture w

25、ith“Protecting wildlife is protecting ourselves. Act now before it is too late”on the screen Because protecting wildlife is protecting ourselves, so lets act now before it is too late! 板书设计How Daisy learned to help wildlifesituation longed eagersolution cried sad / upsetimportance burst into laughte

26、r relievedaction smiled cheerful课后反思课前设计时对阅读文本的深入研究,尤其是对Daisy在神奇之旅中情感变化这条暗线的挖掘,是这堂阅读课最大的亮点,也是它成功的重要保证。“野生动物保护”这一话题本身就涉及到人类美好情感的投入,也符合新课标所倡导的,通过语言学习,培养、塑造学生“情感、态度、价值观”这一理念。所以课后我悟到的道理是:上阅读课,一定要忠于文本,挖掘文本,将文本的价值最大限度地发挥出来,阅读课才能算是成功的。在对文本进行三遍阅读时,指导学生用不同的方法来读,如默读、跟着磁带默读、跟着磁带朗读、朗读等,也是这堂阅读课的亮点之一。专家在点评时,也对“阅读

27、课上听到了朗朗的读书声”给予了高度肯定。课堂上对学生恰当和适时的肯定,是整堂课40分钟所有学生都乐于配合的一个至关重要的因素。如第一次快速阅读后,一名男生最先找出了4个问题的答案。我对他说:“You are king of speed and efficiency in reading in this class.”一名女生恰当运用relieved来说明Daisy 的情感时,我对她说:“May I know your name?”“Can we be friends?”所以这次课我悟到的另一个道理是:英语教学应该是一个优雅的过程,而教师对学生的欣赏与肯定是保证这一过程优雅的必要条件。教学点评本

28、节课在湖北省2011年高中英语优质课竞赛中荣获一等奖第一名。听课教师和评委专家对武汉二中孟老师的课给予了充分的肯定和高度评价。本节课既遵循了阅读课教学PWP, 即pre-readingreadingpost-reading的常规教学模式,又打破了程式化的阅读教学僵局。两个突出的亮点在于:一、教学中充分体现了学生的读。三遍阅读要求学生运用不同的阅读策略,采用不同的阅读方式,带着不同的阅读目的,利用文本信息分析和解决不同层次的问题;问题设计由浅入深,层层推进;教学步骤井然有序,环环相扣。二、活动设计突出情感挖掘这条暗线。读中引导学生归纳提炼文本信息,把Daisy如何帮助野生生物的情感线索通过动词(

29、或词组)longed;cried;burst into laughter;smiled分别揭示出其情感变化,即eager;sad / upset;relieved;cheerful,不仅注重了表层理解,而且引导学生做深层分析。读后要求学生为创建WWF 分支机构,模仿“No rainforest, no animals, no drugs.”句式写标语,之后,学生将写在心形纸上的标语粘贴在黑板上,学生思维活跃,佳句如潮,如“No mercy, no wildlife protection.”等既朗朗上口又凸显主题的口号将课堂气氛推向高潮,也令观摩教师赞叹不已。人品好的人,自带光芒,无论走到哪里,


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