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1、介词整理1. getget sth. across (to sb.) 传达信息get across 通过,传过;被理解,讲清楚get around 传播;到处走动get after sb. 督促;追捕get along/on with sb. 与共处get at 了解get away 逃脱;(得以)离开;度假get behind 揭露;支持;落在后面get down 记下get down on sth. 认真做get in 当选;被接受入学get off 动身;下班get off with 幸免于难get on 登上,乘上;穿上get out of sth. 逃避;放弃,戒除(习惯)give

2、out 精疲力竭get over 恢复,克服get together 聚会get through (to sb) 联系(某人)get through 通过;用完,消耗掉;处理,完成;挺过去;接通电话get to doing sth. 开始做2. cut cut back on sth (Vt) 减少生产/开支;节制 cut back (Vi)cut down (on sth by)减少消耗/使用/购买 cut sth down tocut sth down 砍倒cut in (on sb/sth) 打断cut sb/sth off 中断通话;切断供给cut sth out (from/of s

3、th) 剪下;删除cut sb up 使伤心cut sth up 切碎cut away 把减掉3. point point out (that) 指出point to 暗示;指着point (sth) at sb 用指着;瞄准(枪,照相机)point in the direction of 指着(方向)4. taketake apart 拆开take back 收回take down 记下take in 收留;接受(入学等);欺骗;注意;理解;包含;吸入take off (飞机)起飞;(事业)腾飞;脱下;匆匆离去;拿走;取消;休息;take on 呈现;接纳,接待;接载;决定做,承担责任tak

4、e on oneself 自作主张take out 扣除take over 接替,接管;控制;收购take through 使熟悉take up 继续;把端上来;揭起;占用(空间时间);开始做;接受take up with 致力于take to 喜欢;习惯做;去(take to bed)5. putput sth aside 把放一边;留出(时间);忽视put in 安装;正式提出;拿出,付出,投入put down 着陆;使出洋相;记下;挂断电话;镇压put back 把放回;延迟,推后;把钟往回拨;以回报put up 投宿;奋力抵抗;举起;建立;张贴put off 取消,撤销;使人反感;搅扰

5、;关掉,切电源put on 穿戴;抹,涂;打开,播放(电器);增重 put on weightput up with 忍受put out 扑灭(火);关掉,切电源put sth in place to do = get sth ready6. make make for 促成,产生make of 懂得,了解make out 应付,过make up 化妆;和言归于好;组装;补偿;准备(make up your mind)7. break break up 分裂,分手,解散;期末放假break into 破门而入;成功进入break out 战争爆发break through 突破,强行穿过bre

6、ak down 出故障;分解;(关系)破裂;崩溃8. openopen out 展开open up 直抒胸臆;开业;打开,开启9. hanghang back 畏缩,却步;留下hang on 抓紧;等一下(电话);坚持;等候;有赖于hang out 闲散;把挂出去hang up 悬挂;挂电话(hang up on sb);耽搁10. workwork around sth 绕道走work around to sth 转移话题work at sth 努力做work in sth 把插入(文章中)work off 消耗;经受(处罚)work on sb 尽力说服work on sth 忙于,致力于

7、;努力练习work out= be successful;算得,计算出;锻炼;解决;想出,计划work through 逐渐移动到,慢慢过渡到 work my way through;挺过work to sth 根据行事work up to sth 逐步增加到11. handhand sth back to sb 把归还给hand sth in to sb 把交给hand sth on to sb 把交给处理;传递hand sth out to sb 把分发给;提出(建议);散发hand (sth) over to sb 把(权利/责任)移交给hand down 把交给下一代by hand 手

8、工at hand 在手边in hand 控制give sb a hand 帮助hand in hand 手拉手12. reachreach down (for sb) (为某人)把高处取下reach sth out 伸出 reach out to sb 伸出援助之手13. teartear about 使痛苦;使四分五裂tear at sth (with sth) (用)撕扯,撕破tear into sb/sth 打;训斥 tear into food=start eatingtear sth off 撕下tear sth up 撕碎14. holdhold back from doing s

9、th 犹豫hold sb/sth back 阻拦;抑制感情hold back on 节省hold off 推迟;抵抗,抗击hold on 等等;挺住;抓紧hold onto 紧紧抓住hold out against sth 抵抗;拒绝hold out 递出 hold out hope 抱希望hold to坚持(信念)hold up 支持住,承受住;支撑;阻碍hold with 赞成444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444

10、444444444444444444415. drive drive at sth 试图表达drive away=drive off 开车离开drive sb away from sth 令人却步drive sb/sth off sth 赶走drive on 继续行驶16. pickpick sth off 瞄准pick on sb 刁难某人pick out 选择,挑选;认出pick over 认真挑选pick up 好转;重新开始;让人乘车,开车接人;整理;抱起;轻松学会语言,技术;pick up on 察觉17. givegive away 透露;送出give back 交还give in

11、 认输,屈服;交上,递交give off 发出(光热),散发气质give out 用完;分发;give sth/sb over to sb 把托付给give up 放弃 give up on sb 不再期待某人give sth up 停止18. leaveleave behind 把扔在脑后;丢下leave in 保留leave off sth 停止做19. endend in sth 以结尾end up doing sth 最终处于20. livelive by sth 遵守(信念)live off sth 依赖而活live through 幸存live up to sth 达到,符合 li

12、ve up to expectationslive with 忍受21. speakspeak out on/against sth挺身而出speak up 大声说speak up for 为辩护22. trytry to do sth 努力做try doing sth 尝试做try a fall with 与较量一番try for 争取;谋求;申请try on 试穿try sth/sb out= try out on sth/sb 考验try up 校准try ones luck 碰运气23. setset about sth/ doing sth 开始做set sb/sth back 耽搁

13、的进展set down 着陆set in (疾病、恶劣天气、不快感觉)到来,开始set sth in/into sth 把装进set off 出发,动身;使(炸弹,烟花)爆炸;拉响(警报);激起,引起set sb off doing sth 使某人开始做set out 出发,动身set up 安装好;创业,立业,创建24. fallfall apart 破裂fall back 落在后面;撤退;数量减少,价值降低fall down 倒下,坍塌;落下fall for 爱上fall in (天花板、顶部)坍塌fall in with sb 加入fall in with sth (勉强)同意fall

14、into 进入状态 fall into sleepfall off 下降fall on 责任落在上fall over (向前)摔25. looklook after 照料look around 回头看;游览;环视look at 看着;仔细检查;浏览 look back on sth 回首look down on sb/sth 瞧不起look for 寻找;期待look forward to sth 期待look into sth 调查look out 小心look out for sb/sth 考虑,关照look over 参观,浏览;look sth over 检查look to sth 依

15、赖;期待look sth up 查阅look up to sb 钦佩,仰慕26. carry carry on (with sth/doing sth) 继续carry out 履行,实施;完成27. letlet sb down 让失望let sth in 让(水、光)透过let sb off (with sth) 放过某人let sth off 放(枪),使炸弹爆炸let out 放学,放假,下班;发出(尖叫)let out a scream;泄露let up 减轻;松劲28. bringbring about 导致bring sb down 使沮丧bring in sth 挣bring

16、sth off 完成,做完bring sth on 使发生(不好的事)bring sb up 抚养;教育bring up to sth 提高到29. thinkthink for yourself 自行思考,独立决定think of sb/sth/doing sth 想到;考虑think sth over (做决定前)仔细考虑think sth up 想出,发明30. stand stand by 袖手旁观stand out 突出,显眼;出色stand up for 支持,维护stand up to sb/sth 抵抗,勇敢维护stand up to sth 经受得住31. comecome

17、across with sth 提供come after 追赶,追逐come along 到达,出现come at sth 处理,应付come by sth 设法得到;偶尔收到come down 崩塌;着陆;下降;(帷幕)落下come down with sth 患,得上(病)come off (计划)成功;停止(服药,吸毒,饮酒);(气味)窜出,升起come on 加油;得了吧come out (太阳,月亮,星星)出现;(植物)开花;真相大白come out and do sth 挺身而出做come through 穿过;通过come to sth 突然出现在脑海里come up (意外)发

18、生;被提及come up with 想到(主意)32. golet go 放开go up 增大go on 继续go straight 改过自新on the go 四处奔走go by 经过33. turnturn sb/sth down 拒绝turn sth down 把调小 turn sth up 把调大turn into 把变成turn off 拐弯turn sb off 使厌烦turn sth off 把关掉 turn sth on 把打开turn on sth 取决于turn sth on sb/sth 把瞄准turn out 原来是,结果是turn to sb for sth 向某人寻求建议、帮助turn up 露面

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