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1、8B Unit 8单元复习归纳 Name_一、必背短语:1. plant breadfruit trees 种面包果树2. care about the Earth 关怀地球3. reduce air pollution 减少空气污染4. take shorter showers 缩短淋浴洗澡时间5. separate into 把分开/隔开成6. depend on /upon its rich resources to live 依托它丰富资源生存7. make a difference to 对产生影响/起作用8. run out 用完,耗尽9. clean up 清除;净化10. a

2、survey on students daily habits 一项有关学生寻常习惯调查11. turn off the tap 关掉水龙头12. keep soil in place during storms 在暴风雨中保持土壤在对旳位置13. cause serious air pollution 导致严重空气污染14. choose public transport 选用公共交通15. drop litter in a public place 在公共场所扔垃圾16. be fined by the police 被警方罚款17. limit air and water polluti

3、on 限制空气和水污染18. produce less waste 产生更少垃圾19. develop a green lifestyle 培养绿色生活风格20. cut down 砍倒,砍伐21. be invited to the show 应邀参与演出22. be displayed at the environment show 在环境演出中被展览23. be thrown into lakes and rivers 被扔进江河湖泊里24. The air is filled with pollution. 空气中充满了污染物。25. as well as 和同样,不仅26. work

4、 together 齐心合力,携手共进27. turn off the tap when brushing teeth 刷牙时关掉水龙头28. natural resources 自然资源29. do more exercise and watch less TV 多锻炼,少看电视30. more tips for a green lifestyle 有关环境保护生活方式更多提醒或措施31. follow these small steps 按照这些小措施32. take some simple steps 采用某些简朴措施33. in order to save power 为了节省电能34

5、. develop a green lifestyle 养成环境保护生活方式35. make a big difference to the Earth 对地球产生很大变化和影响二、必背句子:1. Will more trees be planted this year? = _ more trees _ _ _ _ this year?今年将有更多树要种植吗?2. We can save water by taking shorter showers. 通过缩短洗浴时间咱们可以节省用水。3. We can save energy by turning off the lights when

6、we leave a room 咱们通过人走关灯来节省能源。4. More and more families own cars and this causes serious air pollution 越来越多家庭拥有汽车,这会引起空气污染。5. We should remember to turn off the lights when we leave a room 当咱们离开房间时咱们应当记住关灯。6. We should try to keep it that way. 咱们应当尽量让它一直保持那样。7. Things like glass,plastic and paper ar

7、e separated into different groups and then recycled 像玻璃 ,塑料和纸提成不一样组,然后回收8. If we drop litter in a public place,we will be fined by the police 假如咱们在公开场所乱丢垃圾,咱们将被警方罚款。9. These new types of energy cost very little and will never run out. 这些新型能源成本低廉(花钱很少),用之不尽。10. Remember that everyone can do something

8、 to make a difference 记住每个人都可以做点(对保护环境)有益事 (对有影响,起作用)11. All of us will have a chance to think about the world around us. 咱们当中所有人有机会考虑咱们周围世界12. Air pollution is harmful to our health. 空气污染对咱们身体有害。13. Turn off the power when your TV or computer is not in use. 当电视和电脑不用时,要关掉电源。14. Our environment is ch

9、anging for the worse ,so it is time for us to go green. 咱们环境变得越来越糟糕,因此是咱们行动起来保护环境时候了。15. I think our town will look nicer with more trees around. 咱们认为周围有更多树木,咱们城镇会愈加漂亮。16. As well as people,animals are harmed by pollution. 不仅人类并且动物也受到污染危害。17. If we dont act to improve the environment,more living thi

10、ngs will be killed by pollution. 假如咱们不行动起来改善环境,将会有更多生物被污染所杀死。18. Trees reduce dust and help keep the air clean. 树能减少灰尘,并协助净化空气。19. Trees also help keep soil in place during storms. 在暴风雨期间,树也协助保持土壤不流失。20. Coal,oil and natural gas are not only useful for families,but also have a wider use for factorie

11、s. 煤、石油和天然气不仅对家庭有用,并且对工厂有更广泛用途。21. It is time for us to take proper action to protect our environment. 咱们采用恰当措施保护环境时候到了。22. Land and water pollution kills many animals every year. 土地和水污染每年杀死诸多动物。三、重要词和短语使用方法:1. serious adj. 认真,严厉 be serious about 对.认真 We should _ _ _ the problem. 咱们应当认真看待这个问题。2. all

12、ow vt. 容许 allow sb to do sth 改被动:sb be allowed to do Its the library!So you must know shouting _(not allow) here. My parents allow me _(play) computer games every Sunday.3. punish vt. 惩罚,惩罚 punish sb with/by sth 以.来惩罚某人 The naughty boy _ (punish) by his father yesterday.4. pollute vt 污染 其名词形式为 pollu

13、tion The air _(pollute) by the waste gases from factory every year. Do what you can to avoid air _ (pollute). 5. harm 1)vt 伤害, 损害 As well as people,animals _(harm) by pollution. 2) n 伤害,损害 常用短语:do harm to 对.导致伤害 相称于be harmful to Watching TV too much does _ to your eyes. = Watching TV too much is _ t

14、o your eyes. harmful adj 有害 反义词:harmless 无害6. wise adj 明智, 充满智慧 其副词形式为wisely 名词wisdom The more books you read,_(wise) you will be. Time and money should be spent _ (wise). 7. some. some.,and others 某些. 某些. 尚有某些. Some people like milk chocolate,_ like black chocolate,_ prefer white chocolate.8. depen

15、d on/upon 依托,取决于; 不能用进行时态,无被动 You cannot _ _ _ _forever. 你不能永远依赖你父母。 The price _ _ the quality. 价格取决于质量9. run out 用完, 耗尽,为不及物动词短语,无被动。 Food _(run out) already,we have to go to the supermarket.10. make a difference to sb/sth (对.) 有影响,起作用 make some difference to sb/sth (对.) 有些影响 make no difference to

16、sb/sth (对.) 没有影响 Lucy has got a bad cold. It may _ _ _ to her competition. 露西感冒很严重, 这也许对她竞赛导致了某些影响。11. do with 处理,处置 常与疑问词what 搭配。 What do you do with .?意为“你怎样处理.?” deal with 对付,处理 多与how 连用,用来问询怎样处理 What will you _ _ my books? _ did the police deal with that accident?12. have a chance to do 有机会做某事 E

17、veryone has a chance _ (get) the job.13. turn off 关上 turn on打开 turn up 调大 turn down 调小 Its time to watch TV. Please turn it _. I cant hear the radio clearly. Please turn it _. Its so noisy. Turn _ the radio.14. remember to do sth 记得去做某事,体现事情尚未做。 remember doing sth 记得做过某事,体现事情已做。 Ill remember _ (mail

18、) these letters. 我会记得寄这些信。 I remember_(tell) you about it once. 我记得这事和你谈过一次。15. try ones best to do sth 尽某人最大努力去做某事 =do ones best to do sth Try your best _( remember) all the new words. Ill try/ do my best _(improve) my pronunciation.四、语法复习: 被动语态一般未来时构成: 1) will be done 其否认句是在will 后加not,疑问句是将will 提至

19、主语前。 She _(send) to Oxford University by our college next term. 2)be going to be done 其否认式在be背面加not,疑问句是将be提至主语前。 You _(invite) to the party by him next week. 注意:主语是第一人称时,被动语态一般未来时也可以用“shall be +动词过去分词”来体现。例:1. The sports meeting _ next month. A. will hold B. is going to hold C. will be held2. The f

20、ood _(eat) by the dog soon.3. He _(take) to hospital in a few minutes.五、书面体现:How to go green 咱们环境目前正变得越来越差,因此该是咱们行动起来保护环境时候了!从下面几种方面发挥想象,写一段文章怎样 How to go green . 词数不少于100 个。第一行已经给出不计入总词数。1 To save water 2 To save power .3 To reduce pollution 4 More tips for a green lifestyle .Our environment is cha

21、nging for the worse ,so it is time for us to go green !Here are some simple steps to take .We can save water by taking shorter showers and turning off the tape when you brush your teeth .We should also reuse water if possible .In order to save power ,we should turn off the lights when you leave a ro

22、om .We should also turn off the power when our TV or computer is not in use . Some other good habits can help reduce pollution too .We should not use plastic bags . Instead ,we should take our own bags when shopping .Recycling is also a good way to help reduce pollution .We should separate waste into different groups .so that it can be recycled . Moreover ,it is important for us to develop a green lifestyle .We should do more exercises and watch Less TV .and it is good to plant some flowers at home . Follow these small steps and you can make a big difference to the Earth !

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