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1、餐饮服务与管理试题与答案(word 版可编辑修改)plenary session,each session of the Central Committee of national institutions and personnel problems have been arranged,you can concentrate on national development and reforms.Previous plenary session is often branded with a central leading collective,often by looking at th

2、e third plenum of the initiative to found the current central leadership collective governance characteristics.From the analysis of the process of economic reform in China,plenary session,12 session,14,16 plenary session have programmatic meaning,respectively,marking the four stages of Chinas econom

3、ic reform,and that the start-up phase of reform,reform,construction phase and perfecting the Socialist market economy framework stage of socialist market economy.Previous plenary session topics proposed to the third plenary session of taking class struggle as the key link,shifted to socialist modern

4、ization;12 session marked the change from rural to urban,established with public ownership as the Foundation of a planned commodity economy;13 session at a time when both the old and the new system change,governance and rectify the economic order;14.Fair and efficient and authoritative Socialist jud

5、icial system,safeguard the peoples interests.Legal authority to uphold the Constitution,deepening the reform of administrative law enforcement,ensure that the right to exercise judicial power independently and impartially according to law the prosecution,perfecting the running mechanism of judicial

6、power,improve the system of judicial protection of human rights.Plenary session,Affairs the right to adhere to the system,and let the people authority to let the power run in the Sun,is shut up in a cage of the system power policy.Decision Science,implementation should be constructed strong,supervis

7、e the running of powerful system,improve the system of punishing and preventing corruption,promoting political integrity,and strive to achieve cadres honest and Government integrity,clean politics.To form a scientific and effective coordination of power restriction and mechanisms to strengthen anti-

8、corruption institutional innovation and institutional protection,sound improvement style normal system.Plenary session,building a socialist culture in China,enhancing national cultural soft power,must adhere to the orientation of advanced Socialist culture,adhere to the development of Socialist cult

9、ure with Chinese characteristics,adhere to the people-centred work-oriented,further deepening reform of culture.To improve the cultural management system,establish and improve the modern market system and building modern public cultural service system,improve the level of culture opening.Plenary ses

10、sion,achieving development results more equitable benefit of all people,we must speed up reform of social programs and solve the issues of concern to the people the most direct and real interest,and better meet the needs of the people.To deepen education reform,improve institutional mechanisms for t

11、he1餐饮服务与管理试题与答案(word 版可编辑修改)编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(餐饮服务与管理试题与答案(word 版可编辑修改))的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为餐饮服务与管理试题与答案(word 版可编辑修改)的全部内容。餐饮服务与管理试题与答案(word 版可编辑修改)plena

12、ry session,each session of the Central Committee of national institutions and personnel problems have been arranged,you can concentrate on national development and reforms.Previous plenary session is often branded with a central leading collective,often by looking at the third plenum of the initiati

13、ve to found the current central leadership collective governance characteristics.From the analysis of the process of economic reform in China,plenary session,12 session,14,16 plenary session have programmatic meaning,respectively,marking the four stages of Chinas economic reform,and that the start-u

14、p phase of reform,reform,construction phase and perfecting the Socialist market economy framework stage of socialist market economy.Previous plenary session topics proposed to the third plenary session of taking class struggle as the key link,shifted to socialist modernization;12 session marked the

15、change from rural to urban,established with public ownership as the Foundation of a planned commodity economy;13 session at a time when both the old and the new system change,governance and rectify the economic order;14.Fair and efficient and authoritative Socialist judicial system,safeguard the peo

16、ples interests.Legal authority to uphold the Constitution,deepening the reform of administrative law enforcement,ensure that the right to exercise judicial power independently and impartially according to law the prosecution,perfecting the running mechanism of judicial power,improve the system of ju

17、dicial protection of human rights.Plenary session,Affairs the right to adhere to the system,and let the people authority to let the power run in the Sun,is shut up in a cage of the system power policy.Decision Science,implementation should be constructed strong,supervise the running of powerful syst

18、em,improve the system of punishing and preventing corruption,promoting political integrity,and strive to achieve cadres honest and Government integrity,clean politics.To form a scientific and effective coordination of power restriction and mechanisms to strengthen anti-corruption institutional innov

19、ation and institutional protection,sound improvement style normal system.Plenary session,building a socialist culture in China,enhancing national cultural soft power,must adhere to the orientation of advanced Socialist culture,adhere to the development of Socialist culture with Chinese characteristi

20、cs,adhere to the people-centred work-oriented,further deepening reform of culture.To improve the cultural management system,establish and improve the modern market system and building modern public cultural service system,improve the level of culture opening.Plenary session,achieving development res

21、ults more equitable benefit of all people,we must speed up reform of social programs and solve the issues of concern to the people the most direct and real interest,and better meet the needs of the people.To deepen education reform,improve institutional mechanisms for the2餐饮服务与管理试题与答案 理论模拟试卷一一、名词解释(

22、每个 3 分,共 15 分)1、餐饮产品2、市场细分3、净料率4、循环菜单5、食品原料的验收二、填空题(每空 1 分,共 20 分)1、餐饮业经营的三大任务是经济效益、_和_;2、马斯洛的五大层次需求是生理需要、_、社交需要、_、自我实现需要.3、餐饮部主要的四块业务功能模块是采保部、厨务部、_和_。4、_时期宫廷里出现了音乐助餐;5、1650 年,_出现了第一家咖啡厅。6、2005 中国与餐饮品牌排行榜前三位:_、_重庆小天鹅投控股公司。7、餐饮文化包括_、文人文化、商贾文化和_。8、目前饭店西餐厅常见的服务方式有_、_、美式服务、英式服务和大陆式服务.9、中餐上菜在_,撤菜在右,斟酒在_,

23、分菜在左。10、根据菜单价格形式菜单可以分为_、_、混合式菜单。11、餐饮企业的定价目标主要有保本导向定价目标、_、_、竞争导向餐饮服务与管理试题与答案(word 版可编辑修改)plenary session,each session of the Central Committee of national institutions and personnel problems have been arranged,you can concentrate on national development and reforms.Previous plenary session is often

24、branded with a central leading collective,often by looking at the third plenum of the initiative to found the current central leadership collective governance characteristics.From the analysis of the process of economic reform in China,plenary session,12 session,14,16 plenary session have programmat

25、ic meaning,respectively,marking the four stages of Chinas economic reform,and that the start-up phase of reform,reform,construction phase and perfecting the Socialist market economy framework stage of socialist market economy.Previous plenary session topics proposed to the third plenary session of t

26、aking class struggle as the key link,shifted to socialist modernization;12 session marked the change from rural to urban,established with public ownership as the Foundation of a planned commodity economy;13 session at a time when both the old and the new system change,governance and rectify the econ

27、omic order;14.Fair and efficient and authoritative Socialist judicial system,safeguard the peoples interests.Legal authority to uphold the Constitution,deepening the reform of administrative law enforcement,ensure that the right to exercise judicial power independently and impartially according to l

28、aw the prosecution,perfecting the running mechanism of judicial power,improve the system of judicial protection of human rights.Plenary session,Affairs the right to adhere to the system,and let the people authority to let the power run in the Sun,is shut up in a cage of the system power policy.Decis

29、ion Science,implementation should be constructed strong,supervise the running of powerful system,improve the system of punishing and preventing corruption,promoting political integrity,and strive to achieve cadres honest and Government integrity,clean politics.To form a scientific and effective coor

30、dination of power restriction and mechanisms to strengthen anti-corruption institutional innovation and institutional protection,sound improvement style normal system.Plenary session,building a socialist culture in China,enhancing national cultural soft power,must adhere to the orientation of advanc

31、ed Socialist culture,adhere to the development of Socialist culture with Chinese characteristics,adhere to the people-centred work-oriented,further deepening reform of culture.To improve the cultural management system,establish and improve the modern market system and building modern public cultural

32、 service system,improve the level of culture opening.Plenary session,achieving development results more equitable benefit of all people,we must speed up reform of social programs and solve the issues of concern to the people the most direct and real interest,and better meet the needs of the people.T

33、o deepen education reform,improve institutional mechanisms for the3定价目标;三、简答题(每题 7 分,共 35 分)1、餐饮的创新化趋势体现在哪些方面,举例说明?2、解释餐饮企业的四种经营理念。3、简述餐饮产品的五个组成部分。4、中餐零点服务的基本环节一般包括哪几个方面?5、简述餐饮业未来的发展趋势?四、论述题(10 分,2 选 1)1、举例说明餐饮菜单定价的三大策略。2、结合案例论述餐饮服务质量的内容及企业该如何提高服务质量?五、案例分析(10 分,2 选 1)1、案例一:热闹的婚宴 一天,上海某饭店的宴会厅内正在举办一个大


35、,便会影响婚宴喜庆的气氛。新郎和新娘听后,异常感动,半天都说不出话来。结合所学的员工素质、管理方法、质量控制等理论分析一下该案例。餐饮服务与管理试题与答案(word 版可编辑修改)plenary session,each session of the Central Committee of national institutions and personnel problems have been arranged,you can concentrate on national development and reforms.Previous plenary session is often

36、 branded with a central leading collective,often by looking at the third plenum of the initiative to found the current central leadership collective governance characteristics.From the analysis of the process of economic reform in China,plenary session,12 session,14,16 plenary session have programma

37、tic meaning,respectively,marking the four stages of Chinas economic reform,and that the start-up phase of reform,reform,construction phase and perfecting the Socialist market economy framework stage of socialist market economy.Previous plenary session topics proposed to the third plenary session of

38、taking class struggle as the key link,shifted to socialist modernization;12 session marked the change from rural to urban,established with public ownership as the Foundation of a planned commodity economy;13 session at a time when both the old and the new system change,governance and rectify the eco

39、nomic order;14.Fair and efficient and authoritative Socialist judicial system,safeguard the peoples interests.Legal authority to uphold the Constitution,deepening the reform of administrative law enforcement,ensure that the right to exercise judicial power independently and impartially according to

40、law the prosecution,perfecting the running mechanism of judicial power,improve the system of judicial protection of human rights.Plenary session,Affairs the right to adhere to the system,and let the people authority to let the power run in the Sun,is shut up in a cage of the system power policy.Deci

41、sion Science,implementation should be constructed strong,supervise the running of powerful system,improve the system of punishing and preventing corruption,promoting political integrity,and strive to achieve cadres honest and Government integrity,clean politics.To form a scientific and effective coo

42、rdination of power restriction and mechanisms to strengthen anti-corruption institutional innovation and institutional protection,sound improvement style normal system.Plenary session,building a socialist culture in China,enhancing national cultural soft power,must adhere to the orientation of advan

43、ced Socialist culture,adhere to the development of Socialist culture with Chinese characteristics,adhere to the people-centred work-oriented,further deepening reform of culture.To improve the cultural management system,establish and improve the modern market system and building modern public cultura

44、l service system,improve the level of culture opening.Plenary session,achieving development results more equitable benefit of all people,we must speed up reform of social programs and solve the issues of concern to the people the most direct and real interest,and better meet the needs of the people.

45、To deepen education reform,improve institutional mechanisms for the42、案例二:华东沿海某城的一家餐馆里正一派忙碌气氛.但坐在餐厅正中央一张小方桌前的几位宾客却闷闷不乐。这一切被服务人员小王看在眼里,她估计可能是客人对刚刚递过去的帐单有意见.小王微笑着对客人走去,亲切地问道:“先生,需要我做些什么吗?”客人见状说出了不愉快地原因,他们原估计今天地就餐价格约在 200 元上下,可帐单上却写着 503,他们不明白是什么原因?小王认真地听完后,先安慰客人让他们别着急,接着再到帐台上去查询。原来问题是出在大盘醋溜黄鱼上,菜单上写明每

46、50克 22 元,而客人误以为一盘菜 22 元,那条黄鱼实际上重 750 克,计价 330 元。如果你是小王,你该如何做?对餐厅管理提出你的意见.六、计算题(10 分,2 选 1)1、某餐厅对菠萝罐头采用每两周一次的定期定货法。近期该罐头的正常消耗量为每周 28 听,菠萝罐头的发货周期为 4 天,饭店要求有一周的保险储量,在采购日,库房尚余 30 听.请计算本次应采购的数量。2、某餐厅有餐位 300 个,2007 年经营预测毛利 2,000,000.00 元,餐位周转率预计为 2,餐厅全年开放营业,每位宾客每餐平均消费餐饮产品 3 份,A 菜肴的原材料成本 25 元,B 菜肴的成本 30 元,

47、采用贡献毛利法计算 A,B 菜肴的销售价格理论模拟试卷一答案一、名词解释(每个 3 分,共 15 分)1、餐饮产品-顾客从进入餐厅到离开餐厅的一次消费体验.2、市场细分-企业根据消费者群体的差异性,把整个市场划分为若干个市场,从中选择自己目标市场的方法.3、净料率-食品原材料在初步加工后的可用部分的重量占加工前原材料总重量的比率;餐饮服务与管理试题与答案(word 版可编辑修改)plenary session,each session of the Central Committee of national institutions and personnel problems have be

48、en arranged,you can concentrate on national development and reforms.Previous plenary session is often branded with a central leading collective,often by looking at the third plenum of the initiative to found the current central leadership collective governance characteristics.From the analysis of th

49、e process of economic reform in China,plenary session,12 session,14,16 plenary session have programmatic meaning,respectively,marking the four stages of Chinas economic reform,and that the start-up phase of reform,reform,construction phase and perfecting the Socialist market economy framework stage

50、of socialist market economy.Previous plenary session topics proposed to the third plenary session of taking class struggle as the key link,shifted to socialist modernization;12 session marked the change from rural to urban,established with public ownership as the Foundation of a planned commodity ec

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