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1、Unit 23 语法知识点复习功能/语法句型/结构个人学习记录whom 的用法So the question is should they be controlled and if so,by whom?and if so,who should they be controlled by?on the handon the other hand,not onlybut also,not onlytoo 的用法On the one hand there are the political changes which have taken place in the world.On the oth

2、er hand there are the technological changes weve had.Hes not only clever but(hes)also nice.He is not only clever.Hes nice too.直接引语、间接引语与引述动词“He never buys me flowers”,she said,She complained that he never bought her flowers.1.Whom 的用法在 Activity 1 的短文中,有这样一个句子:So the question is should they be contro

3、lled and if so,by whom?因此问题是:传媒公司应该受到管制吗?如果应该,那么应由谁来管制呢?whom 置于介词后面的用法一般出现在正式的书面语中。在非正式的口语中,通常以疑问词 who 开头,以介词结尾。因此,如果上面的句子用于口语,那么就会变为:and if so,who should they be controlled by?现在你来练习 who 和 whom 的用法。2.连接词语的用法1.on the one handon the other hand该连接短语用来对比不同的事物,表示“一方面,另一方面”。例如:On the one hand there are t

4、he political changes which have taken place in the world.On the other hand there are the technological changes weve had.一方面,世界政治已经发生变化;另一方面,我们也经历了技术变革。2.not onlybut also 该连接短语用来连接和强调两种情况,表示“不仅而且”,一般用于正式的书面语中。例如:This makes it much easier not only to produce radio and TV broadcasts,but also to broadca

5、st a lot more radio and television.这不仅使得制作广播和电视节目变得更为简单,而且使得播出更多的广播和电视节目变得更为容易。注意 not onlybut also在句中的位置变化。Not only 一般置于系动词 be 之后,其他的主要动词之前。例如:Hes not only clever but(hes)also nice.他不仅聪明,还很友善。She not only plays well.but she also sings.她不仅弹奏一手好乐器,而且还会唱歌。在口语中,也可使用 not onlytoo 结构。例如:He is not only clev

6、er.Hes nice too.She not only plays well.She can sing too.现在你来练习上述连接词语的用法。3.直接引语、间接引语与引述动词1.直接引语使用直接引语是新闻报道的普遍特征。用直接引语来支持文章中的观点或事实,会使报道显得更加生动有趣、令人信服。例如:John Walters claimed,“This lack of information has resulted in negative feelings towards the media.”约翰沃特声称:“信息的缺乏已经导致人们对媒体持消极的态度。”2.间接引语我们在 Course Bo

7、ok 2 的 Units 32-33 和 Course Book 3 的 Unit 11 与 Unit 17 中学习了间接引语。直接引语变为间接引语的基本规则为:将原句中的时态变为相应的过去时,如果必要,改变时间状语和人称。因此,如果你想告诉某人约翰沃特说了什么,你应该使用如下形式的间接引语:John Walters claimed that this lack of information had resulted in negative feelings towards the media.3.引述动词的选择我们在本书的 Unit 21 中学习了一些引述动词,如 to say,to rep

8、ort,to believe,to know,to understand,to consider,其他的引述动词还包括 to claim,to explain,to maintain,to state 等。在将直接引语变为间接引语时,引述动词的选择要尽量反映出被引述者(即讲话者)讲话的语气和态度。例如:“He never buys me flowers”,shed said.她说:“他从来没有给我买过花。”显然,讲话者在抱怨,因此可用如下引述词来转述:She complained that he never bought her flowers.她抱怨说他从来没有给她买过花。另如:“Im in

9、nocent,”the prisoner said.囚犯说:“我是无辜的”。The prisoner claimed to be innocent.囚犯声称自己是无辜的。4.Translation Practice连接词语的翻译英译汉中连接词语常可以省略,也可以适当的方式译出,这体现了汉语和英语的差别,即汉语凭借内在的语法关系构成一个看似松散实则紧密的单句(复句),而英语主要靠连接词语组成一个有机整体。例如:1.This makes it much easier not only to produce radio and TV broadcasts,but also to broadcast

10、a lot more radio and television.这就不但使得无线广播和电视广播制作变得容易多了,而且能更便于播出更多的无线和电视节目。(这里 not only 翻译时省略了,译出也可以)2.A reporter can send the news to a network like CBS News and within seconds it can be all over the world.记者能将新闻发送到象哥伦比亚广播公司这样的新闻网,在几秒内新闻就会被发送到全世界。(这里省去了 and,当然译出也可以)3.They both have agreed to serve,

11、either in the Students Union or in the Volunteers Association.他们两个人已同意出力,或在学生会中担任职务,或为志愿者协会工作。(这里用汉语中的“或”表达“既可也可”)Unit 25 语法知识点复习功能/语法句型/结构个人学习记录need+名词need+不定式need+动名词You will need a special card from reception.You need to know about them before you can start work.It will need replacing(=need to be

12、 replaced)every two months.used to 的用法I used to talk to everyone a lot,but now we communicate by email most of time.I didnt use to smoke,but I do now.be/get used to 的用法Im used to writing emails.Im getting used to writing emails.Did you get used to writing emails.I cant used to writing emails to peop

13、le in the same room.表达因果关系the duplication of records causing inaccuracy in patients data.Misspelling of patients names has resulted in the duplication of recordsmany doctorsarrived late,and therefore were not fully trained in the new system.描述技术问题和建议解决办法Whats the problem?Theres something wrong with

14、my computer.It keeps flicking.Are you sure that its plugged in?Have you tried holding the wire?The best thing to do is to call the engineer.1.need 的用法need 后接名词或动词不定式。例如:You will need a special card from reception.你需要从接诊处办理一张特殊的磁卡。You need to know about them before you can start work.在你上班之前你需要了解它们(这些

15、变化)。need 后接动名词,即动词的-ing 形式,该结构相当于“need+不定式的被动式”。例如:It will need replacing(=need to be replaced)every two months.它每两个月就需要更换一次。2.used to 和 be/get used to 的用法1.used to+动词原形 在 Course Book 2 的 Unit 27 和 Course Book 3 的 Unit 1 中,我们学习了这种结构。该结构表示过去的习惯性动作或状态,而现在这种动作状态已经不复存在。因此,该结构常用来进行今昔对比。例如:Remember you us

16、ed to wait ages before the information came up on the screen?Well,now its very quick.你还记得当初需要等候很长时间信息才能在电脑屏幕上显示出来吗?现在,它可快多了。I used to talk to everyone a lot,but now we communicate by email most of the time.我过去常和每一位同事聊天,但现在我们多数时候是通过电子邮件进行交流的。注意 used to 的否定形式:I didnt use to smoke,but I do now.我过去不吸烟,但

17、我现在吸烟。2.be/get used to+名词/动名词 该结构相当于 be/get accustomed to,表示“习惯于”。be used to 强调状态,表示“完全习惯于”;get used to 强调变化,表示“开始或正在习惯于”。例如:Im used to writing emails.我习惯写电子邮件。Im getting used to writing emails.我在逐渐习惯写电子邮件。be/get used to 可以用于任何时态,其疑问和否定形式与 to be 或 to get 的结构相同。例如:Are you used to writing emails?Im no

18、t used to writing emails.Have for you used to writing emails?I wont get used to writing emails.get used to 常与 cant 连用。表示“无法习惯于”或“无法适应于”。例如:I cant get used to the new computer system.我无法适应新的电脑系统。I cant get used to writing emails to people in the same room.我无法适应给同一办公室的同事发电子邮件。3.表达因果关系我们在 Book 3 Unit 1

19、6 中学习了一些表达因果关系的词语。例如:Poor education leads to unemployment.接受教育不足导致失业。Low interest rats may cause inflation.低利率会引发通货膨胀。在 Activity 9 的备忘录中,出现了更多的表达因果关系的方式。例如:X happens causing Y Misspelling of patients names has resulted in the duplication of records causing inaccuracy in patients data.拼错患者的姓名致使重复病历的产

20、生,从而造成患者资料的不准确。X happens leading to Y double-bookings have increased,leading to confusion重复预约增多,造成混乱。X has led to Y The practice of not switching off the computers when you leave your office at the end of the day has led to computers not functioning the next morning.下班离开办公室时不关计算机的做法导致第二天上午计算机不能正常运行。

21、X has resulted in Y Misspelling of patients names has resulted in the duplication of records拼错患者的姓名致使重复病历的产生。X.Therefore,Y.many doctorsarrived late,and therefore were not fully trained in the new system.许多医生迟到,因而他们没能全面接受关于新系统的培训。X.Consequently,Y.were not fully trained in the new system.Consequently,

22、further training days will take place他们没能全面接受关于新系统的培训,因此,将另外安排培训时间。4.描述技术问题与建议解决办法 询问Whats the problem?Whats the matter?说明问题 Theres something wrong with X.X is not working.Im/Ive been having a bit of trouble with X.Im/Ive been having a problem with X.建议解决办法 Are you sure(that)+从句?Have you tried+动词 in

23、g 形式?Have you tried+名词?It might be+名词 The best thing to do is(to)+动词原形5.Translation Practice情态动词 might 的翻译情态动词 might 的翻译要根据其在语境(上下文)中的具体含义而定,不一定总是表示“可能,也许”。例如:1.I might be the CEO by this time next year.没准儿明年这个时候我就是首席执行官了。(这里 might 表示实现的可能性很小,注意和 may 的细微差异)。2.We might meet again after Christmas,if y

24、ou agree.如果你同意,我们可以在圣诞节后再次见面。(这里表示客气的建议或请求)3.You might close the door behind you.请你随手关门。(这里表示轻微的责备)Unit 26 语法知识点复习功能/语法句型/结构个人学习记录虚拟条件句:表示与过去事实相反的假设If they had given up(searching),I would have died.If I hadnt had my mobile phone,the shot would have killed me.表达建议Id recommend my network.The best thin

25、g to do is(to)go to one or two shops and see what theyve got.Choose a plan with a low monthly payment.动名词的用法I avoid talking to her.He finished doing the work quickly.表达生气与烦恼It really irritates me when+从句It really gets on my nerves when+从句X is always+动词的-ing 形式What annoys me is.is.Why cant you/she(et

26、c.)+动词原形?1.虚拟条件句:表示与过去事实相反的假设 当表示与过去事实相反的假设时,虚拟条件句的构成形式为“If+动词的过去完成时,would(could)+动词的现在完成式”。例如:If they had given up(searching),I would have died.如果当时他们放弃了搜寻,那么我就没命了。If I hadnt had my mobile phone,the shot would have killed me.如果当时我没带手机的话,那颗子弹就会要了我的命。上述两句话的实际表达的意思是:They didnt given up(searching),ther

27、efore I did not die.I had my mobile phone,therefore the shot did not dill me.与其他条件句一样,如果主从句颠倒位置,中间不需用逗号隔开。The shot would have killed me if I hadnt had my mobile phone.2.表达建议 表达建议有多种方式。例如:There are two things you need to think about.One is,and the other is.There are two things you need to think about

28、.One is which network to use and the other is the handset itself.你需要考虑两件事:第一是使用哪一个网络,第二是话机本身。You should+动词原形 You should get a monthly payment plan.你应该办理一个月供计划。Id recommend+名词词组(Id=I would)Id Recommend my network.我愿意推荐我(使用)的网络。You need to+动词原形 You need to work out how often you age going to use the p

29、hone.你应该弄清楚你是否将经常使用电话。The best thing to do is+(to)动词原形 The best thing to do is(to)go to one or two shops and see what theyve got.最好的办法是去一两个商店逛逛,看看他们有什么。Youd better+动词原形Youd better get a pre-payment plan.你最好办理一个预付计划。祈使句Choose a plan with a low monthly payment.选择一个月供较低的方案。3.动名词与动词不定式 英语中有些动词只能后接不定式作宾语

30、。这些动词包括 to afford,to agree,to arrange,to decide,to fail,to hope,to learn,to manage,to plan,to promise,to refuse 等。例如:They agreed to pay him 100.他们同意给他一百英镑。I learned to speak French at school.我在上海时学会说法语。英语中有些动词只能后接动名词作宾语。这些动词包括 to admit,to avoid,to deny,to enjoy,to finish,to give up,to mind,to sugges

31、t 等。例如:I avoid talking to her.我避免与她说话。He finished doing the work quickly.他迅速地做完工作。英语中有些动词既可以后接不定式也可以后接动名词作宾语,意思基本没有什么变化。这些动词包括 to begin,to continue,to hate,to like,to love,to prefer,to start 等。但是,有些动词后接不定式和后接动名词所表达的意思是不同的,我们在 Course Book 3 Unit 13 中学习过这样的动词,如 to forget,to regret,to remember 等。4.电子邮件

32、的写作风格 Email Style电子邮件的写作风格如同口语,一般比较随便,活泼,因此常用紧缩形式,许多情况下还会使用表情符号及首字母组合词(见 Activity 14),以表达作者的情感及方便快速交流。试比较下列句子:Thanks for your email.(电子邮件)Thank you for your letter.(正式信函)I dont think Its a good idea to(电子邮件)I do not think it is a good idea to(正式信函)5.生气与烦恼的表达方式表达生气与烦恼有多种方式。例如:It really irritates me w

33、hen+从句 It really gets on my nerves when+从句当时,我真是恼火。X is always+动词的-ing 形式 X 总是 What annoys me is让我恼火的是 The thing that makes me most angry is最让我气愤的是 Why cant you/she(etc.)+动词原形?该句型在表达生气的同时,暗示什么样的行为是正确的.例如:Why cant you shut the door when you come in?在你进来的时候为什么不能关上门呢?6.Translation PracticeIt+be+形容词/过去分

34、词+that 结构的翻译这里,在我们所谈的结构中,主要指两种形容词/过去分词,其一是由表情感的动词转换来的,如 interesting,disappointing 等;另一种就是由表动作的动词转来的,如advisable,recommended,advised 等。第一种我们一般可译为“的是,”,第二种可译为无主句,如“建议”等。例如:1.It is exciting that I would have the opportunity to travel abroad.令人激动的是,我将有机会去国外旅行。2.It is advisable to take tough measure.建议采取强硬措施。3.It is recommended that you(should)start right now.建议你马上开始。在此结构中,that 从句中的情感动词 should 常省略

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