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1、2023年3月全国英语等级考试二级试题第一部分听力第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一种小题,从题中所给旳A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷旳对应位置。听完每段对话后,你均有10秒钟旳时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1What will the woman do about the dress?A Shell buy it. B Shell return it. CShell change it.2What are the speakers talking about?A Buying DVDs. B Sharing DVDs. CBorrowing DVDs.3

2、What did the woman think of Danas speech?A Well-prepared. B Important. CBoring.4What does the man mean?A He will carry the boxes later. B He is unable to give help. C He refuses to pay for the boxes.5When is Simon supposed to arrive?A 7:30. B8:00. C8:10.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有2至4个小题,从题中所给旳A、B、C三个选项中

3、选出最佳选项,并标在试卷旳对应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟旳时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟旳作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7题。6Where do the speakers plan to go?A A library. B A museum. CThe womans home.7Why does the woman want to go on Saturday afternoon?A To avoid the crowd. B To enjoy nice weather. C To sleep late in the morning.听下

4、面一段对话,回答第8和第10题。8Why did the man borrow the womans computer last time?A His computer was broken. B He needed it for his paper. C He used it for his computer class.9Why does the woman feel happy?A The man can lend her a computer now. B The man will use his own computer. C The man will study better.10

5、What has the man been doing with his new computer?A Watching DVDs. B Doing homework. C Searching for information.听下面一段对话,回答第11和第13题。11Where did Tom get the idea of becoming a businessman?A From his college friends. B From his high school teachers. C From the grown-ups around him.12How much does Tom

6、own of the company he works for?A 6%. B18%. C60%.13What mistake did Tom and his company make in the past?A Producing simple things. B Wasting lots of materials. C Making all the products themselves.听下面一段对话,回答第14和第17题。14What kind of jobs seems to be in short supply?A Writers.B School teachers.C Newsp

7、aper reporters.15Where is Sharon most likely to go?A New York. B Boston. C California.16What does James plan to do ifhe cant find a job?A Continue his education. B Start a newspaper. C Write a book.17Who are the speakers?A Fellow students. B Laid-off workers. C High school teachers.听下面一段对话,回答第18和第20

8、题。18Why does the university offer the two programs?A To keep students safe walking late or alone. B To provide better health care for students. C To help visitors tour around the college.19When can students call Campus Safety Office?A From 7 pm to 7 am. B Anytime of the day. C From midnight to 7 am.

9、20To whom is the speaker mainly talking?A Tourists at the college. B New teachers. C Parents of students.第二部分英语知识运用 第一节从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处旳最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21Sandy _ be out of hermind to have spent that much money on an old car.A should Bmust C can D will22Ill be in _ next room, so give me _ cal

10、l if you need any help.A the; a B/; a C /; the D the; the23Ella has been complaining about the traffic _her awake at night.A keep Bto keep C keeping D kept24Frank was a wonderful teacher. Everyone agreed it would be hard to find _ like him.A other Bthe other C another D others25Maggie is _about her

11、tea, and often carries her favourite tea with her in her handbag.A particular B curious Canxious D certain26We could do with a new car.The one we _ is a bit too old.A were getting B have got Chad got D will get27Police are _ trying to find out the exact cause of the accident.A still Byet C soon D ev

12、en28This cakes delicious! Did you make it yourself?_ My sister got it from the bakery.A Really? BOf course. C You must be joking! D You are welcome.29My mother was talking to Lisa on the phone _ the doorbell rang.Awhile B when C since D as30Many great discoveries were made in _ the 19th century.A th

13、e second of half B second of the half C the half second of D the second half of31Joan sold the house anyway even though it was _her fathers wishes.Abeyond B within C against D from32I hope _ roundthe tourist sites by a specialist guide.Ataken B taking C to take D to be taken33Ralph and Celia _ alot

14、of each other since they moved to the same city.A have been seeing B were seeing C had seen Dsaw34I walked slowly to the teachers office wondering _ she decided to talk with me.A which Bwhy C where D who35Make a list of what you have to do, and put them _ with the most important at the top.Ain fact

15、B in public C in order D in surprise第二节从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处旳最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A businessman owed a lot of money to others and could see no way out. He sat on the park bench, _36_ if anything could save his company._37_ an old man appeared before him. _38_ listening to the problem, he wrote out a c

16、heck and said “Take this _39_. Meet me here exactly one year from today, and you can _40_ me back at that time.” Then he turned and disappeared as quickly as he had _41_.The businessman saw in his _42_ a check for $ 500, 000, signed by John D. Rockefeller, then one of the _43_ men in the world! The

17、money was more than _44_ to save his business. _45_, he decided to put the check in his safe. Just _46_ he had half a million dollars might give him the _47_ to work out a way to save his business, he thought.Feeling _48_ and working hard, he was making money once again. One year later, he returned

18、to the _49_ with the check, and the old man appeared. Just as the businessman was about to say _50_, a nurse came running up. “Im so _51_ I caught him!” she cried. “Hes always _52_ from the rest home and telling people hes John D. Rockefeller.” Then she led the old man away by the arm.Suddenly, the

19、businessman realized that it wasnt that money, real or _53_ that had turned his _54_ around. It was his newfound self-confidence that gave him the power to _55_.36A asking B realizing C searching D wondering37A Briefly B Suddenly C Frequently D Fortunately38A Without B Since C After D Throughout39A

20、message B note C paper D money40A turn B pay C offer D call41A said B expected C come D written42A hand B eye C pocket D bag43A craziest B richest C happiest D friendliest44A fair B ready C enough D ever45A hus B However C Otherwise D And46A pretending B dreaming C knowing D understanding47A skill B

21、 strength C time D wish48A curious B confused C responsible D confident49A safe B office C park D bank50A sorry B congratulations C welcome D thanks51A glad B sad C surprised D nervous52A shouting B stealing C escaping D learning53A returned BJimagined C saved D spen54A life B role C chance D idea55

22、A admit B succeed C change D believe第三部分阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给旳A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Text 1Jumanji is a story for children about a very strange game - a game that becomes far too real and frightening for the players. It was a story by Chris Van Allsburg, which was later filmed in 1996, starring

23、the famous American actor Robin Williams.The story begins in 1869 in New Hampshire, America. Two young brothers bury a box under some trees. A hundred years later, in 1969, a boy, Alan Panish, finds the box and takes it home. Hes unhappy that his father may want to send him to a boarding school (寄宿学

24、校). Alans friend Sarah arrives, and they open the box. Inside is a board game. At the start of the game, some words appear: “Do you want to leave the world behind and go back to the past? Then this is the game for you.” Suddenly Alan finds that he is disappearing into the game.The story has a deep m

25、eaning. Through his adventures Alan learns something important - if you confront(面对) your fears, your problems will go away. Alan turns to face Van Pelt, the hunter who is trying to kill him. In doing so, he completes the game and returns to reality. Then he finds that his father is not going to sen

26、d him to boarding school after all.In Jumanji, time is “elastic”. The film director Stephen Spielbergs “Back to the Future” films play with time in the same way. Top scientists even tell us now that time travel is theoretically(理论上) possible!56Who acted in the film?A Robin Williams.B Stephen Spielbe

27、rg.C Chris Van Allsburg.D Van Pelt.57From the story we learn that Alan is a boy who _.A is afraid of his fatherB dislikes his study at schoolC was bom a hundred years agoD goes back to the past in the game58Through the game Alan has realized that whenever he has difficulties he should _.A face them

28、directlyB ask for his fathers adviceC read the words on the boxD escape into the past59What does the author mean by saying “time is elastic” in the last paragraph?A Science can change the meaning of time.B Time is a common topic in filmmaking.C One can travel in space.D One can travel in time.Text 2

29、Parents might say “honesty is the best policy,” but when it comes to talking with their own children, mom and dad lie surprisingly often, finds a new study carried out by researchers in the University of Toronto, Canada.Almost every parent in the study admits having come up with some tales to influe

30、nce a childs actions and feelings. For example, a parent is annoyed by a childs crying and says, “The police will come to get you if you dont stop crying now.” In another example, an uncle has just died and the child is told that he has become a star to watch over the child.Whether parents lie to be

31、nefit themselves or to protect the child, researchers suggest such tall tales could give children mixed messages at a time when they are trying to figure out how to deal with the social world.Lies could also harm the parent-child relationship. It could even keep children from learning certain rules.

32、 “If I am always lying to the child in order to get the child to do X, Y, or Z, then they have never learned why they should do X, Y, or Z.” Heyman, one of the researchers, said.Heyman also said, “It is common for parents to try out various ways, including lying, to guide a child, but most parents n

33、ever think about how it will influence their child. I think parents should figure it out in advance what their general beliefs are, so when it comes to the situation youre working with your beliefs rather than what comes into your head at the moment.”60What did the researchers find out in their rece

34、nt study?A Most parents are strict with their children.B Many parents like to tell police stories.C Few parents believe in honesty.D Parents often lie to children.61What do the underlined words “tall tale” in paragraph 3 mean?A a story mixed with lies.B a story based on truth and facts.C a story too

35、 long to be interesting.D a story beyond childrens understanding.62According to the research, how may children be affected by their parents lies?A They may fall behind in school.B They may lie to their parents too.C They may get confused about the society.D They may feel they are being overprotected

36、.63Whats Heymans suggestion for parents?A Teach their children about rules.B Guide their children on sound beliefs.C Influence their children in various ways.D Figure out childrens problems in advance.Text 3When Tom Szaky sees a juice container thrown away, he doesnt see rubbish; he sees a pencil ca

37、se. Sweet wrappers (包装纸)? A beautiful kite. But these are not the imaginings of a dreamer. For the 28-year-old CEO of Trenton, New Jersey-based TerraCycle, theyre a business model.The fast-talking Szaky is leading the new industry of upcycling. Instead of recycling (shredding or breaking down materi

38、als and enabling them to be reproduced as other products), TerraCycle takes packaging headed for landfills (垃圾填埋) and reuses it - more or less whole. TerraCycles 85 employees make nearly 200 products, sold at shops such as Petco, Kmart, Whole Foods Market, and Target.Szakys $7.4 million company, now

39、 also moving ahead in Mexico, Canada, the United Kingdom and Brazil is a far cry from the business he founded with classmate Jon Beyer in 2023 as a freshman at Princeton University. The two entered a business competition with a plan to sell an organic plant fertilizer () made from worm waste. They l

40、ost the competition but started the business anyway.With their goal - to make products entirely out of rubbish - suddenly clear, Szaky knew the time was right to drop out of Princeton.TerraCycles first product used dining-hall waste to feed the worms and thrown-away bottles to package the fertilizer

41、. The result: a cheap, green breakthrough. Word spread, and in 2023, Home Depot began carrying the fertilizer in its Canadian stores.To Szaky, waste does not exist in nature. TerraCycle is a “second chance” employer of, say, a piece of furniture, an ice-cream container. As Szaky points out: “The big

42、gest problem with most green, fair-trade, and organic products is that they tend to cost more. At TerraCycle, everything is made from rubbish, and rubbish is free. People should be able to protect the planet without having to pay a cost for that right.”64Who is Tom Szaky?A A student at Princeton Uni

43、versity.B The manager of a food company.C An employee of Home Depot.D CEO of TerraCycle.65What do we know about the new industry of upcycling?A It puts waste materials directly into new use.B It promotes completely natural foods.C It buries waste materials in landfills.D It makes organic plant ferti

44、lizer.66How did Szaky get the idea of upcy cling?A From his visits to foreign companies.B From his studies at Princeton University.C Through shopping at big stores in America.D Through the experience of a business competition.67What is the advantage of upcy cling according to Szaky?A The cost is kept low.B The product is free.C The product has a longer life.D More materials are available.Text 4

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