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1、汽车租赁合同范本三篇文章一:汽车租赁合同范本中文:汽车租赁合同甲方(出租方):_乙方(承租方):_鉴于乙方同意受甲方的汽车租赁条款的规定,并且双方就下列汽车的使用达成了协议,现双方特订立如下租赁合同:第一条 租赁车辆1、甲方同意将如下车辆租给乙方:车牌号码:_品牌型号:_发动机号码:_车架号码:_2、车辆将于租期开始时处于良好状态,并且乙方在租期结束时应将车辆还原至原状。第二条 租金及押金1、乙方应向甲方支付租金:每天_(大写)人民币。2、乙方应向甲方支付押金:人民币_元。押金将在租期结束并确认车辆无损坏时退还给乙方。第三条 租期1、租期开始日期:_ 年 月 日2、租期结束日期:_ 年 月 日

2、3、若乙方需要延长租期,应提前24小时通知甲方并支付额外的租金。第四条 使用限制1、乙方同意只能将车辆用于_(详细用途),不得擅自更改车辆结构或用途。2、乙方同意不将车辆出租给第三方、超载或违法使用。第五条 车损险1、甲方应为车辆购买车损险以保护车辆在租期内的损失。2、乙方在发生意外事故或车辆受损时应立刻通知甲方并按照甲方提供的指示处理。第六条 违约责任1、如因乙方故意或过失导致车辆损坏,乙方需承担修复或赔偿责任。2、如乙方逾期未支付租金或违反租赁合同其他条款,甲方有权单方解除合同并要求乙方支付违约金。第七条 其他约定1、本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,自双方签字盖章后生效。2、本合同履行期

3、间如发生争议,甲乙双方应友好协商解决,协商不成提交有管辖权的法院处理。甲方:_ 乙方:_签字:_ 签字:_日期:_ 日期:_英文:Car Rental AgreementParty A (Lessor): _Party B (Lessee): _Whereas Party B agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of Party As car rental agreement, and the parties have reached an agreement on the use of the following car, the part

4、ies hereby enter into the following rental agreement:Article 1 Rental Vehicle1. Party A agrees to rent the following vehicle to Party B:License Plate No.: _Brand/Model: _Engine No.: _Chassis No.: _2. The vehicle will be in good condition at the start of the rental period, and Party B shall return th

5、e vehicle in its original condition at the end of the rental period.Article 2 Rental Fee and Deposit1. Party B shall pay the rental fee to Party A: RMB _ per day.2. Party B shall pay a deposit to Party A: RMB _.The deposit will be refunded to Party B at the end of the rental period after confirming

6、the vehicle is undamaged.Article 3 Rental Period1. Rental Start Date: _ Year Month Day2. Rental End Date: _ Year Month Day3. If Party B needs to extend the rental period, Party B shall notify Party A 24 hours in advance and pay additional rent.Article 4 Use Restrictions1. Party B agrees to only use

7、the vehicle for _ (specific purpose) and may not alter the vehicles structure or purpose without authorization.2. Party B agrees not to sublease the vehicle, overload it, or use it for illegal purposes.Article 5 Collision Insurance1. Party A shall purchase collision insurance for the vehicle to prot

8、ect against losses during the rental period.2. In the event of an accident or damage to the vehicle, Party B shall immediately notify Party A and follow Party As instructions for handling the situation.Article 6 Default Liability1. If damage to the vehicle is caused by Party Bs intentional or neglig

9、ent actions, Party B shall be responsible for the repair or compensation.2. If Party B fails to pay the rent on time or violates other terms of the rental agreement, Party A reserves the right to unilaterally terminate the contract and demand that Party B pay liquidated damages.Article 7 Miscellaneo

10、us Provisions1. This contract is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, effective upon both parties signing and sealing it.2. In the event of a dispute during the performance of this contract, the parties shall seek an amicable solution through negotiation; if negotiation fails, the di

11、spute shall be submitted to a court with jurisdiction.Party A: _ Party B: _Signature: _ Signature: _Date: _ Date: _文章二:汽车租赁合同样本中文:汽车租赁合同本合同由以下双方于_年_月_日签订:甲方:_(以下称为“出租方”)乙方:_(以下称为“承租方”)根据中华人民共和国合同法的规定,在甲、乙双方的自愿、平等和自由意志原则下,经友好协商,就乙方承租甲方车辆达成如下协议:第一条 租赁车辆1、甲方同意出租给乙方以下车辆:车辆型号:_车牌号码:_2、租赁期间内,承租方有权合理使用该车辆,

12、但不得出租、将车辆抵押或转租给他人。第二条 租金及付款方式1、租金为每天人民币_元,乙方应于每_日支付当月租金。2、乙方需向甲方支付相应的押金,押金金额为人民币_元。第三条 保险责任1、甲方应按照法律要求给该车辆购买相应的强制保险,如车辆在租赁期间发生损坏,由甲方负责维修。2、乙方在发生事故时应立即通知甲方,并应积极配合处理事故,如有引起第三方损失的,由乙方负责赔偿。第四条 违约责任1、若乙方违反合同规定,如未按时支付租金、恶意损坏车辆或丢失车辆,应承担相应的违约责任。2、甲方有权在乙方违约时单方解除合同,违约金按照双方协商的金额支付。第五条 合同解除及争议解决1、合同期满或因其他原因解除后,

13、乙方应按时归还车辆,并结清相应费用。2、双方如发生争议,均可友好协商解决,协商不成的,提交当地相关部门处理。甲方:_ 乙方:_签字:_ 签字:_日期:_ 日期:_英文:Car Rental AgreementThis agreement is entered into by the following parties on _, _, _:Party A: _ (hereinafter referred to as Lessor)Party B: _ (hereinafter referred to as Lessee)In accordance with the Contract Law o

14、f the Peoples Republic of China, and through the voluntary, equal, and free will of both parties, after friendly negotiation, the parties have reached the following agreement regarding the leasing of Party As vehicle by Party B:Article 1 Rental Vehicle1. Party A agrees to lease the following vehicle

15、 to Party B:Vehicle Model: _License Plate No.: _2. During the lease period, the Lessee has the right to use the vehicle reasonably, but may not sublease, mortgage, or sublet the vehicle to others.Article 2 Rent and Payment Method1. The rent is RMB _ per day, and the Lessee shall pay the monthly rent

16、 on the _th day of each month.2. The Lessee shall pay the corresponding deposit to Party A, with the deposit amounting to RMB _.Article 3 Insurance Responsibility1. Party A shall purchase the corresponding compulsory insurance for the vehicle as required by law. If the vehicle is damaged during the

17、lease period, Party A shall be responsible for repairs.2. In the event of an accident, the Lessee shall immediately notify Party A and actively cooperate in handling the accident. If third-party losses are involved, the Lessee shall be responsible for compensation.Article 4 Breach of Contract Liabil

18、ity1. If the Lessee violates the provisions of the contract, such as failing to pay rent on time, maliciously damaging the vehicle, or losing the vehicle, they shall bear the corresponding liability for breach of contract.2. Party A has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract if the Lessee

19、breaches the contract, and the amount of liquidated damages shall be paid as mutually agreed upon.Article 5 Termination of Contract and Dispute Resolution1. Upon the expiration of the contract period or termination for other reasons, the Lessee shall return the vehicle on time and settle the corresp

20、onding fees.2. In the event of a dispute between the two parties, they may negotiate an amicable solution. If negotiation fails, they shall submit the dispute to the relevant local authorities for resolution.Party A: _ Party B: _Signature: _ Signature: _Date: _ Date: _文章三:汽车租赁合同示范中文:汽车租赁合同出租方:_承租方:_

21、鉴于承租方同意遵守出租方的汽车租赁合同条款,并双方就如下所述的汽车使用达成协议,故双方特订立如下租赁合同:第一条 租赁车辆1、出租方同意将以下车辆租给承租方:车架号:_车牌号:_品牌型号:_发动机号:_2、车辆应在进入租期时处于良好状态,承租方应在租期结束时将车辆归还,并负责任何由承租方所造成的损坏。第二条 租金及押金1、承租方应向出租方支付租金:每天_(大写)人民币。2、承租方应向出租方支付押金:人民币_元。押金将在租期结束和车辆归还时退还给承租方。第三条 租期1、租期开始日期:_年 月 日2、租期结束日期:_年 月 日3、如承租方需要延长租期,应提前通知并支付额外租金。第四条 使用限制1、

22、承租方同意仅将车辆用于_(详细用途),不得擅自更改车辆结构或用途。2、承租方同意不将车辆出租给第三方、超载或违法使用。第五条 车辆保障责任1、出租方应为车辆购买相应的保险保障车辆在租期内的安全。2、承租方在车辆遭遇意外事故或损坏时应立刻通知出租方并按出租方的指示处理。第六条 违约责任1、如因承租方的过失导致车辆损坏,承租方需承担维修或赔偿责任。2、如承租方逾期未支付租金或违反租赁合同其他条款,出租方有权解除合同并要求承租方支付违约金。第七条 其他约定1、本合同一式两份,出租方和承租方各执一份,于双方签字盖章后生效。2、本合同执行期间如发生争议,双方应友好协商解决,协商不成搁置有管辖权的法院处理

23、。出租方:_ 承租方:_签字:_ 签字:_日期:_ 日期:_英文:Car Rental AgreementLessor: _Lessee: _Whereas the Lessee agrees to abide by the Lessors car rental terms and both parties have reached an agreement on the use of the following car, the parties hereby enter into the following rental agreement:Article 1 Rental Vehicle1

24、. The Lessor agrees to rent the following vehicle to the Lessee:Chassis No.: _License Plate No.: _Brand/Model: _Engine No.: _2. The vehicle shall be in good condition at the start of the rental period, and the Lessee shall return the vehicle at the end of the rental period and be responsible for any damage caused by the Lessee.Article 2 Rent and Deposit1. The Lessee shall pay rent to the Lessor: RMB _ per day.

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