1、备考误区大小作文的分数比例问题 1/3&2/3Task One错误备考只讲词汇和句型,忽略整体结构的分析只讲范文和例文,忽略数据筛选和比较只讲中式的语法,忽略真正的考点内容悲惨结果4.5-5.5-5.0-5.0.无数次的循环,无数次的花钱,无数次的花时间无数次的心惊胆战,无数次的抓耳挠腮噩梦的开始或终结流程图和地图题的解决流程图和地图题的考点流程图最大的障碍=词汇的专业性流程图根据对应图片猜测单词含义根据单词含义推断真题词性流程图已知单词猜测含义对应词组推断词汇eggs蛋/卵下蛋lay/makesilkworm larva虫子变成become/turnsilk thread东西/XX制
2、作make/spincocoon东西/壳完成finish/achievemoth虫子变成transform流程图用已知单词和推断单词造句句与句之间加适当的连接词 时间或者步骤流程图There are four main stages in the lifecycle of a silkworm:first,an adult moth lays eggs on mulberry leaves.After 10 days,each egg becomes a silkworm larva that should be fed on mulberry leaves.This stage lasts
3、for 4 to 6 weeks until the silkworm starts to spin silk thread around itself.流程图About one week later,it finishes the cocoon with silk thread.The silkworm will stay in the cocoon for another 16 days.Eventually,it becomes a moth escaping from the cocoon.Then the lifecycle restarts once more.地图最大的障碍=写作
4、手法的生疏地图地图题的解题顺序是方位顺序地图题的解题思路是图例注释地图重要考点 1.对比关系 2.时态考察地图-before图形变化简单,对于细节有更多描写地图-before整个岛屿是横向 horizontal 距离大概是230米左右-根据比例尺推断东西两侧有树林-woods西侧有海滩-beach地图It is clear that before development,the horizontal island which is about 260 meters long has few trees on both east and west sides.Furthermore,on the
5、 west edge,a small beach is located for tourist in the future.地图-after整个图形变化巨大找到中心点作为起点描述地图-after图形的中心是 reception-有vehicle road连接北侧=餐厅-cafe|南侧=港口-port+pier东西两侧是住宿=accommodation=footpath连接 最西侧的beach改造成为swimming pool地图The layout changes tremendously after building for the whole part of the island.The
6、woods on the east sides keeps for the natural view.However,the west trees are surrounded by some accommodation houses,with a footpath linked to the beach working as a swimming zone at that time.地图Next to the western accommodation,there is a reception building on the east,which has a vehicle track ro
7、ad heading to the south pier for tourist sailing.On the opposite side of the pier,a restaurant stands at the north side near the seashore.The center of the island is designed for another spot for hotels for tourist accommodation with footpaths.备考提示不要在考前大幅度缩小考试范围不要在考前从来不完成写作练习不要在考前听信各种传言和经验近期课程建外写作预测面授班 7月15日开课|010-58695877网络高分直播班 7月12日开课|网络预测直播班 7月22日开课|免费课程7月13日,18日的雅思考生提供雅思写作,口语的免费视频预测课程联系方式新浪微博:杨涛_Design电子邮箱:公众微信: