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1、What is it?mummyThe dead body of a human or animal that has been embalmed(涂防腐剂)(涂防腐剂)and prepared for burial(埋葬)(埋葬).In the movie,what message did the mummy leave?“Death is only a beginning.”“死亡只是一个开始。死亡只是一个开始。”A word believed to have magical(有魔法的)(有魔法的)powers that can harm people.cursepyramidstreas

2、uremummyPrediction(预测)(预测)Read the title and the first paragraph,and predict information in advance.What might be talked about in the following passage?A Howard Carters family B the pyramids of Egypt C the disasters that happened to the explorers D how to make mummiesFast readingFast reading1 What d

3、id Howard Carter love to do?2 What would the team do with the contents(内容内容)in the tomb?3 How many people involved(牵连)(牵连)in the discovery died?He loved to visit and explore new places.They would send all of its contents into a museum.21.Part 2:Part 3:Part 1:(Para13)(Para13)(Para45)(Para45)(Para68)(

4、Para68)A brief(简洁的)(简洁的)i_ of Howard Carter and his most a_ discoveryPeoples strange d_ after the discoveryDifferent e_ about the deathsThe curse of the mummyStructurentroductionmazingeathsxplanationsName Howard CarterJobEducation ExperiencesIn 1891_By the 1920s_In 1922_AchievementsPersonality(性格)ex

5、plorerlearnt to draw from his fatherdiscovered many amazing thingsbrave,bright and curiousset sail for Alexandria,Egypthad become an explorermade his most amazing discoveryDetailed reading para1-3Detailed reading para 3About his most amazing discoveryWhatWhereContentsthe tomb of King Tutankhamunin t

6、he valley of the Kings near Luxortreasure as well as the mummy of the kingThe tomb of King Tutankhamun TutankhamunTutankhamunIf you were Howard Carter,what would you do with the treasure in the tomb?Detailed reading Detailed reading para4-5para4-5Characters Who was he?How did he die?When did he die?

7、Lord CarnarvonPatron(投资者)of Howard CarterGeorge GouldRichard BethellArthur Macenot mentioneda feverafter a few monthsa friend of Carnarvonsa high feversoon after the visitCarters secretaryheart troublefour months latera member of the teamshortly after the discoveryDetailed reading Detailed reading p

8、ara4-5para4-5Were there any other creatures that died after the discovery?Yes.Carters lucky pet bird was swallowed by a snake and Lord Carnarvons dog also died in England.Do you think Howard Carters team was really lucky?Why?Detailed reading para6-8Different explanations about the deaths 1.Some peop

9、le say:_ 2.Others believe that:_ _3.However,still others believe:_ _Conclusion:Conclusion:It remains a _ to this daycoincidencein connection with a mummys curseviruses resulted in illness or even deathriddlesomething unexplainedIn your opinion,what caused the strange deaths actually?Just coincidence

10、?The curse?The viruses?Or anything else?Post readingPost readingDo you think Howard Carter was a success as an explorer?As senior high students,what qualities(品质品质)should we develop in order to succeed in the future?I think we should be:Discussion DiscussionsamplesampleIn order to succeed in the fut

11、ure,we should develop these qualities.Firstly,we should be,becauseSecondlyThirdlyHomework1.Find out these English expressions in the passage.(1)(1)对外面世界好奇对外面世界好奇 (2)(2)起航去埃及起航去埃及 (3)(3)保存的尸体保存的尸体 (4)(4)大约在同一时间大约在同一时间 (5)(5)被蛇吞食被蛇吞食 (6)(6)导致死亡导致死亡 (7)(7)这是曾经被发现的最重要的坟墓。这是曾经被发现的最重要的坟墓。(8)(8)木乃伊的诅咒至今仍然是个谜。木乃伊的诅咒至今仍然是个谜。2.Write a summary about Howard Carter.

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