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1、Unit 20Humour.重要单词聚焦重要单词聚焦1 n 幽默;诙谐幽默;诙谐2 n.(一一)对;对;(一一)双;夫妇双;夫妇3 n.国籍;国家;部落;民族国籍;国家;部落;民族4 vt.使发笑;使愉快使发笑;使愉快5 adv.实际上;事实上实际上;事实上6 n.传统传统7 vi.存在;生存存在;生存humourcouplenationalityamuseactuallytraditionexist8 vi.&vt.运转;操作运转;操作9 adv.幸运地幸运地10 vt.使迷惑;打乱;混淆使迷惑;打乱;混淆11 vt.想要;打算;意指想要;打算;意指12 adj.确定的;无疑的;某确定的;无

2、疑的;某(种种)13 n.笑;笑声笑;笑声14 vt.赏识;鉴赏;感激赏识;鉴赏;感激15 vi.经历或遭受;忍受经历或遭受;忍受16 n.方向;指导;方向;指导;(常用复数常用复数)指示;指示;说明说明(书书)operatefortunatelyconfuseintendcertainlaughterappreciatesufferdirection.重点短语扫描重点短语扫描1 取笑,嘲笑取笑,嘲笑2 回溯至回溯至3 利用某事物利用某事物(某人某人)4 与与关系好关系好5 把把看做看做6 把把(车车)开走;赶走;击退开走;赶走;击退make fun of date back to make

3、use of be on good terms with look on.as.drive off 7 记住记住8 把把表演出来表演出来9 和和一样一样10 打扮打扮 11 撞倒撞倒12 拾起,学到拾起,学到have.in mind act out in common with dress up knock off pick up.课文原句突破课文原句突破1你认为在你的工作中什么是最重要的?你认为在你的工作中什么是最重要的?What_ _ _is the most important thing in your job?答案答案:do you think2再者,我想不是每个人都会认为我的这种幽

4、默好笑。再者,我想不是每个人都会认为我的这种幽默好笑。Still,_ _ _ _everybody will find my kind of humour funny.答案答案:I do not think3逗人们笑的是他们的衣着、装扮和走路姿势。逗人们笑的是他们的衣着、装扮和走路姿势。_ _their clothes,makeup and the way they walk_make people laugh.答案答案:It is;that4我是如此的生气以至于我走过去告诉他我对他的看法。我是如此的生气以至于我走过去告诉他我对他的看法。I was still _angry_I went up

5、 to tell him what I thought of him.答案答案:so;thatis the crosstalk show;where5喜剧演员和喜剧中演员的共同之处是他们都使用俏皮话。喜剧演员和喜剧中演员的共同之处是他们都使用俏皮话。_comedians _ _ _ _the players in a comedy is their way of playing with words.答案答案:What;have in common with6中国典型的是相声表演,两个滑稽演员通过中国典型的是相声表演,两个滑稽演员通过(诙谐的诙谐的)语言游戏逗乐观众。语言游戏逗乐观众。_ _

6、_ _ _ _ _,_a pair or comedians entertains the audience with word play.答案答案:Typical for China intend vt.打算;计划;意指打算;计划;意指教材原句教材原句P52:I intend to.My girlfriend and I intend to get married next year.女朋友和我打算明年结婚。女朋友和我打算明年结婚。I intend Tom to go to the concert with me.我打算让汤姆跟我一块去听音乐会。我打算让汤姆跟我一块去听音乐会。I inten

7、d that John should go and help them with their work.我的意思是要约翰去帮助他们工作。我的意思是要约翰去帮助他们工作。The programme intended for children turned out to be welcome by people of different ages.为孩子准备的节目结果被证明各个年龄段的人都欢迎。为孩子准备的节目结果被证明各个年龄段的人都欢迎。I had intended to give you a hand,but I was busy then.我本来打算帮助你的,但我当时很忙。我本来打算帮助你

8、的,但我当时很忙。1.完成句子完成句子(1)如果我伤害了你,我向你道歉;但说实话,我没想伤害任何人。如果我伤害了你,我向你道歉;但说实话,我没想伤害任何人。I will make an apology to you if I hurt you.To be honest,I _ hurt anyone.答案答案:didnt intend to(2)我仔细地看了这篇文章,了解到那是为农村妇女写的。我仔细地看了这篇文章,了解到那是为农村妇女写的。I looked carefully at the text and realized that it _women in the countryside.

9、答案答案:was intended forcertain adj.肯定的;无疑的;某肯定的;无疑的;某(种种)教材原句教材原句P52:Funny plays often have characters that are stereotypes of nationalities or people doing certain jobs.Mr Jackson is certain of his success.杰克逊先生确信自己会成功。杰克逊先生确信自己会成功。We are not certain whether there is a regular bus service along the r

10、oute.我我们不确定沿这条线路是否有公交班车。们不确定沿这条线路是否有公交班车。It is certain to be healthy and safe for peoples health.它肯定是健康而安全的。它肯定是健康而安全的。For a certain reason,he didnt attend the meeting.因某种原因他没参加会议。因某种原因他没参加会议。辨析:辨析:certain与与sure(1)certain和和sure两个词都可表示两个词都可表示“确信,肯定,对确信,肯定,对有把握有把握”之意,其之意,其后接后接of/about短语、不定式和从句时,用法相同;短

11、语、不定式和从句时,用法相同;make certain与与make sure意义意义相同,均表示相同,均表示“确保,弄清楚确保,弄清楚”。(2)当主语为人时,表语中用当主语为人时,表语中用certain或或sure皆可;但如果用皆可;但如果用it作形式主语时,作形式主语时,表语只能用表语只能用certain。I am not sure whether Ive met him before.我不确定以前是否见过他。我不确定以前是否见过他。It is certain that more people will be aware of the importance of protecting the

12、 environment.肯定会有更多的人意识到保护环境的重要性。肯定会有更多的人意识到保护环境的重要性。2.Is it_that our team will win?Yes,that is for_.Asure;certain Bcertain;sureCmade sure;certain Dmade certain;sure解析解析:It is certain that.It is certain that.句型中只用句型中只用certaincertain不用不用suresure。suresure的主语的主语是人或物,是人或物,for surefor sure肯定地。肯定地。答案答案:Ba

13、ppreciate vt.赏识;鉴赏;感激赏识;鉴赏;感激教材原句教材原句P53:To appreciate the jokes of crosstalk artists,listeners have to know very well what the comedians are talking about.We appreciate your efforts for the development of the company.我们感激你为公司发展所作的努力。我们感激你为公司发展所作的努力。This film can help you to appreciate more about th

14、is novel.这部电影能够帮助你更好地理解这本小说。这部电影能够帮助你更好地理解这本小说。I really appreciate working with someone who does such a good job.我非常我非常乐意与工作如此出色的人共事。乐意与工作如此出色的人共事。I would appreciate it very much if you would help me with my English.如果如果你能帮助我学英语,我会十会感激。你能帮助我学英语,我会十会感激。Id like to show/express my appreciation for ever

15、ything youve done.我谨对我谨对您所做的一切表示感激。您所做的一切表示感激。3.I really appreciate_to relax with you on this nice island.Ato have had time Bhaving timeCto have time Dto having time解析解析:appreciateappreciate后面只能接动名词或名词。后面只能接动名词或名词。答案答案:B4I appreciated_back and greeting that afternoon after our departure.Ayou to call

16、 Byou callCyour calling Dyoure calling解析解析:appreciateappreciate后接后接v.v.inging形式表示形式表示“感激做某事感激做某事”。答案答案:C5(2011青岛市联合模拟青岛市联合模拟)I would appreciate_,to be frank,if goods could be delivered as soon as possible.Ayou BthisCit Dmyself解析解析:考查代词。此处考查代词。此处itit作形式宾语,代替后面的作形式宾语,代替后面的“if goods could be if goods c

17、ould be delivered as soon as possible”delivered as soon as possible”。to be frankto be frank为插入语。为插入语。答案答案:Coperate vt.&vt.操作,运转;经营,管理,做手术操作,运转;经营,管理,做手术教材原句教材原句P54:an operating tableThe doctor said that the patient had to be operated on at once,which made us all worried.医生说这个病人必须立刻做手术,这使我们都非常担心。医生说这

18、个病人必须立刻做手术,这使我们都非常担心。For most people,its almost impossible to operate a computer without a mouse.对大多数人而言,没有鼠标几乎无法操作电脑。对大多数人而言,没有鼠标几乎无法操作电脑。This new machine doesnt operate smoothly.这台新机器运转不灵了。这台新机器运转不灵了。When shall we put the project into operation?我们何时开始运作这项工程?我们何时开始运作这项工程?6.用用operate的适当形式填空:的适当形式填空:

19、His father is_a big company,which_in several cities,making high profits.In return for society,he donated much money to a patient in need,who_on last year.答案答案:operating;operates;was operatedsuffer v遭受;忍受;经历遭受;忍受;经历教材原句教材原句P54:the suffering peasantsThe factory suffered a great loss in the fire.这家工厂在大

20、火中遭受了重大损失。这家工厂在大火中遭受了重大损失。The people in the flooded area are suffering(from)cold and hunger.发生洪发生洪水地区的人们正忍饥挨冻。水地区的人们正忍饥挨冻。He looked very pale and seemed to have suffered a great deal.他看起来脸色苍白,好像很痛苦。他看起来脸色苍白,好像很痛苦。She suffered from loneliness,but she had to learn to like it there.她感到孤她感到孤独,但她得学会喜欢住在那

21、里。独,但她得学会喜欢住在那里。7.完成句子完成句子_(遭受严重损失之后遭受严重损失之后),the businessman didnt have the courage to go on.答案答案:Having suffered such a heavy lossconfuse vt.使迷惑;打扰;混淆使迷惑;打扰;混淆教材原句教材原句P56:Some Asian students get confused and think that the teacher is perhaps not a very good teacher.They asked so many questions tha

22、t they confused me.他们问了许许多多的问题,把我弄糊涂了。他们问了许许多多的问题,把我弄糊涂了。Her unexpected arrival confused all our plans.她的突然到来把我们所有的计划全打乱了。她的突然到来把我们所有的计划全打乱了。I confused her with her sister because they were so alike.我把她和她妹妹弄混了,因为她们长得太像了。我把她和她妹妹弄混了,因为她们长得太像了。There was a confused look on his face when he met with the

23、confusing problem.当他遇到这个使人困惑的难题时,他脸上露出了困惑的表情。当他遇到这个使人困惑的难题时,他脸上露出了困惑的表情。8.用用confuse的适当形式填空:的适当形式填空:Judging from his_expression,he didnt understand the_problem referring to teenagers mental health.答案答案:confused;confusingdate back回溯至回溯至教材原句教材原句P53:Dating back to the Qin Dynasty(221207 BC),the traditio

24、nal crosstalk shows,or xiangsheng shows,have made people all over China roar with laughter for centuries.(1)date back todate from回溯至回溯至(某时期某时期)(2)out of date过时的,过期的过时的,过期的up to date最新最新(uptodate adj.最新式的最新式的)(3)set/fix/make a date约好时间约好时间set/fix a date for sth.约定约定的日期的日期go on a date去约会去约会The old cus

25、tom dates back to/dates from the Han Dynasty.这一古老的传统要追溯到汉代。这一古老的传统要追溯到汉代。My interest in stampcollecting dates from my school days.我集邮的兴趣始于我的学生时代。我集邮的兴趣始于我的学生时代。Have you set a date for the wedding?婚礼的日子定下来了吗?婚礼的日子定下来了吗?date back to/date from表示表示“追溯到,始于追溯到,始于”之意,在句中充当谓之意,在句中充当谓语动词时只用于一般现在时态,同时也不用于被动语态

26、。语动词时只用于一般现在时态,同时也不用于被动语态。9.Jane likes collecting stamps very much.In fact,her interest in it_her school days.Adates back to Bdated back toCdates back from Ddated back from解析解析:date back todate back to或或date fromdate from意为意为“追溯到追溯到”,通常用一般现在时。,通常用一般现在时。答案答案:Acut in突然插到突然插到前面;插嘴;干预前面;插嘴;干预教材原句教材原句P55

27、:A yellow car passed me and suddenly cut in right in front of me,as there was another car coming in the other direction.It is impolite for children to cut in when their seniors are talking.长辈谈话长辈谈话时孩子们插嘴是不礼貌的。时孩子们插嘴是不礼貌的。Because of the terrible earthquake,the electricity of the city has been cut off

28、.由于可怕的地震,城市里的供电被中断了。由于可怕的地震,城市里的供电被中断了。Many people have tried many ways to cut down their daily expenses to live through the hard time.为了度过这段困难的日子,许多人都在想尽方法来减少生为了度过这段困难的日子,许多人都在想尽方法来减少生活费用。活费用。10.(2010安徽省重点中学高三检测安徽省重点中学高三检测)I was just talking to my old friend when Mary_.Acut in Bcut downCcut out Dcu

29、t up解析解析:cut incut in插话。可根据插话。可根据talking to my old friendtalking to my old friend得出答案得出答案。答案答案:A11Our teacher advised you to_the article that is too long so as to make it fit the space.Acut away Bcut throughCcut up Dcut down解析解析:根据根据too longtoo long和和fit the spacefit the space可知应选可知应选D D项。项。cut down

30、cut down削减,删节。削减,删节。cut awaycut away切去,走开;切去,走开;cut throughcut through抄近路通过;抄近路通过;cut upcut up切碎。切碎。答案答案:D(P53)What comedians have in common with the players in a comedy is their way of playing with words.喜剧演员和喜剧中演员的共同之处是他们都使用俏皮话。喜剧演员和喜剧中演员的共同之处是他们都使用俏皮话。本句是一个主从复合句,本句是一个主从复合句,what引导的是主语从句,表示一个抽象的概念。

31、引导的是主语从句,表示一个抽象的概念。what意为意为“所所的的(东西东西)”,在结构上等于一个名词加一个由,在结构上等于一个名词加一个由that或或which引导的定语从句。引导的定语从句。What parents say and do has a lifelong effect on their children.父母的言行对孩子有长远的影响。父母的言行对孩子有长远的影响。What we cant get seems better than what we have.我们得不到的东西似乎比我们拥有的好。我们得不到的东西似乎比我们拥有的好。We now live in what is cal

32、led the Information Age.我们现在生活在所谓的信息时代。我们现在生活在所谓的信息时代。A new modern city has been set up in what was a waste land ten years ago.一个现代化的新城市在十年前是一片废墟中建立起来。一个现代化的新城市在十年前是一片废墟中建立起来。12.(2010北京卷北京卷)_some people regard as a drawback is seen as a plus by many others.AWhether BWhatCThat DHow解析解析:句意为:一些人认为是劣势的东

33、西,而另外许多人则会把它当作优句意为:一些人认为是劣势的东西,而另外许多人则会把它当作优势。本题考查主语从句。从句中谓语动词势。本题考查主语从句。从句中谓语动词regardregard后面缺少宾语,应用后面缺少宾语,应用whatwhat来作宾来作宾语并引导从句。语并引导从句。答案答案:B13(山东高考山东高考)_was most important to her,she told me,was her family.AIt BThisCWhat DAs解析解析:句意为:她告诉我,对她来说最重要的是她的家庭。本题考查句意为:她告诉我,对她来说最重要的是她的家庭。本题考查whatwhat引导的名词

34、性从句作句子的主语。也就是说句子可以调整为:引导的名词性从句作句子的主语。也就是说句子可以调整为:What was most What was most important to her was her family.important to her was her family.注意:命题者故意在句中插入了注意:命题者故意在句中插入了she told she told meme,这要求考生能快速地识别出来。,这要求考生能快速地识别出来。答案答案:C14(福建高考福建高考)Its none of your business_other people think about you.Believ

35、e yourself.Ahow BwhatCwhich Dwhen解析解析:考查名词性从句。考查名词性从句。itit作形式主语,所填词引导的从句作句子真正的作形式主语,所填词引导的从句作句子真正的主语,引导词作从句的宾语,指物用主语,引导词作从句的宾语,指物用whatwhat。答案答案:B.品句填词品句填词1We would_(感激感激)you letting us know of any problems.答案答案:appreciate2No one knows why she speaks English with a strong Dutch_(口音口音)though shes from

36、 French.答案答案:accent3All applicants will be considered regardless of age,sex,religion or_(国籍国籍)答案答案:nationality4Theres a_(传统传统)in our family that we have a party on New Years Eve.答案答案:traditional5He had a great sense of_(幽默幽默)and when we first met,I was instantly attracted to him.答案答案:humour6Her pare

37、nts were very pleased to see she made_(快的快的)progress in her English.答案答案:rapid.翻译句子翻译句子1他打算在剧中扮演哈姆雷特的角色,但导演不同意。他打算在剧中扮演哈姆雷特的角色,但导演不同意。(intend;act the role)_ _答案答案:He intended to act the role of Hamlet in the play,but the director didnt agree.2由于这两个男孩没有什么共同之处,所以我们没有人知道他们是兄弟。由于这两个男孩没有什么共同之处,所以我们没有人知道他

38、们是兄弟。(as引导原因状语从句;引导原因状语从句;have.in common)_ _ _答案答案:As the two boys have nothing in common,none of us knew that they are brothers.3即使这些机器日夜运转,我们也不可能按时完成这些工作。即使这些机器日夜运转,我们也不可能按时完成这些工作。(even though引导让步状语从句;引导让步状语从句;operate)_ _ 答案答案:Even though the machines operate night and day,we cant finish the job o

39、n time.4你提了一大堆问题,肯定把他们都弄糊涂了。你提了一大堆问题,肯定把他们都弄糊涂了。(certain;confuse)_ _ 答案答案:It was certain that you confused them by asking so many questions.5他一直被认为是这座城市最好的律师之一。他一直被认为是这座城市最好的律师之一。(look on.as)_ _ 答案答案:Hes always been looked on as one of the best lawyers in the city.语法专练语法专练本单元语法本单元语法动词动词inging形式作定语和宾

40、语补足语形式作定语和宾语补足语1(2010温州检测温州检测)I find singing Karaoke_,for it takes my mind off my work for a while.Abeing relaxed Bto relaxCrelaxed Drelaxing解析解析:该题考查分词。句意为该题考查分词。句意为“我觉得唱卡拉我觉得唱卡拉OKOK令人放松,因为它让我暂令人放松,因为它让我暂时不去想工作的事情时不去想工作的事情”,find singing Karaoke relaxingfind singing Karaoke relaxing是是findfind的复合结构,的

41、复合结构,relaxingrelaxing是宾语补足语,意为是宾语补足语,意为“令人放松的,使人懒洋洋的令人放松的,使人懒洋洋的”。答案答案:D2(2010陕西教学检测陕西教学检测)It looks like my cousin,but I dont remember him_a pair of glasses.Ato wear BworeCwear Dwearing解析解析:考查非谓语动词。考查非谓语动词。wearwear和其逻辑主语之间是主动关系,故这里用现和其逻辑主语之间是主动关系,故这里用现在分词作宾语补足语。在分词作宾语补足语。答案答案:D3(2011成都第一次诊断成都第一次诊断)A

42、t the airport,a man dressed in a black suit was caught_on the clean floor.Aspit BspittingCspat Dto spit解析解析:现在分词作主语补足语。现在分词作主语补足语。catch sb.doing sth.catch sb.doing sth.意为意为“发现某人正发现某人正在做某事在做某事”。答案答案:B4(2011江西重点中学联考江西重点中学联考)In common practice,an Englishman starts a conversation_with“What a good day!”a

43、nd_it with phrases like“See you.”or“Bye.”Abeginning;ending Bbegins;endingCbeginning;ends Dbegins;ends解析解析:考查非谓语动词和句子结构。考查非谓语动词和句子结构。beginning with“What a good beginning with“What a good dayday!”是分词短语作后置定语,修饰是分词短语作后置定语,修饰conversationconversation;根据句中的并列连词;根据句中的并列连词andand可知空格处与前面的谓语动词可知空格处与前面的谓语动词star

44、tsstarts并列,并列,答案答案:C5I smell something_in the kitchen.Can I call you back in a minute?Aburning BburntCbeing burnt Dto be burnt解析解析:句意为:我闻到了厨房中有东西烧焦的味道,过一会,我再给你打句意为:我闻到了厨房中有东西烧焦的味道,过一会,我再给你打电话好吗?电话好吗?burnt(burnt(烧焦,烧毁烧焦,烧毁)表完成;表完成;being burnt(being burnt(正在被烧毁,烧焦正在被烧毁,烧焦)表表进行被动;进行被动;to be burnt(to be burnt(会被烧毁,烧焦会被烧毁,烧焦)表将来被动,存在人为因素;表将来被动,存在人为因素;burning(burning(在烧焦、烧毁在烧焦、烧毁)不存在人为因素。不存在人为因素。答案答案:A 课时作业课时作业练规范、练技能、练速度

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