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1、English For English For DebateDebateWhat is a Debate?What is a Debate?Adebateisaformofargument.Itcontainstwoteamsarguingoppositesidesofa“proposition”inanorderlymanner,followingtheagreeduponrules.Theteamthatagreeswiththetopiciscalledtheaffirmativeandtheteamthatdisagreeswiththetopiciscalledthenegative

2、.Teamsarguetheirpropositionusingreasoningandevidence.The Benefits of a Debatedeveloppositiveattitudestowardtheintellectualexchangeofideasdevelopaninterestintheinvestigationofissuesandproblemsbecomemoreadeptatdevelopingandputtingforwardideaslearntothinkquicklylearntoworkasateamdevelopleadershipskills

3、developspeakingandlisteningskills.To be a good debater,you needTo be a good debater,you needtheconfidencetospeakinpublic.theabilitytopresentanargumentpersuasively.thevisiontounderstandthattherearetwosidestomostarguments.therespectforothers,toletthemhavetheirsay.thesenseoftiming,toprioritizeyourmater

4、ialandspeakinagiventimeperiod.the structure to order your thoughts,to introduce,develop and summarize your points.the general and specific knowledge of many current affairs topics,learnt through research and debate.the flexibility to react quickly to new ideas,and to remain unflustered in crises.Pre

5、paring for a debate,you should learn tousealibrary,andtofindtheexactinformationyouneedintheshortestpossibletime.tobethoroughandaccurate.toanalyze,todistinguishbetweenthevitalandtheunimportant.tolearntheneedofprovingyourstatements;ofsupportingeverystatementwithvalidevidenceandsoundreasoningtodemandth

6、esamesortofproofforthestatementsofothers.topresentideasinaclearandeffectivemanner,andinaway,whichwinsotherstoyourwayofthinking.tothinkunderpressure,to“usehishead”inatimeofneed,tomakedecisionsquicklyandaccurately.How to Construct How to Construct Effective Arguments Effective Arguments LanguageAccura

7、tepronunciationArticulationDiversepaceandpitchVocabulary.Avoidspeakingtooquickly.TrytoavoidbeingtoonervousContent Contentcanbedividedintoargumentsandsupportingmaterials.Anargumentisastatement“Thetopicistrueorfalse(dependingonwhichsideyouareon)becauseofx”,wheretheargumentfillsinforthex.Forexampleinth


9、ortyourarguments.Supportingmaterialscanbeexamples.Yourargumentscanalsobebackedupwithothersupportingmaterials,likereasons,statistics,andevenwithanecdotes,idioms,proverbs,quotationsandanalogies.DeliveryCue cardsDonotwriteoutallyourspeechoncuecards.Debatingisanexerciseinlivelyinteractionbetweentwoteams

10、andbetweentheaudiences,notinreadingaspeech.Theaudiencecantellwhenyouarereading.Usecuecardsthesamewayyouwoulduseaprompt(提示词)提示词)inaplay.Theyarethereforreferenceifyouloseyourspot.Eye contactEye contactVoiceVoice Body languageBody language RememberConfidenceisvitalindebate.Yourpresentation,speech,andap

11、pearancematteralmostasmuchasyourdeliveryandyourcontent.SoDressappropriatelyHavenotesprepared.Youdonotwantyourdebatetobeanoralpresentationofawrittenessay.Practicespeakingaloudinfrontofamirrorandtheninfrontofotherpeople.Refute argumentsRefutationistheprocessofprovingthatanargumentoraseriesofarguments,

12、ortheconclusionsdrawnfromthatargumentorarguments,isfalse,erroneous,oratleastdoubtful.Inadebate,effectiverefutationsarekeytosuccess.Refutationshouldbehandledsystematically.Guidelines to followAnticipate what your opponent will say.Take careful notes of what your opponent says and note your reactions

13、to what is said.Find your opponents fallacies in arguments and attack on that basisOrganize your arguments effectively.Avoid fallacies in argumentsMakingeffectiveandlogicalargumentsisthemosteffectivekeytosuccessinadebate.Tomakeyourargumentssound,youhavetobecarefulaboutfallaciesinreasoning.Typical fa

14、llacies Emotional argumentEmotional argument Emotional arguments are based on feelings,not logic.For example,Listen!I love New Zealand.I love the All Blacks,the Tall Ferns.We should get down on our knees and thank the sporting gods for them”Doubtful authorityAnargumentsupportedbyapersonwhoisnotaccep

15、tedasanexpertisconsidered ineffective.Hereisoneexample:Let us consider the questions of sport.My Dad told me that the Americas Cup is organized for millionaires,and funded by the money the Australians pay us to lose to them in all sports.Circular argument Youshouldavoidargumentsthatgoroundandroundbu

16、tnevergettothepoint.Forexample:Segregation should be prohibited for it is morally wrong;we know it is morally wrong because it is a practice that should be prohibited.Irrelevant conclusion Another typical type of fallacy is forming an argument that can not be proved by the ideas put forward.For inst

17、ance:All these points go to show that on this planet we are the greatest sporting nation ever!Limited example Youshouldavoidanargumentwhichonlyappliesinafewsituations.Hereisoneexample:And what about Peter Hillary climbing Everest?That is proof that we are the worlds top climbing nation.Personal atta

18、ck Personalattackmeanscriticizingthespeakerinsteadofwhattheyhavesaid,Donotcriticizetheindividualspeakers,criticizewhattheysay.Oral Functions BankHow to agree strongly with an opinionI couldnt agree more!Thats absolutely trueAbsolutely/Sure/Good idea.Definitely/Exactly.I agree completely/entirely wit

19、h this idea.I totally agree with you.I take your pointId go along with youIm with you on that.Im for you/on your side.I think so too.You can say that again.I dont think so either.Thats just what I want to say/what I mean/what I was thinking.Thats exactly what I think.Thats a good point.Thats just ho

20、w I see it.Thats exactly my opinion.That sounds perfect/a good idea.Sounds good to me.I have no objection to it.How to disagree strongly with an opinionAre you crazy?What?You must be joking.Thats absurd/ridiculous!Nonsense/Rubbish!No way.Just on the contrary/Just the other way round.I disagreeIm afr

21、aid I dont agree.Im afraid you are wrong.I think you are absolutely wrong!I really cant agree.I wouldnt accept that for one minute.You cant really mean that.I wouldnt go along with you there.You cant be serious.Thats your opinion,but not mine.To tell you the truth,I have different opinions.You must

22、be joking.I think this idea is impossible/impractical/bad.I think this idea cannot be implemented.I dont agree with this idea.I think it is a bad idea.Half agree with an opinionYes,perhaps.Well,yes.Yes,in a way.Mmm,possibly.Yes,I agree up to a point.Well,youve got a point there.Theres something in t

23、hat,I suppose.I guess you could be right.Yes,I suppose so.I agree partially with this idea.This idea is partially right.I sort of agree.Thats worth thinking about.Maybe.How to disagree politely with an opinionI am not so sure really.Do you think so?Well,it depends.Im not so certain.Well,I dont know.

24、Well,lm not so sure about that.Mmm,Im not really sure youre right.Im not sure that I agree with this idea.Im inclined to disagree with that.No,I dont think so really.I think this idea is possible,butThe project is feasible,but.As a matter of fact,I would say How to present both sides of an argumentO

25、n the one hand.,on the other hand.Although its true to say that.,its also true to say that.AssignmentGet ready to take part in a debate on the topic you are going to choose.Your debate should cover:distributionoftherolesclearstatementofyourargumentsvalidevidenceandsoundreasoningbriefandtothepointsum

26、maryTimelimit:Firstdebater:1minsSecond&thirddebater:30secondsLastdebater:1minsFreedebate:10minsTopics for further debate1.Can we live without our mobile phone?2.Should college students be allowed to rent a house off-campus?3.Does EQ outweigh IQ for a successful career?4.Children:to have or not to ha

27、ve?5.Is the College Entrance Examination the best way for universities to enroll students in China?6.Does the pursuit of money contradict with the pursuit of morality?Responsibilities You are now a member of your selected team.Your team will be graded as a whole.Be sure that you work together so tha

28、t all members of your team have an adequate background of the positions and arguments that you will be proposing.-1.There will be an opening statement made by your team.This should be 1 minute long and should state your teams position and the arguments/solutions you will be proposing.Responsible Members:_Useful Expressions主席评委一辩二辩对方辩友正方反方chairmanjudgefirst debatersecond debatermy fellow debatersthe positive sidethe con sidenHonorable judges,distinguished guests,ladies and gentlemen Assessment Presentation 20%Questioning 5%Answering 20%Free debate 20%Summarizing 20%Demeanor 15%

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