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1、 迎儿童节英语发言稿 六一儿童节英语说课稿敬重的各位评委、各位教师: 大家好!今日我说课的内容是义务训练课程标准试验教科书语文一年级下册语文园地六的口语交际怎么过六一儿童节。下面 我将从教材分析与教学资源整合、教学策略、教学实施 和教学反思四个方面进展说课。 Honorable judges, dear teacher: hello! Today I am teaching is the compulsory education curriculum standard experiment textbook “Chinese“ the first grade 2 Chinese garden

2、six oral communication “how children”s day“. Below I will from the analysis of the teaching material and teaching resources, teaching strategies, four aspects of teaching and teaching reflection teaching. 一、教材分析与教学资源整合1.教材与教学资源分析本次口语交际的话题是怎样过“六一“儿童节。分两个层面练说:一是沟通在幼儿园时是怎样过“六一“的;二是设想小学的第一个“六一“节怎样度过。 A,

3、 analysis of the teaching material and teaching resources integration of 1 textbooks and teaching resources of the oral communicative topic is how to live “six one“ children”s day. Includes two aspects: one is the communication practice speaking in kindergarten is all about “six one“; the two is how

4、 to spend the first “six one“ on the primary school section. 2.学生学情分析一年级学生活泼好动,喜爱喧闹,喜爱节日,“六一“儿童节是 每个小朋友憧憬和期盼的日子, 且本次六一节是孩子们进入小学后的 第一个儿童节,让学生在感受欢乐的同时,要引导他们来筹划过一个 有意义的儿童节,注意培育学生学会关怀和帮忙他人。 Analysis of the first grade students active learning, 2 students like lively, like the festival, “six one“ childre

5、n”s Day is everybody yearning and look forward to the day, and the children”s Day is the first children”s Day children enter primary school after, let the students feel happy at the same time, to guide them to plan a a meaningful day, pay attention to the cultivation of students learn to care and he

6、lp others. 3.教学目标依据语文课程标准的要求,围绕口语交际课的根本目标,乐观提倡自主、合作、探究的学习方式,努力创设开放、有活力的学习气氛,使学生的语文素养得到全面提高,本课的目标定为:力量训练目标:能简要叙述自己在幼儿园时过儿童节的经受,培育与人沟通的力量;能在小组争论中,仔细听别人讲话,把“怎样过小学第一个儿童节“的设想说清晰,培育合作交际力量。 3 teaching goals according to the “Chinese course standard“ requirement, according to the basic goal of oral communic

7、ation course, actively promote autonomy, cooperation, and explore ways of learning, efforts to create a learning atmosphere active, open, the Chinese accomplishment of students improve, the goal is: training objectives: to briefly talk about the their children”s day in kindergarten experience, abili

8、ty to communicate with people; in group discussions, carefully listen to others speak, the idea of “how primary school the first children”s Day“ said clearly, cultivate cooperative communication ability. 情感、态度目标:能在情境中感受到沟通、合作的乐趣;激发表达的兴趣与自信;品尝童年的欢乐、美妙。 Emotion, attitude target: can feel the exchanges

9、, cooperation in the context of the fun; stimulate interest and confidence in expression; taste the joy of childhood, beautiful. 4.教学重难点重点:学生能在沟通的过程中,把自己的设想说清晰,对于感兴趣的一方面,能说得更详细些。 4 the importance and difficulties in teaching focus: students in the exchange process, put their ideas clearly, for the h

10、and of interest, can more specifically. 难点:学生能综合自己与他人的想法,把过节的设想说详细、清晰,与人大方地进展沟通。 Difficulties: students can own and others, the holiday plan that specific, clear, and the National People”s Congress party to communicate. 二、教学策略1、教学理念与设计思想课程标准在第一学段对口语交际的目标是:“学讲一般话,逐步养成讲一般话的习惯;能仔细听别人讲话,努力了解讲话的主要内容;与别人交

11、谈,态度自然大方,有礼貌;有表达的自信念,乐观参与争论,对感兴趣的话题发表自己的意见。“所以在教学时,我主要是利用课件展现,通过创设情境,激发学生说的欲望,引导学生乐观争论,主动表现,英勇地发表自己的看法,做到举止文明、态度自然、语言清晰明白。 Two, teaching strategies, teaching concept and design idea of the 1 curriculum standards in the first stage of oral communicative goal is: “learn to speak Mandarin, and graduall

12、y develop the habit of speaking Putonghua; to seriously listen, try to understand the main contents of the speech; talk with others, naturally generous attitude, polite expression of; self-confidence, actively participate in the discussion, on topics of interest to express their views. “So in the te

13、aching, I mainly use the courseware show, through the creation of context, to stimulate students” desire to say, guide the students to actively discuss, active, brave to express their opinions, do civilized behavior, attitude, clear natural language. 2、教法选择与学习指导本课教学采纳直观教学法和互动教学法, 以现实生活为主要源泉, 借助多媒体教学

14、手段,创设情景,采纳师生对话、生生对话和小组沟通等多种互动形式, 让师生双方在活动中相互沟通、沟通、启发、补充。指导学生采 用“合作探究、观看思索、沟通反应“等方法,让学生始终在教师的 引导下动脑、动口, 使学生在活动中发挥自办法识和制造才能, 激发他们参加活动的兴趣。 2, teaching and learning to guide the teaching using the direct teaching method, interactive teaching method, taking the real life as the main source, the use of mu

15、ltimedia teaching means, the creation of scenarios, the teacher-student dialogue, dialogue among students and group communication and other interactive forms, make both teachers and students in the activities of mutual communication, communication, inspiration, supplement. Guiding students to adopt

16、the “cooperation and inquiry, observation and thinking, communication and feedback“, let students are always under the guidance of teachers in brain, moving mouth, make students play independent consciousness and creativity in the activity, to stimulate their interest in participating in the activit

17、ies. 三、教学实施(一)教学程序1、猜谜、创设情境,激发沟通兴趣2、想象、回忆3、“我参加,我欢乐“,设计今年的六一活动4、模拟情境,拓展交际5课堂总结,课外延长(二)实施策略在这节口语交际课中,我以一个谜语揭题,让学生知道今日的话题与“六一“儿童节有关,再以课件出示往年学校庆六一的画面创设情境,激发学生交际的兴趣。在口语训练的过程中表达一个递进的层次:先沟通幼儿园时的过节经受,让学生畅所欲言,教师不加点评,让学生尽情进入沟通状态。对于刚刚过去的去年的“六一“节,大局部孩子都记忆犹新。所以刚刚过去的六一,这会引起孩子们共同的关注兴趣,会激起孩子共同的沟通兴趣。口语交际,对于一年级的孩子来说

18、,有话说,有兴趣说,想着说,抢着说,是教学胜利的关键。第一个话题的话茬翻开了,也就翻开了孩子们过这个六一的想象的大门,然后沟通争论,拟定今年庆祝活动方案。在说活动方案之前我给学生提出明确的说和听的要求,直切本节课的训练目标。接下来分组合作沟通,让任务详细化,让学生有话可说,说得详细,说得生动,培育协作精神。最终设计一个邀请的环节,让学生展现训练的成果,同时培育其在交际过程中的文明礼貌习惯,以突破本节课的难点。最终,课外延长跟儿童节有关的学问,了解一些贫困地区的儿童状况,从而珍惜现在幸福生活。这几个循序渐进的训练环节让学生不断提高交际力量。 Three, the implementation o

19、f teaching (a) teaching procedure 1, guessing, creating situations, stimulate interest, imagination, memory 2 AC 3, “I participate, I happy“, design six one this year 4, simulation, expand communication 5 classroom summary, extension (two) implementation in this section of oral communication course

20、I open questions, with a riddle, let the students know the topic today with the “six one“ children”s day, and then to teach in the school celebrates the six one picture to create situations, to stimulate students interest in communication. A manifestation of progressive levels during oral training i

21、n communication: first kindergarten when the holiday experience, allow students to speak one”s mind freely, teachers do not add comments, let the students to enter the state of alternating current. For the past year “six one“ festival, most children are still fresh in our memory. So the past six one

22、, it will cause children common attention interest, children can arouse interest in common communication. Oral communication, for the first grade children, it is said, are interested in that, thinking that, rob to say, is the key to the success of teaching. The first topic of the US Open, opens the

23、children through the six one thought the door, then exchange discussion, make this celebration programmes. Give me the student to put forward specific speaking and listening requirements before the said program of activities, training aim straight Qieben class. The next packet exchange and cooperati

24、on, make specific tasks, students have many things to say, more specific, speaks vivid, cultivate team spirit. Finally, design an invitation link, let the students show the results of training, and training in the communication process of good manners and habits, to break through the difficulty of t

25、he class. Finally, extension related to children”s knowledge, know some children in poor areas, to cherish the happy life. Training the progressive students constantly improve their communicative competence. 四、教学反思1、教学实施效果和教学目标的达成俗话说“水尝无华,相荡乃成涟漪;石本无火,对击始发灵光。“由于小学生对于生活中交际细节的回忆往往是零碎的,不能够鲜活生动地再现出来。而情境体

26、验却可以帮学生再现生活交际的场景,把过去活生生的东西反映在大脑中,依据阅历合理地运用思维,形成丰富而真实的感性材料。让学生在生动形象的情境世界里,充实而愉悦地走一遭,交际的情感被诱发,交际的欲望被点燃,心灵在欢乐地舞蹈,语言在漂亮地绽放。就简单到达境存情自生,情动而辞发的佳境。所以,在口语交际教学的课堂上,打动学生的是情,感染学生的是境。在本课教学中,我紧紧抓住“创设情境,角色体验“这个舞台,努力做到学生人人参加,个个学听学说,使每个学生都能得到熬炼的时机。 Four, teaching reflection 1, teaching effect and teaching goals as t

27、he saying goes “water taste without China, swing is a stone of the ripple; no fire, attacking originating aura. “Pupils are often fragmented for the communication of the details of life memories, can not live vividly reproduced. But the situation experience can help students to reproduce life commun

28、ication scenarios, the last living things reflected in the brain, the rational use of thought according to experience, formed abundant sensibility materials and true. Let the students in the context of world vivid, rich and pleasant walk, communication emotion is evoked, communicative desire to be l

29、it, in the heart of the happy dance, bloom in the beautiful language. It is easy to reach the exit to inventory self, love moving speech hair off. So, in the oral communication teaching in class, the students touched is love, infection of students is environment. In this course, I firmly grasp the “

30、creating situation, role experience“ this stage, efforts to achieve the participation of all students, each school to theory, so that each student can get a chance to exercise. 重视在小组内的沟通环节,由于一年级的小朋友年纪小,胆子小,先在小组内沟通可以增加他们的自信念。 Pay attention to exchange links within a team, because the first grade children age is small, timid, to discuss in groups can enhance their self-confidence.

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