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1、Message of the Land Pira Sudham第1页R einforcementT ext AnalysisUnit 3Message of the LandB ackgroundWarming up第2页WBTRMessage of the LandQuestionsCheck-onPreviewObjectivesWarming upUnit 3第3页WarmingupQuestionsWBTRWhat does“land”mean to you?What are the differences among“land”,“soil”and“earth”?第4页materia

2、linthetoplayerofthesurfaceoftheearthinwhichplantscangrow土地territoryoverwhichruleorcontrolisexercised国土thesolidpartoftheearthssurface陆地earth是相对于天空或太空而言“地面”;land是指地球表面相对于海洋而言时“地面”ground指人们在上面行走地面或含有一定面积程度空地。soil主要表示栽培植物“土壤”,也可引申为“国土,国度”。Questions第5页Check-on PreviewMark each of the statements“T”for tru

3、e or“F”for false.1.Thefarmerinheritedthelandfromhisfatherandwantedtopassitdowntohischildren.2.Thewomanlovedherchildrendearlyandwasveryconcernedabouttheirlifeawayfromhome,whileherhusbanddidnotcareabit.3.Thevillagersusedtogrowtheirownfood,maketheirowncrafts,anddigtheirownwell,butnowtheyhavetohirepeopl


5、ttheauthorandhisworks.3.Appreciatethewritingstyleandmetaphorsused.4.Thinkaboutsuchtopicsasurbanizationandglobalizationandformyourownopinions.Warmingup第7页BackgroundGenreAuthorBWTRUnit 3Message of the Land第8页BackgroundAuthor LifeBWTRBorninaremoteEsarnvillageinThailandFirstlanguageLaoTempleboyinBangkok

6、曼谷at14ThailandstopuniversityScholarshiptoNewZealandtostudyEnglish30-yearodysseythroughNewZealand,Australia,HongKong,theUK,Germany,andSwitzerlandRetiredtoasolitarylifeinhishomevillagein1997,helpingneedystudentsandteachersinaprivateschoolwithfundssetupbyhimselfPira Sudham(1942-)第9页BackgroundHis WorksB

7、WTRSiamese Drama(laterrenamedTales of Thailand)(1983)People of Esarn(1987)Monsoon Country(1988)The Force of Karma()第10页People of EsarnPiraSudhamconveystheinnervoicesofhissubjectsregardlessofhowilliterate,timidandinsignificanttheyseemintheirdailylives.Theirsimplicityandsensitivitycomethroughhisdirect

8、andclearprose,yetmovingandtouching.Hewriteswithunderstandingandcompassionforhispeople.ForeignwriterswritingabouttheThaipeoplelookatThailandfromtheoutside,butPiraSudhamwritesabouthispeopleandcountryasseenfromtheinside.Thisisoneofthethingsthatmakesthemsofascinating.His Works第11页Monsoon CountryIt depic

9、ts the problems of socialtransition in present day Thailandandgivesinsights intoThailifeinthe rural northeast.It is set inThailand,EnglandandGermanytoconveytheculturaltensionbetween the East and the West,the clashes between the newpowersandtheoldvalues,coveringthespanof25yearsofthesocial-economic an

10、d political changesoccurringinThailand.His Works第12页BackgroundHis InfluenceBWTRuOneofThailandsbestknownnovelistsuNomineeofthe1990NobelPrizeofLiteratureu“DavidofThailand”Sudhamsworksareconcernedwithsocial-economic-politicalchangesoccurringinThailand.Widelyreadandhighlyacclaimed,hisbookshavegivenavoic

11、etothepoorandthevoiceless.Thesimplicityandsensitivityofthepoorandthelowcomethroughhisdirectandclearprose,yetmovingandtouching.第13页IfIhadnotleftmyvillagethen,Iwouldhavebeensubject,likemostvillagers,tothemercyof nature:floods,drought,disease,ignorance andscarcity.With endurance,I would have acceptedth

12、em as my own fate,as something I cannot goagainstinthislife.”InmymindIcarrymemoriesofchildhood,oflifeinvillages,muchasapregnantwomancarryingachild.Everydaytheseimagesgrow,andIknowthatonedayIshallhavetogivebirthtothemthroughthemediumofwriting.Besides,Idontwantpeopleinour villages,so far removed from

13、other peoplesbecauseofdistanceandpoverty,tobeborn,sufferandtodieinvain.Pira Sudhams Own Words:第14页BangkokBangkok,is the capital and largest city of Thailand.Bangkok is one of the fastest-growing,most economically dynamic and socially progressive cities in Southeast Asia.But it suffers from social pr

14、oblems as a result of its rapid growth.It is also one of the worlds most popular tourist destinations.第15页BangkokBangkok16Bangkok is the economic center of Thailand.Tourism is a major source of revenue.The city contains many Buddhist temples(known in Thai as Wats),The city is a famous jewelry center

15、,buying and selling silver and bronze ware第16页17第17页Thai BuddhismBuddhism is Thailands main religion.94%of Thai people are Buddhist.Buddhism is linked with the historical Indian prince,Siddharta Gautama(释释迦迦牟牟尼尼),who became the Buddha and reached the enlightenment.Now his teachings are still followe

16、d.His teachings say that people suffer because they are attached to material things,to women or men by heart links.These links cause suffer,jealousy and pain.People are never satisfied,i.e.they want more money,more power.The aim of Buddhism is to get rid of these pains and of these links.第18页Thai Bu

17、ddhism If you have done good deeds in your life,next life will be better.If you have done bad deeds,next life will be harsh.第19页Monks in Thailand20Monks life is based on 227 monastic mnstk僧 侣 rules and 5 major precepts,i.e.no sex,no lies,no robbery,no alcohol,no killing.A boy is not a man if he hasn

18、t been a monk once in his life.Even the King of Thailand Rama 9(罗罗摩摩)had been a monk for one month.In old days this period was three months.Now it can be only a few weeks or a few days.第20页Monks in Thailand21Some families still refuse to marry their daughter if the future husband hasnt ever been a m

19、onk.It means that he isnt ripe enough.A boy that becomes a monk for a few months is making a really good action towards his parents.In a bus,seats in the back are reserved to monks.If a woman is sitting there,she should leave because a woman cannot touch a monk.第21页BackgroundGenreBWTREssay based on

20、an interviewInterviewer:theauthorInterviewees:afarmerandhiswifeTopic:lifeinthecountry(note:Since the World War II it has become popular for writers to interview people,record what they say and,after some,not too much,editing,publish these peoples stories in book form.)第22页ActivitiesWBTRInterview:Org

21、anizetheclassintogroupsof4withoneasareporterandtheother3asinterviewees.Topic:ChineseuniversitystudentsviewofthelifeandpeopleinthecountrysideTimearrangement:5minutesfortheinterviewand2minutesfortheinterviewertoreporttotheclass.第23页TextAnalysisDetailedAnalysisLanguage StyleStructureThemeTWBRMessage of

22、 the LandUnit 3第24页TextAnalysisThemelUrbanizationandresistance?lIndustrializationandthedeathoftraditionalhandicrafts?lDevelopmentandthelossoftradition?TWBR第25页Changes in familyChanges in the village The wifescomplaintsThefarmerscomplaintsNone of the children will come back to inherit the land.n Gree

23、d,anger,and lust are the root of all evils.n No young man will care what message the land gives.the loss of traditional values and the way of lifeAll four children went away.Children wear jeans instead.no barter,but cash no pay-free help plastic things instead only the old on the land no practice of

24、 the old customs no respect for the oldTextAnalysisTheme第26页Whats the message of the land?For further discussionIts our history,our culture,our tradition and our life.In a word,it is our root which we cannot live without.TextAnalysisTheme第27页TextAnalysisStructureTWBRThewifetalksabouttheland,herfamil

25、yandherchildren.Thewifetalksaboutthechangesshedislikesandcantadjustto.The farmer talks about thereasonforhissilence,hisworryabouttheirlandandthejoyhefindsinlifeandfarming.Part I:the wifes speech Part II:the farmers speech(para.811)(para.13)(para.47)第28页TextAnalysisLanguage StyleColloquialismSmalland

26、simplewordsShortsentencesStraightforwardlanguageFigures of speech used to achieve vivid,expressive and appropriate descriptionSimile:MetaphorPersonificationZeugma第29页TextAnalysisLanguage StyleSimile:itislikeaknifepiercingmyheart.Metaphor:thisbagofbonesdressedinragscanstillplantandreapricefrommorning

27、tilldusk.Personification:Ourpieceoflandissmall,anditisnolongerfertile,bleedingyearafteryearand,likeus,gettingoldandexhausted.Zeugma:Thesoilisnotdifficulttotillwhenthereisalotofrain,butinabadyear,itsnotonlytheploughsthatbreakbutourhearts,too.第30页TextAnalysisDetailed AnalysisMainIdeaSentenceParaphrase

28、Words&ExpressionsPartIPartIIPartIIITWBR第31页TextAnalysisDetailed Analysis:Part I:the wifes speech-her family and their lands (1-3)第32页1.Whydoesthewifestartherconversationwiththeland?2.Whatdothewomanschildrendo?Howdothemotherandchildrenfeeltowardseachother?3.Whatdoesthewomansayaboutherhusband?Doyoubel

29、ievewhatshesays?4.Whatdoesthewomansayabouttheirland?Howdoesshefeeltowardsit?5.WhatsthemainideaofParas.13?PartI:MainIdea第33页TextAnalysis1.The wife has already regarded the land as part of her life.This is the land where her parents and forefathers lived and it is bound with family history and traditi

30、on.It represents the root of her family.5.The wife makes a brief introduction of her family and tells us how all her four children left for cities.She feels sorry about this and she also feels sorry about the land.The land is no longer fertile,like her and her husband,getting old and exhausted.第34页T

31、extAnalysisDetailed AnalysisPartI:LanguageWordsPhrasesSentence PatternGrammarInfancyAffordBullyInsultbleedmindbelong toin spite ofthe emphatic form“as”to introduce a relative clause第35页TextAnalysisWords&Phrases1.forefather:n.(pl)the people who were part of your family a long time ago in the pastSyno

32、nyms:ancestor,Opposites:descendant,offspringe.g.Many years ago our forefathers established this nation.第36页TextAnalysisSentence Paraphrase1.My husband moved into our house as is the way with us in Esarn.(para.1)relativepronoun,subjectoftherelativeclause,meaningwhatismentionedinthemainclauseParaphras

33、ing:Whenwegotmarried,wefollowedthetraditioninEsarnandmyhusbandcametolivewithmyfamily.Examples第37页1.As is known to all,Taiwan belongs to China.(assubject of the clause)2.As is often the case,girls learn a language more quickly than boys.(assubject of the clause)TextAnalysisSentence Paraphrase第38页Text

34、Analysis2.Die in:some place from:because of sth.outspace,disease,cold 外因 Of:hunger,old 人体之上e.g.die from earthquakedie of illnessWords&Phrases第39页TextAnalysis3.infancy:n.a.early childhood b.early stage of development or growth Examples:In the past,many children died in infancy.He came to England in h

35、is infancy.The research stretched from the infancy of radio broadcasting through to today.Genetic engineering is still in its infancy.a.infantilen.infantWord formationsWords&Phrases第40页The rest,two boys and two girls,went away as soon as we could afford to buy jeans for them.(1)Our other childrentwo

36、 boys and two girlsleft as soon as we had the money to buy them jeans.appositive of“the rest”the remaining people;the othersExamplesTextAnalysisSentence Paraphrase第41页1.Your father,a proud and unbending man,refused all help that was offered him.2.Playing football,his only interest in life,brought hi

37、m many friends.3.A dry lightning storm,that is,a thunderstorm without rain,started a fire in a remote part of the forest in August.TextAnalysisSentence Paraphrase第42页4.afford:v.a.to have enough money/time to do sth.b.(with can/could)to run a risk by doing sth.经得住,承受得住 c.(fml.)to provide;giveClassify

38、 the following words into 3 groups according to a,b and c.afford a new car afford this high priceafford the rent afford a clue to afford a chance afford a pleasant shade(cant)afford to neglect ones workaaccc bbTextAnalysisWords&Phrases第43页5.agency:代理机构an employment agency 职业介绍所 A travellers agency 旅

39、行社Agent 代理人/商;经纪人A house agent A law agent TextAnalysisWords&Phrases第44页6.now and then:now and again;occasionally;from time to timeExamples:Now and then we heard shots in the woods.He loses his temper now and then,but not often.I hear from him every now and then.Here and there 起伏地,详尽地Ups and downs 沉

40、浮,盛衰The ins and outs 种种复杂详情TextAnalysisWords&Phrases第45页Lesson 3-Message of the Land 4.7.bullyv.a.to threaten to hurt someone or frighten them,especially someone smaller or weaker 恐吓,以强凌弱b.to put pressure on someone in order to make them do what you want 迫使,强迫 Examples:The child was bullied almost o

41、ut of its life.Dont let them bully you into working on Saturdays.More meaningsWords&PhrasesTextAnalysis第46页 a local bully play the bully a bully idea a bully good dinner Bully for you!bullyboyLesson 3-Message of the Land Translation 土豪土豪横行霸道,恃强欺弱横行霸道,恃强欺弱绝妙绝妙主意主意极其丰盛饭菜极其丰盛饭菜干得好!干得好!(受人雇佣且尤指与政受人雇佣且尤指

42、与政治集团相关)流氓,打治集团相关)流氓,打手手Words&PhrasesTextAnalysis第47页8.insult:v.to offend someone by saying or doing something they think is rude Examples:I hope Andy wont be insulted if I dont come.She insulted him by calling him a coward.You insult my intelligence with your crude methods!(=to say or do something

43、that suggests you think someone is stupid)n.insulta.insultingn.insulterWord formationsWords&PhrasesTextAnalysis第48页9.pierce:v.a.to make a small hole with a sharp point 刺穿 b.(of cold,pain,sound)to force a way into 使心如刀割 c.to force a way through something 穿透(光,声音)Examples:She had her ears pierced in o

44、rder to be able to wear earrings.Her shrieks pierced the silence.Her memories sometimes pierced her heart.Our forces pierced through the enemys lines.Pierce ones heart:to make one feel very sada.pierceda.piercingWord formationsWords&PhrasesTextAnalysis第49页FigureofspeechSimile ExamplesA simile is a b

45、rief comparison,usually introduced by the preposition“like”or the conjunction“as”,as.as,than,as if,as though and etc.A simile consists of two parts:tenor and vehicle.The tenor is the primary subject;the vehicle is the thing to which the main subject is compared to.Eg:-Omyloveslikeared,redrose.-Rober

46、tBurns-Jimwasascunningasanoldfox.第50页The end of Simile.subject/tenorsimile markerreference/vehicleRecords(fell)like ripe apples(on a windy day.)The data processing(is going on)as(slow)as a snail.1.Sometimes,they get bullied and insulted,and it is like a knife piercing my heart.(2)Figureofspeech第51页I

47、ts easier for my husband.He has ears which dont hear,a mouth which doesnt speak,and eyes that dont see.(2)News about my childrens problems doesnt make my husband as sad as me.He doesnt bother about what is happening around us and to our children.He never says anything about them.restrictive relative

48、 clause parallel structureQuestions:Does the wife really mean that her husband is deaf,dumb and blind?TextAnalysisSentence Paraphrase第52页He has always been patient and silent,minding his own life.(2)present participle phrase functioning as adverbial of accompanying circumstances Hes always been pati

49、ent and talks little.He just does his duty and carries on his life.TextAnalysisSentence Paraphrase第53页 to take care of ones Examples:Will you mind my bag while I buy my ticket?I was minding my own work when he rushed in.My father was just driving along,minding his own business,when suddenly a brick

50、came through the window.2.10.mind ones own“mind”phrases Words&PhrasesTextAnalysis第54页 mind ones own business mind ones own ps and qs mind ones manners mind your footing mind your back Mind how you go.别管闲事别管闲事 注意举止言行注意举止言行 注意举止行为注意举止行为 小心,站稳了小心,站稳了 当心;让开当心;让开(道别时说)您慢走。(道别时说)您慢走。Translation Words&Phra

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