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1、Unit 3 Animals Are Our FriendsAmazing Amazing Animals Animals 八年级英语下 新课标 冀教第1页1.What kind of animals do you like?2.Do you know about some special animals?Free talk第2页第3页Read the text in groups and pay attention to these sentences.1.With their long ears,they also remind people of rabbits.2.They are f

2、amous for their large noses.3.It can jump out of the water and flap its wings up to 70 times a second.第4页Listen to the tape with your book closed and fill in the blanks.1.Long-eared jerboas ears are much longer than their.2.Kiwis are a animal of New Zealand.3.When the long-nosed monkeys are happy or

3、,they shake their noses.headsnationalexcited第5页Read the passage and answer the following questions.(1)Where do long-eared jerboas live?(2)How big are Kiwis?(3)How does the flying fish avoid enemies?In the deserts of Asia.As big as chickens.It flies out of the water to avoid enemies.第6页Read the text

4、again and fill in the blanks.(1)You can see flying fish .(2)With their long ears,they also people rabbits.(3)Their ears are much their heads.(4)They are their large noses.all over the world remind oflonger thanfamous for 第7页教材解教材解读读 1.Long-eared jerboas look like mice.mouse作可数名作可数名词词,意思是意思是“老鼠老鼠”,它复

5、数形式是它复数形式是mice,作作“鼠鼠标标”讲时讲时,它它复数形式是复数形式是mouses。There are some mice in the old house.这这所旧房子里有一些老鼠。所旧房子里有一些老鼠。He has two mouses.He can give you one to use.他有两个鼠他有两个鼠标标。他能。他能给给你你一个用。一个用。第8页2.With their long ears,they also remind people of rabbits.remind在此作在此作动词动词,意思是意思是“使想起使想起;记记起起”,remind sb of sb/sth

6、表示表示“使某人想起相同人、使某人想起相同人、事或者地方等事或者地方等”。You remind me of the past.你使我想起了你使我想起了过过去。去。【拓展拓展】(1)remind sb to do sth 提醒某提醒某人做某事。人做某事。I reminded him to do homework.我提醒他去做作我提醒他去做作业业。(2)“remind sb+that从句从句”表示表示“提醒某人提醒某人”。I reminded him that he hasnt finished homework.我提醒他我提醒他还还没有写完作没有写完作业业。第9页3.They are famou

7、s for their large noses.be famous for意思是意思是“因因而有名而有名”,后面常后面常接表示人或事物某接表示人或事物某方面特点方面特点名名词词,表示知名原因。表示知名原因。Beijing is famous for the Great Wall.北京以北京以长长城而城而闻闻名。名。【拓展拓展】(1)be famous as“作作为为而有名而有名”,后面常接表示身份地位名后面常接表示身份地位名词词。Song Zuying is famous as a singer.宋祖英作宋祖英作为为一名歌唱家而有名。一名歌唱家而有名。(2)be famous to“对对而言是

8、著名而言是著名”,后面常后面常接表示范接表示范围围名名词词。Song Zuying is famous to the world.宋祖英世界宋祖英世界闻闻名。名。第10页4.When the monkeys are happy or excited,they shake their noses.shake作及物作及物动词动词,意思是意思是“摇摆摇摆,摇摇动动”,过过去式是去式是shook,过过去分去分词词是是shaken。短。短语语shake hands with表表示示“和和握手握手”。Her sister is shaking hands with her old friend.她姐姐正在

9、和老朋友握手。她姐姐正在和老朋友握手。第11页5.It can jump out of the water and flap its wings up to 70 times a second.up to意思是意思是“到达到达”,后面能后面能够够直接接名直接接名词词作作宾宾语语,组组成成up to sth 结结构构,表示表示“到达某个数量、程度到达某个数量、程度等等;至多有至多有”。The tree has grown up to ten metres.这这棵棵树树已已经长经长到十米了。到十米了。【拓展拓展】(1)be up to sb意思是意思是“是是职责职责;由由决定决定”。Where d

10、o we have lunch?我我们们去哪儿吃午去哪儿吃午饭饭?Thats up to you.你你说说了算。了算。(2)up to(doing)sth意思是意思是“体力或者智力上能体力或者智力上能胜胜任任”。Shes up to this job.她能她能胜胜任任这这份工作。份工作。第12页6.It flies out of the water to avoid enemies.avoid是及物是及物动词动词,意思是意思是“防止防止,回回避避”,其后能其后能够够加名加名词词、代、代词词或者或者动动名名词词作作宾语宾语。He always avoids his family.他他总总是逃避家

11、人。是逃避家人。第13页7.not only because chickens are great pets,but also because they lay eggs.not onlybut also是一个表示并列关系是一个表示并列关系连词连词词组词组,意思是意思是“不但不但而且而且”,用来用来连连接两个接两个并列关系句子成份并列关系句子成份,在本句中在本句中连连接两个并列从句。接两个并列从句。She is not only my sister,but also my friend.她她不但是我姐妹不但是我姐妹,也是我朋友。也是我朋友。【拓展拓展】(1)not onlybut also连连

12、接两个主接两个主语时语时,谓语动词谓语动词要和它最近主要和它最近主语语在人称和数上保在人称和数上保持一致持一致,也就是我也就是我们们所所说说“就近就近标标准准”。Not only my brother but also I am going swimming.不但我弟弟不但我弟弟还还有我都打算去游泳。有我都打算去游泳。第14页(2)not onlybut also不能不能够够用在用在否定句中否定句中,假如表示否定意假如表示否定意义义能能够够用用“neithernor”,意思意思是是“既不既不也不也不”。Neither my brother nor I am going swimming.我弟弟

13、和我都不打算去游我弟弟和我都不打算去游泳。泳。(3)bothand是是not onlybut also同同义词组义词组,意思是意思是“和和都都”,它它连连接两个主接两个主语时语时,谓语动词谓语动词用复数用复数形式形式,没有就近没有就近标标准一准一说说。Both my brother and I are going swimming.我弟弟和我都打算去游泳。我弟弟和我都打算去游泳。第15页Look at the sentences with some missing words.Please use your own words to fill them.1.This old house (使我想起使我想起)my hometown.2.Hangzhou (以以而而闻闻名名)the west lake.3.The price of the tomatoes is(到达到达)10 yuan.4.The tomato is (一一样样大大)the apple.5.My mother (拒拒绝绝)me.reminded me ofis famous forup toas big assaid no to第16页Homework1.Read the lesson loudly with your group members.2.Copy the new words twice.第17页

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