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1、 人教修订版人教修订版高中二年级高中二年级(上上)Unit 4第1页ReadingReading第2页Pre-reading Pre-reading 1.1.Can you name some famous Chinese Can you name some famous Chinese 2.2.poets?Can you recite any of their poets?Can you recite any of their 3.3.poems?poems?2.What are their poems about?Try to 2.What are their poems about?Tr

2、y to explain one of them in English.explain one of them in English.第3页3.Poetry is a special way of using 3.Poetry is a special way of using language.Explain some of the language.Explain some of the characteristics of poetry.Give an characteristics of poetry.Give an example for each characteristic.ex

3、ample for each characteristic.4.Write down five key words that you 4.Write down five key words that you would expect to find in a text about would expect to find in a text about poetry.poetry.第4页5.Some English poetry reminds readers 5.Some English poetry reminds readers of Chinese poetry.Whose poetr

4、y of Chinese poetry.Whose poetry reminds Chinese readers of Du Fu or reminds Chinese readers of Du Fu or Li Bai?Whose of Su Dongpo?Li Bai?Whose of Su Dongpo?第5页Some details of English poetry TimeCharacteristic Poets early English poetry difficult to understand 17th century the use of surprising imag

5、es Shakespeare,Donne,Marvell 18th century Pope&Johnson 第6页19th century romantic poems&long poems Wordsworth,Byron,Shelley,Keats Modernpoets stand close to us both in the language&the images they use Auden,the American poet Robert Frost the end of the 19th century be introduced to China be translated

6、 By Lu Xun&Guo Moruo 第7页While-readingWhile-reading 1.Some English poetry 1.Some English poetry reminds reminds readers readers ofof Chinese poetry.Chinese poetry.读者有时发觉英文诗与汉字诗有读者有时发觉英文诗与汉字诗有读者有时发觉英文诗与汉字诗有读者有时发觉英文诗与汉字诗有异曲同工之妙。异曲同工之妙。异曲同工之妙。异曲同工之妙。短语短语短语短语remind sb.of sb./sth.remind sb.of sb./sth.本意为本

7、意为本意为本意为第8页(cause sb.to remember or be newly(cause sb.to remember or be newly aware of sb./sth)aware of sb./sth)使某人回想起或意识使某人回想起或意识使某人回想起或意识使某人回想起或意识到某人或某事。比如:到某人或某事。比如:到某人或某事。比如:到某人或某事。比如:This song This song remindsreminds me me of of France.France.当然,在书本原句中若直搬其汉字意当然,在书本原句中若直搬其汉字意当然,在书本原句中若直搬其汉字意当然,

8、在书本原句中若直搬其汉字意思就会使语义不太顺畅。故在翻译句子思就会使语义不太顺畅。故在翻译句子思就会使语义不太顺畅。故在翻译句子思就会使语义不太顺畅。故在翻译句子时,还应注意其意义。时,还应注意其意义。时,还应注意其意义。时,还应注意其意义。第9页 2.Poetry also 2.Poetry also calls upcalls up all the colours,all the colours,feelings,experiences and curious images feelings,experiences and curious images of a dream world.o

9、f a dream world.诗歌还能唤起梦幻世界一切色彩,诗歌还能唤起梦幻世界一切色彩,诗歌还能唤起梦幻世界一切色彩,诗歌还能唤起梦幻世界一切色彩,感情,经历和各种奇特意象。感情,经历和各种奇特意象。感情,经历和各种奇特意象。感情,经历和各种奇特意象。call up call up 在本句中意为在本句中意为在本句中意为在本句中意为 唤起,回想起唤起,回想起唤起,回想起唤起,回想起;还可表示还可表示还可表示还可表示 给某人打电话给某人打电话给某人打电话给某人打电话。比如:比如:比如:比如:第10页 The sound of happy laughter The sound of happy

10、laughter called upcalled up memories of his childhood.memories of his childhood.相关相关相关相关callcall短语短语短语短语 call on sb.造访某人造访某人 call at a place 造访某地造访某地call for sth.需求某事物需求某事物call back 叫回,回电话叫回,回电话 call off 取消取消第11页 3.The earliest poem was written in a 3.The earliest poem was written in a kind of Engli

11、sh that is now difficult to kind of English that is now difficult to understand.understand.早期诗中利用英文极难被当代人早期诗中利用英文极难被当代人早期诗中利用英文极难被当代人早期诗中利用英文极难被当代人了解。了解。了解。了解。本句定语从句中利用了一个重点句式:本句定语从句中利用了一个重点句式:本句定语从句中利用了一个重点句式:本句定语从句中利用了一个重点句式:sth./sb.is+adj.+to dosth./sb.is+adj.+to do注意注意注意注意在本结在本结在本结在本结第12页构中惯用不定式

12、主动形式与前面构中惯用不定式主动形式与前面构中惯用不定式主动形式与前面构中惯用不定式主动形式与前面句词组成逻辑上动宾关系。类似句词组成逻辑上动宾关系。类似句词组成逻辑上动宾关系。类似句词组成逻辑上动宾关系。类似 结构还有:结构还有:结构还有:结构还有:have sth.to do;have sth.to do;There is sth.to do;with sth.to doThere is sth.to do;with sth.to do。第13页比如:比如:比如:比如:With a lot of difficult problems _With a lot of difficult pro

13、blems _,the newly-elected President is having a the newly-elected President is having a hard time.hard time.(上海春招)(上海春招)(上海春招)(上海春招)A Asettled Bsettled Bsteeling steeling C Cto settle Dto settle Dbeing settledbeing settledC C注:在注:在注:在注:在withwithwithwith复合宾语结构中也可用分词复合宾语结构中也可用分词复合宾语结构中也可用分词复合宾语结构中也可用分

14、词,第14页但依据本句意但依据本句意但依据本句意但依据本句意有很多难题还有待处有很多难题还有待处有很多难题还有待处有很多难题还有待处理,故应用不定式表未来,选理,故应用不定式表未来,选理,故应用不定式表未来,选理,故应用不定式表未来,选C.C.C.C.4 4The style and atmosphere in their The style and atmosphere in their poems has often poems has often ledled to comparisons to comparisons with poets with poets such assuch

15、as Du Fu and Li Bai.Du Fu and Li Bai.他们诗歌格调和气氛经常会引发人们他们诗歌格调和气氛经常会引发人们他们诗歌格调和气氛经常会引发人们他们诗歌格调和气氛经常会引发人们将其与杜甫和李白诗对比。将其与杜甫和李白诗对比。将其与杜甫和李白诗对比。将其与杜甫和李白诗对比。第15页lead lead v.v.领导,造成,造成,过领导,造成,造成,过领导,造成,造成,过领导,造成,造成,过生活。生活。生活。生活。比如:比如:比如:比如:He He ledled the blind man across the street.the blind man across the

16、 street.Too much work often Too much work often leadsleads to illness.to illness.They are They are leadingleading a happy life.a happy life.第16页 相关句式相关句式相关句式相关句式 lead a.life=live a.life lead a.life=live a.life 过过过过生活生活生活生活lead sb.to a place lead sb.to a place 领某人到领某人到领某人到领某人到lead sb.to do sth.lead s

17、b.to do sth.使使使使/领某人干领某人干领某人干领某人干lead to lead to 造成造成造成造成,引发引发引发引发第17页such assuch as意为意为意为意为“比如,诸如这类比如,诸如这类比如,诸如这类比如,诸如这类”。比如:比如:比如:比如:I visited several cities I visited several cities such assuch as New New York,Chicago and Boston.York,Chicago and Boston.第18页 such as such as 用来列举事物,惯用在列举事用来列举事物,惯用在

18、列举事用来列举事物,惯用在列举事用来列举事物,惯用在列举事物和前面名词之间,不过所列事物数量物和前面名词之间,不过所列事物数量物和前面名词之间,不过所列事物数量物和前面名词之间,不过所列事物数量不能等同于前面所提及事物总数,不然不能等同于前面所提及事物总数,不然不能等同于前面所提及事物总数,不然不能等同于前面所提及事物总数,不然应用应用应用应用that isthat is或者或者或者或者namelynamely;for examplefor example主主主主要用于举例说明,普通只列举要用于举例说明,普通只列举要用于举例说明,普通只列举要用于举例说明,普通只列举辨析:辨析:辨析:辨析:su

19、ch as,for example such as,for example和和和和namely/that isnamely/that is第19页同类事物中同类事物中“一个一个”,其位置灵活,可置于句首,句中或句末,用标点符号隔,其位置灵活,可置于句首,句中或句末,用标点符号隔开,而开,而such assuch as只能放在所列举事物之前。比如:只能放在所列举事物之前。比如:He knows several languages He knows several languages such assuch as English,French and German.English,French a

20、nd German.第20页 I have three friends,I have three friends,namely/that isnamely/that is,John,Jack and Tom.John,Jack and Tom.Some students,Some students,for examplefor example,John,John,live in the neighborhood.live in the neighborhood.第21页 5.Once published 5.Once published,his work became his work bec

21、ame famous for the absence of rhyme at the famous for the absence of rhyme at the end of each line.end of each line.Once publishedOnce published为为为为Once his work was Once his work was publishedpublished省略形式。在英语中省略形式。在英语中省略形式。在英语中省略形式。在英语中,当状语从当状语从当状语从当状语从句中主语与主句主语一致而且从句谓语是句中主语与主句主语一致而且从句谓语是句中主语与主句主语

22、一致而且从句谓语是句中主语与主句主语一致而且从句谓语是be donebe done或或或或be doingbe doing时时时时,通常把从句主语和通常把从句主语和通常把从句主语和通常把从句主语和助动词助动词助动词助动词bebe省略掉。如省略掉。如省略掉。如省略掉。如:第22页 If he is praised,he will be happy the If he is praised,he will be happy the whole day.whole day.假如受到表彰假如受到表彰假如受到表彰假如受到表彰,他会一整天都高兴。他会一整天都高兴。他会一整天都高兴。他会一整天都高兴。Whi

23、le we were waiting for the train While we were waiting for the train to start we felt excited.to start we felt excited.在等着火车开启时在等着火车开启时在等着火车开启时在等着火车开启时,我们兴奋不已。我们兴奋不已。我们兴奋不已。我们兴奋不已。第23页SummarySummary Main ideaWriting techniques1.General introduction to poetry(paragraph 1)making comparisonusing images

24、第24页 Main ideaWriting techniquesgiving examples and explanation2Poetry often follows special patterns of rhythm and rhyme(paragraph 2)第25页 Main ideaWriting techniquesgiving examples making comparison3Introduction of the history of English poetry in chronological order(paragraph 3-5)第26页 Main ideaWri

25、ting techniques4.Poems and literature can be bridges between the East and the West(paragraph 6-7)giving examples using images第27页Post-reading Exercise 2 on Page 29:1.“That”refers to“Poetry plays with sounds,words and grammar”.2.“its”refers to“English poetrys”第28页4.“they”refers to“modern poets”5.“The

26、y”refers to“Poems and literature”3.“their”refers to“English Romantic poets such as Wordsworth,Byron,Shelley and Keats.”第29页1 1Read the passage again and Read the passage again and recite the key sentences in the text.recite the key sentences in the text.2 2Prepare for Language Study.Prepare for Language Study.Homework Homework 第30页

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