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1、Unit 5 Viewpoints on ScienceIn this unit you will:1.learn about the scientific method,viewpoints on science,and scientific discoveries from reports,speeches and lectures given by professors;2.familiarize yourself with the words and expressions related to the theme of the unit;3.learn to use these wo

2、rds and expressions;4.learn how to speak English with correct intonation and listen for numbers in spoken discourse;5.practice listening with other non-theme-related audio and video materials;6.use the proper expressions and sentence structures to apply for a visa.Learning objectivesPart I Theme-Rel

3、ated ActivitiesPart I Theme-Related ActivitiesPart II Listening and Speaking Part II Listening and Speaking Strategies Strategies Part III Extensive ListeningPart III Extensive ListeningPart IV Communication SkillsPart IV Communication SkillsPart V Assessment LogPart V Assessment LogPart I Theme-Rel

4、ated ActivitiesPart I Theme-Related Activities Section I Report About Scientific Discoveries(Part I)Section II Report About Scientific Discoveries(Part II)Section III Interview1.How do you feel about new scientific discoveries?2.What do you aspire to invent or discover if you were a scientist now?Le

5、ad-in questions:Unit 5 Part I Section I Lead-in questionsWord Bankself-evident/self evdnt/adj.显然的显然的diagnose/danz/vt.诊断,查出诊断,查出spontaneous/spntenis/adj.自发的自发的generation/denren/n.产生,发生产生,发生formulate/fmjlet/vt.制订,规划制订,规划hypothesis/hapss/n.假设,假说假设,假说hypothesize/hapsaz/v.假设,假定假设,假定flask/flsk/n.长颈瓶,烧瓶长颈瓶

6、,烧瓶broth/br/n.肉汤肉汤neutron/njutrn/n.中子中子microbe/makrb/n.微生物;细菌微生物;细菌sterile/steral/adj.无菌的,消过毒的无菌的,消过毒的Unit 5 Part I Section I Word BankNotesUnit 5 Part I Section I NotesTask 1 Watch the video clip and then decide whether the following statements are true or false.TaskUnit 5 Part I Section I Task 11.

7、The ancient Greeks were acclaimed as great thinkers and observers because they tested their ideas in a systematic and scientific way.2.The scientific method is widely used in daily life,from troubleshooting car problems to major scientific discoveries.(They did not believe in testing their ideas in

8、an orderly,unbiased way.F_T_3.French scientist Louis Pasteur was the first one to apply the scientific method.4.There was a controversy over where microbes come from.5.Pasteur conducted an experiment to prove that microbes are created by a special life force in the air.(But the video only claims tha

9、t he conducted an experiment with all the features of scientific method.)(He rejected this theory and the purpose of his experiment was done to disprove this idea.)T_F_F_Unit 5 Part I Section I Task 11.Pasteur believed that .2.He hypothesized that .3.He placed the broth in and heated it to .Task 2 W

10、atch the video clip for a second time and then complete the following sentences.microbes could be carried by,but not created by the air _ _ TaskUnit 5 Part I Section I Task 2 a flask of broth would stay sterile as long as no airborne microbes could get in and use the nutrients in the broth to multip

11、ly _ _ force out all the air_ a special swan neck flask_ 4.He observed the cooled broth and found that when he broke off the neck of the flask .5.Pasteur concluded that .Unit 5 Part I Section I Task 2 airborne obes could get in and the broth became cloudy as they multiplied _ his experiment proved h

12、is hypothesis/he should accept his hypothesis rather than rejecting or modifying it _Task 3 Watch the video clip again and then work in pairs to describe the experiment Pasteur performed,based on the video clip and the following pictures.Afterwards,each group will give a brief report to the class.Ta

13、skUnit 5 Part I Section I Task 3【Script】ScriptUnit 5 Part I Section I ScriptWord Bankgerminate/dmnet/v.(使)种子发芽(使)种子发芽address/dres/vt.对付,处理对付,处理variable/veribl/n.变量变量vermiculite/vmkjlt/n.蛭石蛭石deprive/dprav/v.剥夺剥夺straggling/strgl/adj.四散的,散落的四散的,散落的modify/mdfa/v.改变,修改改变,修改Unit 5 Part I Section II Word B

14、ankNotesUnit 5 Part I Section II Notes1.A hypothesis is _.A.an educated guess or prediction B.a discussion after data is collected C.a conclusion drawn after observations and experiments D.a scientific method used to prove or disprove ones belief2.The experiment is intended to test the hypothesis,“_

15、”A.do plants need light to grow?B.plants need light to grow.C.the plants without light dont look healthy.D.without light,the plants will eventually die.Task 1 Watch the video clip and choose the best answers to the following questions.TaskUnit 5 Part I Section II Task 13.The way to test the accuracy

16、 of an experiments results is to_.A.repeat the experiment B.find a basic experimental model C.keep trying different approaches and collecting data D.change the variables and repeat the experiment4.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the variables that affect the growth of plants?A.The presenc

17、e or absence of light.B.The temperature of the air.C.The type of soil.D.The quality of seed.Unit 5 Part I Section II Task 15.If the data partly support the hypothesis,researchers should_.A.extend the experimental time B.have a basic experimental model C.change the hypothesis and redo the experiment

18、D.give up the old hypothesis and come up with a brand new oneUnit 5 Part I Section II Task 1Task 2 Watch the video clip and rearrange the sentences in the order that you hear them.Briefly describe each picture to illustrate how the scientific method is applied.TaskUnit 5 Part I Section II Task 2abcd

19、efUnit 5 Part I Section II Task 2d First we made some observations and found more plants seem to grow in areas that receive light than in dark places.c We formulated a hypothesis that plants need light to grow.e To test our hypothesis,we designed an experiment to make sure that the plants in two sid

20、es of the box grow in the same environment but get different light exposure.f We observed the growth of the plants and collected data we need.b We found that the side that received light is more dense with green leaves while the side with little light grew straight with yellow-brown leaves.a We drew

21、 a conclusion that the experiment partly supported our hypothesis,and we need to modify our hypothesis and experiment again.1._ _2._3._ _ _4._ _5._ _ _6._ _ _Task 3 Apply the scientific method,as learned from the video clip,to an experiment that you would like to perform.After the experiment,explain

22、 the whole process to your partner.Pay attention to the sequence of the experiment.TaskUnit 5 Part I Section II Task 3【Script】Example:You may conduct an experiment to prove Archimedes law or Galileos law of free-fall.ScriptUnit 5 Part I Section II ScriptWord Bankempower/mpa(r)/vt.赋予权力赋予权力revenue/rev

23、nju/n.(公司的)收益(公司的)收益uniform/junfm/adj.相同的;整齐划一的相同的;整齐划一的overwhelmingly/vwelmli/adv.压倒性地压倒性地in terms of在在方面;根据方面;根据来看来看strategy/strtdi/n.战略;策略战略;策略interface/ntfes/n.界面界面radical/rdkl/adj.根本的;彻底的根本的;彻底的dramatically/drmtkli/adv.明显地;剧烈地明显地;剧烈地Unit 5 Part I Section III Word BankNoteUnit 5 Part I Section I

24、II NotesBefore Microsoft came along,there really was no software e along:to appear or arriveFor example:A bus should come along any minute now.I will take whatever comes along.I gave up scuba diving when my first child came along.Task 1 Listen to the audio clip and choose the best answers to the que

25、stions below.TaskUnit 5 Part I Section III Task 11.Microsoft was founded when the competition among software companies was intense.2.Microsofts main competitors are not software but hardware companies.(There really was no software industry before Microsoft.)F_T_3.Books and the PC were hugely popular

26、 when they first appeared because of their positive effects.4.The PC business is a fun business mainly because it is the most profitable.5.Bill Gates is very confident about the future of digital devices.(When they came along,it is hard for people to accept them because they knew little about their

27、positive effects.)(It is a fun business because companies can develop new versions of software based on customer feedback.)F_T_F_Unit 5 Part I Section III Task 1Task 2 Directions:Listen to the audio clip again and work out an interview in question-and-answer form.Practice with your partner.TaskUnit

28、5 Part I Section III Task 2For reference:【Script】ScriptUnit 5 Part I Section III ScriptPart II Part II Listening and Speaking StrategiesListening and Speaking Strategies Section I Pronunciation SkillIntonation Section II Listening SkillListen for Numbers Intonation is crucial for communication.Inton

29、ation is about how one says things,rather than what he says.Without intonation,it is impossible to understand the expressions and thoughts that go with words.Awareness of intonation aids communication.Incorrect intonation can result in misunderstandings,speakers losing interest or even taking offenc

30、e!General rules Statements usually have a falling tone at the end.The six question words(who?what?when?where?why?how?)also have a falling tone at the end.Yes/No questions(questions one can answer with“yes”or “no”)usually have a rising tone.Pronunciation SkillIntonationUnit 5 Part II Section IUnit 5

31、Part II Section IFor example:1.How did you spend your vacation?(falling tone)2.I went to Venice with my fianc last summer.(falling tone)3.Was it your own choice?(rising tone)Yes,indeed.(falling tone)4.Are you going to the seashore this spring?(rising tone)Task 1 Read the following sentences with the

32、 correct intonation.TaskUnit 5 Part II Section I Task 11.That is the person who robbed the bank!(falling tone)2.Do you mean the man with the black pants?(rising tone)3.No.The woman with the plastic bag.(falling tone)4.Are you saying that we are going to cancel this project?(rising tone)5.There are n

33、ot many visitors this time of year.(falling tone)6.Everyone is going swimming.Dont you want to come along?(rising tone)Unit 5 Part II Section I Task 17.Do you mean the largest state in area or in population?(rising tone)8.He looks happy,does he not?(falling tone)9.How awful it is!(falling tone)10.Mo

34、ther has gone to town.(falling tone)Task 2 Listen to the following tongue-twisters and then repeat.Task1.Sixty-six sick chicks2.The sixth sick sheiks sixth sheeps sick.3.She sells seashells by the seashore.4.Do you agree,if you are free,to come to tea with me by the sea?5.Its Billys kitten sitting i

35、n the kitchen.6.Tims as thin as a pin,but it isnt a sin to be thin.7.Will you sit still,Bill?Ill sit as still as a hill.8.An English fisherman wishes to get a foolish fish for a cold dish.9.Ann sent Andy ten hens and Andy sent Ann ten pens.10.Spring is showery,flowery,bowery.Summer is hoppy,croppy,p

36、oppy.Autumn is wheezy,sneezy,freezy.Winter is slippy,drippy,nippy.Unit 5 Part II Section I Task 2 Numbers are important in daily life.When going shopping,one needs to calculate prices.In a restaurant one needs to calculate and pay the bill after eating.When booking a concert or a flight,or making an

37、 appointment or a date,time is a big issue.In the bank one calculates interest rates and the balance after withdrawing or depositing money.A good sense of numbers is therefore indispensable to smooth everyday communications.Listening SkillListen for NumbersUnit 5 Part II Section IIRule of Thumb 1 Be

38、 familiar with cardinal and ordinal numbers in English and know how to count numbers with multiple digits in English.Rule of Thumb 2 Know how to express time,prices,and rates.Rule of Thumb 3 Some knowledge of basic arithmetic is desirable.Unit 5 Part II Section IImortgage/md/n./v.抵押抵押down payment(分期

39、付款中的)预付款(分期付款中的)预付款premium/primim/n.保险费保险费up-front/pfrnt/adj.在前面的在前面的amortize/mtaz/vt.分期偿还分期偿还Word BankUnit 5 Part II Section II Task 1NotesUnit 5 Part II Section II Task 1FHA The Federal Housing Administration(FHA)is a United States government agency created as part of the National Housing Act of 1

40、934.Insured loans made by banks and other private lenders for home building and home buying.The goals of this organization are:to improve housing standards and conditions;to provide an adequate home financing system through insurance of mortgage loans;and to stabilize the mortgage market.Task 1 Comp

41、lete the following passage after the second listening.TaskUnit 5 Part II Section II Task 1 The FHA does not make loans;rather,it insures mortgages from lenders who would not otherwise offer loans to those who can make down payments of only 1)percent and who have credit scores of 2)or less.Borrowers

42、pay an FHA insurance premium 3)ways:with an upfront fee that can be included in the total loan amount and amortized over the life of the mortgage,or in a monthly fee.3.5_ 620_ two_ Unit 5 Part II Section II Task 1Starting this spring,the administration said,the upfront fee jumps to 4)percent of the

43、loan amount from 5)percent,adding about 6)to a 7)loan.Monthly premium charges will essentially be unchanged.Previously,the FHA insured loans made to those with credit scores of less than 8),with no penalties.Starting early this summer,the FHA said,anyone with a credit score below 9)must make a down

44、payment of at least 10)percent.(Credit scores are typically measured on a scale of 11)to 12);2.25_ 1.75_$1,000_$200,000_ 580_ 10_ 300_ 850_ 580_ Unit 5 Part II Section II Task 1most non-FHA lenders require larger down payments and offer higher rates if borrowers have credit scores below 13).)But bec

45、ause lenders have not been offering loans to those with scores of 14)or below,another FHA change will most likely have a bigger impact.The seller could previously finance up to 15)percent of the homes closing costs when the borrower used an FHA mortgage.That will drop to16)percent this summer.700_ 5

46、80_ 6_ 3 _ Task 2 Listen to the audio clip and then do the following exercise.TaskUnit 5 Part II Section II Task 21.What happened to Ashley after a family dinner of lasagna and spinach salad?A.Ashley came down with a bad cold.B.Ashley contracted bird flu.C.Ashleys kidneys failed.D.Ashleys liver fail

47、ed.2.What was the consequence of her contracting this disease?A.Ashley will one day need a kidney transplant.B.Ashley can not go back to school.C.Ashley will be on medication all her life.D.Ashley will be handicapped for life.Unit 5 Part II Section II Task 23.Which statement is TRUE according to thi

48、s dialogue?A.The Armstrongs did not like salads,fresh vegetables and fresh fruits before,but they like them now.B.Ashley Armstrong was once a healthy,rambunctious boy.C.Ashley Armstrong died from eating the contaminated salad.D.The Armstrongs testified before Congress asking for tougher food safety

49、laws.4.What is the reporters tone in this interview?A.Sympathetic.B.Neutral.C.Critical.D.Emotional.Unit 5 Part II Section II Task 25.How many years does a transplanted kidney usually last?A.15 years.B.20 years.C.25 years.D.30 years.6.When did Ashley come down with an illness?A.Last June.B.Last July.

50、C.Last August.D.Last September.7.According to the CNN reporter,how many E.coli outbreaks have occurred since 1995?A.More than twelve.B.More than two thousand.C.More than two hundred.D.More than twenty.Unit 5 Part II Section II Task 28.When Ashley got sick,how old was she?A.One year old.B.Two years o

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