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1、Metaphor a way of describing something by referring to it as something different and suggesting that it has similar qualities to that thing Similean expression that describes something by comparing it with something else, using the words as or like, for example as white as snow Metaphor(隐喻):用一个词来指代与

2、该词本来所指事物有相似特点的另一种事物的方法。这也是一种比较,不过这个比较是暗含的,且没有用 like 或 as 等指出。如果把例句:“My girlfriend is like a sweet watermelon.”,去掉了 like 这个描述词,这便是隐喻用法而不是明喻了。因为在改了的这个句子里面,虽然也把 My girlfriend 比作 a sweet watermelon,但却没有一个词指出这个比较,因而 watermelon 此处是隐喻用法。隐喻通常和 be 动词连用,但是句子中的名词、动词、形容词或副词都可以有隐喻用法。(1) A nest is to a bird what

3、a house is to a man. (Art and Architecture, SEFC 2A, P.21)鸟巢对于鸟而言,正如房子对于人一样。本句话的语言结构:“A is to B what C is to D”为隐喻结构,意为“A 对 B 而言正如 C 对 D 一样。”(2) There were a few lordly poplars before the house.有一排白杨像贵族一样矗立在房子前。1. Simile(明喻):明显地用 like,as,as if 或其它词来描述两个截然不同事物之间的相似关系的方法。(1) My money and goods are as

4、dear to me as life itself. (The Merchant of Venice, SEFC 2B, P.71)我的钱财对我就像生命一样宝贵。(2) But relief soon spread through Nome like the golden rays of the dawn itself. (Heroes of the North, SEFC 3, P.53)但是人们变得轻松的感觉就像黎明时的金色阳光一样迅速传遍了诺姆镇。(3) So now Dellas long, beautiful hair fell about her shoulders like a

5、cascade of brown waters.(A sacrifice for love, SEFC 3, P.85)她解开头发让它披散下来。这美丽的长发像褐色的小瀑布。以上的三个例句中,完全不同的人或物被放在一起进行比较:钱财和生命,感觉和金色阳光,长发和瀑布。但是每个例句都有一个鲜明的特点,正是因为前后两者比较的事物有显著的差别,他们的相似点才会显得非常鲜明。其他形式:Personification(拟人) :把某物或概念当作人或具备人的品质的写法。(1) A smile can open doors and tear down walls. It can be used to expr

6、ess almost any emotion. (Body Talk, SEFC 1B, P.60)笑能敲开大门,拆除高墙(这里指化解矛盾),几乎可以用来表达任何情感。(2) The city saw a series of fierce fights between blacks and whites in the 1960s and Dr King was shot and killed in 1968. (The American South, SEFC 2B, P.44) 在 20 世纪 60 年代,这座城市目睹了黑人和白人之间一连串的冲突,金博士在 1960 年被枪杀。(3)“Whe

7、n the World Education Forum met in 2000, it calculated that there were 113 million children not in school.( Education for all, SEFC 3, P.103) 2000 年世界教育论坛召开时,统计数字表明有一亿一千三百万儿童没有接受教育。(4)拟人在散文诗中很常见:I quietly wave,Saying goodbye to the bright clouds of the western sky.Beautiful shadows in bright waves,W

8、aving in my heart.My sleeves are waving,Not taking away a single cloud.我轻轻的招手,作别西天的云彩。波光里的艳影,在我心头荡漾。我挥一挥衣袖,不带走一片云彩。节选徐志摩再别康桥;Edward Connynham 译在这几行诗中,bright clouds,bright waves,My sleeves 都分别被当作三个人来描写。4. Metonymy(换喻): 用某一事物的名称代替与之密切相关的另一事物的名称的写法。例如 crown 可以代替 king,air 可以代替 plane,fall 可以代替 autumn 等。(

9、1) Could you give me a hand with this? (Body language, SEFC 1B, P.58)你在这方面能帮我忙吗?(2) My father was not scientific, so I had to look for a road without having a map. (Fact and Fantasy, SEFC 2B, P.15)我父亲没有什么科学头脑,所以我不得不在没有指导的情况下自己摸索。(3) A similar trick is used in so-called “bait-and-switch” ads, that is

10、 the customer is shown one product(the bait) and then given another. (Advertising, SEFC 3, P.41) 另一类似的诡计是所谓的“偷梁换柱”广告,也就是说消费者所见的是一种产品(钓饵),而实际买到的却是另一种产品。换喻在诗歌中的应用更为广泛,唐朝诗人元稹所作的诗作行宫中的后一句是:“白头宫女在,闲坐说玄宗”,“玄宗”即采用了换喻的手法,用来代替“昔日的政权”。林语堂先生将此句英译为:“Some white-haired palace chambermaids are chatting, Chatting a

11、bout the dead and gone Hsuanchung regime. ”这便体现出译者对换喻以及诗歌文化内涵的确当理解!5. Euphemism(婉言): 即用温和或模糊的说法(话)替换难听或生硬的语句的方法,例如:dustman sanitation workerfat on the plump sidehousewife homemakermad emotionally disturbedold people senior citizenspass urine/urinate pass water/ take a leakto die to pass away; to lea

12、ve ustoilet restroom/washroom很明显,很多时候用委婉语言是为了避免直接说出不愉快的事实,但政客们用委婉语言则是为了欺骗公众。6. Irony(反语): 这里指与真正意思恰好相反的词,用它的目的在于产生特殊的效果。假如你听到一声巨响后,耳朵感到不舒服,有点难受,但是当同伴问及时,如果你不说难受,而说“My ears feel funny!”那就是运用反语。“Face the music”中的“music”不是面对“音乐”而是面对“挫折”,也是运用了反语。这就要求学习者要根据语境或上下文才能对词义、句义做出准确的判断。7. Overstatement and Under

13、statement(夸大和缩小): 前者是把事情说得过分,后者把分量或程度压低。但两者的目的相同,都为了使陈述或描写更加鲜明或有趣。夸大多用于表达对对方的致谢或事物的过分需求的:(1) There is a world of music out here! (The Sounds of the world, SEFC 1A, P.85) 音乐种类繁多,数也数不清! (2) There was no other like it in the stores, and she had turned all of them inside out. (A Sacrifice for Love, SEFC

14、 3, P.85) 其它商店没有像这样的,她把所有的商店都翻了个底朝天。(3) His friends praised his daughters performance to the skies. 他的朋友把他的女儿赞扬的上天了。缩小在把程度压低的同时语言更生动:(1) Can you solve the problem? It is a piece of cake. 你能解决这个问题吗?小菜一碟!(2) It took me a few dollars to buy this cellphone. 我只花了几美元买下了这个手机。(3) Wait a second! I will be ri

15、ght here soon! 等一秒钟!我马上就过来。8. Transferred Epithet(移位修饰): 把修饰语从它本来应该修饰的名词之前移到与该名词有关的词之前的写法,叫移位修饰。当有人说“I have taken a nervous exam.”,这里他就用了这个修辞手段,因为 nervous 本应该修饰人,现在却用来修饰exam。例如以下的例子:(1) Stop that foolish clapping. (A Christmas Carol, SEFC 3, P.58) 停止那愚昧的鼓掌。(2) He was so worried about his son that he

16、 spent several sleepless nights. 他如此担心他的孩子以至于好几个晚上都没有睡着。(3) The students kept a respectful distance from their teacher when they were walking in the corridor. 当学生在走廊里走的时候,都非常尊敬地与老师保持一段距离。9. Oxymoron(矛盾修饰): 意思矛盾的词有时可用在一起,以达到加深印象的目的:(1) “A tearful smile”is the most dominant feature throughout O Henrynovel . (A Christmas Carol, SEFC 3, P.58) “含泪的微笑”是欧亨利小说最显著的特点!(2) The examiner had to be cruel to be kind to the examinees. 监考老师应该严厉而又友善的对待考生。

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