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1、写作描述性文章1. 描述性文章是把人物、事件、景观、地点、环境等用生动的语言,形象地描绘出来。2. 描述性文章的结构(1人物:开头应有简明的介绍文章的主体部分可按时间或事件的主次进行描述结尾进行评论或谈感受(2地点:要学会准确地表示方位的词或短语描述地点的位置通常由上至下,从里到外,从左至右,从远到近。总之,无论是描述人物,还是地点、环境、都要详略得当,重点突出。3. 学习并牢记下面的短语和句型表空间顺序in front of, in the front of, at the back of,on the right (left sideclose to, next to, opposite,

2、 across,inside, outsidein (to the south/east/west/northon one side., on the other side (of常用短语和句型:方位1. There is a tall shelf on the left of my room.(on the right of, in the front of, near the window,2. Above the bed, there is a large painting of the blue sea. (On the right of the room,3. Next to it

3、is a bed. (In front of it, At the back of, In the middle of, To the right of4. They are opposite the door.(on the left/right of the room.5. The office building is in the east of the campus.(in the south of, to the west of, in front of, behind, at the back of, 6. The monument, which was built in 1894

4、, stands in the center of the square.描述国家,城市等7. China is located in Asia. (be situated be surrounded by , lie to the east of 8. It covers a huge area of 9,600 000 square kilometers.9. The population of this city is 100,000 .路线10. When you come out of(get toreach11. Cross the street (river (keep walk

5、ing along walk down12. Turn right at the end of Bridge Street into Riverside Road. (the second traffic lights, the first crossing,13. Take the first turning on your left. (take the path which crosses the river.14. Go straight on to the traffic light and then turn right.15. Y oull see(find it人物16. My

6、 grandpa, kind and patient, enjoys talking with kids.17. He is about 5feet and 7inches tall.18. She has a round face with two big eyes.描述物品19. This rope is 100meters long. =The length of this rope is 100 meters. = This rope is 100 meters in length. (in weight, in width, in height, in size, in color,

7、 in shape20.It is a round yellow hat with pink flowers on it. Its made of straw.21. There are three books in the her drawer.1. 1999年NMET书面表达假设你是李华,在一所中学读书。最近收到美国朋友Smith 先生的来信。他三年前参观过你校,听说现在变化很大,希望了解有关情况.参照下图,给他写一封回信,介绍你校的变化。注意:1回信须包括图画的主要内容,可适当增减细节,使内容连贯。2词数100字左右。 图1 图2A. 审题:一封信(体裁谈学校的变化(三年前图1,三年后图

8、2重点在三年后的描述B. 题纲及常用结构开头语:收到来信hear from sb. / get (receive your letter .学校的变化:新教学楼:a new school building图书馆:our new library新操场:the new playground树木环绕:lots of trees表述方位的词:on one side (on the other sideon the right (leftThere be . ,in front of , in and aroundC. 将以上要点扩展成句并连文,注意句与句之间的过渡。Dear Mr. Smith ,I

9、was so pleased to hear from you and am writing to tell you something about my school . You are right , Quite a few changes have taken place . On one side of the road there is a new classroom building . On the other side , where the playground used to be now stands another new building our library .

10、In it there are all kinds of books , newspapers and magazines . The playground is now in front of the school . We have also planted a lot of trees in and around the school . I hope you come and see for yourself some day .Best wishes .Yours,Li Hua2. 假如你作为崔剑锋的同学接受美国一家报社记者的采访,请你介绍有关他的事迹。根据所给提示,写一篇100词左

11、右的短文。Name : Cui JianfengBirthday : 8,15, 1971Birthplace : Heze , Shandong provinceEducation : 1989- 1993, Biology Department , Peking University1996 Doctors degree, Princeton University , New JerseyDeeds : 1977 died for saving a boy on 16th Sept . 范文分析:A. 审题:文字和图画综合表达的一篇文章;文章可分为两大部分B. 题纲及常用短语:第一部分,谈

12、他的经历:talk about his experience .ExperiencenameBirthdayBirthplaceEducationWords and phrases could be used .graduate form / go abroad / receive the Doctors degree第二部分:谈他的救人及牺牲的故事His DeedsWords and expressions :go outing / go for a picnichear the cry for helpsee sb . doing sth .jump into the riverlose

13、ones life第三部分:结尾ConclusionHis story inspired lots of people .Well remember him forever .He is always in our hearts . C. 成文写作答案:Cui Jianfeng was born in August , 1971 , in Heze , Shandong province . After graduating from Biology Department , Peking University , he went abroad for further studies in P

14、rinceton University , New Jersey . There be studied very hard and it was in 1996 that he received the Doctors degree. On the 16th, September 1997, he went outing with his classmates. Near the river, they were having a picnic when he heard the cry for help. He saw a boy sinking in the water. Without

15、hesitation, he rushed towards the river and jumped into the water. With the help of the other American students, the boy was saved. Cui was about to get out of water when a rock hit him on the head. Cui lost his life. His heroic story spread all over the city. Well remember him forever.练习1. 假如你叫Alic

16、e,你本应去机场接Danial,但你不得不去医院接你的母亲回家,你的朋友Mary主动提出替你去机场接Danial,你给Danial写信说明上述情况,并描述Mary的外表。 2. 假设你是李华,你的美国朋友Mike将于6月底到北京作短暂停留,请你帮他安排一天的活动。要求用所给的示意图写一封信向他提出建议并对各地点加以简单的介绍。颐和园饭馆北京大学宾馆图书城【参考译文】1. Dear Danial,Im very sorry I cant come to meet you at the airport since I have to take my mother home from hospita

17、l . My friend Mary has kindly offered to meet you and bring you home . As you have never met her before . Ill describe her to you .Miss Mary is a young lady in her twenties with glasses . She is of medium height . She has a round face with wavy hair . She likes wearing high heeled shoes . It is easy

18、 to recognize her because she is usually dressed in T shirt and a skirt . She is always cheerful .I do hope you manage to recognize my friend Mary without any difficulty . Im looking forward to seeing you .Your sincerely,Alice2. Dear Mike ,Im glad to hear you are coming soon . Ive planned a one-day

19、trip for you in Beijing .In the morning you can first go to the Summer Palace , which is one of the most beautiful parks in Beijing . There you can go boating and climbing . Its also a nice place for taking pictures . Then in the middle of the day you can enjoy a Chinese lunch in a restaurant .In th

20、e afternoon , I suggest you visit Beijing University . As you know , it is famous both in China and in the world . Before you go back to your hotel , you can drop in the Book Town . There are not only different kinds books but also many Chinese paintings . I hope youll have a good time .Best wishes,

21、Yours,Li HuaDear John, Im so grateful youre coming to see my father at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday. Here is how you can find Peoples Hospital. After you come to the Da Zhong Square, walk northwards till you get to the gate of East Park. Turn right and walk along the street. It will take you about 5 minutes

22、 walk to arrive at the police station. Then walk northwards again and turn right at the second crossing, you will find peoples Hospital in front of you. Ill meet you at the gate of the hospital. Im sure youll have no trouble coming here. Xiao Li 假如你在路上遇见一位外宾,他问你去购物中心怎么走。购物中心离问路处只需半个小时, 但为了使这位外宾顺利找到购

23、物中心,你给他画了下面的一幅草图。现在,请你根据草图, 把给外宾指路的话写下来。内容不超过 100 词。 The shopping centre is not far from here. Its only half an hours walk. Now take the first turning on the left. Then go along Yanan Road. Please turn right at the traffic lights. Thats to say, take the second turning on the right. Then youll find a

24、 bridge on your left. Cross the bridge and turn left. Then youll find a very large building on your left. Its the shopping center. I am sure you cannt miss it. 对于地理方位的介绍的文章, 首要的是抓住方位, 确定要介绍物体或位置的参照物。 而在具体写路途的转换时,句句应衔接,不要有遗漏。同时选择合适的介词和上下 文的连接词,使文章连贯清楚。描写方位方面的句型以及词汇有: 1. main road 主 干 道 one-way road 单

25、 行 道 highway main 公 路 street 大 街 sidewalk 人 行 道 crossing 人 行 横 道 overhead walkway 天桥 traffic lights 信号灯 traffic block (jam 交通阻塞 2. 在拐角处 on/ at the corner of 紧接着 next to / beside 在前面 in front of 朝走 go to 在中心 in the centre of 在十字路口 at the crossing 在小河那边 beyond the river 在街对面 cross the street / on the other (opposite side of the street 顺(沿走 walk (go down 在尽头 at the end of 径直走 go straight on 向左拐向 turn left into 走左边第三个道口 take the 3rd turning on the left 通过广场 go across the square 通往 lead to 坐落于 lie in/ be located in/ be situated in

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