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1、up, and members cadres shoe vocational due diligence combined up, ensure successfully completed early determine of the target task, ensure successfully completed levels leadership general task, ensure successfully completed poverty storming annual target task, ensure social overall harmony stable. T

2、hree, compacting the main responsibilities and strengthen the two leadership of educational organizations do a good job two education without a strong organization and leadership. Party construction of party organizations at all levels should firmly establish the main consciousness, grasping party b

3、uilding as the first responsibility, strengthen leadership, demonstrable, scientific to ensure solid education effectively. First, the layers of responsibility. Party committees (leading party group) to study education as a major political task, primary responsibility for effective implementation, s

4、trengthen leadership, carefully guiding the Steering, do a good job overall, study and solve problems in a timely manner. Progress evaluation by the grass-roots party building this year, to study education as the primary evaluation organizations, poor organization, the problems are many, to criticiz

5、e, to accountability. Main is responsible for comrade to consciously bear up first responsibility people duties, not only to tube good cadres, and with good team, also to tube good members, and with good team, both first examples, lead participate in learning education, and by Qian command, input en

6、ough of time and energy, strengthened Guide and checks role, on work programme personally validation, on important task personally deployment, on exists problem timely solution, throughout put responsibility carry in shoulder Shang, improper shuaishouzhanggui. The County party Committee and municipa

7、l party Committee municipal workers, Various enterprises and institutions, Commission, party committees and departments in charge of industry practice, develop specific implementation plan, organizing special forces responsible for educational work to strengthen this unit to the system study and edu

8、cation in the region specific guidance. Organization departments, as the lead department, to strengthen the planning, organization, coordination and guidance, good design, decomposition, each key action to implement. Carry out study and education, to rely on strict doc real guide, pressure conveying

9、 layer upon layer, step by step, compaction of responsibility. In steering the Steering must prevent formalism, catch the way the thinking of prevention activities, study and education, preventing routine aside, prevent simple, doing as much as meeting notes to judge the educational results. To take

10、 reports, customized research, attending the meeting, random spot checks, briefings and other means, to focus the push Guide to grassroots, on the party branch, in-depth understanding of education and actual effect, sum up fresh experience to promote grass roots, to detect and correct the signs of p

11、roblems. Public information2008年5.月中国物流职业经理资格证书考试(初级)物流基础(课程代码:5363)一、 单项选择题(30分)1、 对季节性产品进行储存,主要是创造A、空间效用 B、时间效用 C、形式效用 D、占有效用2、物流活动的起点是A、运输 B、搬运 C、仓储 D、包装3、从物流角度看包装的目的是保护产品和A、方便交易 B、促进销售 C、方便储运 D、方便使用4、在物流过程中,最容易出现货物损坏的环节是A、运输 B、装卸 C、仓储 D、包装5、仓储货物的后进先出原则是A、后到库的货物选出库 B、晚到的订单早发货 C、先出厂的货物后入库 D、晚到的汽车先

12、装车6、实现物的空间转移的物流功能是A、包装 B、仓储 C、运输 D、加工7、配送活动的核心是A、备货 B、理货保管 C、送货 D、投诉处理8、在电子商务中,B2B是指A、企业对政府 B、消费者对消费者 C、企业对企业D、消费者对企业9、以客户为核心的物流服务,首先应当认识和了解A、市场行情 B、客户需求 C、产品品质 D、服务水平10、自由贸易区是A、交易价格放开的区域 B、免征消费税的区域C、允许商品进行交易的区域 D、免关税存放、加工货物的区域11、CIF价格条款的进口合同,租船订舱由A、买方负责 B、卖方负责 C、银行指定 D、双方协商解决12、平板结构的集装器具是A、集装袋 B、集装

13、箱 C、物料箱 D、托盘13、采购的外部关系主要是与供应商之间进行A、人际关系的沟通 B、商务确定和信息反馈 C、人员交换与调整 D、采购人员招聘和培训14、对应绿色营销的物流活动是A、虚拟物流 B、国际物流 C、逆向物流 D、正向物流15、集装箱是A、装贵重货物的木箱 B、一次性使用的纸箱C、可重复使用的标准化运输器具 D、专门用于储存放射性物质的铅箱16、使用集中采购的一般条件是A、大批量 B、小批量 C、价值低 D、物流费用少17、物流网络主要是指的是A、结点和线路 B、计算机和信息网络 C、采购和生产D、生产与销售18、EDI指的是A、电子数据传递 B、电子数据交换 C、企业资源信息D

14、、电子数据输入19、MRP指的是A、物流需求计划 B、制造资源计划 C、企业资源计划D、配送需求计划20、现代仓储与传统仓储的最主要区别是A、库存量更大 B、强调货物保存期更长 C、综合物流能力加强D、要求更安全的保管环境21、按经济订货批量进货,目的是A、降低采购进货成本 B、提高物流效率 C、降低保管仓储成本 D、平衡采购进货成本和保管仓储成本22、物流标准化的基点是A、集装 B、单件 C、散装 D、零杂23、以下属于客户需求管理的范畴的是A、库存控制政策 B、运输管理 C、客户服务政策D、仓储管理24、下列属于定性预测的方法是A、简单预测法 B、德尔菲法 C、移动平均法 D、指数平滑法2

15、5、安全库存是防止A、货物积压的进货数量 B、货物对仓库货架的承重超负荷所规定的数量C、由于意外缺货而多储存的数量 D、仓库发生意外事故而采取的防范措施26、进行一项采购活动,首先需要确定的是A、采购需求 B、采购价格 C、采购质量 D、采购服务27、积压库存是指A、超过保质期,销售不掉的库存 B、库存账目中没有记录的库存C、促销产品库存 D、应急救灾库存28、国际物流运输方式中,运价最低的是A、铁路运输 B、海洋运输 C、公路运输 D、航空运输29、面向家庭消费者的日用品配送,应该选用的运输工具是A、飞机 B、船舶 C、火车 D、汽车30、铁路运输适合于A、大批量货物,近距离运输 B、小批量

16、货物,远距离运输C、小批量货物,近距离运输 D、大批量货物,远距离运输二、 多项选择(10分)31、海洋运输的基本要素有A、船舶 B、航线 C、港口 D、海关 E、厂房32、从流入流出性分析,企业物流系统可以分为A、外向型系统 B、内向型系统 C、对称型系统D、偏进货型系统 E、偏出货型系统33、物流决策在企业经营决策层次面上可分为A、战略决策 B、应急决策 C、战术决策D、运营决策 E、投资决策34、根据作用不同,物流结点可分为A、转运型结点 B、储存型结点 C、流通型结点D、生产型结点 D、综合型结点35、逆向物流的类型主要有A、退货 B、二手货收回 C、废弃物处理D、空车配货 E、生产线

17、上产品更换三、 简答题(20分)36、在物流系统中除运输和仓储两大功能要素外,还有哪些功能要素?37、说明运输在物流中的作用?38、简述客户订单管理的流程?39、简述定量订货法的定义?40、推动国际物流发展的动力有哪些?四、 论述题(20分)41、请论述配送的特点和配送的作业环节42、请论述制造业物流系统的特征五、 案例题(20分)43、DS运输公司已经从传统的航空公司发展称为一个综合物流公司,提供“门到门”的服务,向欧洲的主要国际客户提供第三方物流解决方案。该公司现在集中精神于北欧的计算机市场。DS运输公司为北欧的计算机行业销售商开发了一种物流解决方案;在每个北欧国家都有一个全国性仓库,服务

18、于全国的顾客,备用零件的服务和维修也同样地分权给各国家的销售机构。在本部哥本哈根的配送中心为在丹麦、芬兰、挪威和瑞典的顾客直接配送。这种方式使有相同服务要求的销售商能分享配送中心设施、信息系统和运输能力。与每个销售商自营物流方式相比,DS运输公司有较高的服务水平和较低的总成本。DS运输公司也为计算机行业提供了一种增值服务,如按顾客的配置要求组装计算机、配备计算机附件(外接电源和当地母语的说明书)、上门为客户安装计算机产品、检测和升级计算机硬件系统等。请分析下述问题:1、 请说明物流基本服务包括哪些内容?DS公司提供哪些基本服务?2、 请说明物流增值服务包括哪些内容?DS公司提供哪些增值服务?3

19、、 如果你是DS运输公司物流部门经理,如何进一步改进物流服务?2008年5.月中国物流职业经理资格证书考试(初级)物流基础 参考答案(课程代码:5363)一、 单项选择题(略)二、 多线选择题(略)三、 简单题36、1、包装功能 2、装卸搬运功能 3、流通加工功能4、物流信息功能 5、配送功能37、1、运输是物流的主要功能要素之一 2、运输是社会物质生产的必要条件之一3、运输可以创造空间效用 4、运输具有体现物流成本的最大部分38、1、订单准备阶段 2、订单传输阶段 3、订单输入阶段4、订单履行阶段 5、订单信息跟踪 6、订单处理结果反馈39、定单订货法是指当库存下降到预先设定的订货点时,按预

20、定的批量进行订货补充的一种库存管理方式。40、信息技术的发展、经济全球化、区域经济一体化、供应链一体化。四、论述题41、配送的特点:1、配送是送货、分货、配货等活动的有机结合体。 2、配送的全过程有现代化技术和装备的保障。 3、配送是一种专业化的分工方式。 配送的作业环节:1、备货,即指准备货物的系列活动,它是配送的准备工作,或基础环节。包括集货和储存货物。2、 理货,是配送的一项重要内容,也是区别于一般送货的重要标志。包括货物分拣、配送、包装等项物流功能活动。3、 送货,是配送活动的核心,也是备货和理货工作的延伸。制定送货计划。配送线路的选择、车辆配装。送货信息的反馈及车辆管理。42、制造业

21、物流系统的特征是:1、工厂是物流系统的出发点和接受点。工厂选址将直接影响物流系统的设计。第一种情况是该制造业的原材料种类很多,并且供应商分布分散的情况下。第二种情况是该制造业在全国范围内有1-2个工厂。而客户分布分散。第三种情况是该制造业虽然在全国有很多工厂,但都是生产不同类型的产品。2、物流中心越少越好。说明制造业报销售渠道设计和选择方法直接影响到物流系统设计,制造业的销售系统可以分为:工厂直送型、渠道分销型。3、减少中间环节对于制造业来讲,是最有效降低物流成本的方法。五、案例题43、1、A:物流的基本服务有:1.运输 2.仓储 3.配送 4.货物中介 5.装卸搬运 6.包装 7.流通加工

22、8.信息服务B:DS运输公司为顾客提供的基本物流服务:仓储、配送、流通加工服务。2、A:物流增值服务有:1.订单处理 2.货物验收 3.流通加工 4.代理货物保险 5.代收货款 6.货物回收 7.产品替换 B:DS运输公司为客户提供的物流增值服务:组装计算机、配备附件、安装计算机、监测、升级计算机。3、1、将客户的配送中心与DS的配送中心进行整合; 2、将个人计算机和办公用品储存在不同的配送中心中,区分不同的配送级别; 3、减少仓库的数量以降低成本;同时,通过仓库数量的减少来控制库存; 4、通过对低价值的产品进行集合运输,降低成本; 5、整合仓库,减少作业环节,降低运作成本。在控制理论发展的过

23、程中,某一理论的正确性及实际应用中的可行性需要一个按其理论设计的控制器去控制一个典型对象来验证,倒立摆系统作为一个实验装置,结构简单、构件组成参数和形状易于改变、成本低廉,其控制效果可以通过其稳定性直观地体现。作为一个多用途的综合性实验装置departments should pay special attention to public opinion, in-depth information relating to provincial, municipal and Central decisions and arrangements to promote educational eff

24、ectiveness and progress of the typical experience, and create a good social atmosphere. Second, persevering in above rates. Leading bodies at all levels, leadership, leading cadres should take the lead, as a good example, and asking others to do you first do it, asks of others and not themselves det

25、ermined not to do, for example of superior to subordinate, team leader for team members for example, level to level, level with levels, layers of driven model, layer upon layer, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. Need stressed of is, regardless of what ranks, and what pos

26、t of members leaders, are to to General members identity put himself pendulum in, seriously implementation Central and provincial, and municipal on learning education of the requirements, strictly implementation double organised, basic system, lead learning discussion, lead on experience, and told p

27、arty lecture, and for report, lead participate in organised will, and democratic comments, lead shoe vocational due diligence, and based post for contribution, do four told four has of qualified Communist, strive to makes learning research more in-depth, and check pendulum problem more deep , To reo

28、rganize the implementation of more radical, avant-garde more respectable image, thus learning education effective. Third, strengthen the guidance. The education for all members, large personnel base, wide field, hierarchy, difference, and to differentiate between counties, departments, grass-roots u

29、nits, all kinds of party organization and party member between the actual characteristics of hierarchical classification positions put forward measures to prevent flood irrigation. To have operable. Each party should develop specific programmes and specific measures, education principles and learnin

30、g requirements into operational, able to put in place ways. To grasp from the specific work, hard, catching fine practice, with concrete results to verify the educational results. Should be targeted. Different party members ideological trends and behaviors, differential treatment in education, preci

31、sion application policy, key starts locks, down to learn and do the measures each party member, enabling them to access to education, improve, make people feel Members of the new changes. To reflect the difference. No uniform, thousands of people, and give expression differences, characteristics. In

32、 determining the learning when the topic was discussed, according to different characteristics and existing problems of party members, both closely linked to the theme, and reality, let party members learn, on the up. Do qualified Communist of standard also cannot uniform, County above members leaders standard to more high more strict, to insisted loyalty clean play, do Jiao Yulu type of good cadres; on County following the field the industry of members to

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