1、雨霖铃翻译“雨霖铃”是唐代诗人柳永所作的一首词,以“雨霖铃声”为主题,表现了诗人在雨夜听铃声时所感受到的思乡之情和离愁别绪。这首词不仅情感真挚,词意深刻,而且词调婉转,意境优美,是中国古代文学中的一篇经典之作。现在让我为您翻译这首雨霖铃吧。I. 原文寒蝉凄切,对长亭晚,骤雨初歇。都门帐饮无绪,留恋处,兰舟催发。执手相看泪眼,竟无语凝噎。忽听枯桐庐震如雷,再思琴声渐绝。长恨此曲唱不尽,无那笛声来解闷。停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花。 II. 翻译When the cicadas sing sadly, By the long pavilion under the setting sun, The
2、 sudden rain begins to rest. Sitting in the gateway, I drink alone and brood, While my heart lingers, The sailboat urges to depart. Holding hands, our tearful eyes meet, We cannot speak, we just choke with emotions. Suddenly we hear the sound of wind shaking the withered wood, The melody of the zith
3、er fading away. I have always pitied the incomplete song, And the lack of a flute to ease my boredom. We stop at the maple forest in the evening, Where the frost-covered leaves are redder than February flowers. III. 结语以上是我对雨霖铃的翻译,这首词桥段简洁,语言婉转优美,情感真挚,表现了思乡之情和离愁别绪,同时也借此表达了对家乡和亲人的眷恋之情。希望您能够体会并喜欢这首经典之作。