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1、牛津版七年级下 Unit 1 People around us 知识点复习资料 ( S )第一部分 知识梳理 一单词I.语音知识字母和组合发 音 例 词_cloud house mouth_encourage touch young _group soup_fault cause _laugh_remain wait II. 词汇串串烧1. cheerful (adj.) 快乐的;高兴的 _ (n.)欢呼(v.)欢呼,使.高兴; _ (adj.) 令人鼓舞的 n.欢呼,喝彩 2. forget (v.)忘记 _ (adj.) 健忘的;好忘事的 _ (adj.) 难忘的3. care (v.)

2、照料(n.) 关心 _ (adj.)小心的;认真的 _ (adj.)小心地;认真地 _ (adj.) 粗心大意的4. laugh (v.) 笑 _ (n.)笑,笑声 5. encourage (v.)鼓励 _ (n.) 勇气 _ (v.)使.沮丧6. successful (adj.) 获得成功的 _(n.) 成功 _ (v.) 动词 _ (adv.) 成功地 7. teach (v.) 教;教导 _ (n.) 教师 _ (n.)教学8. friend (n.) 朋友 _ (adj.) 友好的 _ (n.)友谊9. probably (adv.)也许;大概 _ (adj.)也许;大概10.pa

3、tient (adj.)耐心的 (n.)病人 _(adv.)耐心地 _(n.)耐心 _(adj.)不耐烦的11.support (v.) 支持 _ (adj.) 支持的 _ (n.)支持者 III. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. We all felt very _(cheer) when we watched the performance by class 4.2. I think Jacky is a _(success) movie star. We are all proud of him.3. Mary is so _that we all like her.(friend)4.

4、Mr Smith uses a lot of games in his _(teach).5. Tom says that he will _be a fireman when he grows.(probable)6. He is so _ that he hardly makes mistakes.(care)7. I am a _of Chinese women volleyball team.(support)二重要短语81. 除.之外,也 _ 2. 照顾,照料 _ 3. 讲笑话 _ 4. 嘲弄,取笑 _ 5. 充满乐趣 _ 6. 对.要求严格 _ 7. 放弃 _ 8. 上班 _ 9.

5、 夜以继日_ 10. 花费时间做. _ . 11. 成功做某事_ 12. 擅长_三语言点精讲 1.forget; as well 原文 I will never forget the taste,and the smell as well.用法 1. forget (v.) _ 反义词:_ 过去式:_ (1)忘记某事/人/物 forget sth./sb. (2) 忘记去做某事_. (3)忘记做过某事 _. 拓展 记得去做某事 _ 记得做过某事 _. 运用1) I was so hungry, I forgot _ breakfast this morning. A.having B. to

6、have C. had D. have 2) 在回家路上不要忘记帮我买一张速度与激情:特别行动的票。 Dont _ me a ticket of Hobbs and Shaw.用法 2. as well 意为“_,_,_”。as well 表“_”时用在肯定句中,放在句子_。辨析 1) too放在句子_,通常用逗号_。 2) either在_句中使用,是放在句子末尾。 3) also用在肯定句,则放在_动词be之后,_动词之前。运用 1).He is good at English. He is_ good at Japanese. A.too B. also C. either D. as

7、well 2). The foreigner can speak English, he can speak French _. A. neither B. also C. either D. as well 3). John _ believes that bears hibernate in winter _. A. also, either B. too, as well C. also, as well D. as well, too 2.smell原文 I will never forget the taste,and the smell as well.用法 smell (n.)

8、_ (v.) _ (1) 做_动词,后直接跟宾语。 (2)做_动词,后接_词修饰主语。 运用香水的味道_ 玫瑰的香味_ 闻起来很不错_ 尝起来很糟糕 _3. remain原文 I hope we will always remain friends.用法 remain (v.) _;_。 常用作_动词,后接_词或_词作表语。拓展 常见的接形容词做系动词的除了be动词还有:“一好像” _ “二保持” _,_;“三变化”_,_,_ “五感官”_,_,_,_,_运用 1) 天气越来越暖和。Its _. 2) 我问了她三个问题,但是她保持沉默。I asked her three question,bu

9、t she _. 4. encourage原文.but he always encourages us and gives us support.用法 encourage (v.) _ 鼓励某人做某事 _运用 1) 我们的体育老师经常鼓励我们多做运动。Our PE teacher often _. 2)她的成功鼓励我尝试做同样的事。 Her success _the same thing. 5. support 原文.but he always encourages us and gives us support.用法 support (n. )(v.) _ 给.支持_运用1) Nancy 需

10、要我们的支持,让我们帮帮她吧。Nancy_. Lets give her a hand. 2) 为了支撑整个家庭,Mike的爸爸只有努力工作。_, Mikes father has to work hard.6.successful 原文 Never give up and youll be successful.用法 successful (adj.)_ (n):_ (v):_ (adv.) _ 运用 1) 你认为世界上最成功的人是谁?Who do you think is_ in the world? 2) 电影战狼II取得了商业上的巨大成功。The film Wolf Warriors

11、_.3) 祝你事业有成。May you _ in your cause.7.take care of原文 Grandma took care of my family. 用法 take care of 意为“_,_”同义词:_或 _ 运用 Nurse take care of patients in hospital.(同义句转换) Nurses _ patients in hospital. Nurses _ patients in hospital.8.make原文 She often tells me jokes to make me laugh,but she never makes

12、fun of others.用法 使某人做某事_. make fun of 意为“_”=_ 运用 1) 周星驰在电影中总是能够使观众笑起来。Stephen Chow can always _the audiences _ in his movies. 2) 他们经常嘲笑那位新同学的口音。They often_/_the new students accent.9.be full of 原文 His classes are always full of fun.用法 be full of 意为“_.”= _ fun (n.) 意为“_,_” fun (adj.) 意为“_,_”运用 英译中1)

13、The bottle is full of milk. _。2) The old lady is carrying a basket full of vegetables. _。3) Our English classes are always full of fun._。10. strict原文 Mr Li is strict about our studies,but he always encourages us and give us support.用法 be strict about 意为“_” 对某人严格:_.运用 1) 李安导演对演员要求既友善又严格。Ann Lee _ the

14、 players. 2) 我们的数学老师对我们的作业总是要求严格。Our math teacher_our homework.11. give up 原文He often says,“Never give up and youll be successful.”用法 give up 意为“_”,另外还有“_,_”的意思。放弃某事/做某事_/_. 运用 英译中1) He is always telling her mother to give up playing Mahjong._.2) Although I have met many difficulties,I will never gi

15、ve up my dream. _。四经典句型1. Never give up and youll be successful.句式分析这是一个并列句,and 前面的分句用祈使句表条件,and后面的分句表结果。这样的句子可用if 引导 的条件句进行改写.因此本句可改为: _, _. 句式仿写 1) 快点,你就可以赶上早班车了。_.2) 开心点,你会更加健康。_.3) 再坚持一下,你就可以得到你想要的。_.2. Mothers Day is the time for us to say “Thank you”to our mums.句式分析 .is the time for sb. to do

16、something 意为“.是某人做某事的时候。”句式仿写1)七点是我每天起床的时候。_. 2)春节是一家团聚的时候。_. 3)该是停止打电玩并做作业的时候了。_.3. If you love your mom,why not plan a special Mothers Day for her?句式分析why not .意为“_.”常用于提建议,后接_。句式拓展常用来提建议的句式还有:1) Shall we do. 2) Lets do. 3) How(What) about doing . 4)Would you like to.句式运用 一句多译:这个周末我们去海洋公园好吗?1)._?2

17、). _?3)._.4). _?5). _?第二部分 巩固练习一 首字母填空1. Jack is s_.He is good at all his subjects at school.2. Jacks best friend went abroad (到国外)three years ago.Jack now m_ him a lot.3. His joke was very funny.It made all of us l_.4. Mr Li asked a different question ,and all the students r_silent. 5. Miss Wang is

18、 a good teacher.She is _with her students.6. Our teacher gives us a lot of s_when we have problem.7. My mum e_me to go on with it.8. Betty is a m_of the piano club.二 用所给单词适当形式填空1. Please be _(patience) with your grandma.2. Cindy will _(probable) be a singer when she grows up.3. What about _(encourag

19、e ) him to take part in the game?4. The exciting music makes me _(cheer).5. He often tell _(joke) to us to make us laugh.6. She is a _(success) dancer and all the people like her.7. My doctor told me to give up _(smoke)8. The interesting film made us _(feel) happy yesterday .三单项选择1).Miss Wangs class

20、 is always full _happiness and activities.A. in B. to C. with D.of2).My grandmother was a short woman _gray hair.A. of B. with C. in D. about3) These children are very lovely.They are _quite kind to others.A.as well B.too C. either D. also4).Work hard _youll finally find the answer _ the problem.A.a

21、nd,to B. but,of C. or,to D. so,to 5).My grandfather _two years ago and I miss him very much.A.die B.died C.dies D.is dying6).Why not go out for a picnic? -_ . A. I dont want to B. Its a good idea C.I dont go D. Yes,I will go.7) My father usually makes me _a lot of housework every day. A.to do B. doi

22、ng C. does D. do8) -Eddie:_? - He is quite active and always takes part in school activities? A.What does Tony like? B. Why does Tony like? C.Who do you like D. What do you like about Tony? 9) The teacher is strict _us and we are all afraid of him. A. about B.to C. with D. on10).He never gives up _

23、lies and we dont like him at all.A. told B. tells C.tell D. telling11) The light in the office is still on. He forgot _ it _. A. to turn,on B. turning,off C. to turn,off D. turning, on12) -What do you think of the cake? -I like it very much. It tastes_?A.good B.terrible C. well D. badly13) 1Do you l

24、ike the shirt? Yes, it _ very soft. A. feels B. felt C. is feeling D. is felt 14)His voice_ as if he has a cold. A. seems B. listens C. hears D. sounds 15) He is so shy that he remained _in the classes.A. silent B. silence C. active D.acting 四完成句子 1. 如果我们还是朋友,你必须告诉我实情。_.2. 我们的语文老师经常让我们做很多作业。_.3. 刘谦的

25、魔术很有趣,总是让我们惊讶不已。_.4. 明天不要忘记带上你的照相机到学校。 _.5. 英语老师经常鼓励我们多开口说英语。_.6. 父母亲对他的学习要求非常严格。_.7. 你能照顾好自己吗?_?8. Mandy 做作业很慢,我们不应该嘲笑她。_.9. 范冰冰是一个知名演员,他还是一个老板。_.10. 努力学习,你的英语就可以考到好成绩。_.五. 写作: 根据图片和提示完成日记。useful expressions:be interested in many things help with homework be good at playing the piano Never forget t

26、o buy a gift be always very patient with be happy to have My super grandpaI love my grandpa very much.He is not like most grandpas! He is very special.He_.第三部分 语法专讲 -冠词概念:冠词是用在名词前,帮助说明名词所指的人或事物的词。冠词有不定冠词a,an和定冠词the。一 不定冠词的用法No. 用 法 举 例1表示某类人或事物中的“一个”或泛指,以_开头的单词前用不定冠词aa bike, a useful book, a Europea

27、n country 2表示某类人或事物中的“一个”或泛指,以_开头的单词前用不定冠词anan orange, an umbrella,an honest3表示_或_,不具体指哪一个,即以其中的一个代表一类。Im a girl.A horse runs faster than an elephant.4用在固定搭配中a lot of , have a cold 二 定冠词的用法定冠词the用于表示特指的人或物以及指同一类的人或物,它既可以用在可数名词的单数和复数前,也可用在不可数名词前。主要用法如下:No. 用 法 举 例1_人或物Look at the picture.The book on

28、the desk is mine.2表示世界上_的事物the sun, the moon3_前in the southeast, on the right 4_词前the first day ,the fifth week5_前The fastest , the most beautiful 6部分_名词前the Yellow River, the Great Wall 7_的名词前play the piano, play the violin8_前the Spring Festival , the Mid-autumn festival 9在某些形容词前,表示_the young , the

29、 rich10用在固定搭配中in the morning ,by the way 11用在姓氏前,表示_The Smiths are both English teachers. 三 零冠词零冠词即_冠词。下列情况下通常用零冠词。No. 用 法 举 例1_名、_名、_名前China,Beijing, Tom2在_、_、_、_前in spring,in summer,in October,on Sunday,on Christmas 3_名词前have breakfast,have dinner4_、_运动短语前play football,play chess 5用在固定搭配中go to sch

30、ool, at night6名词前已有this,that,these,those my,your,any,no,every等时。 this morning, my pen四部分带the 和不带the 的短语区别go to school _ go to the school _ at table_ at the table _go to hospital _ go to the hospital _ in class _ in the class_in bed _ in the bed _ 巩固练习一单项选择1.Mike is good at playing _ basketball, but his sister is good at playing _ piano. A. the; the B. /; the C. the; /2. After supper I often go out for _ walk for half _ hour. A. a; an B. the; an C. a; a3. Its _ best time to see _ moon on _ Mid-Autumn festival. A. the;the; the B.a; the;/ C. a

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