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1、二年级第二学期期末复习卷三(选择、情景判断、情景选择,看图选择)Class_ Name_ No._I. 选择最佳答案,将字母代号写在前面的括号内( ) 1- What color _ it? -Its red.A. are B. is C. am( ) 2-What can you see? -I _ see a bird.A. can B. / C. do( ) 3. -Is it smooth? - No. Its _ .A. smooth. B. isnt. C. rough( ) 4. Choo choo I can hear a _.A. bus B. van C. train( )

2、 5. -Do you like skating? - No, I like _.A. skating B. runing C. running( ) 6. -Can your mother play cards? - Yes, she _ .A. can B. cant C. do( ) 7. - Do you like bananas? - No, I _.A. Do B. dont C. doesnt( ) 8. He is a musician. He _ the piano.A. sings B play C plays( ) 9.- _ she sing? -No, she doe

3、snt.A. do B. Does C Can( ) 10. - Whose jeans are these? - They _ Bens.A. are B. is C. arent( ) 11. -Are these Lisas gloves? -No, they _.A. is B. are C. arent( ) 12. -Is she wearing a red dress? -No, she _.A. isnt B is C. arent( ) 13. -Are you playing tag? - Yes, I _.A. are B am C. is II. 情景判断,用T表示正确

4、,用F表示错误。( ) 1. 你想知道三只蝴蝶什么颜色,你问:What colour is the butterfly?( ) 2. 你让朋友打开礼盒看, 你说: Open it and see.( ) 3. 你告诉Alice你听到了船声, 你说: You can hear a ship.( ) 4. Peter喜欢跑步和跳绳, 他可以说:I like skipping. But I dont like running.( ) 5. 你想知道那些是什么,你问: What are they?( ) 6. 你想买一只玩具熊,你对营业员说:May I have a toy bear?( ) 7. 你

5、想帮助别人:你说:Can I help you?( ) 8. Linda告诉你,她喜欢狗,她说: I dont like dogs.( ) 9. 秋天又凉爽又多风。Autumn is cool and windy.( )10. 春天你喜欢在公园里骑车. I like riding a bicycle in the childrens garden.( )11. John 问Lisa是否在玩捉迷藏,他问: Are you playing tag?( )12. 你看到绿灯亮了,你说: Its green. Lets wait.( )13. 你有很多毛衣。你说: I have many sweate

6、rs.( )14. 你对Tom道歉,他回答说:Thats all right.( )15. Lisa不喜欢吃三明治,她说: I like sandwiches.( )16. 爸爸工作了一天,回家说自己又累又饿:Im hungry and tired.( )17. 母亲节到了,你对妈妈说:Happy birthday!( )18. 你给奶奶倒茶,你说:Have a cup of tea, Grandpa.( )19. 送给妈妈康乃馨的时候你说:Here are some carnations for you,Mum.( )20. 你问Eddie会不会游泳:Do you like swimming

7、? ( )21.你想要吃苏打水,你说:I want some soda.( )22.这个帽子是Lisa的,你说:These hat are Lisas.( )23.他穿了一件毛衣,你说:She is wearing a sweater.( )24.他在踢足球,你说:He is playing basketball.III 情景选择( )1别人问你能看见什么,你回答A. Its a red kite.B. I can see a kite.( )2.你能听见船的声音,你说:A. I can hear a ship.B. I can hear a bicycle.( )3. 你想问别人喜不喜欢跳绳

8、,你问:A. Can you skip?B. Do you like skipping?( )4. 你喜欢骑自行车,你说:A. I like skating.B. I like riding a bicycle.( )5. 你问别人喜欢吃什么,你问:A. What do you like eating?B. Do you like eating chicken?( )6. 你问Eddie它们是什么,你问:A. What is it?B. What are they?( )7. 它们有长长的尾巴,你说:A. It has long tail.B. They have long tails.( )

9、8. 她在跳绳,你说:A. She is playing tag.B. She is jumping rope.( )9. 她穿了一件睡衣,她说:A. She is wearing pajamas.B. She is wearing a sweater.( )10. 你问这件T恤是Ken的吗,你问A. Are these Kens T-shirt?B. Is this Kens T-shirt?IV看图片,选句子,将字母代号写在括号内( ) 1. A . Touch it. Its smooth.B Touch it. Its rough.( )2. A. ChooChoo I can hea

10、r a ship. B BeepBeepI can hear a van.( )3. A. He likes hopping. B He likes skating.( )4. A. What are they? They are zebras. B What are they? They are giraffes.( )5. A. He can make a snowman in winter. B Winter is cold and cloudy.( )6. A. I have a T-shirt.B.I have a shirt.( )7. A. She is playing ping-pong.B She is playing cards.( )8. A. Im hungry. I want some bread.B Im thirsty. I want some water. ( )9. A. Whose sweater is this? B Whose coat is this? ( )10. A. Here is a carnation for you.B Here are some carnation for you. 44

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