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3、估鹰专曳麦桑棕抚弃扬啸堰孩斯氧绪尘分溢世泄萨垄荫坟蔬羞凡牡宵镭空插锗赁缝幌霸丽阜额彻巩辞逮厕轴远咬义脖酪筐揪赊钨罢凶沫鉴扔剖怯掩请寺参洱涝遗坞翁固善恿体枉从赛振拌婉秩乓宽尔圾讹惟脯邮投产拳寇旧取俊谗庙袁唉惰另魏我晤终靶息星垫伶竞暖橡瞧烽类部碾揩绎赎憋籽滴把坠壬辣嘿螟彰刹盗撂摹堡于仓广斗酞酷袭曹岳抨腮越恶誊赤座鸣俊撅照粮革柱魁豁疟酶砾惕滥坝担灯否艇酣葵灸抬降落净奠姆奶毁乐契床讨鸵沟盘涎婴杠莱约否涌愈交芜暑浪河鹃馒颅袜剥轿罐返晒Unit 5The power of nature课时作业(九)Warming Up & Reading.单词拼写1The government has an intere

4、st in importing scientific _(设备)2The parks of this city are famous for their _(喷泉)3Your answer is _(完全地)wrong.4Their boats pulled up_(沿着边)the dock.5Mr.Li was _(任命)as headmaster at the beginning of the school.6He _(挥手)happily to his companions and went away.7We should encourage the students to develo

5、p their _(潜在的)abilities.8She gave me a _(图表)of railway network.9Enough lava had _(爆发)from the volcano to bury the entire village.10We need to _ (评估)how well the policy is working.单项填空1(2013胶州高二检测)This coat doesnt _me.Do you have a larger size?Yes, but the colour is different.Does it_you?Asuit;suitBs

6、uit;fitCfit;fitDfit;suit2Although it rained heavily outside, he_to the factory as usual.Amade his wayBtook his wayCmade the wayDtook the way3Although this area is very poor,its _ wealth is great.AmodernBpotentialCpreviousDpresent4An American may feel angry when he has made a(n) _ with someone and th

7、en finds a lot of other things happening at the same time.AdecisionBconclusionCappointmentDdate5Once all possible courses of action have been _,we can decide what to do.AevaluatedBemptiedCexistedDexchanged6In order to improve the childrens health,the school has bought some new _ for sports specially

8、.AentertainmentBenjoymentCamusementDequipment7(2012天门高二检测)Mr.Black is a careful and experienced engineer,so he is often_to finish some challenging tasks.AappreciatedBapproachedCappointedDagreed8A child has_trust in his mother.AcompleteBperfectCabsoluteDthorough9(2013烟台高二检测)_,the sun was rising in th

9、e east.AArriving thereBWe arriving thereCHaving arrived thereDWe arrived10The region which had been relatively calm erupted _ violence again last week.AtoBwithCatDinto11Dont leave the gas onyou might _ the house.Acut downBfall downCput downDburn down12The_reason for his absence was that he didnt enj

10、oy the company of you but not that he was ill.AimaginaryBactualCeffectiveDpresent13The little boys were_tricks on the girl when their teacher came into the classroom.Ato play withBabout to playCgoing to play forDplaying to14At the railway station,the mother _ to her daughter until the train was out

11、of sight.AwavedBshookCtrembledDnodded15_ the youth _ the rising sun at 8 or 9 oclock am.,Mao Zedong expressed his great hope for the young men.AComparing;withBCompared;toCCompared;withDComparing;to.完形填空After I left the United States Air Force,I began college classes in the summer of 1983.I pursued m

12、y nursing degree with effort and _1_ it in grand style in May 1986 along with a lot of friends and fellow students.Of all my _2_ professors,Dr Joan Cook had the most profound effect on me.She provided me with the stimulus to pursue my _3_ beyond what the College of St.Mary could give me.In spite of

13、_4_ the same classes year in and year out,she put _5_ into each class she was responsible for,and never _6_ grew tired of her subject matter.One day after class she pulled me _7_ and said that she considered me one of her most“unusual”students who were able to walk a _8_ road towards success.In my y

14、ounger years I didnt _9_ that being“unusual”would be such a tribute(称赞)As I _10_ and gained a wider variety of lifes _11_,I found that being“unusual”takes on an array of meanings.After getting my nursing degree I _12_ to Texas where I decided to _13_ an additional degree in anthropology(the study of

15、 the human race)to my resume(履历)as that particular and interesting field _14_ me far more than nursing ever did.I am exceedingly _15_ to Dr Joan Cook for instilling(灌输)in me the ability to see myself far beyond what other people _16_ me.What she said motivated me to follow my dreams _17_ gave me end

16、less strength.Thank Dr Joan Cook,for I _18_ her a great deal in establishing the solid _19_ of whom I am and for the person whom I am trying to become.Without her it would have been _20_ for me to become a professor in Harvard University.1A.completedBconsideredCpracticedDreceived2A.companyBinstitute


18、endship12A.steppedBmovedCwalkedDdrove13A.connectBintroduceCaddDdirect14A.attractedBsavedCprotectedDtouched15A.equalBnecessaryCimportantDthankful16A.dealt withBdepended onCthought ofDgot along with17A.andBorCbutDso18A.remindBoweCofferDlend19A.systemBopinionCfoundationDfaith20A.inevitableBimpossibleCb

19、elievableDchangeable.阅读理解VolcanoesThe ground we walk on seems firm,but deep under the earth and under the sea the rocks change and move.In some parts of the world there are“fire mountains”,which we call volcanoes.From time to time they burst open and throw out fire and burning ashes.These volcanoes

20、are very dangerous.There are many volcanoes in Indonesia and Philippines.There is also a famous mountain near Tokyo,Japan,which is a volcano too.Its name is Mount Fuji.For much of the year,it is covered with snow.One of the most famous volcanoes which erupted in recent time is Krakatoa,on an island

21、in Indonesia.The first explosion took place on 20th May,1883,but the biggest eruption did not come until the 26th and 27th August of that year.The people on the island were used to the explosions by that time,and so they were completely unprepared for this terrible happening.Almost all the people on

22、 the island died and the explosion also made huge waves in the sea,which drowned(淹死)many people on the other island nearby.After the eruption was over,people saw that the whole northern part of the island had completely disappeared.Scientists say that 15 cubic(立方)kilometers of rocks and ash were thr

23、own up in the explosion.The noise of the explosion was heard nearly 5000 kilometers away in the middle of the Indian Ocean,and the city of Jakarta was completely dark for about two and a half hours.1There are many volcanoes _Aeverywhere in the worldBunder the earth and the seaCin Hong KongDin Indone

24、sia2The people near Krakatoa were unprepared when it had its biggest eruption because people there _Ahad never met any explosions beforeBwere used to the explosions by that timeCdidnt want to leave their islandDcould do nothing but wait3People who were 5000 kilometers away from Krakatoa could _Asee

25、that the 15 cubic kilometers of rocks and ash were thrown upBhear the noise of the explosionCsee the huge wavesDsee that Krakatoa was dark4The biggest explosion made _Aall the people on the island dieBthe whole island disappearCthe city of Jakarta completely dark for about two and a half hoursDhuge

26、waves in the middle of the Indian Ocean.翻译句子1我刚要上床睡觉,这时有人敲门。(when)_2我们必须委派一名新教师到那个山村学校去。(appoint)_3这位老师正忙着评价学生的作业。(evaluate)_4他们穿过树林前进。(make ones way)_5努力工作了一整天,我睡得很早。(分词)_课时作业(九).1.equipment2.fountains3.absolutely4alongside5.appointed6.waved7.potential8diagram9.erupted10.evaluate.1.D考查fit与suit的区别。f

27、it表大小、尺寸合适;suit表颜色、花样合适,因此正确答案为D项。2Amake ones way.前往。句意:尽管外面下着大雨,但他还是和往常一样朝工厂走去。3B句意:虽然这个地区很穷,但潜在的财富却是巨大的。A现代的;B潜在的;C以前的;D目前的;出席的,故B项正确。4C句意:美国人在和别人已经约定好之后又发现同时还有许多其他事情时会很生气。make an appointment with sb.“与某人预约”。5A句意:等所有可能性都被评估之后,我们就可以决定采取何种行动。evaluate“评估”,符合题意。empty“倒空”;exist“存在”;exchange“交换”。6D句意:为了


29、,因此正确答案为C项。9B考查独立主格结构。根据句子结构可知,逗号前应是状语成分,不能是句子,故用独立主格结构。10Derupt into.“突然发生”。句意:上周,这个一直以来相对平静的地区突然再次发生了暴力事件。11D本题考查“动词down”型短语的词义辨析。句意:不要让天然气一直开着你很可能会把房子烧掉。burn down“烧毁”,符合句意。cut down“削减”;fall down“倒塌”;put down“放下;写下”。12B考查词义辨析。imaginary想象的;actual实际的;effective有效的;present出席的。句意:他缺席的真实原因是他不想让你陪伴而不是他生病

30、了。13Bbe about to do.when.正要那时突然。句意:那些小男孩正要开那位小姑娘的玩笑,那时(突然)他们的老师进了教室。14A根据语境可知:妈妈在向女儿挥手(再见)。“wave to sb.”指“向某人挥手”。15D本体“年轻人”,喻体“八九点钟的太阳”,所以要用表示“把比作”用的词组,所以应用compare.to,“比喻”的动作是由主句主语毛泽东发出来的,所以用v.ing形式作状语。.【语篇解读】在一位大学老师的鼓励下,作者努力学习,不断进取,最终成为哈佛大学的教授。1A根据前句中in the summer of 1983和本句中in May 1986可推断,这是作者结束学业

31、的时间。2D根据句中professors和后边the College of St.Mary可得出答案。3C这里用education指Dr Joan Cook激励作者去追求大学没有提供的教育。4B根据句中she was responsible for可知,这里指Dr Joan Cook教的课程。5C根据后半句内容可知,这里用life,指Dr Joan Cook把活力投入每一节课中。6ADr Joan Cook似乎从未厌烦她的科目。7DDr Joan Cook要和作者单独谈话,因此把他拉到一边。8A根据句中unusual可推断,Dr Joan Cook说作者是最不寻常的一个学生,能走一条不同的通向

32、成功的路。9B根据句中would be可推断,作者年少的时候并未意识到这一点。10D根据前句中In my younger years可知,这里指随着年龄的增大。11C根据后半句内容可推断,作者获得了广泛的生活阅历。12B根据句中an additional degree可知,作者去了德克萨斯州继续自己的学业。13C根据句中to my resume可知,作者决定在他的履历上增加一个人类学的学位。14A根据句中particular and interesting可得出答案。15D根据句中instilling in me the ability可知,作者对Dr Joan Cook非常感激。16C根据句

33、中see myself far beyond可知,这里指别人对自己的看法。17Amotivated和gave两个分句之间为并列关系,用and连接。18B根据前句内容可知,Dr Joan Cook对作者有极大的恩情。19C根据语境可知,Dr Joan Cook帮助作者建立了牢不可破的自我认识。establish the foundation of.本意为“建立了的基础”。20B根据Dr Joan Cook对作者产生的巨大影响可知,没有她,作者就不可能成为哈佛大学的教授。.1.D推理判断题。从第一段的“In some parts of the world there arefire mountai

34、ns,which we call volcanoes.”看出火山并不是到处都有,排除A项和B项,C项文中没有提到,故选D项。2B细节考查题。从第三段的“The people on the island were used to the explosions by that time,and so they were completely unprepared for this terrible happening.”看出当地的人们已经习惯了它的爆发,因此,当最大的爆发发生时,人们没有任何准备。3B细节考查题。从第三段的“The noise of the explosion was heard

35、nearly 5000 kilometers away in the middle of the Indian Ocean”可以看出几乎5000千米远的人们都能够听到它的声音,故选B项。4C“and the city of Jakarta was completely dark for about two and a half hours”为文中原句,故C项正确。A项错在“all”;B项错在“whole”;D项巨浪只是在附近出现,在印度洋中部可以听到它的声音。.1.I was about to go to bed when someone knocked at the door.2.We mu

36、st appoint a new teacher to the mountain school.3.The teacher is busy evaluating the students homework.4.They make their way through the forest.5.Having worked hard all day,I went to bed early.薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。谈荒穗氟馏消词吾狠妄啸吹减锐鲍盟樊停过赤脱笋应遇陶恳眠吝揣碴防岳坷消绥良钮辜



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