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1、翻译下列词语。(1)雪中送炭 help a lame dog over a stile(2)好好先生 yesman (3)一寸光阴一寸金 an inch of time is an inch of gold (4)西部大开发 western development (5)破产 have/wear a green bonnet 二.翻译下列句子.(1)幽默是智慧、学识、机敏的结晶,幽默在我们社会、家庭、工作、学习、生活中不可或缺.Humor is the crystallization of wit, knowledge, and resourcefulness。 It is also indi

2、spensable to our work, study ,family ,society ,and life in general.(2) 她使我知道人间的温暖;她使我知道爱与被爱的幸福. It was to her that I owed my awareness of the fact that there is warmth in the worldthat to show love is no less happiness than to be loved。(3)中国有两点是靠得住的,一是讲原则,二是说话算数.(邓小平)China can be counted on. Among o

3、ther things, first, it upholds principles and second, it honors its words.(4) 月光如水一般,静静地泻在这一片叶子和花上。薄薄的青雾浮起在荷塘里,叶子和华仿佛在牛乳中洗过一样;又像笼着轻纱的梦。Moonlight cascaded like water over the locus leaves and flowers, and a light blue mist floating up from the pool made them seem washed in milk or caught in a gauzy d

4、ream。(5)专家们认为,这种流行病不是由空气污染,就是由食物污染所引起.The experts believed that the epidemic disease was caused by either air pollution or food contamination。(6)凡人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。 (A man cannot be known by his looks, nor can the sea be measured with bushel basket.)(7)人民军队离不开人民,就像鱼儿离不开水。 (The people is to the peoples ar

5、my what water is to fish。)(8)可秋天又有什么可伤感的呢?秋天不是成熟的季节吗? (But why gloomy about autumn? Isnt it the season of maturity?)(9)晚上我们从中国大使馆回旅馆的时候,天已经完全黑了。 (In the evening, it was already dark when we were on our way to the hotel from the Chinese embassy.)(10)这家飞机该有多大重量啊!它载着解放区人民的心,载着全中国人民的希望,载着我们国家的命运。 (What

6、a heavy load this airplane bore! It carried the hearts of the people of the liberated areas, the hopes of the entire Chinese people, and the destiny of our country.)三、翻译下列段落1有一只乌鸦不好看,但特别聪明,智慧过人。一天,它干完活又累又渴,真想喝水.忽然,它看一只大水罐,满心欢喜。它飞到水罐旁,一看罐里的水不多了,嘴探进去也喝不到,怎么办呢?它使劲地用身体撞水罐,又用翅膀推水罐,想把水罐弄倒,好喝水。可是水罐又大又重,它的力

7、量太小了,弄不倒这罐子。忽然,它急中生智,可以叼些石子放到罐里,石子多了,罐子里的水不就升高了吗?这么想,就这么做了,它不厌其烦地一块一块地用嘴叼石子,功夫不负用功的乌鸦,终于放了很多石子,水上升了,它就喝到了水。它痛痛快快地喝了个够,解了渴。Near a big rock there is a bottle。 Some water is in the bottle。 A crow is hot and thirsty. He comes to the bottle, and stands next to the bottle, but he cant drink the water. bec

8、ause the bottle neck is very long. He thinks and thinks , then flies away。 After a while, he comes back with a small stone in his mouth. He goes up to the bottle and puts the stone into the bottle, the water in the bottle comes up to its neck. The crow drinks the water. He is very happy.2近几年来,父亲和我都是

9、东奔西走,家中光景是一日不如一日.他少年出外谋生,独立支持,做了许多大事。哪知老境却如此颓唐!他触目伤怀,自然请不能自已。情郁于中,自然要发之于外;家庭琐屑便往往触他之怒。他待我渐渐不同往日.但是近两年的不见,他终于忘却我的不好,只是惦记着我,惦记着我的儿子。In recent years ,both father and I have been living an unsettled life , and the circumstance of our family going from bad to worse 。 Father left home to seek a livelihood

10、 when young and did achieve quite a few things all on his own . To think that he should now be so downcast in old age! The sad state of affairs of the family drove him to utter despair , and his pentup emotion had to find a vent 。 That is why even mere domestic trivialities often provoked his anger

11、, and he become less and less nice with me 。 However , the separation of the last two years has made him more forgiving towards me 。 He keeps thinking about my son and me .四、翻译下面一篇短文我从十二岁那年起就永远离开了学校,并且找到了第一份全职工作,是在一家食品杂货店里当伙计。我整天扛很重的货物,干得倒也挺带劲。要不是能干重活,我早就给辞退了。因为老板想要我毕恭毕敬地跟着那些“上等人”说话,这样干,我实在受不了.但是有一个


13、是什么意思?”他气喘喘地说。我对他说,我的意思是,像平常那样捎点货倒可以,那只火腿可不送。他盯着我,好像我是一条不寻常的小爬虫,然后就暴跳如雷破口大骂起来。可是我丝毫没有退步。他拿我没办法就采取了新的策略.“出去给我另找一个伙计,他对一个店员大声喊道。“你到底送不送?”老板转过身子,以威胁口吻问我。我把说过的话又说了一遍.“那就滚蛋,”他喊道。于是我就出来了。这是我头一次和雇主真正闹翻了脸。Near a big rock there is a bottle. Some water is in the bottle. A crow is hot and thirsty。 He comes to

14、the bottle, and stands next to the bottle, but he cant drink the water ,beause the bottle neck is very long. He thinks and thinks ,then flys away. After a while, he comes back with a small stone in his mouth。 He goes up to the bottle and puts the stone into the bottle, the water in the bottle comes

15、up to its neck。 The crow drinks the water. He is very happy。When I reached the age of twelve I left the school forever and got my first fulltime job as a grocers boy. I spent my days carrying heavy loads, but I enjoy it。 It was only my capacity for hard work that saved me from early dismissal, for I

16、 could never stomach speaking to my “betters” with the deference my employer thought I should assume. But the limit was reached one Tuesday -my half holiday. On my way home on that day I used to carry a large basket of provision to the home of my employers sister-in-law。 As her house was on my way h

17、ome I never objected to this。 On this particular Tuesday, however , just as we were putting the shutters up, a load of smoked hams was delivered at the shop. “Wait a minute, said the boss, and he opened the load and took out a ham, which he started to bone and string up. I waited in growing impatien

18、ce to get on my way, not for one minute but for quite a considerable time。 It was nearly halfpast two when the boss finished。 He then came to me with the ham, put it in the basket beside me, and instructed me to deliver it to a customer who had it on order。 This meant going a long way out of my road

19、 home, so I looked up and said to the boss: Do you know I finish at two on Tuesday ? ” I have never seen a man look more astonished than he did then. “What do you mean? ” he gasped。 I told him I meant that I would deliver the groceries as usual, but not the ham。 He look at me as if I were some unusu

20、al king of insect and burst into a storm of abuse. But I stood firm。 He gave me up as hopeless and tried new tactics。 “Go out and get another boy, ” he yelled at a shopassistant。 “Are you going to deliver them or not? ” the boss turned to me and asked in a threatening tone. I repeated what I said before。 “Then, out of here, he shouted。 So I got out. This was the first time I had serious trouble with an employer

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