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1、附件1:本词汇表包括不经常使用到单词,但是可能在实际的情况中要用到的。b保持码的距离 keep a distance ofyards备便预备 stand by泵 pump避碰 avoid collision编制员额 complement并靠 be alongside靠泊 berth薄雾 mist补给 replenishment不明舰只 unidentified shipc参谋 staff舱壁 bulkhead舱室 compartment/cabin舱室进水 flooding操舵兵 steerman测深 sounding柴油 diesel oil长声(汽笛) long blast长度 lengt

2、h超越 overtake潮汐 tide车令 engine order车钟 engine order telegraph沉船 wreck吃水 draft冲程 stroke出发港 port of departure出海 proceed to the sea船长 captain船队 convoy船体检查 hull inspection船艺 seamanshipabandon vessel 弃船accommodation ladder 舷梯adrift 漂流船assembly station 集合地点backing 逆时针风beach 搁浅blind sector (雷达)盲区capsize 倾覆ca

3、rdinal buoy 航标cardinal points 基本方位casualty 伤亡人数COW 原油洗crash-stop 紧急停车damage control team 损管队datum 基准destination 目的地disembark 登岸embark 登舰escort 护航flooding 进水full speed 全速give way 让路hampered vessel 操纵受限船IMO class 危险品inert course 初始航向leeward (船的)背风面list 侧倾muster list 集合部署off air 停止广播PA-system 全舰广播系统ren

4、dezvous 汇合点roll call 点名veering 顺时针风waypoint 转向点windward (船的)受风侧wreck 沉船fairway 航路loading and unloading 货物装卸loading capacities and quantities 装卸能力和数量deadweight 载重量hold capacity 舱容bale capacity 包装舱容grain capacity 散装舱容 size of hatch openings 舱口尺寸safety load 安全负载forklift truck 叉车sling 吊索bob cat 摆锤Abando

5、n vessel 弃船Accommodation ladder 舷梯Adrift 漂浮Air draft 船高(从水线到船的最高点)Assembly station 集合地点Backing (of wind) 逆时针风Beach (to) 拖(船)上岸Berth 泊位锚位Blast 鸣哨Blind sector 盲区Cable 锚链/缆绳/海链Capsize (to) 倾覆Cardinal buoy 航线标识Cardinal points 基本方位(东、南、西、北)Casualty 伤亡人数Constrained by her draft 吃水受限Convoy 船队Course 航向COW 原

6、油洗CPA/TCPA 最短会遇距离/最短会遇时间Crashstop 紧急停车Damage control team 损管队Datum 基准Derelict 被弃漂浮船Destination 目的地Disabled 丧失航行能力的船Disembark (to) 登岸/离舰Distress alert (GMDSS) 遇险警报Draft 吃水Dragging (of anchor) 溜锚Dredging (of anchor) 走锚Drifting 漂流Embark 登舰Escort 护航ETA 预计到达时间ETD 预计出发时间Fathom 英寻Fire patrol 火警巡逻Flooding 破

7、损Fire monitor 消防监视站Foul (of anchor) (锚)不干净Full speed 全速Fumes (刺激的)气体General emergency alarm 总应急警报(七短一长)Give way 让路GMDSS 全球海事遇险和安全系统Half cardinal points 次基本方位(东北、东南、西南、西北)Hampered vessel 操纵爱限船Hatchrails 舱口盖护栏Icing 结冰IMO class IMO危险品Inert (to) 充入惰性气体Initial course 初始航向Inoperative 不起作用Jettison 抛充货物Laun

8、ch (to) 下水Leaking 漏(水、油)Leeward 被风的Let go (to) 解缆Lifeboat station 小艇平台List 横倾Make water(to) (船体)进水MMSI 海事移动服务识别码Moor(to) 系泊MRCC 海事营救协调中心Muster(to) 集合Muster list 集合部署Not under commander 失控船Obstruction 碍航物Off air 停止广播Off station (海图)未标绘位置Overflow 溢出Proceed (to) 航行PA-system 全舰广播系统Recover(to) 营救Refloat(

9、to) 再次浮起Rendez-vous 汇合点Roll call 点名Safe speed 安全航速SAR 搜索营救SART搜索营救应答器Seamark 航线标志Shackle (锚链)节Stand by 备便Stand on 保持(航向、航速)Survivor 幸存者Take off 起飞Underway 在航Unlit 熄灭(灯光)Veering(of winds) 顺时针风Waypoint 就位点Windlass 锚机Wreck 沉船基层部队grassroot unit导弹驱逐舰 DDG(guided missile destroyer)导弹护卫舰 DDF战列舰 BB(battleshi

10、p)重巡洋舰 CA(heavy cruiser)快艇 craft(speed boat是地道的chinglish,不过我也听到某些国家的老外在讲,估计也是他们国家的glish,真是好笑哈哈)补给舰 store ship托船 tug舰长室 captains cabin军官起居室 wardroom(船上的)厕所 head(我也很不解,怎么用的这个词)铺位 bunk舱口盖 hatch舱顶 overhead舱壁 bulkhead餐厅 mess桅杆 mast烟囱 stack无害通过 innocent passage登临/紧追/豁免权 right of visit/hot pursuit/immunity

11、特混舰队 task force参谋长 chief of staff指挥官 CO(commanding officer)副长 XO(excutive officer我一下就记住这个词拉呵)上将 Adm Gen中将 Vadm Ltg少将 Radm Mg大校(中国特色,国外叫准将) Scapt Scol上校 Capt Col中校 Cdr Ltc少校 Lcdr Maj上尉 Lt Capt中尉 Ltjg 1lt少尉 Ens 2lt1。what is deadweight of vessel?deadweighttonnes.2。how many tonnes/cubic metres can vesse

12、l still load?3.vessel can still loadtonnes/cubic metres.4。what is size of hatch openings?size of hatch openingsbymetres5。r bob cats available for trimming?eg:how do u read me?(你听我信号如何?)i read u 1/2/3/4/5 ori read u bad/poor/fair/good/excellentweather reportsbeaufort scale of wind由三部分组成,beaufort numb

13、er ,descriptive term,meaning0 calm 无风1 light air 软风2 light breeze 轻风3 gentle breeze 微风4 moderate breeze 和风5 fresh breeze 劲风6 strong breeze 强风7 near gale 疾风8 gale 大风9 strong gale 烈风10 storm 狂风11 violent storm 暴风12 hurricane 飓风beaufort scale of sea0 calm sea(glassy) 无浪1 calm-rippled 微浪2 smooth sea 小浪3

14、 slight sea 轻浪4 moderate sea 中浪5 rough sea 大浪6 very rough sea 巨浪7 high sea 狂浪8 very high sea 狂涛9 phenomenal sea 怒涛beaufort scale of visibility0。 dense fog 大雾1。 thick fog 浓雾2. fog 中雾3. moderate fog 轻雾4。 mist or thin fog 薄雾5。 vis。poor 能见度不良6。 vis。moderate 能见度中等7. vis。good 能见度好8。 vis.very good 能见度很好9.

15、vis.exceptional 能见度极好distress communications1.fire explosion.1 i am/mvon fire(after explosion).2 where is the fire。2.1 fire is on deck in engine room in holds in superstucture/accommodation.3 r dangerous goods on fire?.3。1 yes dangerous goods r on fire.3。2 no dangerous goods r not on fire.4 i am not

16、 under command.5 what kind of assistance is required?。5。1 i require requires fire fighting assistance breathing apparatus -smoke is toxic foam extinguishers fire dump medical assistanceWhat course?course 155course againkeep present coursehow answer?answer all right。answer too slow。nothing to port/st

17、arboardmiddle two buoyskeep to middle of channelport a littleport easy 左舵慢port morehard a port port 15 degreesease her 回舵ease the helm 回舵ease the wheel 回舵midshipamidshipssteady as the goes 把定steady so 把定steer 120 degreesheading to the buoy 对准灯浮 keep straight to the lighthouse 对准灯塔对准导标how heading?are

18、 you on your course?right on the courseIs the rudder answered?answers backhow is the steering?no steerage 无舵效 no steering 无舵效meet the helm 压舵check the helm 压舵what rudder? 舵角几度?starboard a bit sluggishalter course to 220finish with the wheel舰艏,bow/stem,舰艉 stern ,左舷port,右舷 starboard,前段 forward,后段 aft,

19、左舷舰艏 port bow,右舷舰艉 starboard quarter,艏楼 forecastle,艉楼 poop,艏缆 head line,艏横缆 forward breast line,艏倒缆 forward spring,艉倒缆 aft spring,艉横缆 aft breast line,艉缆 stern line,关于缆绳的叫法有必要多说几句,依据船的大小用的缆绳数目也不同,有两根缆的,四根缆的,但还没见过超过六根的,上面给了六个部位缆绳的叫法,就是从舰艏第一跟往后数就对了,大家以后坐船的时候,把我这个贴子拿出来看噢,再数数缆绳呵呵draft 船吃水,还可细化,如前吃水 forwa

20、rd draft,后吃水 aft draft,平均吃水 mean draft;air draft 不知道中文怎么说呵呵意思为水线到船上最高点的长度;freeboard 干舷高(水线到主甲板的高度)码头有很多叫法,老外一般叫quay(注意发音,请自己查一查呵)或jetty;绞盘 capstan,锚机 windlass关于船上部位叫法就说这么多吧,太专业的就不说了呵呵大家都用不到,根本记不住的。再说点操船时常用的词汇吧,航向 course,航速 speed,续航力 endurance range,节 knot(速度单位1 knot=1 nautical miles/hour来源于远古航海)ETA

21、(Estimated Time of Arrival)ETD(departure),抛锚 anchor,起锚 heave up anchor,走锚 dragging anchor,锚地 anchorage,守听16频道stand by VHF 16,转向点 waypoint,航道 fairway再说个好玩的,轻松下.从初中学英语时我就知道打招呼要说how r u?对方就会说fine and u?,可我在跟老外交流时人家一般说个fine,就没了,哪有说and u的,可我每次都等人家的and u?好象他不说and u,他说的就不标准,就没说完。有几次人家只说了个fine!我就把im fine to

22、o出来了。想起来真可笑,初中英语学来的打招呼本事真够强捍,都炫到国外去了。a alfa;b bravo,c charlie,d delta, e echo,f foxtrot,g golf,h hotel,i india,j juliet,k kilo,l lima,m mike,n november,o oscar,p papa,q quebec,r romeo,s sierra,t tango,u uniform,v victor,w whiskey,x x-ray,y yankee,z zulu,再跟大家一起学习常用的词汇,IMO(International maritime organ

23、ization) SMCP(Standard marine communication phrases) SMNV(Standard marine navigational vocabulary),此三个缩写,不用我解释,大家应该都懂什么意思了吧。SMNV,有好多专业词汇,我也只知道一小部分,因为大部分很少用得到,记得就比较慢。对没接触过海事英语的人也太枯燥了,就从轻松有趣的开始吧。船体部位名称,以后坐船的时候大家也都来找找在什么位置。海上通信时,因为都是通过甚高频互相喊,为必免关键的字母出错,26个字母各有其代码。如下给大家个例子以体会vts:here is singapore vts ea

24、st sector.what is your ships name and call sign? overcns112:our ships name is harbin and taicang。overvts:harbin and taicang?how to spell your shipnames?overcns112:our names r hotel alfa romeo bravo india november for harbin。and the other shipname is tango alfa india charlie alfa november golf for taicang,outvts:roger,out

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