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1、工程管理专业英语一、 Please write the English or Chinese expressions illustrative of the following drawings of typical tender workflow and typical contract workflow。(请写出下图所绘的典型的招标工作流程和典型的合同流程的英文或者中文)二、 Translate the following Chinese/English into English/Chine。 (把下面的中文/英文翻译成英文/中文)(一)设计/施工过程 design/construct p

2、rocess(二)房地产开发商 the real estate developer(三)投机性住宅市场 the speculative housing market (四)项目管理 project management(五)项目全寿命期 project life cycle (六)项目范围 project scope(七)专业化服务 professional service (八)重大基础项目建设 infrastructure and heavy construction(九)住宅类房屋建设 resident housing construction(十)办公和商业用房建设 instituti

3、onal and commercial building construction(十一)专业化工业项目建设 specialized industrial construction (十二)专业咨询师 professional counselor(十三)总承包商 general contractor(十四)价值工程 value engineering(十五)竞争性招标 competitive bidding(十六)建筑和工程设计公司 architectural and engineering(A/E)firm(十七)运营与维护管理 operation and maintenance manag

4、ement (十八)设计/施工公司 design/construct firm(十九)分包商 subcontractor(二十)设施管理 facility managemen(二十一)预算安排 budget arrangement(二十二)进度安排 scheduling arrangement(二十三)工程变更 changes(二十四)施工索赔 claims(二十五)运筹学 opsearch(二十六)非生产性 non-productive(二十七)临时性工作暂停 temporary work stoppage (二十八)土木工程 civil engineering(二十九)通用采购公告 gen

5、eral procurement noticet(三十)现场踏勘 site visits(三十一)技术规范与图纸 specification and drawings (三十二)建筑公司 construction company(三十三)建筑与工程设计公司 architectural and engineering(A/E)firm(三十四)现场质量监督 on site quality inspection(三十五)施工图 shop drawings(三十六)施工合同 construction contract(三十七)设计/施工公司 design/construct firm(三十八)设施维

6、护 facility maintenance(三十九)工程量清单 bill of quantities(四十)竣工图纸 as-built drawings(四十一)关键线路法 critical path method(CPM)(四十二)质量保证 quality assurance(四十三)全面质量控制 total quality control三、 Short Answer Questions。(简要的回答问题)(一) What does specialized industrial construction include? Can you give some examples?Answer

7、:P8 第二段 13行(Specialized industrial construction usually or nuclear power plants.)(二) What does infrastructure and heavy construction include? Can you give some examples?Answer:P9 第二段 14行(Infrastructure and heavy construction includes sewage treatment plants。)(三) What is project management?Answer:P20

8、 第三段 全部(Project management is the art of directing and participation satisfaction.)(四) Which areas should be mastered for a project manager?Answer:P2122 第三段 全部加粗黑体字(19点)(五) What is competitive bidding ?Answer:P66 第一段 16行(competitive bidding is and by preventing favoritism.)(六) Whether to bid on a pr

9、oject ?Answer:P67 第二、三段 自行归纳(七) What do bidding documents generally include ?Answer:P60 第四段 4-8行(they generally include and necessary appendices.)(八) What factors should be taken into account in prequalification of bidders ?Answer:P60 第二段 倒数13行 三点(九) What shall the Borrower firstly examine in evalua

10、tion of bids?Answer:P6263 第五段 1-3行(The Borrower shall examine the bids Otherwise generally in order。)(十) Which situations can the Borrower reject all bids ?Answer:P63 第一段 25行(If a bid is not it shall not be considered further。)(十一) What does The Direct costs estimate include ?Answer:P67 第四段 45行(The

11、direct costs estimate includes the costs of Involved in the construction。)(十二) What does The Markup include ?Answer:P67 第四段 89行(The markup includes the allowances profit and risk。)(十三) What factors affect bidding success ?Answer:P68 第二段 五点(十四) How can a construction company increase competitive adva

12、ntage?Answer:P69 第一段 四点(十五) Why do quality control and safety represent increasingly important concerns for project managers?Answer:P148 第一段 2-6行(Defects or failures in constructed facilities can these increased direct costs。)(十六) Why should quality requirements should be clear and verifiable?Answer

13、:P149 第二段 35行(Quality requirements should be clear and the requirements for conformance.)(十七) By what safety during the construction project is influenced in large part?Answer:P149 第三段 12行(Safety during the construction project and design process。)(十八) For the purpose of insuring compliance ,what st

14、eps and methods are commonly used as the basis for accepting or rejecting work completed and batches of materials?Answer:P152 第一段 46行(For the purpose of and batches of materials.)(十九) For smaller projects, who might assume the responsibility for quality and safety assurance?Answer:P149 第四段 67行(For s

15、maller projects and other responsibilities。)(二十) Can you give us a brief introduction about ISO9000?Answer:P153 第二段 倒数14行(The best known formal certification for Implementation and review.)(二十一) Why is total quality control is difficult to apply ,particular in construction?Answer:P154 第一段 1-4行(The u

16、nique nature of each in construction difficult。)(二十二) What are the major differences between the sampling by attribute and the sampling by variables?Answer:P157 第一段 38行 两点(二十三) Why is construction a relatively hazardous undertaking?Answer:无四、Relate and analyze the following question。 (叙述和分析以下问题)(一)

17、Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the costplusfee agreements.Answer:P7576自行归纳(二) Can you describe how does the project life cycle of a constructed facility work ?Answer:P14自行归纳五、Translation.(翻译)(一) Job-site productivity is influenced by many factors。 Which can be characterized either as la

18、bor characteristics, project work conditions or as nonproductive activities。工作现场生产率受多种因素的影响。什么可以作为特征,无论是劳动特点、项目工作条件或非生产性活动方面.(二) The selection of the appropriate type and size of construction equipment often affects the required amount of time and effort and thus the jobsite productivity of a projec

19、t. It is therefore important for site managers and construction planners to be familiar with the characteristics of the major types of equipment most commonly used in construction。适当的设备类型和大小的选择,经常影响工作现场生产率所需要的时间和效率。因此,对于现场管理者和建设规划者来说,熟悉最经常用于建筑的主要类型的设备,是很重要的。(三) The bidding documents shall specify an

20、y factors, in addition to price, which will be taken into account in evaluating bids, and how such factors will be quantified or otherwise evaluated。招标文件应该指定除了价格的任何因素,这些因素应被考虑进入评估报价,和怎样的因素将会被量化或者另外的评估。(四) Because of the very nature and risks with the lumpsum price, it is important that the contracto

21、r be able to accurately understand the scope of the project work required at time of bidding。由于总价合同具有本质性和风险,因此对于承包商来说,在投标时,他们必须有能力去理解项目工作的要求。(五) The important point is that whatever the arrangement, it must be clearly understood by all parties not only the amount of the fee, but also how and when it

22、 will be paid to the contractor.重要的是,无论是任何形式的合同,必须都要从所有方面去准确、清楚得了解-不仅是费用,还有如何以及何时支付给承包商。(六) The right of the owner to inspect the work as it proceeds, to direct the contractor to expedite the work, to use completed portions of the project before contract termination, and to make payment deductions f

23、or uncompleted or faulty work are common construction contract provisions。业主有权检查工程的进行情况,导致了承包商加快工作进度,在合同终止前使用完成的部分和付款扣除未完成的或错误的工作,这是常见的施工合同条款.(七) In contrast, poor scheduling can result in considerable waste as laborers and equipment wait for the availability of needed resources or the completion of preceding tasks。与此形成鲜明对比的是,不良的进度安排可能导致相当大的浪费,比如劳动者和设备需等待所需资源的可用性或者之前任务完成。(八) Moreover, even if formal methods are not applied in particular cases, the conceptual framework of formal scheduling methods provides a valuable reference for a manager。此外,即使通常的方法不被使用在特定的情况下,通常的进度安排的概念框架给管理者提供了有价值的参考。

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