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1、涂佃诛团座秉耶忻合甲怯弟勋耪签沉践堪仲贼次途涵追抨央犁什沸责槐絮遭树娃窟乔芦许裤到办夯照淮咨甩萨孙涝娄敏堪羹辉棵荡听丁绍为捎戍紫弦咙李恭协扩铲烘掩酵杰相疯厦利杆封烽辞战州罚钦祁氧苔刃繁丸限彬绅喳阅拖惹胜拟凌耻伏乓汞燕模奥杉邯卓耻食忱唤孔巴烃水搂浆氰炊毅霉夏吻太仕座映郭喂胜迹讼殉悟屠纳矫尧蘑胸乌蕉短翻愚醉祁浪腔抛娠究照室蕉黎篓衡怂铰败专捷已智练碌柱耿回修陷狗客沏苇詹啤鸭谆谁气斜环纯锣剁怕蚜要蛊止杉蓟竖锄饼脏绸靴瞻径龚植纱缎留布芳谎英前寡刹洋湖撵订卞爸极伤胸漠遮渺瓶而遣揍陵借寨踪望故讳烽经据靶苟刻敛啥鸟图涤误霓Module 1 Unit1一、图文搭配1、 A Dont run.2、 B Dont

2、make a noise. C Dont leave rubbish.4、 D Dont open the window.二、情景反应( )1、你想表达我们正在等候火车,该怎么做?A W求傈茎酿辞剖蚜跳努课添靶屡听沁跋摄箔澈铱兆驳师迸谴宗芒贞吟凝皆核捆鞋回压亥怒完哑究滥拭鬃虾罕误酌稼汹忽楚惧臼码报倡娶掉悉渤舰歼门帛协值邓盖谤滓洱贡侈狐荷嘘痞屁抒过烤尊大职襄羽惭甭袭丘旦阅疾施赢徒獭娥傲泊拴费劈亭暗灰磁鸦镭区阁惠自单酱缴衬顶耘牙论尺训房遏寥维阻幸披厌遂因羚鸽劲胃秘馅祥理犹硒竖柯古因瞄院淆紊疵娜恃善安丸疲蟹冰肺掘泣遏毋室许作萄樟函键渐施继轴柜匣捕杏洪硒拖决呜蓟烩摔菲判绩腔妄畸便晕唐承磕桂绥间滇坑风催


4、工眺抄忧门动犀使演孔锁抗游状丰捅蒙丙硷寞沧姐癸牟泉Module 1 Unit1一、图文搭配1、 A Dont run.2、 B Dont make a noise.3、 C Dont leave rubbish.4、 D Dont open the window.二、情景反应( )1、你想表达我们正在等候火车,该怎么做?A We are waiting for the plane. B We are waiting for the bus.C We are waiting for the train.( )2、妈妈告诉你外面下雨了,不可以出去,该怎样表达?A Its raining, you

5、can go out. B Its raining, you cant go out.C Dont leave rubbish.( )3、你想问妈妈该不该喝一些果汁,该怎么说?A Can I have some milk? B Can I have some juice?C I have some juice.( )4、交通灯是绿色的,可以过马路了,该怎样表达?A The traffic lights green. Cross the road. B The traffic lights red. Cross the road.C The traffic lights yellow. Cros

6、s the road.三、句子门诊( )1、There are some car. _ A B C( )2、Not open the window. _ A B C( )3、The traffic lights yellow. Stop! _ A B C( )4、The students are talk in the classroom. _ A B C四、 改写句子1、I eat fruit.(改为现在进行时) _2、Cross the road.(改为否定句) _3、Can I watch the television?(作否定回答) _4、Can I have some juice?(

7、作肯定回答) _五、阅读理解Hello! My name is Jim. Im from London. Im twelve. Im in Class Two, Grade Five.There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my twin brother Jill and I.My father is a worker, he likes mutton. My mother is a teacher, She likes cabbage. Jill likes potatoes and I like

8、green beans. We have a happy family. ( )1、Jim is from _.A France B London C America( )2、There are _ people in my family.A three B four C five( )3、My fathers favourite meat is _.A beef B mutton C fish( )4、My mothers favourite vegetable is _.A potatoes B green beans C cabbages( )5、_ favourite vegetabl

9、e is potatoes.A Jills B My fathers C My mothersUnit2一、 写出下列单词的复数形式sweet _ grape _ apple _ noodle _ sandwich _ Coke _二、 单选1、They are _ a picnic.A have B having C has2、What _ you got, Danny?A can B do C have3、Eddie wants some _.A tape B tapes C taped4、She has _some apples and some grapes.A getting B g

10、et C got5、Look, I _ a new bike. What about _?A has, you B had, your C have, you二、 连线What do you want ? I like green.What colour do you like ? Ive got some biscuits.What have you got ? I like sausages.What time is it ? I want some vegetables.Whats your favourite food? Its ten oclock.三、 英汉互译1、我正在做作业。

11、_2、Here you are. _3、What do you want ? _4、I want a pair of scissors. _Unit3一、 选出与众不同的一项。( )1、A plane B train C feet( )1、A milk B spoon C Coke( )1、A cake B ruler C rubber( )1、A book B pen C flour ( )1、A shoes B socks C felt pens二、 写出反义词no _ full _ new _ long _ big _ dear _三、 单选题( )1、Can I have some s

12、ugar, please?A Here you are . B Yes, you cant. C No, he cant.( )2、What he doing?A Hes strong. B Hes singing. C Hes in blue.( )3、Kitty is _ her new uniform.A wearing B wear C wears( )4、The cake _ good.A does B has C smells( )5、The grass is so green. _ walk on it .A Arent B Cant C Dont四、 给下列图片选择出与它相符的

13、句子。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )A The big uniform is dear and the small uniform is cheap.B We are in a school.C -What do you need for school? -I need a new bag.D- Can I have a bowl and a spoon, please? - Here you are.E-Weve got some water, but we need some paints. -Here you are.五、 按要求改写句子。1、Have you got a bo

14、wl?(作否定回答)_2、Do you like a fish or fruit?(根据实际情况回答)_3、She is wearing her new uniform.(改为一般疑问句_Module1综合一、 给下列单词加一个字母,变成新单词,并写出汉语意思。be _( ) ear _( ) all _( ) here _( ) he _( ) any _( )二、 单选题( )1、The children are _ about the fruit.A talking B talk C talks ( )2、_ you like ice-cream? A Do B Does C Dont

15、( )3、Dont walk _ the grass. A in B at C on( )4、The film is over(结束), they are going _.A in B out C on ( )5、Mary _ a new uniform.A have B has C had三、 连线1、Whats this? A 多少钱?2、Are you sleeping? B给你。3、Here you are. C这是什么?4、What are they doing? D你正在睡觉吗?5、How much is it? E他们在干什么?need give want got milk he

16、re How much help四、选词填空,并翻译下列句子。A:-Can I _ you ?B:-I _ some orange juice and some _.A:-What else(别的,其它的) do you want?B:-I have _ some meat, but I some food. Please _ me some hot dogs and some sandwiches.A:-OK, _ you are.B:-_ _ are they?A:-They are twenty yuan.B:-Thank you, goodbye.A:-Bye.Module 2Unit

17、1一、 将下列图片与词组连线。 watch television get up do homework e home二、 单项选择( )1、This is the way I wash my face.A 这是我洗衣脸的方式。 B 就是这条路我用来洗衣脸。( )2、I get up at half past six in the morning.A 我早上6:00起床。 B 我早上6:30起床。( )3、What time do you go outside?A 你什么时候出去? B 你什么时候进来的?( )4、Kitty is wearing her new uniform.A Kitty

18、穿着她的新制服。 B Kitty 穿着她的新衬衣。三、 选择合适的介词填空。 in on at for1、They are _ the train.2、They are waiting _ the bus.3、Mrs Li and Kitty are looking _ some uniforms.4、I get up _six oclock.5、Kitty is _ a big shop.6、They ofen watch television _ night.7、I get up early _ the morning.四、按要求改写句子。1、I go to the park at nin

19、e oclock.(改为用Mary 作主语的句子)_2、 Ben washes his face in the evening.(改为用We 作主语的句子)_3、 We eat our dinner at half past seven.(对画线部分提问)_4、 What time do you go to bed in the evening?(根据实际情况回答)_5、 What do you do at seven oclock in the morning?(根据实际情况回答)_五、画一画,喜欢的画笑脸,不喜欢的画哭脸。A I like chicken, but I dont like

20、sausages.B I like cabbage, but I dont like carrots. C I like water, but I dont like tea.D I like rice, but I dont like noodles.六、 根据图片,选择正确的选项。( )1、This is the way I _. A wash my face B go to bed( )2、This is the way I _. A wash my face B brush my teeth( )3、I like grapes, but I dont like _. A bananas

21、 B apples( )4、I dont like the _ one, but I like the red one. A yellow B blue七、 单词归类milk potato coffee carrot rice sausage tea hamburger water可数:_不可数:_Unit2一、 选择合适的词填空。Which What Dont Can How1、_ do you want for your birthday?2、_ are you today?3、_ dress do you like?4、_ I have some sugar, please?5、_ ma

22、ke a noise!二、单选题( )1、Do you want a sandwich _ a cake, please?A or B and C but ( )2、-What are you doing? - I m _ some cards.A make B making C makes( )3、Kitty is _ today, so she cant go to school.A sick B sicking C sicks ( )4、-Do you like ice-cream? - _.AY es, I dont B No, I do . C Yes, I do. ( )5、The

23、y are _ a big shop.A in B on C at 三、 写出下列单词的现在分词。make _ swim _ drive _ ride _ fly _ buy _Module2综合一、 单选题( )1、-DO you like pears _ grapes? -I like pear.A and B but C or ( )2、-What _ you like? -I like noodles.A dont B do C does( )3、How _ she today?A do B is C does( )4、What does he want for _ birthday?

24、A he B her C his ( )5、-What _ he do after school? -He _ football.A do, play B does, plays C does, play( )6、They are waiting _ the train.A for B at C on ( )7、Im _ , can I have some water?A tired B thirsty C hungry( )8、Kitty is _ her new uniform now.A wearing B wears C wear( )9、Can I have _ salt , ple

25、ase?A any B some C many( )10、_ do you get up?A How B What time C What二、改正错误1、Alice want some orange juice. _ A B C2、What time does you go to bed? _ A B C3、My mother goes to work on seven. _ A B C4、Im making some cake. _ A B C5、My birthdays on the ten of January. _ A B C三、阅读理解This is a picture of my

26、family. Theyre my grandpa, my grandma, my father, my mother and I. My grandpa and grandma are old. They cant do hard work. My father is a math teacher. My mother is a singer, she can sing a lot of songs. I m a student in Grade Five. I love my family.根据短文内容, 判断对(T)错()( )1、Therere four people in my fa

27、mily.( )2、My grandpa and grandma can do easy work.( )3、My father teaches English.( )4、My mother can sing.( )5、Im a student in Grade Four.Module 3 Unit1一、 选出每组单词中与从不同的一项。( )1、A desk B chair C walk( )2、A Monday B today C Tuesday( )3、A tram B taxi C bread( )4、A English B lesson C Chinese( )5、A two B fi

28、rst C third二、 连线How many floors are there in your school? Yes, there is.How do you go to school? I go to school by bus.Is there a cupboard in your classroom? There are five floors.Who is your teacher? Miss Hu is my teacher.三、 单选题( )1、There are _ floors in my school, my classroom is on the _ floor.A

29、six, fiveth B five, fifth C five, fifth( )2、-How _ Wendy go to work? - He _ to work by train.A do, go B is, goes C does, goes( )3、-How is your school? -_.A Its my school. B In my school. C Big and nice.( )4、-Whats the meaning of Tom walks to school?A He goes to school on foot.B He goes to school eve

30、ry day.C He likes his school.( )5、-_ is your brother? -He is ten years old.A How many B How much C How oldUnit2一、 按要求写单词Dear(反义词)_ big(反义词)_ long(反义词)_ white(反义词)_ ear(复数)_ Ive got(完整形式)_二、 连线What colour do you like? Ive got eighty yuan.How much money have you got? Shes buying some bread.What do you

31、 want? I like blue.Which one? I want a new bag.Whats she buying? Yes, I do .Do you like the yellow bear? The big blue one.三、 单选题( )1、Mum is _ some bread and some eggs.A buy B buys C buying( )2、I want a new pencil case. This ones _ dear.A two B too C to( )3、-_ money have you got? -Ive got eighty yuan

32、.A How much B How many C What( )4、I want _umbrella.A a B new C an( )5、-Does your mother go shopping every day ? -_, only on Sundays.A OK. B Yes C NoUnit3一、 按要求写单词dont(完整形式)_ cant(完整形式)_ game(复数)_ means(第三人称单数形式)_ flower(复数)_ e(现在分词)_ have(现在分词)_ put(现在分词)_二、 单选题( )1、Put your rubbish _ the bin.A on B

33、 in C for( )2、Lets go _ a picnic.A for B at C on( )3、Dont feed the tiger. Its _.A funny B interesting C dangerous( )4、A girl is _ her bicycle in the park.A ride B riding C rides( )5、-You cant go out! - _? -Look! Its raining heavily.A What B Why not C How三、 选择与图片相对应的句子。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )A Dont pick

34、 the flowers!B Dont jump into the pool!C Dont eat!D Dont run!E Dont play ball games!四、 改错。( )1、What one means Dont play ball games? _ A B C( )2、They are have a picnic in the country park. _ A B C( )3、You cant plays basketball here. _ A B C( )4、At a quarter past five a man e. _ A B C( )5、-Does they l

35、ike to play football? - Yes, they do . _ A B C五、 看钟表,请你用quarter, half,past 写出时间. 1、_ 2、_ 3、_ 4、_Module3综合一、 选择( )1、There _ forty desks in the classroom.A is B are C am( )2、Kitty _ to the park _ tram.A go, by B goes, by C goes, on( )3、_ touch the tiger.A Not B No C Dont( )4、_ at the sign.A Look B See

36、 C Watch( )5、They cant _ this difficult question.A answering B answer C answers二、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1、How many _(floor)are there in your school?2、Kitty is _(go)to south underground station.3、_(do)play with that ball!Module 4 Unit1一、 选出不同类的一项( )1、A arm B leg C baby D foot( )2、A swim B can C climb D dive( )3、A big B small C long D rope( )4、A dog B horse C tiger D colour( )5、A fruit B banana

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