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1、七年级下册英语期末考试卷及答案七年级下册英语期末考试卷及答案、听力(共20分) 一听句子,选择正确答语。听两遍.(每小题1分,计5分) ( )1. A It is funny。 BIt is cloudy. CIt is boring。 ( )2。 AShes tall。 BShes a nurse。 CShe likes beef。 ( )3. AAt seven yesterday。 B。 On Sunday. C。 At seven oclock。 ( )4。 AI can play chess. BI can play basketball in the sports club。 CH

2、e can play the violin. ( )5。 A It was windy. BIt wa s great. C。 It was friendly。 二。 听五段小对话,根据所听内容选择最佳答案,读两遍.(每小题1分,计5分) ( ) 6。 Where are they? A。 In the museum。 B。 In the classroom。 C。 In the hospital。 ( )7. What does the man think of his vacation? A. Terrible。. B。 Boring。 C。 Wonderful. ( ) 8。 Can J

3、im answer the phone? A。 Yes, he can。 B. No, he cant. C。 We dont know. ( ) 9。 What would the woman like? A. Shed like tea。 B。 Shed like coffee 。 C.She doesnt mind tea or coffee. ( ) 10. Does the man like the weather? A. Yes, he does。 B。 No, he doesnt。 C。 I dont know. 三 听对话,根据所听内容选择最佳答案,读两遍。(每小题1分,计5分

4、) 听第一段长对话,回答第1112 小题 ( ) 11. What does the girl want to see? A。 Pandas。 B.Tigers. C。 Koalas。 ( ) 12。Why does the boy like elephants ? A。Because they are cute . B。 Because they are interesting 。 C。Because they are dangerous。 听第二段长对话,回答第13-15 小题 。 ( )13。Where can they listen to music ? A。 In the class

5、room. B. In the hallways. C。 In the music room。 ( ) 14。 Where can they eat in school ? A。 In the classroomB. In the dining hall。 C. In the teachers office. ( )15。What cant they wear in class? A。They cant wear hats。 B。 They cant wear dresses。 C。They cant wear shirts。 四听短文,完成所缺部分,每空一词。听两遍.( 5分) Hi, Ja

6、ck。 Im Bob. I want to tell you about my trip. It was really great。 I went to the 16 with some of my friends。 We left early on Saturday morning and drove there. We saw some 17 and villages along the way。 We went fishing and swam in the day。 We watched the stars at night。 They were so beautiful。 The w

7、eather was warm and the air was 18 We also learned a lot about 19 . Everyone thought it was an 20 day。 How about you? How was your trip? Write back to me soon. 、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) 从A、B、C、三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( ) 21。 He _to the zoo yesterday。 A. goes B。 go C. went ( ) 22. Jim _at home last Friday。 A。 a

8、m B. is C。 was ( ) 23。 Where did your brother _last night? A。 goes B。 go C. went ( ) 24. We went to the beach _a rainy morning。 A。 in B。 at C。 on ( ) 25。 -_ bowl of noodles _ you like? A medium one. AWhat, does BWhat size, would CWhat kind, would ( ) 26。 Mary _ tall and she _ short curly hair。 A。 is

9、, has B. is, is C。 has, is ( )27. The pay phone is _ the post office. A. next B。 next to C。 across to ( ) 28。 I often watched them _soccer at school last year。 A。 play B。 plays D。 to playxk#b1 ( ) 29。 _they _tennis after school yesterday? A。 Do; play B。 Did; play C。 Do; played ( ) 30。 It was a fine

10、day. We decided _volleyball。 A。 playing B. play C. to play ( ) 31. Dont me. Im OK。 A。 be good with B. be bad to C。 be worried about ( ) 32。 We had great fun _English. A。 learn B. to learn C. learning ( )33。. The policeman helped the boy _the hotel. A. found B. find C。 finds ( ) 34。 -_were the beache

11、s? They were beautiful but crowded. A. How B。 What C。 Where ( ) 35。 - _? He is of medium build. A。 What does he look likeB。 How is he C。 How does he look 、完形填空(每 小题1分,共10分) A Johnny is twelve 36 old 。 He is very tall and he loves 37 basketball 。 His parents 38 from Anhui 。 Sally is small and she 39

12、glasses 。 She 40 long and curly hair . She likes 41 . She 42 hard 。 Dave 43 of medium height 。He enjoys 44 computer games 。He also loves to tell 45 。 ( ) 36。 A. year B。 years C。 years ( ) 37。A。play B。 plays C. playing ( ) 38。A .is B。 are C。 comes ( ) 39.A。not wear B。 do wear C. doesnt wear ( ) 40。A。

13、 has B。 have C。 is ( ) 41.A。 sing B. sings C。 singing ( ) 42。A。works B 。working C。 to work ( ) 43.A。are B。 be C. is 。 ( ) 44.A.plays B. playing C. to play 。 ( ) 45.A。jokes B. joke C。 to joke 。阅读理解。(每题2分,共20分,) (A) Today Han Meis classmates are having an art lesson in the park. Now they are playing n

14、ear the lake. The boy in black is flying a kite. He is Li Lei. The girl in red is reading a book。 Who is she? Ha, shes just Han Mei。 Lucy and Lily are twins。 They look the same(相似的)and they are dancing under a big tree. There is a boat on the lake. Mrs。 Green and Mrs。 Brown are in the boat。 They are

15、 their teachers。 And now the children are drawing pictures on the grass near the lake。 The teachers are teaching how to draw pictures。 But what is Joe doing? Oh, he is looking for his pencil case。 ( ) 46。 Why are the children in the park today? A。 They have no classes today. B. They like playing in

16、the park. C. Theyre having a class. ( ) 47. What is Han Mei doing? A. She is drawing a picture. B. She is flying a kite。 C. She is reading a book. ( ) 48。How many children are mentioned(提到) in the passage? A。 Four B. Five C. Six ( ) 49. Where are the girls dancing? A。 Under the tree B. In a boat C。

17、In the classroom ( ) 50. Who is Mrs。 Green? A。 She is their English teacher. B。 She is Joes mother. C。 She is their art teacher。 (B) Li Ming went to Shanghai for her vacation。 The first day the weather was terrible! It was cloudy and raining。 Li Ming took a bus to the museum。 The museum was crowded(

18、拥挤的), but very interesting。 It was hot and sunny the next day。 Li Ming went to the beach。 She played soccer and went skateboarding。 It was great! The last day she visited her aunt and uncle。 It was boring, but at night they went to the movies。 They saw a very funny movie。 根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正(用T表示)误(用F表示

19、)。 ( ) 51。 The weather was rainy on the first day. ( ) 52。 There were many people in the museum。 ( ) 53. Li Ming played sports on the beach。 ( ) 54。 Li Ming enjoyed the day with her aunt and uncle。 ( ) 55. The movie was kind of sad. 补全对话。(每题1分,共5分。) 从方框中选出合适的句子填空,选项中有两项是多余的. A. Hello, Lucy。56 B。 It

20、was great! I went to China with my family。 A。 Really? Wow! What did you do there? B。 Well,57。 A. Oh, how were the museums? B。 They were really interesting。But58 A. How were the shops there? B。 Oh, they were very cheap。 59 And the people were really friendly. My parents have some Chinese friends, and

21、 60 The food was delicious. I love it! 、任务型阅读 (每小题2分,共10分) Li Feng is from Beijing, China. He studies in a middle school。 He works hard at his lessons。 He is good at English. He likes speaking English. Li Fengs mother is from Japan。 She is a good teacher. She teaches Japanese in a different school。

22、She can speak some Chinese, but doesnt know English. His father works in a factory。 He is very busy every day, and his job is difficult but interesting。 阅读短文,回答问题 61. Where does Li Feng come from? _ 62. What does Li Feng like? _ 63。 Can his mother speak a little English? _ 64. Where does his father

23、work? _ 65. Does his father like his work? 、按要求转换句型.(每空1分,共10分) 66。 Joe can sing。( 用dance改为选择疑问句) Joe sing dance ? 67. Tom likes geography and history. (一般疑问句) _Tom _ geography and history? 68。 They played soccer last weekend。 (否定句) They _ _ soccer last weekend。 69. They are listening to music at ho

24、me.(对划线部分进行提问) are they at home? 70。 My weekend was very terrible.( 对划线部分进行提问) your weekend? 、书面表达。(10分) 你有一个新朋友Lucy,根据表格内容写一篇60字左右的短文介绍她。 姓名Lucy年龄15 外貌金黄色长卷发,中等身高,有点胖 最喜爱的食物西红柿牛肉面条 喜欢的运动爬山,游泳 _ _ 听力原文 一听句子,选择正确答语。听两遍。(每小题1分,计5分) 1. Whats the weather like today. 2。 What does your sister look like? 3

25、。 What time does your sister get up? 4。 What can you do, Alan ? 5。 How was your weekend? 二。听五段小对话,根据所听内容选择最佳答案,读两遍.(每小题1分,计5分) 6。 M: Please look at the blackboard。 Can you see the words clearly? W: Yes, we can. 7 W: Where did you go on your vacation? M: Harbin。 I saw the snow。 It was so beautiful。 8

26、. W: Jim, the phone is ringing。 Can you answer the phone? M: Sorry, Mom. Im in the bathroom. 9。 M: Would you like a cup of tea or coffee? W: Tea, please。 10。 W: How is the weather there? M: Its terribly cold。 I cant go out。 Its boring。 三 听对话,根据所听内容选择最佳答案,读两遍。(每小题1分,计5分) 听第一段长对话,回答第1112小题。 W: Lets se

27、e the koalas. M: Why do you like koalas? W: Because they are very cute。 M: Well, I like elephants。 Because they are very interesting。 听第二段长对话,回答第1315小题. M:What are the school rules,Alex? W: Well,we cant listen to music in the classroom or hallways.But we can listen to it in the music room。 M :Uhhuh。

28、 W: And we cant eat in the classroom,but we can eat in the dining hall。 M: Oh,and can we wear hats in class? W: No,we cant wear hats.And you cant fight with anyone. That makes the teachers really unhappy。 四听短文,完成所缺部分,每空一词。听两遍。( 10分) Hi,Jack。Im Bob. I want to tell you about my trip。 It was really gre

29、at。 I went to the countryside with some of my friends。 We left early on Saturday morning and drove there。We saw some farms and villages along the way. We went fishing and swam in the day。 We watched the stars at night. They were so beautiful。 The weather was warm and the air was clean . We also lear

30、ned a lot about farming。 Everyone thought it was an exciting day. 20142015学年第二学期七年级英语期末试答案 15 BACAB 610 BCBAB 1115 CBCBA 16。 countryside 17。 farms 18。clean 19.farming 20.exciting 2125 CCBCB 26-30 ABABC 31-35 CCBAA 3640 CCBCA 4 145 CACBA 46-50 CCBAC 5155 TTTFF 5660 FEABG 61。He is from Beijing,China。/ From Beijing,China. 62。He likes speaking English./ Speaking English。 63.No, she cant. 64。He works in a factory./ In a factory. 65.Yes, he does。 66。 Can ,or 67. Does , like 68. didnt , like 69 。What , doing 70。How, was 七年级下册英语期末考试卷及答案

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