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3、常运行。 在指示图中,形象的描绘以至于可以被模仿出来的一个传输机。在图中2和3指定的参考是数字20。输送20包括1全会室21拥有有对立的两端23。通过支持全会室21,直到结束23其中支撑成员25。支撑25位置的气腔,在适当的海拔范围,可以使输送机,与与其相应的流入和出口接通(未显示)21。支持成员25所显示的是它的脊梁,但任何结构成员或安排可以用来支持全会室21。充气室21包括一个底板27日和一个顶板29,这些与两侧23共同形成一个室内31。在适当情况下提供额外的支持可加强主干33可放置在室内31。底板27表现了向传送带纵轴倾斜传送带。排水塞32位于底板27的中点,以方便清除积累的湿气或其他有


5、统输送机相同的,在这里没有必要再进行更为详细的对带子的描述。更具体地说,空气或任何压力流体从一个简单的低马力离心风机或任何移动设备的空气抽入室内31。空气通过一系列达到或接近纵轴输送窍逃脱。在空气中传播出去宽度明智升空带37顶面顶板29 40。同时,皮带推动由传统的驱动系统。空气被拉到在大约相同的速度沿皮带驱动皮带。沿带侧边缘,在传送带的入口和出口两端空气逸出。空气逸出,在出口端,而不是高考结束,更因为带的旅游提请它的空气。 顶板29划分成三个部分,中心大体持平的第41条,反对外部分43,每个角度或从中心第41条所定义的平面向上弯曲,见图。 2。 外的第43条说明图。有一个过渡半径“R”和一般

6、直的第47条第45条3。过渡第45条职能稍微弯曲皮带,或给它一个转向行动。 外半径“R”的定义除了43条也由角度定义“。THETA”。弯曲半径可以有所不同,取决于特定的输送应用,例如,从紧的弯曲,当半径接近零一个渐进的弯曲半径时可能高达20英寸。一个首选半径范围是5至10英寸和最好的5和7英寸,例如,6.5英寸。同样,角“THETA”可能会有所不同,以及高达60度,最好25度。 35度,最好30度 .连续第47条基本上与过渡段45 48的结尾部分定义了一个出口角重合。然而,第47条,可尊重的结尾部分过渡段45 48角度,如果需要的话。 除了提供一个指导行动,皮带37,角或弯曲的外节43 29顶

7、板作为参考数字50指定一个带边缘指南的一部分功能,见图。 2。带边缘导向控制带转向或横向运动,并在带旅游带向上或垂直运动50次助攻。 皮带边缘指南50功能,直接从39 37皮带底面带边缘面对51左右,整个皮带上表面53新兴的空气。在下面更详细地描述,皮带边缘指南50还创建了一个区增加了53皮带上表面,以控制带边缘向上运动的压力,尤其是当带可能有开放的空间,也就是说,没有正在开展的空间或无负荷的情况。 具体的参照图。 3,带边缘指南50 55一般平行运行的输送机20轴拉长酒吧。酒吧指南57和直管段顶板29 47 55之间。在图。 3,酒吧55所示抵押指南57 59螺母和螺栓61安排,通过在酒吧5

8、5和指导底面63开口扩大螺母59。该指南57所示参考数字65 25成员的支持。为指导面上指导57其挺拔的表面也可以正常在腰带上37转达了第75条第67,见图。 2。 酒吧55,57和指导顶板29安排在皮带表面53创建一个高压区。更特别的是,从皮带底面39退出的空气进入休会69 29顶板,底面63和拉长酒吧面对71所形成。空气,进入休会67后,通过在皮带上表面53和出槽73。由73槽的尺寸减小的原因休会69,更高的压力,如区,大于环境压力相比,创建带面53以上。这种高压力的区域,往往迫使朝顶板29皮带的边缘部分。因此,皮带表面53和63 57尽量减少或消除指南底面表面之间的联系。时皮带在高速行驶

9、,大于1000英尺每分钟,每分钟约2200英尺高的,这一行动是非常重要的。表面53和63之间的联系,在这些高的速度,可能造成重大损害的皮带表面。 此外,由于可适应携带包或行李输送20,见图。 2,带37可能会看到带不均匀加载的开放空间。在这些条件下,空气轴承存在一种倾向,即带39之间的底面和顶面顶板29 40的距离,增加并迫使皮带向上,包括带边缘表面53。50指导与边缘,从皮带两侧的空气逃脱被用来控制和/或减少向上带边缘运动。因此,带可与间歇性的文章运送和经营,如果需要的话,在高速无皮带表面损伤。 为了进一步加强区域增加的压力,指导57 63底面的表面可以弯曲或直第47条或相切的过渡第45条的

10、角度创造的角度,从不同的角度。 无论哪种方式计算,在钓鱼的区别,即由63面和参考平面平分平段顶板29 41形成的锐角会大于所形成的直线段或切线过渡段45尊重相同的参考平面。钓鱼差异之间的底面表面63和过渡段45或连续第47条的切线供应减少73槽尺寸,使压在休会69区增加了一个配置,其中导轨表面63和之间的关系直第47条或第45切线通常是平行的。它应被理解的皮带边缘指南50的设计是模范。可以利用的任何配置或手段,这将直接从皮带37下左右带边缘面对51和53超过其上表面的空气,以创造更大的压力区。指导底面63例如,可能是从57的指南,尤其是当挺拔的垂直导轨面67就没有必要,例如,利用两个输送物品输

11、送20,例如,饲料经营输送分开,作为循环输送机。使用和输送物品和作为回报输送机输送机20,克服缺点,上面提到的在槽返回输送机时,使用传统的托辊形空气支持带。 要提高37皮带转向行动,酒吧55,可以使用低摩擦材料上的脸71。这种材料可降低摩擦带边缘面对51时,可致电酒吧脸71。低摩擦材料,可以是一个涂层,可拆卸的附件或任何其他类型的配置,它可以是酒吧55接口。最好,低摩擦材料,氟碳聚合物,如聚氯乙烯,作为涂层或类似。如果需要的话,可以涂整个酒吧。 55可以采取其他形式,提供印章或类似的维护,以保证高压区的创建。如果需要的话,也可以附加酒吧55直第47条或其他单独支持。酒吧55也可以作为一个指导5

12、7或静压箱21积分或不可拆卸的组件。 虽然可以改变的指南63底面和顶板29之间的关系改变的插槽尺寸73,其他手段或设备,可用于调整的插槽尺寸,例如,插入扣押的指导57,突出嘴唇或任何其他结构,这将创造超过37皮带上表面所需的压力增加。 本发明的方法方面,支持传统的空气带改善安排皮带遵循皮带支持有一个大体持平的中心部分和倾斜外部分的轮廓。有了这个配置,部分用于支持带压流体的周围侧边皮带和皮带上表面沿指示。与皮带边缘附近的适当配置,增加的压力区是在皮带上表面,以协助控制带边缘向上运动。 一般来说,它需要创造一个空气轴承或垫了厚度约为0.02英寸。最好,气垫可以小于0.010英寸或0.004和0.0

13、06英寸之间的范围。当然,目标的空气轴承可能会有所不同,根据拟用于输送负荷。一般来说,14至16英寸的风扇压力水六立方英尺每分钟的空气被每输送直系脚提供所需。再次,这些值可能会有所不同,取决于输送应用。必要的计算,以确定最佳的空气轴承间隙,气压和空气量是在工匠的技能。同样的电力需求为驱动的输送机,并提供所需的空气量,可以计算出一个熟练的艺术。 一个典型的输送机,可以利用一台42英寸宽输送带,约0.004和0.006英寸之间的空气轴承,特别适合携带行李或包裹在一个高的速度,如速度,每分钟超过2100英尺。 因此,一项发明已披露中的首选体现其满足每一个上述规定,并提供空中支持一个新的和改进的皮带输

14、送机和文章输送的方法,本发明的对象之一。附录二外文资料原文DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTSThe inventive air supported belt conveyor provides significant improvements over prior art designs using either idler rolls or trough-shaped conveyor configurations. With the inventive conveyor, the increased maintenance requiremen

15、ts due to the presence of idler rolls are minimized or eliminated. In addition, elimination of the idler rolls also results in fabrication of a simpler structure. With a simpler structure to fabricate, the overall system takes less time to erect in a field installation, thereby contributing to reduc

16、ed capital costs. Further, the absence of the idler rolls results in the elimination of the alignment procedures which must be utilized in prior art conveyor systems.The inventive conveyor is safer than prior art systems through the elimination of pinch points which are present in conveyor systems u

17、sing idler rolls. With this safety improvement, it may also be possible to eliminate pull cord switches along the conveyor, thus contributing another economic advantage.Operating costs are improved with the inventive conveyor since less power is needed to drive the conveyor belt. In conveyor systems

18、 using idler rolls, their mass and friction component contribute greatly to the conveyor power consumption. Through the elimination of idler rolls, the overall conveyor drive force power is reduced, even with the existence of a blower or the like to supply the air for conveyor belt support.The conve

19、yor of the invention is also effective as a high-speed conveyor, e.g., speeds in excess of 2,000 feet per minute, particularly when the conveyor may have open spaces therealong. Open spaces occur due to the conveyance of articles which may be spaced apart or fed to the conveyor in an intermittent fa

20、shion. The inventive conveyor has a generally flat belt configuration which is ideal for conveying articles such as baggage, packages or the like. Features of the inventive conveyor permit air support of the generally flat conveyor without loss of control over the lateral movement of the conveyor as

21、 it travels or without excessive wear which could result during high speed operation.An exemplary embodiment of the inventive conveyor is depicted in FIGS. 2 and 3 and is designated by the reference numeral 20. The conveyor 20 includes a plenum chamber 21 having opposing ends 23. The plenum chamber

22、21 is supported via the ends 23 by support members 25. The support members 25 position the plenum chamber 21 at the proper elevation so that the conveyor can interface with the appropriate feed and exit arrangements (not shown). The support members 25 are shown as beams but any structural member or

23、arrangement can be utilized to support the plenum chamber 21.The plenum chamber 21 includes a bottom plate 27 and a top plate 29, these plates together with the sides 23 forming an interior 31. Strengthening ribs 33 can be positioned in the interior 31 where appropriate to provide additional support

24、.The bottom plate 27 is shown with an incline toward the longitudinal axis of the conveyor. A drain plug 32 is located at a midpoint of the bottom plate 27 to facilitate removal of accumulated moisture or other unwanted materials. Of course, other configurations of the plenum chamber 21 can be utili

25、zed provided that the interior 31 can be pressurized to provide the air support for the conveyor belt.Still referring to FIGS. 2 and 3, the top plate 29 contains a plurality of orifices 35. The orifices 35 can be slots, round holes or the like and can be distributed as shown or be positioned in othe

26、r configurations, uneven spacings, etc. A belt 37 is positioned adjacent the top plate 29. The top plate 29 functions as a support for the belt 37 in two modes. First, when the interior 31 is not pressurized by a source of air 38, such as a fan, blower or the like, the belt 37 rests on the plate 29.

27、 When the interior 31 is pressurized, air flows through the top plate orifices 35 and against the underside 39 of the belt 37. The air flow creates an air bearing or cushion of air of a given thickness to support the belt 37 while it is driven by a belt drive (not shown) for article conveying. The b

28、elt drive is conventional and a further description thereof is not deemed necessary for invention understanding.More specifically, air or any pressurizable fluid is pumped into the interior 31 from a simple low horsepower centrifugal fan or any air moving device. The air escapes through the series o

29、f orifices at or near the longitudinal axis of the conveyor. The air spreads out width-wise and lifts the belt 37 off the top surface 40 of the top plate 29. At the same time, the belt is propelled by a conventional drive system. Air is pulled along with the belt at approximately the same speed as t

30、he belt is driven. Air escapes along the belt side edges and at the entrance and exit ends of the conveyor. Air escapes more so at the exit end rather than the entrance end since the travel of the belt draws air with it.The top plate 29 is divided into three sections, a center generally flat section

31、 41 and opposing outer sections 43, each angled or bent upwardly from the flat plane defined by the center section 41, see FIG. 2.The outer section 43 is illustrated in FIG. 3 as having a transition section 45 with a radius R and a generally straight section 47. The transition section 45 functions t

32、o bend the belt slightly or give it a steering action.The outer section 43 besides being defined by the radius R is also defined by the angle .theta. The bend or radius can vary depending on the particular conveyor application, e.g., from a tight bend when the radius is near zero to a gradual bend w

33、hen the radius could be up to 20 inches. A preferred radius range is between 5 and 10 inches and more preferably 5 and 7 inches, e.g., 6.5 inches. Similarly, the angle .theta. could vary as well, ranging up to 60.degree., preferably 25.degree. to 35.degree., and more preferably 30.degree. The straig

34、ht section 47 is shown being basically coincident with an exit angle defined by the end portion 48 of the transition section 45. However, the section 47 could be angled with respect to the end portion 48 of the transition section 45, if so desired.Besides providing a steering action to the belt 37,

35、the angle or curved outer section 43 of the top plate 29 also functions as part of a belt edge guide designated by the reference numeral 50, see FIG. 2. The belt edge guide 50 assists in controlling belt steering or lateral movement and belt upward or vertical movement during belt travel.The belt ed

36、ge guide 50 functions to direct air emerging from the underside 39 of the belt 37, around the belt edge face 51 and across the upper belt surface 53. As described in more detail below, the belt edge guide 50 also creates a zone of increased pressure over the belt upper surface 53 to control belt edg

37、e upward movement, particularly when the belt may have open spaces, i.e., spaces where no articles are being carried or a no loading situation.With specific reference to FIG. 3, the belt edge guide 50 includes an elongated bar 55 running generally parallel with the axis of the conveyor 20. The bar 5

38、5 is positioned between a guide 57 and the straight section 47 of the top plate 29. In FIG. 3, the bar 55 is shown secured to the guide 57 by the nut 59 and bolt 61 arrangement, the nut 59 extending through openings in the bar 55 and the guide underside 63. The guide 57 is shown supported by the mem

39、ber 25 at reference numeral 65. The guide 57 can also function with its upstanding surface 67 as a guide surface for an article 75 being conveyed on the belt 37, see FIG. 2.The arrangement of the bar 55, the guide 57 and the top plate 29 create a zone of high pressure over the belt surface 53. More

40、particularly, air exiting from the underside 39 of the belt enters a recess 69 formed by the top plate 29, the underside 63 and the elongated bar face 71. The air, after entering the recess 67, passes over the upper surface 53 of the belt and out a slot 73. By reason of the reduced dimensions of the

41、 slot 73 as compared to the recess 69, a zone of higher pressure, e.g., greater than ambient pressure, is created above the belt surface 53. This zone of high pressure tends to force an edge portion of the belt toward the top plate 29. Thus, contact between the belt surface 53 and the underside surf

42、ace 63 of the guide 57 is minimized or eliminated. This action is extremely significant when the belt is traveling at high speeds, greater than a 1,000 feet per minute and as high as about 2,200 feet per minute. Contact between the surfaces 53 and 63 at these high speeds could cause significant dama

43、ge to the belt surface.In addition, since the conveyor 20 may be adapted to carry packages or luggage, see FIG. 2, the belt 37 may see open spaces where the belt is not uniformly loaded. Under these conditions, a tendency exists for the air bearing, i.e., the distance between the underside the belt

44、39 and the top surface 40 of the top plate 29, to increase and force the belt upwardly, including the belt edge surface 53. With the edge guide 50, air escaping from the sides of the belt is used to control and/or minimize upward belt edge movement. Consequently, the belt can be operated with interm

45、ittent article conveyance and, if desired, at high speeds without belt surface damage.To further enhance the zone of increased pressure, the underside surface 63 of the guide 57 can be bent or angled differently from the angle created by the straight section 47 or angles tangent to the transition se

46、ction 45.When measured in either way, the difference in angling whereby the acute angle formed by surface 63 and a reference plane bisecting the flat section 41 of the top plate 29 would be greater than that formed by the straight section or tangents to the transition section 45 with respect to the

47、same reference plane. The angling difference between the underside surface 63 and the tangents of the transition section 45 or straight section 47 serves to reduce the slot dimension 73 so that the zone of pressure in recess 69 is increased over a configuration wherein a relationship between the gui

48、de surface 63 and straight section 47 or tangents to section 45 is generally parallel.It should be understood that the design of the belt edge guide 50 is exemplary. Any configuration or means which would direct air from under the belt 37, around the belt edge face 51 and over its upper surface 53 t

49、o create the increased pressure zone can be utilized. For example, the guide undersurface 63 could be separate from the guide 57, particularly when the upstanding vertical guide surface 67 would not be needed, e.g., utilizing the conveyor 20 for both conveying articles, e.g., a feed run conveyor, and as a return

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