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1、2019深圳牛津版英语七年级上Unit 4知识点整理及练习Unit 4 Seasons一、四会词(看英文写中文) 1. take a trip 2. make snowman 3. go on a picnic 4. fly kites 5. go swimming 6. have a picnic 7. in Spring 8. get warm 9. start to grow/start growing 10. go to the beach 11. in the hot weather 12. turn brown 13. fall from the trees 14. at this

2、 time of year 15. during the Spring Festival 16. spend time with their relatives 17. love/like to do sth.二、必背句子 1. In spring, the weather starts to get warm. 2. The wind blows gently. 3. It is exciting to take a trip in spring. 4. Many people like to go to the beach and swim in the sea. 5. It is nic

3、e to eat ice cream in the hot weather. 6. Leaves turn brown, red or yellow and start falling from the trees. 7. It is nice to go on a picnic at this time of year because the weather is cool and dry. 8. Children love winter because they love to play in the snow. 9. It is interesting to make snowmen.

4、10. People usually spend time with their relatives during the Spring Festival. 三、解释句子 1. Everything turns green. = All the things turn green. 2. The sun shines brightly. = The sun sends out light brightly.3. It is nice to go on a picnic at this time of year because the weather is cool and dry. = It

5、is nice to go on a picnic at this time of year because the weather is cool and not wet. 4. Winter is often cold and snowy. = Winter is often cold and with a lot of snow. 5. People usually spend time with their relatives during the Spring Festival. = People usually use time to do something with their

6、 family members during the Spring Festival. 四、单元语法 1. 形容词作定语(置于名词前) ; 2. 形容词作表语(置于系动词后) ; 3. It is + adj. + to do sth. 二、词组积累 世界的不同地方 开始做某事 变暖/冷/热 变黄/绿 去旅行 去海边 在海里游泳 去野餐 一年中的这个时候 在雪中玩 堆雪人 最好的季节 玩得开心 在寒假/暑假期间 拜访某人 收到红包 种树 放风筝 去游泳 在中国的北部 很久以前 和某人一起度过时光 三,语言点 1. I love all four seasons. all: adj 所有的,一切

7、的,后面可接可数名词复数,或不可数名词,也可以用 all of the +Cn 复数 E.g.:Mrs. Li loves all her students. All of the boys like playing basketball. 2. I never feel hot or cold. feel: 感觉,觉得,后面要接形容词作表语 The panda always feel because it can eat fresh bamboos every day. A. happily B. happy C. happiness D. happier 3. In winter, wat

8、ch us go. watch: v 看,观看 watch sb do sth 看见某人做某事 eg: I watch him get on the bus. 4. What is the weather like in spring? 这句话的意思是“春天的天气怎么样?” What is the weather like?= How is the weather? 用来询问天气。 5. In spring, the weather starts to get warm. in spring: 在春天。泛指的季节前用介词 in,且没有介词 the。如果是那一年的春天,则要加 the, 即 in

9、 the spring of 2012。 start/ begin + to do sth /doing sth 开始做某事 6. The wind blows gently. The sun shines brightly. blow: v 吹, 过去式为 blew 对比:The wind is gentle. The sun is bright. gentle: adj. 温柔的 gently: adv. 温柔地 bright: adj. 明亮的 brightly: adv. 明亮地 总结:一般直接在形容词词尾加-ly, 就变成相应的副词(若形容词以-le 结尾,则去-le, 再 加-ly

10、; 若以-y 结尾的形容词,则改 y 为 i 再加-ly) 形容词修饰名词,副词修饰动词。e.g.: heavy rain 大雨 It rains heavily. 下大雨strong wind 大风 The wind is blowing strongly.heavy snow 大雪 It is snowing heavily.7. It often rains. It 在这里指天气,而不是“它”的意思。 注意:天气很热,我们可以说 “It/ The weather is hot.” 但天在下雨,我们只说“It rains” 而不 说 “ The weather rains. 8. Ever

11、ything turns green. turn: 变得,是系动词,后面加形容词 上文 get warm 的 get 也表“变得”,为系动词,后接形容词。 eg: His hair turns grey. Its getting dark. everything: pron 所有的事,一切,everything 作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式 9. Its exciting to take a trip in spring. Its + 形容词+ to do sth 做某事怎么样 EX:中译英下列句子 和你聊天很开心。 参加象棋俱乐部是令人兴奋的。 和汤姆交朋友真好。 take a trip:

12、旅游,去旅游 take 常和名词连用,意为“做.事情”,可与 have 互换 休息一下 have/take a rest 散步 take/ have a walk 游泳 take/have a swim 看一看 take/ have a look eg: Would you like to take a trip to London? 10. Its interesting to make snowman. make a snowman 堆一个雪人 复数形式为 make snowmen 11. People usually spend time with their relatives dur

13、ing the Spring Festival. spend time with sb. 和某人一起度过时光 cost, pay, spend, take 的区别 cost:某物值.钱,某物花了.钱,cost 的主语只能是物 eg: The watch costs ten thousand dollars. pay: 付钱. , pay.for 为.付钱, 主语是人, 过去式 paid eg:I paid 15 yuan for the hamburger. Who paid for my meal? spend: 花钱.,spend.on 花在.上,主语是人,过去式 spenteg:I sp

14、ent all my money on the dress. take: 常用语 “It takes. to do sth” 的固定句型 eg; It takes me 100 yuan to have a lesson in Kehan. 其中:spend 和 take 还可以表示花时间 spend time on sth. 花时间在上面 spend time (in) doing sth 花时间做事 eg: Tony spends two hours on homework every day. eg: He spends 5 hours playing puter games every

15、 day. It takes sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花了某人多少时间 eg: It takes me two years to learn English well. 12. In the north of China, it is very cold and dry in winter. in the north of China: 在中国的北部 归纳:东部 east 西部 west 南部 south 北部 north 东南 southeast 西南 southwest 东北 northeast 西北 northwest 13. go swimming 去游

16、泳 go + doing 表示“去做某事” 去骑车 go cycling 去钓鱼 go fishing 去购物 go shopping 去划船 go boating 去跳舞 go dancing 去滑冰 go skating 去爬山 go climbing 14. have a picnic 野餐 have a picnic= go on a picnic 归纳:have a trip= go on a trip 15. The weather in the middle and east of China are quite different. quite: adv. 很,非常,相当= v

17、ery, 都可以放在形容词或副词前用来修饰它们,加深程度 eg: The picture is quite/ very beautiful. Its quite cold today. 16. 词类归纳: 名词:rain 雨水 wind 风 cloud 云 fog 雾 snow 雪课堂练习 一、单项选择 2. is interesting to play football with my classmates. A. It B. This C. That D. There 4. I dont go to school I feel sick. A. but B. and C. because

18、D. as 5, In winter, the weather starts colder than before. A. get B. gets C. to get D. got 6.-Mothers can do for their children.-I think so. Our mothers are great. A. everything B. thing C. nothing D. something 7. Alice wants to this summer holiday with her parents in Shanghai. A. cost B. pay C. spe

19、nd D. take 8. -Who is that man over there? -Uncle Sam. He is my . He is visiting me now. A. relate B. relative C. relation D. related 9. -How does Linda hurt her leg? -She her bike. A. fall from B. fell down C. falls down D. falls down 10. I think this present is the nicest for me in the world. A. n

20、ice B. the nice C. nicest D. the nicest 1. Hes from . Hes an Australian. A. Australian B. Australians C. Australia D. australia 2. Im watch him a kite. A. flying B. to fly C. flies D. is flying 3. Its in Harbin in winter. A. rainy B. snowy C. hot D. warm 4. Everything well. A. am B. is C. are D. / 5

21、. It is exciting kites in spring. A. fly B. files C. flying D. to fly 6. I usually spend half an hour my homework every night. A. at B. in C. on D. to 7. There are people in the park. A. a lot B. lot of C. a lots of D. a lot of8. There is snow today. A. big B. heavy C. heavily D. strongly 4. I usual

22、ly spend half an hour my homework every night. A. at B. in C. on D. to 5. There are people in the park. A. a lot B. lot of C. a lots of D. a lot of 6. There is snow today. A. big B. heavy C. heavily D. strongly 7. - the weather today? -It is cloudy. A. What; is B. Whats; about C. What; look D. Whats

23、 like 9. It is said that it is going to be tomorrow. A. rain B. rainy C. to rain D. rained 二,释义题 1. What do you like doing in your free time? A. enjoy B. want C. need D. stop2. When did the football game start?A. end B. have C. begin D. watch 3. Look,the floor is not wet .A. clean B. dirty C. dry D.

24、 cheap 4. I have a long holiday and I have a lot of fun. A. have time B. have a picnic C. have a break D. have a good time 5. I love apples. What about you? A. why dont B. How about C. Would like D. Why not 6. In old days,people burned wood to cook food A. used for B. seton fire C. madeblack D. put

25、in fire 7. At Mid-autumn Festival,people send moon cakes to relatives and friends A. people in the same family B. people in the same office C. people in the same class D. people in the same country 8. It hasnt rained for a long time,so the lake is dry now. A. with water B. with a little water C. rai

26、ny D. not wet 9. The rain has stopped and the sun is shining. A. give out light B. showing C. growing D. blowing 10. He doesnt spend much money on expensive cloths. A. payfor B. cost C. take,to D. buy,to 五,按要求填入单词的适当形式 1. On (sun) days,people enjoy swimming. 2. The weather starts ( get ) cool in aut

27、umn. 3. It is hard (walk) on muddy roads in spring . 4. It is (interest) to fly kites in the park. 5. -What the weather like today? -It is (cloud). 6. Look! It is (rain )heavily. 7. The wind blows (strong) in winter. 8. The world (bee) white in winter. 9. She (spend)one hour riding a bike yesterday.

28、 10. Uncle Wang and Uncle Li are all my (relative). 11. I visit my (grandparent) home with my mother every summer holiday. 12. The sun shines (bright).Shall we go to the park? 13. My hometown is (snow)every winter. 14. The wind (blow)a piece of my paper away . I cant find it. 15. The boy makes a pla

29、n for a long (trip). 16. We should try doing (everything) to save the people. 17. The small cat makes lots of (footprint) on the snow ground 一、从方框中选择适当的单词填入空格中,如有必要,需改变单词的形式。 dry shine relative brightly during blow kick spend1. The candles lights(照亮)the room . 2. The strong wind can the roof of the

30、house away.3. The sea in the light of the Moon. 4. How long are you going to your holiday in Lijiang? 5. Now, the ball and start the game. 6. I dont have any friends or in this city. 7. The weather is quite . Its easy to catch fire. 8. Its so hot the day. I dont want to go out at all. 二、从方框中选择适当的词组填

31、入空格中,如有必要,需改变单词的形式。 at this time of year get warm go on a picnic make snowman the Spring Festival take a trip in the snow1. Do you often go to the beach for a swim ? 2. What a nice day! Its a good time for us to in the countryside. 3. When spring es, it starts to . 4. Put on a coat before you go out

32、 to play . 5. Im going to to Beijing with my parents this winter holiday. 6. make a snowman Can you teach me how to take a trip ? How many snowballs do I need? the Spring Festival 7. We usually have a New Year party with all our relatives during . 三、从方框中选择适当的单词填入空格中,如有必要,需改变单词的形式。Town snowy footprin

33、t everything Australia wet puddle1. It is raining outside. it is everywhere. 2. It is these days and the snow in the street stops the traffic. 3. There are a lot of on the ground after the heavy rain. 4. Canberra is the capital of . 5. If you walk on the soft snow, you will leave a lot of on it. 6.

34、in the house is new. 7.Do you live in a or a city. 四、词汇:根据汉语或首字母提示写单词,补全句子。 1. We dont go out today, because the sun shines too (明亮地 ). 2. When I get uo this morning, I find it is ( 下雪的). 3. He is studying in our school. And he is from ( 澳大利亚). 4. The light (照耀) in his eyes and he cant see anything.

35、 5. Without rain, the land bees very (干燥的). 6. It is raining. If you dont take an umbrella, you will get w . 7. He likes k a ball with his friends. 8. When he was young, he lived in a small t with his parents.9. Children in China usually play happily d the Spring Festival. 10. The strong wind b some

36、 sand(沙子) into my eyes.五、根据汉语提示补全句子,每空一词。 1. 我希望我们寒假能一起去旅行。 I hope we can together in the winter holiday. 2. 冬天,孩子们经常一起在地上堆雪人。 Children often together on the ground in winter. 3. 周末我们一起去莲花山公园野餐吧。Lets in Lianhua Park at the weekend. 4. 冬天去哈尔滨旅游是一件令人兴奋的事。 travel to Harbin in winter. 5. 有空的时候汤姆总喜欢跟亲戚待在

37、一起。 Tom usually time his and talks with them when hes free. 6. 在春天一切事物都变绿了。 green in Spring. 7. 每年的这个时候天气总是很冷。 Its always cold . 1. 今年冬季我想要到昆明旅行。 I want to to Kunming this year. 2. 他们到海滩野餐。 They on the beach. 3. 我喜欢雪,因为我喜欢滑冰,还能堆雪人。 I like snow because I enjoy skating and I can . 4. 杰克花时间陪她年幼的女儿看书和看电

38、影。 Jack his young daughter reading books and watching movies. 5. 努力学习非常重要。 Its very hard. 6. 上周日我和父母出去放风筝。 I went out to with my parents last Sunday. 7. 我们经常在每年的这个时候寄些贺卡给我们的朋友。 We often send postcards to our friends . 8. 今天好热啊!我们一起游泳吧。 It is so hot today! Lets together! 9. 香港在中国的南部。 Hong Kong is Chi

39、na. 10. 这个地方,秋季是旅游最好的季节。 In this place, autumn is season to travel.语法:形容词 单元语法 1. 形容词作定语(置于名词前) ; 2. 形容词作表语(置于系动词后) ; 3. It is + adj. + to do sth. 一形容词常放在名词前来修饰名词,即“怎么样的.”,作定语。 eg: an apple-an red apple a day-a sunny day cartoons-interesting cartoons streets-busy and noisy streets 注:有形容词修饰的名词叫名词词组,名

40、词词组的构成是“冠词、数词+ 形容词+ 名词“ 两个形容词之间可用 and 连接 用法 II:形容词放在 be 动词后,构成“sb/ sth+ be + adj” 表“.怎么样”,作表语 eg: The weather is warm in Spring. Winter is often cold and snowy. 注: 动词后面的形容词表明的都是主语的特征, be 我们还有其他的动词后面也是跟形容词来 表明主语的特征: 1. 变得: get, turn eg: In spring, the weather gets warm. Everything turns green. 2. 感官动词; 看起来(look),听起来(sound) ,闻起来(smell) ,尝起来(taste)

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