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1、选煤厂设计的现状摘要:中国选煤厂的设计现状是,对于大型的选煤基地,设计了大型选煤厂,采用了大型选煤设备;同时采用精确的选煤方法和分选分级设备及过程控制; 选煤工艺系统、设备配置、生产操作均很简单;新型设备及控制、各种耐磨材料、 工艺布置及厂房结构注重实用,这些特点重点体现在平朔安家岭、淮北临焕、神东石圪台、神东大柳塔等选煤厂的设计实践中。关键词:选煤厂;设计;现状;实例近十几年来,为了加速实现煤炭的洁净利用,中国选煤厂的建设进入了一个新的高潮。所建选煤厂的主要特征反映在两个方面:一是建设规模大、数量多, 技术装备先进,生产效率高;二是建设工期缩短,基建投资和生产成本大幅度降 低。这表明中国选煤

2、厂的设计和建设已达到国际先进水平.本文从述评的角度, 重点介绍中国的选煤厂设计。1 选煤厂设计现状 中国选煤厂的设计现状,可以用”大型、精确、简单、实用来概括.大型”具体表现为大型选煤基地、大型选煤厂、大型选煤设备。 随着大型煤炭基地的规划与建设,大型选煤基地也基本形成。大型动力煤基 地主要有:神东基地(神东、准格尔等),晋北基地(大同、平朔等),晋东南基地 (阳泉、晋城等),两淮基地(淮南、淮北、永城等),东北基地,云、贵、川基地 等。大型炼焦煤基地主要有:晋中基地(古交、离柳、霍州、乡宁等),鲁西基地 (枣庄、兖州等),冀中基地(开滦、峰峰、邢台等),东北基地等。动力煤选煤厂 的高速发展,

3、是近期选煤厂设计建设的主要特征,其中,平朔煤炭工业公司年人洗原煤能力已达到85.00Mt。炼焦煤选煤厂的建设规模也比l0A 前有所增长,其 中,霍州煤电集团年入洗原煤能力已经达到15.00Mt 新设计建设的3.0Mt/a 以上的大型选煤厂、 10。0Mt/a以上的特大型选煤厂越来越多。其中 最大的动力煤选煤厂为平朔安家岭选煤厂,年人洗原煤能力达到40.00Mt;最大的炼焦煤选煤厂为淮北临焕选煤厂,年人洗原煤能力达到 12.50Mt。大型选煤设备的应用为选煤厂大型化提 供了有利条件。目前生产实际中成功应用的最大设备主要有以下几类:分选设备有槽宽7。9m 的重介质刮板分选机, 1500mm直径的二

4、产品重介质旋流器, 1400/1050mm 直径的三产品重介质旋流器, 4m2 面积的动筛跳汰机,6m 宽的空气脉动跳汰机,16m3 容积的浮选机,6m 直径 的单槽浮选机,4.5m 直径的浮选柱和36 m2 面积的浮选床,1m 直径的螺旋分选 机等等;筛分设备有4。9m 宽的香蕉筛和水平振动筛,50m2 面积的倾斜振动筛(博 后筛);脱水设备有 120m2 面积的加压过滤机,1500mm 直径的卧式振动离心机, 1050m2 面积的板框压滤机和300m2 面积的快速压滤机,50m直径的浓缩机等。重介质立轮、斜轮分选机因其设备庞大难于大型化。”精确就是采用精确的选煤方法、精确的分选分级设备、精

5、确的过程控制。 重介质选煤方法以其高精度分选的优势逐步取代传统的跳汰选煤方法,已成为应用最广泛的选煤方法.微泡浮选技术正逐步取代传统的浮选技术。l 0。25mm 粗粒煤泥的分选过程受到重视,普遍倾向于采用重力分选的方法,从而减少浮选人料量,降低生产成本.而末煤跳汰机、螺旋滚筒(帕拉比)、摇床、水力旋流器等分选精度不高的选煤方法,近10A 来一直没有新的应用实例.设备的分选、分级精度越来越高。不仅重介质分选机、重介质旋流器等新型 设备的分选精度大幅度提高,而且跳汰机等传统设备的分选精度也有所提高。细粒煤筛分机的分级精度和分级效率越来越得到重视。精确的过程控制成为选煤厂设计的重要环计建设的选煤厂越

6、来越趋于规范化:几乎都是重节.集中控制、监测监控、自动调节三者合一。不仅要对工艺设备进行控制,而且要对有关阀门和泵进行控制,输送机械设有多重、多段保护, 大大提高了选煤厂自动化水平,提高了劳动生产率。简单指工艺系统简单、设备配置简单、生产操作简单。三产品重介质旋流器工艺系统近几年在中国得到普遍应用,其主要特点是系统简单。不脱泥、不分级的重介质旋流器工艺系统的特点也是系统简单。干法分选工艺、煤泥重介质分选工艺和动筛跳汰分选工艺得到发展,还是因为系统简单。设备的大型化使得设备配置简单化成为可能.耐磨材料的应用,提高了设备 的使用寿命及可靠性,进而取消了备用或冗余的工艺系统及设备。年处理能力 2。0

7、0Mt 以下的炼焦煤选煤厂或年介质选煤厂,关键设备大部分引进.而对于中国众多的煤质资源和市场需求来说,量体裁衣、因地制宜更为重要。不同的选煤方法有其自身的适用范围。以当前中国的机械制造水平来看,全部采用国产设备来装备大型及特大型选煤厂,应当没有问题。平朔安家岭选煤厂二期工程引进设备的种类和数量就比一期工程少得多。中国当代选煤设计普遍应用的新技 术主 要来源于国家”九五、”十五攻关成果及其衍生 术.例如,三产品重介质旋流器技术,大直径重介质旋流器技术,不分级重介质选煤技术,不脱泥重介质选煤术,两段重介质旋流器等密度分选超低灰煤技术,浮选柱(床)技术, 动筛跳汰处理能力 4。00Mt 以下的动力煤

8、选煤厂可以采用单台套设备的配置方式, 进一步使工艺系统简单化、生产操作更容易。中国选煤厂设计经历了一个由简单到复杂、再由复杂到简单的过程,但现在的简单和20世纪60 年代的简单有着质的不同。 实用”包括实用新型的设备、实用可靠的控制、实用耐磨的材料、实用简洁的工艺及布置、实用新颖的厂房结 构等等.实用、适用、好用”作为检验和评价设计的重要标准,已悄然为人们所接受。目前,新设计建设的选煤厂越来越 趋于规范化 :几乎都是重介质选煤厂,关键设备大部分引进。而对于中国众多的煤质资源和市场需求来说,量体裁衣、因地制宜更为重要。不同的选煤方法有其自身的适用范围。以当前中国的机械制造水平来看,全部采用国产设

9、备来装备 大型及特大型选煤厂,应当没有问题.平朔安家岭选煤厂二期工程引进设备的种类和数量就比一期工程少得多。 中国当代选煤设计普遍应用的新技术主要来源于国家 九五 、 十五有关成果及其衍生技术。例如,三产品重介质旋流器技术,大直径重介质旋流器技术 ,不分级重介质选煤技术,不脱泥重介质选煤技术,两段重介质旋流器等密度分选超低灰煤技术,浮选柱( 床) 技术,动筛跳汰机排矸技 术,干法 选煤技 术,加压过滤机脱水技术,大倾角、大振幅筛分技术,高频筛脱水技术等等。其中,大直径三产品重介质旋流器的普遍应用是中国对世界选煤工业做出 的重要贡献。 北京华宇工程公司和威海海王旋流器公司联合研制的 HW 系列新

10、型无压给料大直径重介质旋流器(1400/1050),不再是两个二产品重介质旋流器的简单组 合,称得上是具有真正意义的三产品重介质旋流器.试验表明,HW系列重介质旋流器的二段入料流态平稳,料层没有打乱,可以缩短二段重介质旋流器的分选时间、提高分选精度和处理能力。该重介质旋流器已经安装在淮南望峰岗选煤厂 改扩建工程中,今年年底前将投入使用. 2 几座典型选煤厂的设计近几年来,中国每年都要设计、新建或改造数十座选煤厂。笔者认为,当代 比较典型的有特色的选煤厂为:平朔安家岭选煤厂、淮北临焕选煤厂、神东石圪 台选煤厂、神东大柳塔选煤厂等.平朔安家岭选煤厂是中国目前规模最大的现代化高效选煤厂,位于山西省朔

11、州市。一期工程1998 年4 月开工,2000 年8 月建成,入洗安家岭露天矿原煤。 原设计年处理原煤 15.0Mt;按现行国家标准工作制度 5280h/a 计算,实际处理 能力已达24.0025.0Mt/a。二期工程2005 年4 月开工,2006 年7 月建成,入 洗安家岭1 井原煤煤。原设计年处理原煤10.00Mt;按现行国家标准工作制度计算,实际处理能力可达 14。0015。00Mt/a.二期工程正式运行后,安家岭选煤 厂全厂的实际处理能力可达38.0040.00Mt/a。 安家岭选煤厂分出口煤选煤系统和内销煤排矸系统,采用分级重介质选煤工 艺,15013mm 块煤采用浅槽重介质刮板分

12、选机分选,130。15mm 末煤采用重介 质旋流器分选.选煤产品及指标为:精煤(优质动力煤)灰分Ad 14%、硫分St,d 1%、发热量Qgr,v,ad 28.5MJ/kg,主供出口;洗混煤(一般内销混煤)灰分Ad 35、硫分 St,d1%、发热量 Qnet,ar 17.8MJ/kg;混煤(优质内销混 煤)灰分Ad 22、硫分St,d1.5%、发热量Qnet,ar 22.8MJ/kg,供国内 电厂。安家岭选煤厂一期工程采用的 W22F54 型浅槽重介质刮板分选机、D26B S200 重介质旋流器、MMD1050、MMD625 型破碎机、BS 624(英尺)分级筛、HVS 10 16(英尺)脱介

13、筛、HSG1100、H900C 离心机、D15BS288 分级旋流器、36 117(英寸)磁选机、50m 浓缩机、120m2 加压过滤机、5000t/h 快速定量装车站、 耐磨渣浆泵、配电柜、室外组合变电站、控制主机、检测仪等主要机电设备均 为当时国内外的大型先进设 备,故障少,运转可靠,可以确保选煤厂超大规模 生产系统的连续正常运行 。主厂房采用低层钢筋混凝土框架、双层彩板外围护结构形式。 连续几年的生产实践表明,安家岭选煤厂生 产的商品煤质量稳定.块煤浅 槽重介质刮板分选机分选精度 E0。02,末煤重介质旋流器分选精度 E0。03, 选煤数量效率 98.21%,吨煤加工费 8.53 元,吨

14、煤介耗 1.34kg,吨煤电耗 5。43kWh,吨煤水耗0.08m 。 淮北矿业集团临涣选煤厂是中国目前在建的最大的矿区型炼焦煤选煤厂。一 期工程原煤入洗能力为 4。50Mt/a,已投人生产;扩建工程建设规模为原煤入选 能力8.00Mt/a.目前,扩建工程已进入紧张的施工阶段,预计2007 年建成后原 煤入洗能力可达12.50Mt/a。 临涣选煤厂一期工程的技 术改造工作 2004 年完成,人选煤种主要有肥煤、 1/3 焦煤、焦煤、气煤、贫瘦煤等。工艺流程为无压给料三产品重介质旋流器分 选,煤泥水浓缩浮选,浮选精煤过滤脱水、浮选尾煤沉降离心机脱水,煤泥水二 级浓缩后煤泥压滤机脱水回收。主要产品

15、为:洗精煤Ad=10。5011.00%,St,d = 0.52%,供焦化厂;洗末煤 Ad40%,St,d0。5,供电厂。主要设备为1200/ 850 无压三产品重介质旋流器,3675 直线振动筛,VM1400 离心脱水机, FC1200 煤泥离心脱水机,磁选机,96 m2 加压过滤机, 45m 浓缩机,250 m2 快开式压滤机等。 临涣选煤厂扩建工程主要入选七个矿井原煤,采用无压给料三产品重介质旋 流器分选,粗精煤采用煤泥重介质分选,煤泥采用脱泥浮选, 浮选精煤加压过 滤并干燥脱水,尾煤浓缩压滤, 煤泥水二次澄清后闭路循环.主厂房布置为 3 套完全独立的生产系统,其他工程布置为2 套完全独立

16、的系统,可以满足同时处理两种牌号的原煤。破碎机、脱介筛、离心机、浓缩机等关键设 备引进。精煤 产品灰分Ad 9.00%10。50,Mt 8。50%,供新工业园区焦化厂;副产品 为12.6MJ/kg 的低热值燃料,供新工业区电厂。 神东石圪台选煤厂是中国目前规模最大、工艺最全的模块化选煤厂,2005 年建成投产。设计能力 12.00Mt/a,其中石圪台矿井生产原煤 10.00Mt/a,外来 煤为2.00Mt/a。全年工作时间5400h,全厂小时设计处理能力为2222t/h. 石圪台选煤厂采用重介质选煤工艺,工艺流程为:2000mm 原煤采用 13mm 干法分级。+13mm 筛上物再经脱泥后,进入

17、浅槽重介质分选机分选出块精煤和矸 石.块精煤经脱介分级, 20050(25)mm 级直接作为块精煤销售,或者破碎至 50mm 以下与-50mm 级离心脱水后的精煤一起作为冼精煤。130mm 的末原煤经 湿法脱泥后,131。5mm 级进入大直径重介质旋流器排矸,1。50。15mm 级进入螺旋分选机排矸,两者的精煤作为混煤产品,矸石排弃.粗煤泥经离心脱水、细 煤泥经加压过滤机脱水后与混煤掺混作为洗混煤。主要产品为:块精煤,发热量 Qnet,ar23.94MJ/kg;洗末煤,发热量 Qnet,ar23.10MJ/kg;洗混煤,发热 量Qnet,ar 23。10MJ/kg;筛混煤发热量Qnet,ar2

18、1.84MJ/kg;筛块煤发热量 Qnet,ar2l,84MJ/kg。主要设备为:SLR2461 单层重型棒条给料筛,SLO4。3 7.3 单层香蕉筛,3636 RB 破碎机,3684 KRB 破碎机,3648 RB 135破碎机,DANIELS T22054 块煤重介质分选槽,HCDM中l 150mm 末煤重介质旋流器, SLD3.06.1 双层香蕉筛,SLO3.06.1 单层香蕉筛,SCC1500 精煤离心机,3头4 转螺旋分选机,SFC1200 煤泥离心机,SLV1.83.6 高频筛,35m 高效 煤泥浓缩机,GPJ120 加压过滤机等,其中大部分为引进设备。主厂房均按双系 统设计,采用

19、模块化布置的钢结构联合建筑形式. 神东大柳塔选煤厂是中国最大的跳汰选煤厂,原煤处理能力5000t/h,其中 入洗能力20002300t/h。选煤工艺简单,+13mm 块煤跳汰选,13mm 不选。块 煤产品灰分 5%7%,发热量 Qnet,ar24。57MJ/kg;混煤产品发热量 Qnet,ar23.52MJ/kg。主要设备引进国外先进设备,如35m2 BATAC 跳汰机,120 m2 加压过滤机,1200mm 离心机,2460 筛分机等等.跳汰机I 值为0。140.15, 数量效率99,加工费用约为重介质选煤工艺的86,全厂劳动定员75 人. 大柳塔选煤厂最大的特点是自动化控制程度高,参控设备

20、全,系统可靠,生 产效率高。新设计了智能管理平台和点检管理系统,做到多重保护和深度控制, 每台设备参控,其振动、温度等工况都实时反映在点检管理系统中.高度的自动 化控制系统、全能复合工种的人员配备方式和检修运行 一体化的管理模式,减 少了选煤厂的劳动定员,提高了生产效率。 综上所述,大型、精确、简单、实用的选煤厂设计,不仅提高了选煤厂的集 约化生产能力, 降低了生产成本,而且缩短了选煤厂建设工期, 降低了工程造 价.选煤厂的平均建设工期约l a, 平均建设投资大约3060 元/t,平均加工 费l020 元/t。这种设计不仅适合国企的需要,而且 满足许多民营企业的需求, 进而促使大量的民营资本投

21、资建设选煤厂,形成了选煤厂建设的高潮。COMPREHENSIVE SURVEY ON PRESENT STATUS OF COALPREPARATION PLANT DESIGNABSTRACT: Chinas coal preparation plant design situation is that,we have designed large-scale coal preparation plants for large-scale bases,using large-scale coal preparation Equipment; use the exact method of c

22、oal preparation, Sorting and Grading equipment and process control, At the same time; process systems of coal preparation, device configuration,and production operations are very simple; new equipments and control, a variety of wear-resistant materials,process arrangement,and plant structure ,whose

23、goal is practical; These characteristics are reflected in the (pratical) design of Anjialing CPP in Pingshuo,Linhuan CPP in Huaibei, Shigetai CPP in Shendong, and DaliutaCPP in shengdong. KEY WORDS: Coal Preparation Plant ; Design ; example 。 For speedy realization of clean coal utilization in recen

24、t decade,construction of coal preparation plant in China surges to a new climax。Its special features are reflected in two respects:large quantity of plants constructed,advanced technology and equipment employed,and high production eficiency achieved in one side;and the other construction time shorte

25、ned, investment and production cost remarkably reduced,thence,coal preparation plant design and construction in China has reached an international leve1。This paper gives an introduction with comments. 1 。 Status of coal preparation plant design Status of coal preparation plant design can be summariz

26、ed as being oflarge-scale accuracy,simplicity and adoptability. Large-scalerears to coal preparation base.plant capacity and equipment throughput. Large-scale coal preparation bases take shape concurrently with setting up of large coal productive bases.Large steam coal bases include Shendong (Shendo

27、ng, Zhunger), Northem Shanxi(Datong,Pingshuo),Southeastern Shanxi (Yangquan, Jincheng) ,Lianghuai (Huainan ,Huaibei , Yongcheng) ,Northeastern and Yunguichuan。Large coking coal bases include Central Shanxi (Gujiao.Liliu, Huozhou, Xiangning) , Western Shandong(Zaozhuang , Yanzhou),Central Hebei(Kailu

28、an,Fengfeng,Xingtai) and Northeastern。 Speedy development of steam coal preparation is the main feature of plant design and construction.of which Pingshuo Coal Ind。Co。has a coal preparation with capacity up to 85Mt/a。 Scale of plant construction for coking coal also enlarges conpared with last decad

29、e。of which Huozhou Coal&Elec。Group Co.has a preparation plant with capacity of 15Mt/a. More new plants of large (3Mt/a)and supper-large (10Mt/a)scale had been designed and constructed.An jialing Coal Preparation Plant is the largest one for steam coal, having a capacity of 40Mt/a;while Linhuan Coal

30、Preparation P1ant of 12。5Mt/a。the largest one for coking coa1. Large throughput equipment provides favorable condition for construction of largescale plant Follows are the largest equipment successfully employed:7.9m width HM separation bath,l500mm two-product HM cyclone,l400/1050mm three-product HM

31、 cyclone,4m2 moving-sieve jig,6m width airpulsation jig,16m3 flotation machine,6m single flotation cell,4.5m flotation column,36m2 flotation bed,lm spiral separator,4。9m width banana and horizontal vibration screen, 50m slant vibratlon screen。120m2 hyperbaric tilter.1500mm horizontal vibrating centr

32、ifuge。1050m conventional press filtar,300m2 press filter with quick-discharge system,50m hickener。etc。As to Drewboy and verticalwheel HM separatilon bath,they are dificult to enlarge due to their construction。 Accuracyrefers to cleaning method,separation process and process contro1。 Conventional jig

33、ging process is gradually replaced by the widely employed HM one due to its accurate separation.Conventional flotation gradually replaced by microbubble floration。Attention has been paid to cleaning of 10。25mm coarse slime,its tendency turns to employ gravitation method for reduction of flotation fe

34、ed and over all production cost。In recent decade,no new application example was seen of such low efficient process as coal slime jigging,tabling,spiral drum and hydro-cyclone。 Sharpness of separation and classification equipment is ever more increased, including HM separator and cyclone;even convent

35、ional jigging machine has its separation sharpness improved。More attentions have been paid to improve the efficieny of fine coal separation and classification. ccurate process contro1 turns to be an important link of coal preparation plant design.Centralized control , monl grand automatic regulation

36、 are combined together.Not only the process equipment but also the valves and pumps are involved in control system;conveying equipment are multiprotected; and thus,the level of plant automation evidently upgraded and labor productivity increased。 Simplicityrefers to technical process,equipment arran

37、gement and production operation。 Threeproduct HM cyclone system are widely used in China in view of its simplicity。Main feature of HM cyclone on unclassified and un-deslimed feed is its simplicity.Dry-cleaning,HM separation of slime and movingsieve jig have been developed in virtue of their simplici

38、ty。 Equipment of large throughput leads to simple arrangement in plant design.Application of abrasion resistant materials increases service life and reliability of equipment,and standby equipment can be omitted.Coking coal preparation plant of capacity below 2Mt/a and that for steam coal,below 4Mt/a

39、,can be realized by single set of equipment,and,thence, process system more simple and operation more easy. Coal preparation design in China goes through from simplicity in 1960s to complexity and back to high-quality simplicity at present. Adoptabilityrefers to new equipment,reliable control, abras

40、ion resistant materials,concise process and equipment arrangement,and plant structure. That practical usage,suitability and good for operation are the main evaluation criteria of a plant design has been quietly accepted。At present,plant design and construction are nearly standardized:HM process most

41、ly employed and key equipment largely imported。But for various Chinese coal resources and meeting different market requirement,more importance is to cut the garment according to ones figureandsuit measures to local conditions。In fact。diferent cleaning process has its own application range。In view of

42、 present level of machine fabrication in China,all largescale or super large-scale coal preparation plants could be equipped by domestically made machines without problems.Imported equipment for second stage construction of Anjialing Coal Preparation P1ant are more less than that in first stage。 Rec

43、ent plant design in China widely employs innovate technology originated from achievement of the State Key Projects inNinth five-year planandTenth fiveyear P1an or their derivatives。Examples are:threree-product HM cyclone, HM cyclone of large diameter,HM process on unclassitied feed,HM process on un-

44、deslimed feed,separation of supperclean coal by twostage HM cyclone,flotation column (bed),refuse discharge technique in moving-sieve jig,drycleaning method, hyperbaric filter , highinclination and large amplitude vibration screening.highfrequency de-watering screen。Of which,three-product HM cyclone

45、 of large diameter is an important Chinese contribution to coal preparation sector in the world。 HW series of HM cyclone (1400/1050).co-developed and fabricated by Beijing Huayu Eng。Co。and Weihai Haiwang Cyclone Co.,is no more a simple combination of two cyclones , but really one cyclone producing t

46、hree products.Experiments have denoted that flow pattern of heavy medium at second stage is stable and coal layers un-disturbed.1eading to shortening separation time at second stage and increase of separation sharp。 ness and throughput.Such HM cyclone has been installed at Wangfenggang Coal Preparat

47、ion Plant in its conversion construction and will be put in operation by the end of this year. 2。 Typical coal preparation plants Several dozens of new preparation plants are recently designed and constructed in China。The authors consider typical plants with special features are Anjialing Coal Prepa

48、ration Plant(CPP),Linhuan CPP。Shigetal CPP and Daliuta CPP。 Anjialing CPP 1ocated at Shuozhou City of Shanxi。is the largest modern coal preparation plant in China.Its first stage of construction started in April of 1998 and completed in August of 2000。treating raw coal from Anjialing Opencut。Origina

49、l de- signed capacity was 15 Mt/a.but according to State Standard of working hours, 5280h/a,its real capacity is up to 2425Mt/a.Its second stage of construction started in April of and completed in July of2006。treating raw coal from 1 Pit 0f Anjialing Mine and local coal bought in.Original designed capacity of the second stage was 10Mt/a.according to new standard。 its real capacity will be 1415 Mt/a.After operation of the second stage。its total capacity wi11 be 38

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