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1、1 The India Oil Industry in History印度石油工业的历史1The oil industry of India has traveled a long distance from the steamy jungles of Digboi to the deepblue waters of the Bombay High(从DIGBOI油田潮湿的丛林到BOMBAYHIGH油田深蓝的海水,印度的石油工业已经经历了一条漫长的历程)It has survived two World wars and withstood the economic,(它幸存于两次世界大战中)

2、social and political upheavals of a particularly troubled century (经历了一个经济、社会和政治大动荡的特殊世纪) It has,through the decades, striven for technical excellence,(然而,经历这几十年,它依然努力追求技术进步)established a firm infrastructure and charted for itself a pattern of growth consistent with national aspirations(建立企业基层组织,为自身

3、的发展构建具有民族特色的增长模式。)2The journey,however,is far from over(但是,印度石油工业发展的道路还很漫长)The way is long,the wind is cold(路漫漫,风凄凄)The triumphant milestones encountered so far:(印度石油工业所取得的几个可历数的胜利里程碑是)Nahorkatiya,Moran,Anklesvar, Cambay Bombay High to name a few:(NAHORKATIYA、MoRAN、ANKLESVAR和CAMBAYHIGH油田) have broug

4、ht us closer to the goal of Selfreliance in oil,but in a reflex action to the increasing demand the goal itself is tantalizingly moving awayWhat is needed is the great leap forward,a dynamic Surge to close the gap and thus ward off a serious economic danger它们正在把我们一步一步引向石油自给自足的目标,同时,印度石油需求上升反映出的动向,又使

5、目标本身渐渐远去.我们所需要的是向前的一个大跳跃,充满动力的缩小差距,才能阻止严重的经济危险。3The nation can rest assured that the oil industry is fully,aware of its responsibility and is gearing up to meet the challengeGiven their superb track record,we can expect Oil and ONGC to bring to their operations the finest in terms of managerial,tech

6、nical and interpretative skillswe can trust them to update their knowledge in the exploding world of ideas and to constantly remain at the spearhead of progresswe can rest assured that they will train the staff to the highest levels of the industry.3只有印度石油工业充分意识到它的责任,同时准备好应对挑战,国家才能够放心休息.从它们辉煌的历史记录中,

7、我们能够期待OIL公司和0NGC公司能用它们优秀的管理、技术和翻译队伍的技巧最好地进行运作.我们能够信任它们能够在知识爆炸的世界里迅速不断的更新他们的知识,保持处于进步的前沿。我们能够放心,它们将会把职员训练达到(世界石油工业的最高水平.4However,There is one ingredient of success which cannot be imparted in the classroomIt has to be a growth from within,not a graft from withoutThis is What a distinguished 19 centur

8、y French mineralogist calls the passion of the pioneer which the goes on to describe as“the blend of an optimism that cannot contemplate failure, of a perseverance that is fanatic in its intensity and of a dedication amounting to obsessive concern”4然而,这里有一个不能在教室里传授的成功要素。它只能是一个从里向外的成长,不能是一个来自“没有的嫁接。这

9、就是19世纪一个著名的法国矿物学家所称的先锋的激情,进一步描述为“是一种乐观主义,融合着不沉浸于失败、保持自己强劲的毅力、致力于不断发展”。5Digboi Well No1 was the culmination of such passion a hundred years ago Through the corridors of time and the forests of the night,she is silently exhorting us to keep alive this pioneering spirit without which every other effort

10、 will be meaninglessIt is important that we respond to this summons for,quite simply,it is a summons to greatness5DIGB01一号石油井曾经在一百余年前是这个激情的顶峰.穿越时间的走廊和夜幕里的森林,它告诫我们要尽全力保持这个先锋的灵魂永存,没有它所有的努力都毫无意义.我们平静地、简单地对这个召唤做出反应是重要的,它是一个走向伟大的召唤。2 。 Americas Luckiest Stamp Find(美国最幸运的邮票的发现) l 。 The first United States

11、 airmail stamp has had an interesting story。 Printed in 1918, this 24cent stamp with a blue plane inside a rose border became the center of much attention. One hundred of the stamps sold to the public became known as ”inverts”, for the plane was printed upside down. Some of these ” upside-down airma

12、il stamps are now worth over 6,000.1关于美国的第一枚航空邮票有一个有趣的故事。这枚面值为24美分的邮票印刷于1918年,玫瑰花边的中间有一架蓝色的飞机,成为人们关注的中心.因为蓝色的飞机被印颠倒了,仅仅有一百枚这种“倒转邮票卖给公众.现在,有些这种“倒转”航空邮票价值超过6000美元。 2. The story of these stamps began on May 14, 1918, the day after they were placed on sale. In Washington, D。C。, W。 T. Robey, a man intere

13、sted in stamps, decided to buy a sheet of the new stamps and so went to the New York Avenue branch post office in Washington。 When the clerk handed him a sheet of the stamps, Robey noted that they were poorly centered. He looked at other sheets and found that none was well centered。 The clerk asked

14、Robey to return later in the day when more stamps were expected。2关于这些邮票的故事发生在1918年5月14日,该日是它们开始销售的第二天。在首都华盛顿,一个集邮爱好者,罗比,决定去买一整版新邮票,于是他来到华盛顿市纽约大街的邮政支局。当职员递给他一版新邮票时,罗比看到它们(印刷)的中心位置很差。他看了其它几版,没有一个摆正中心位置.职员告诉罗比当天晚些时候来退换,估计那时有更多邮票到货。 3. About noon Robey came back, and the same clerk was on duty. He reach

15、ed for the new sheets and handed one to Robey。 The collectors heart stood still as he saw that the sheet which had been offered him had inverted centers. 3罗比大约中午时候回来时,还是那个职员值班.他伸手够到新货取出一版递给罗比。当这个集邮者看到邮票时他的心跳刹那间停顿了,给他的这版邮票有一个倒转的中心。 4。 Excited by his find, Robey shopped other branch post offices for m

16、ore sheets with inverted centers but found none。 Then he told his friends of his discovery, and they, too, looked in the citys post offices also in vain。 4罗比被他的发现振奋,他到其它邮政支局去寻购更多张的“倒转邮票,但是毫无成果。之后,他告诉他的朋友们他的这个发现,他们如他一样,找遍了全城的邮政支局,同样徒劳无功。 5. Not being a rich man, Robey decided to cash in on his good f

17、ortune。 He turned down the first offer of 500 from a Washington stamp shop owner and took the sheet to New York. There he planned to show it to a collector, Colonel E. H. R。 Green, as well as to stamp dealers.5罗比不是个富人,他决定把他的好运气换成钱。他拒绝了个华盛顿集邮商店老板500美元的第一个报价,带着邮票去纽约,他计划把“倒转”邮票拿给一个名叫COLONEL的集邮者和一些邮票商看.

18、 6。 Colonel Green was out of the city, and no one else wanted to bid on the sheet for fear that Robeys might not be the only upsidedown sheet。 As the news of his find spread, many people said that other such sheets had been found. These stories proved to be false。6CoLoNEL先生不在纽约;而没有其他任何人想报价;他们害怕罗比的邮票

19、不是唯一的“倒转邮票。当关于罗比的发现的消息扩散开后,很多人声称找到了其它这样的邮票。很快证实那些话都不真实. 7. Robey left New York without having made a sale, and stopped in Philadelphia on the way home。 There, dealer Eugene Klein arranged to buy the sheet for $15,000, and finally did buy it。 Within a few days, Klein sold the sheet to Colonel Green,

20、the same collector whom Robey had failed to contact in Texas at the time, and that Klein phoned him there and sold him the sheet, sight unseen, for 20,000! Robeys sheet had cost him $24, and his profit was 14,976 while Klein gained 5,000。7罗比没有卖出邮票离开纽约;回家的路上他停脚费城.在那儿,一个邮票商克林安排15000美元收购全版“倒转票”,最终成交.几天

21、之内,克林转手全版“倒转票给CoLONEL先生,就是在德州与罗比失之交臂的那个邮票商,而当克林打电话给在德州的COL0NEL先生,卖给他全版“倒转票”时,他看都没看,出价20000美元!罗比付出24美元买全版“倒转票,他的利润是14976美元,而克林先生赚了5000美元。 8。 0f the 100 stamps first bought by Mr。 Robey, stamp。 collectors are now able to account for 90. What has happened to the others is not known。 When a copy is offe

22、red for sale it is a major event in the stamp world. A single such stamp has been sold for as much as 6,500。 Few people have ever even seen a copy。 Yet no matter how much this valuable stamp is bought and sold, no owner can match the thrill that W。 T。 Robey had on that day in 1918 when he made Ameri

23、cas luckiest stamp find! 。8罗比先生最先购买到的100枚邮票中,现在集邮者们能统计出的仅有90枚。没有人知道另外一些邮票的下落和故事.今天,一个“倒转票”的拷贝出售都是集邮界的大事。仅仅单枚这样的邮票曾经卖到6500美元。甚至是复制品也几乎没有人看到过。不论这种价值极高的邮票卖多少钱、买多少钱,没有一个所有者的兴奋可与罗比在1918年发现最幸运的美国邮票那天的兴奋相比!3 。 Clones: A Milestone in Medical Science(克隆一医学科学的一个里程碑) l。 Take a cell, practically any cell, from

24、your body, and through appropriate biological repairing, you can cause it to grow into a duplicate of yourselfidentical from eyelashes to toenails。 With this system, you can neatly reproduce yourself without any partner. Human cloning, its called. 1从你的身体上取一个细胞,实际上可以是任何细胞,通过适当的生物修理,你能够使它生长成为一个完整的你自己的

25、复制品,从眼睫毛到脚趾甲,完全相同。使用这个系统,你能够不需要任何(性)伙伴完整地重制你自己。这被称作“人类克隆”。 2. Is this science fact or science fiction In the spring of 1996, a book was published telling the supposedly true story of an elderly millionaire who, at great expense, succeeded in producing a clonean exact genetic copy of himself。 Accordi

26、ng to the account, the cloned child, now 4 years old, is living with his father” in California。 2这是科学的事实还是科学的小说?1996年春天,已经发行的一本书讲述一个据说是真实的故事,一个老年的百万富翁花费巨资,成功地生产出一个克隆,一个完全的他自己的基因复制。据报道,该克隆儿童现在已经4岁,与他的“父亲”一起生活在加利福尼亚州。 3。 The book caused a small uproar。 Clone movies and clone jokes sprang up overnight。

27、 A group of scientists demanded that the federal government reveal all the studies it has funded on cloning and related field of cell biology。 But some distinguished biologists offered their opinion that the book was pure fantasy. They pointed out that cell researchers simply do not yet know enough

28、to pull off such a feat, even if they are anxious to. 3这本书造成一个小骚动.一夜间克隆电影和克隆笑话扩散开。一个科学家组织要求联邦政府展示它曾经和正在提供资金的有关克隆和相关细胞生物学领域的所有研究项目.但是,一些著名生物学家提出了他们的观点,认为该书是纯粹的科幻小说。他们指出,很简单,细胞学研究者完全不具备足够知识去实现这样的壮举,尽管他们渴望能做到。 4. Yet the cloning story touches a highly sensitive nerve. People began to realize that we ar

29、e on the threshold of a new age in the biosciences. Knowledge of genetic engineering is emerging that allows scientists to tinker with, and change, the very stuff of life。 The assumption on which human cloning rests is that all genetic cells, though now specialized, still contain exact copies of the

30、 original set of genetic instructions needed to make an entire individualcand could do so if a way is found to switch them back on。 If so, the recipe for cloning people should be quite simple, at least in theory。 4但是克隆故事已经触动到高度敏感的神经.人们开始意识到我们正处在一个生物科学新纪元的开端。正在兴起的基因工程的知识,使科学家可用其修补和改变那些生命之源.人类克隆的假设基于:

31、虽然现在是专门的细胞,但所有的基因细胞都保留着一套正确的原始基因复制,它用来指导重塑一个完整的个体人,同样的道理,如果能够找到一个方法也可以逆向复制。如果的确如此,人类克隆应该非常简单,至少理论上如此。 5。 Although it may look simple on paper, it isnt in practice. To date scientists have succeeded in cloning some small animals。 But it is still a far cry from the much more complicated experiment on

32、the carbon copy of human beings. Even when technically possible, the potential of human cloning challenges our entire value system。 We must talk about the implications now, before any crisis occurs。 虽然在理论上人类克隆看上去简单,但其从未进入试验。目前科学家已经成功克隆了一些小动物。但是,复制活人这样复杂的试验依然是遥不可及的。即使技术上可能时,人类克隆的潜在性向我们人类整个价值体系发出挑战。我们

33、必须在任何危机发生之前的今天,讨论有关的含义。 6。 What would happen if human cloning became a reality? One favorite expectation is the creation of a new breed of Einsteins. But scientists quickly denied the possibility。 It is more than genetic makeup that makes an individual。 People are all products of a particular histor

34、ical time and of special environment, with so many minute things affecting the way they develop each and every day。 A duplicate background-and therefore a duplicate individual-could never be created. 。如果人类克隆成为真实,将会发生什么?一个最好的期待是,一个爱因斯坦的新生命.但是科学家们迅速否定了这个可能性。一个人物个体的产生不仅仅依靠基因的构成。每一个人都是特定历史时间和特殊环境的产物,有那么

35、多微小的事情影响着每个人发展方向的每一天。因此,一个复制的背景j,或一个复制的个人,将永远不能被创造 7。 Fortunately, cloning research is not a technique for reproductive purposes, but to cure human diseases. Already biologists studying the cells inner workings and the various methods of cloning have made exciting discoveries that may finally lead t

36、o breakthroughs in fighting against cancer。 It may also be used to control the aging process, and conquer presently incurable human genetic diseases。 7幸运的是,克隆研究不是一项以复制为目的的技术,反之,而是为了治疗人类的疾病。生物学家在研究细胞的内部活动方式和克隆的各种办法方面,已经有了令人兴奋的发现,可能最终实现战胜癌症的突破。它还可能被用于控制人的老化过程,以及征服目前还不可治疗的人类基因疾病。4。 Public Interest and

37、Private Lives(公共利益与名人私生活) l. Recent intrusions into the lives of public figures have highlighted the lack of laws guarding privacy in Britain。 As a result, one issue under discussion as Parliament returns this week is the possible introduction of legislation to curb press powers. 1最近在英国,侵犯公众人物私生活的事件

38、突出了缺乏保护隐私权的法律的问题。其结果:一个讨论之下的解决办法,是让这周返回工作的议会提出可能的立法议案去限制媒体的权力. 2. The Government will probably take no action until it receives a report from a committee chaired by Sir David Calcutt, due in January 1993. The committee is examining whether the press should be regulated by tougher legislation. It is

39、also considering the ways in which the press has invaded the private lives of the famous。 2预计在1993年1月收到以DAVID CALCUIT先生为主席的委员会的报告之前政府不会采取任何行动.该委员会正在审查是否应该用严厉的法律去约束媒体。同时它也在调查媒体采用何种方式侵犯名人私生活. 3 . The Calcutt committee has reported once before, in l 990。 Its recommendations led to the creation of the P

40、ress Complaints Commission, under which the press was given the chance to regulate itself without the need for a privacy law. It also proposed a new criminal offence of physical intrusion to obtain information for publication. 3。 1990年,CALCUTT先生的委员会曾经提出过一次报告。在该报告倡议下成立了媒体申诉委员会。媒体通过该委员会进行自我约束而不受隐私权法律的

41、限制。报告同时还提出了一种新的犯罪,即为了获取公众信息而进行人身的侵犯。 4。 This proposal, which was not acted upon, would have made it unlawful to photograph people on private property or record their conversations without permission。 It would have made it an offence to enter a property to place a bug or obtain personal information。

42、4这个尚未生效的法案,将使“在私有财产内对人拍照或“不受他人允许对他的谈话录音”成为非法。法案还使闯入私有财产去设置窃听器或获取他人私人信息定为犯罪。 5。 The committee said that the press should be allowed to invade the privacy of a public figure only when it was likely to expose or prevent criminal activity, otherwise his or her private life should be left alone. But a ge

43、neral law protecting privacy was rejected。 5委员会解释道,只有当媒体能揭露或制止可能的犯罪活动时,才允许侵犯名人的隐私,否则无权干涉他或她的私生活。但是保护隐私的普通条款被否决了一 6。 Since then, reports in some newspapers and magazines about peoples private lives have ignored the committees recommendations。 The private lives of Govemment ministers and members of th

44、e Royal Family have featured prominently in the press。 Photographs of the Duchess of York Sunbathing in France, for example, have been widely published。 6此后,若干报纸和刊物不顾委员会的建议报道了一些名人的私生活。政府要员和皇室成员的私生活已经成为媒体的报道焦点.例如,约克女公爵在法国日光浴的照片曾经被广泛刊登. 7。 Some sections of the media justify their intrusion by saying i

45、t is in the public interest。 In a democracy, they argue, the public has a right to know what people in positions of power are doing。 Politicians and others are accountable for their lives。 Privacy laws, these critics say, would protect the privileged. 7媒体的某些部门以公共利益为借口辩解说他们的“私闯”是正当的。他们争辩道在一个民主社会里,公众有

46、权力知道那些在当权者在做什么。政治家们和某些人们要对自己的所作所为负责任.他们批评说隐私权法律保护了特权。 8。 Additionally, many politicians use their private lives to gain popular support, for example by parading their families before cameras to emphasize ”traditional values”。 Hence , some editors say they are justified in prying into private lives t

47、o uncover any faults。 8此外,很多政治家利用他们的私生活去提高知名度。例如,在照相机向公众展示他们的家庭以强调“传统价值”。因此,一些记者说他们窥视名人隐私以揭示他们的错误是合理的. 9。 Likewise, the Royal Family is supported from public funds, and therefore it is argued that its members should lead responsible private lives。 9另外,公共基金负责皇室的生活,因此某种争论说,皇室成员的私生活应当成为公众的楷模. 10。 Criti

48、cs of media intrusion say it is hurtful to the individuals involved and ignores their basic rights to freedom and privacy。 They say intrusion serves purely to increase newspaper sales。 10批评者说媒体入侵是对相关人的伤害和对他们在自由和隐私方面权力的忽视。他们说,侵犯隐私的目的只是为了增加报纸的销量. 11。 As well as the debate on privacy and the press, there is another issue that civilliberty groups think is a greater threat to peoples freedom. It is the protection of ordinary members of the public from intrusion, particularly by the state and by business。11在媒体权力与名人私生活的辩论中,人权自由组织认为还有一个对人民自由的巨大威胁,即保护普通大众免受侵犯,尤其是政府和商业组织的侵犯。5。 The First Jet第一架喷气机

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