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1、注册号_个 人 独 资 企 业 变 更 登 记 申 请 书企 业 名 称:_申 请 人 须 知1. 签署文件和填表前,应当阅读中华人民共和国公司法、中华人民共和国公司登记管理条例,并确知其享有的权利和应承担的义务。2. 无需保证即应对其提交文件、证件的真实性、有效性和合法性承担责任。3. 提交的文件、证件一般应当是原件.4. 提交的文件、证件应当使用 4纸。5应当使用钢笔、毛笔或签字笔工整地填写表格或签字.中华人民共和国国家工商行政管理局制个人独资企业变更登记应提交文件材料目录序号文 件 材 料 名 称备 注1投资人签署的个人独资企业设立登记申请书2投资人的身份证明或资格证明3法律、行政法规规

2、定须经有关部门批准的业务的标准文件4国家工商行政管理局要求提交的其它文件材料受理人及受理日期年 月 日(星期 )受理通知书 文 号( )登记受理 第 号申 请 人年 月 日(星期 )联系电话注:(1)登记机关收到申请人提交的文件材料后进行查验,在“备注”栏中填写材料份数.(2)投资人改变姓名的,提交变更后投资人履历表;因转让、继承致使投资人变化的还应提交转让协议书或法定继承文件。(3)变更企业住所的,应当提交新住所证明。 (4)申请变更的登记事项涉及到营业执照内容的、应当提交营业执照副本(5)申请人是指向登记机关提出变更登记申请的人。申请人是投资人的,提交其身份证明;申请人是投资人委托代理人的

3、。提交投资人委托书和代理人的身份证明或资格证明。.1。个人独资企业变更登记申请表项 目原 核 准 登 记 事 项申 请 变 更 登 记 事 项企业名称企 业住 所投资人姓名投资人居所经营范围及 方 式出 资 额出资方式有关部门意 见谨此确认,本申请表所填内容真实无误。投资人签名: 年 月 日注:(1)本表只填写登记事项变更的栏目,登记事项未变的不填。 (2)以个人财产出资变更为以家庭共有财产作为个人出资的,家庭成员应在申请变更登记事项的 出资方式栏签名。2.投 资 人 履 历 表姓 名性别出生日期一寸免冠照 片粘 贴 处身份证号码学历政治面貌居 所联系电话现 住 所邮政编码工作简历工 作 单

4、位 和 部 门起止时间职 务(投资人身份证复印件粘贴处)谨此确认,本表所填内容真实无误。投资人签名: 年 月 日注:(1)本表仅在变更投资人时填写。(2)“居所”填写投资人身份证地址。 (3)“现住所”填写投资人现在的住所,由投资人申报.3.个人独资企业变更登记审核表企 业 名 称企 业 住 所投资人姓名投资人居所经营范围及方工出 资 额出 资 方 式初 审意 见签字: 年 月 日审 查意 见签字: 年 月 日核 定结 果签字: 年 月 日说明:依照中华人民共和国个人独资企业法的规定,出资额和出资方式由投资人申报.4。个人独资企业变更登记归档情况登记通知书文号( )变更登记 第 号执照注册号核

5、 准 日 期执照副本数副 本 编 号领执照人签 字发执照人签 字日 期日 期电 话设立登记注册文件、证件的归档情况备 注注:领执照人为投资人或其委托人.5。作为一名测量人员,xx认真履行岗位职责,紧密配合施工,制定切实可行的的测量放线方案。保罗回忆自己年少时癿经历,丌断怃耂生命、医疗、道德不哲学乊间癿兰系,丌仅为从医考提供了新规觇,使他们对自己癿职业呾使命有更为深入癿怃耂,耄丏为读考引路,觑人们更勇敢、沉着地看待生命、死亜不未来。situation, causing the livelihood of 100 tailings project management project and So

6、uth Mining Technology in two engineering work lag. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, strictly abide by the partys political discipline. Strictly abide by the constitution, the principle of Party organization and p

7、arty political life standards, do not spread against the partys theory and policy advice, not contrary to published The central and provincial Party committee decided to talk, not to divulge the secrets of the party and the state, do not make no illegal organization and participate in various activi

8、ties, political, spread rumors and false information, not to publish lossy unity of speech, do not damage the unity of things, and never allow individuals above the organization. 2, adhere to the scientific and democratic decision-making the decision to make decisions. Correctly handle to ensure tha

9、t government decrees and based on the actual creative work, giving full play to subjective initiative, put an end to implement the conference meeting, to document the implementation of documents and so on. To improve the scientific and democratic decision-making mechanism, improve and implement the

10、decision to solicit opinions, experts, public hearings and other health system. All major decisions before the risk assessment mechanism and legitimacy review mechanism. Adhere to the interests of the masses and the intention reflected in the policy making process and carry out the work, not acting

11、on their behalf, across the board and coercion. (two) the existence of negative communication or unwilling to communication problems due to maintenance party team unity. The team members of the division of responsibilities, temperament, interestsDifferences in demand, often leads to different views,

12、 different opinions. Individual members of organization and coordination ability, team spirit is not good, work style is not real, simple working methods, lack of knowledge of the wisdom of the people, forgiveness and art for the people, can not deal with different opinions, there are self sweep the

13、 snow in front of the door, all kinds of responsibility fields. Some members of the team division of work coordination, lack of coordination, as extreme liberalization, did not form a work force. In addition, individual cadres lack of leadership training, love command communication, negative communi

14、cation, talk in the work did not take the initiative to talk not correct The science team differences, resolve conflicts. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, to further strengthen the education and guidance on the implementation of the central eight provisions, the provincial nine provisions of the county committee of the ten provisions extensive publicity, eliminate the ideological

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