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1、-范文最新推荐- 争分夺秒,备战期末考试 各位老师,亲爱的同学们:大家早上好!今天我演讲的题目是:争分夺秒,备战期末考试。不知不觉,一个学期即将过去,我们又要迎来期末考试.期末考试不仅是对同学们本学期学习成果的一次大盘点、大检阅,更是对每个人综合素质的一次挑战,是对同学们的自信心、自觉性、意志力、诚信度的一次考验。我们不能要求每个人都成为优胜者,但我们希望大家做一名追求进步超越自我的勇敢者.为了能够在期末考试中取得好成绩,我们应该从以下几个方面去努力:首先,要争分夺秒。时间就是生命,时间就是一切,也许一分钟的时间不能给你带来一分的成绩,但是一分钟的时间,绝对可以给你带来一点一滴的进步。在历史的


3、同学们正确看待考试,克服考前过分紧张的情绪,以从容自信的态度面对期末考试。最后,期末考试也对我们诚实守信品格的一次考验。诚实守信是最基本的做人准则,只有真诚地面对自己,诚实做人、诚实考试才能获得更多的信任与尊重。俗话说:一份耕耘,一份收获。要知道,胜利永远都是属于有准备的人。我们今天所做的努力是为了明天的幸福,那就让我们大家都来做追求进步,超越自我的勇敢者。我们有一万个理由相信,同学们是好样的,一定会认真投入复习,一定能向老师和父母交上一份满意的答卷。马上就要中考了,祝九年级大哥哥、大姐姐旗开得胜、马到成功!谢谢大家! 争分夺秒,备战期末考试 夫妻经民政部门批准离婚,协议将原男方名下的双室产权

4、房屋转给女方,请问房屋产权过户办理需要什么手续?整个过程需要那些费用? 鞍山市房屋产权登记发证中心工作人员介绍,这种情况属于转移登记 _(以下简称甲方)为应业务需要,聘(雇)用_先生(女士)(以下简称乙方)为约聘(雇)人员,双方订立契约条款如下:一、聘(雇)用期间:自_年_月_日起至_年_月_日止。二、聘(雇)用报酬:甲方按月支给乙方报酬_薪点(_元)。三、工作内容(具体叙明):_。四、受聘(雇)责任:乙方受聘(雇)后须确保甲方公务机密,有保密期限者从其规定,无保密期限者自离职日起_年为限(解聘(雇)者亦同)。乙方不得有不法行为或违背约定义务,如有违背者,除涉及民、刑事责任,由甲方依法追究外,



7、七、本契约期间届满当然失效,如因业务需要须续聘时,另行签订新契约.八、本契约未订定事项,悉依聘用人员聘用条例及_相关规定办理.九、本契约以中文本为准。如中、英文二本互相歧异或抵触时,以中文本为准.十、本契约法律纠纷以_法院为第一审管辖法院。十一、本契约乙式参份,除一份由甲方报院备查外,另由双方各执乙份.甲方(签章):_乙方(签章):_年_月_日_年_月_日附件This Agreement is made and entered into on the _day of _ , _by and between _( Institute or Preparatory Office ), Academ

8、ia Sinica ( hereinafter referred to as A ) and_( hereinafter B )。Whereas, A is willing to offer B employment, and B is willing to accept such employment subject to the following terms and conditions:1。Term of Employment The parties agree that the term of this agreement shall be commencing from this

9、_ day of _ , _ to the_day of _ , _.2。RemunerationA shall pay B a salary of N。T。_per month.3.Bs duties ( in specific description )Bs duties shall include _。4.Bs Obligations and Termination4.1B shall handle in a confidential manner all matters relating to As business. This confidentiality obligation s

10、hall remain effective during the period specified in the regulations or working rules concerned. In case that no time period is specified, it remains effective for successive _ years terms after Bs termination of this employment。 In the event that B violates any law or regulation, or breaches this A

11、greement or working rules concerned, A may in its discretion reprimand B or terminate this Agreement. A also reserves the right to institute suit against B for civil compensation or to impose criminal liability. 4。2During the term of this Agreement, B shall comply with the directions and instruction

12、s of his/her supervisors, perform his/her duties in accordance with all regulations and relevant working rules。 Where B violates any obligation specified in this paragraph and the case is considered to be serious in nature, A may in its discretion terminate this Agreement。 If at any time the parties

13、 intend to terminate this Agreement due to causes beyond the reasonable control of such party, either shall give thirty (30) days notice of cancellation to the other party prior to the intended termination date。 B shall vacate his/her office under and pursuant to the stipulations agreed upon by both

14、 parties. B shall submit to the proceedings in prescribed manner as to be vacated of his/her office。In case of any one of the following conditions which is due to Bs fault,B shall be responsible for compensation:(1) Where B inflicts damage to or excessively abuses machinery, equipment, tools, raw ma

15、terials, products or other article belonging to Academia Sinica;(2) Where B commits torts;(3) Where B violates As ownership of intellectual property rights。5.B shall comply with any administrative regulations and rules provided by A。 In regard to the matters of absence on leave, payasyougo contribut

16、ion benefit, labor insurance and national health insurance, the following terms and conditions shall be applicable. 5。1Absence on leave shall be operated pursuant to Regulation of Absence on leave for Personnel served in all Executive Yuan organizations under Civil Contractual Relationship.5。2The de

17、duction and grant of payas-you-go contribution benefit shall be operated pursuant to Regulation of pay-as-you-go contribution benefit for Personnel served in all organizations and schools under Civil Contractual Relationship. Certain amount of salary shall be deducted per month and accrue on the fin

18、ancial institute over the term of this employment。5。2.1An amount equal to seven percent ( 7) of the monthly salary shall be contributed. Fifty percent ( 50) of the contribution shall be drawn from Bs monthly salary。 ( hereinafter called personal contribution benefit) A shall provide the other fifty

19、percent ( 50) of the contribution ( hereinafter called public contribution benefit), and shall open a special account on financial institute as to accumulate and manage this contribution (personal plus public) . 5。2。2The total amount of the contribution benefits (personal plus public) shall be grant

20、ed to B, if at any time (a) B leaves the office on the expiry of this Agreement, (b) B vacates the office prior to the expiration date with the consent of A, and (c) B deceases due to undertaking of duty, illness or accident.5。2.3The amount of personal contribution benefits accumulated shall be gran

21、ted to B, if at any time (a) A terminates this Agreement inasmuch as B breaches any obligation, and (b) B resigns from the office prior to the expiration date without the consent of A. 5。2.4Any matter or event not provided in the context of this Article shall be operated pursuant to Regulation of pa

22、y-as-yougo contribution benefit for Personnel served in all organizations and schools under Civil Contractual Relationship and relevant regulations。5.3During the term of this Agreement, A shall insure B subject to the terms and conditions pursuant to labor insurance regulations and national health i

23、nsurance regulations. 6。Both parties agree that A shall own proprietary right pertaining to the literary works or achievements completed by B under the projects initiated or coordinated by A during the term of this Agreement。 The ownership of intellectual property rights ( including but not limited

24、to certain patents, trademarks, copyrights, technical information and knowhow ) accrued from the literary works or achievements herein contained is subject to the relevant regulations and rules provided by A. 7。Expiration At the expiration of the term of this agreement, the employment relationship s

25、hall automatically terminate without any condition。 A new employment agreement shall be signed for the renewal and continuance of such relationship, if agreed to any by both parties.8。Any matter or event not provided in the context of this Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance

26、 with Employment Regulation for Personnel under Civil Contractual Relationship (stipulated by Academia Sinica ) amp; Employment Regulation for Personnel served in all Executive Yuan organizations under Civil Contractual Relationship.9.Governing LanguageThe Chinese text of this Agreement shall be dee

27、med the original。 In the event of any dispute or misunderstanding as to the interp retation of the language or terms of this Agreement, the Chinese language version shall control.10。Governing LawAny dispute or controversy between the parties with respect to this agreement shall be determined in acco

28、rdance with the laws of the Republic of China。 The parties hereby submit and consent to the nonexclusive jurisdiction of the Shih-Lin District Court。11。In Witness whereof,the parties hereto have executed this Agreement in three (3) counterparts on the date first above indicated, each such counterpar

29、t being deemed an original and all such counterparts together constituting one single instrument。 The parties have delivered this Agreement, two for A ( the Central Administration Office and the Institute or Preparatory Office hereto ) and one for B。Party A (signature):_Party B (signature):_Date:_ Date:_ 11 / 11

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