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1、货运代理考试模拟题一、单项选择题1、根据我国国际货运代理行业主管部门商务部的有关规定,中国国际货运代理企业 业务备案工作由( )负责具体组织实施。 A中国国际货运代理协会 B工商行政部门 C人事部 D劳动部2、我国某货主委托货运代理人安排货物出口事宜,由于货主所提供的货物资料不清 楚,造成货运代理人在办理货物出口申报时资料被退回,影响了货物的正常出运。 为此造成货主的损失,应当由( )承担。 A货运代理人 B报关行 C船公司 D货主3、CIC“特殊附加险”是指在特殊情况下,要求保险公司承保的险别,该险别( )。A一般可以单独投保B不能单独投保C可单独投保两项以上D在被保险人同意的情况下可以单独

2、投保4、海洋运输中的运费吨( )。A仅指重量吨 B仅指尺码吨C重量吨与尺码吨中较大者 D重量吨和尺码吨之和5、航次租船由谁负责船舶营运管理( )。A买方 B卖方C船东 D租船人6、“FCA”贸易术语是指( )。A运费付至指定目的地 B运费、保险费付至指定目的地C货交承运人指定地点 D装运港船上交货7、从秦皇岛进口一批需转运至保定某公司的货物,装载货物的运输工具于2001 年9月26日申报进境,货物于10月15日(周一)向秦皇岛海关申报转关; 转关货物10月16日运抵保定海关监管场所,该公司于10月31日(周三) 向保定海关报关。该批货物滞报( )天。 A5天 B6天 C7天 D8天8、凡运往非

3、基本港的货物,达到或超过规定的数量,船舶可直接挂靠,但要收取( )。A转船附加费 B直航附加费C港口附加费 D选港附加费9、在国际集装箱海运实践下,国际货运代理人作为CONSOLIDATOR时与收发货人所采用的集装箱货物交接方式主要是( )。ACY/CY BCY/CFS CCFS/CFS DCFS/CY10、在国际海上货物运输中,指示提单的空白背书是指( )。A提单的收货人一栏内填写“空白”二字,在提单的背面也写上“空白”二字B提单的收货人一栏填写“TO ORDER”,由提单上记载的收货人在提单背面签字,不写明受让人C提单的收货人一栏填写“TO ORDER”,由提单上记载的托运人在提单背面签字

4、,不写明受让人D提单的收货人一栏填写“TO ORDER”,由提单上记载的承运人在提单背面签字,不写明受让人11买方如不负担货物在装运港装货的费用,可采用( )。 AFOB liner terms BFOB under tackle CFOB ST DFOB berth terms二、多项选择题1国际货运代理人所从事的业务范围非常广泛,通常为接受客户的委托,完 成货物运输的某一个环节或与此有关的各个环节的任务,其服务对象有 ( )。 A出口商 B进口商 C班轮公司 D航空公司2中国向非洲某国出口整套水电站发电设备,并提供技术转让、员工培训和 银行贷款协议服务。依据国际贸易的分类原则,这种综合出口

5、业务具有的 贸易特性有( )。 A直接贸易 B有形商品贸易 C服务贸易 D无形商品贸易3在航空货运中,下列哪些商品是隐含危险品的物质( )。 Afresh vegetables Bhousehold goods Cmachinery parts Dphotographic supplies4、卖方违反合同品质约定,买方享有的合同救济权利有( )。A修理或替代货物 B请求支付违约金C拒收货物 D请求赔偿损失5、依据UCP500,信用证支付方式的特点是( )。A信用证属于银行信用,开证行负有第一性付款责任B信用证一经开证行开立,即是独立于买卖合同之外的自足性文件C信用证条件下由申请人(买方)直接向

6、卖方付款D信用证业务是一种单纯的单据业务,银行只处理单据,无涉货物和合同行为6、付款交单业务的主要特征是( )。A付款交单属于商业信用B付款交单业务中为融资目的也可使用远期汇票C付款交单的安全性高于承兑交单D付款交单属于银行信用7、承运人凭保函签发清洁提单所带来的风险有( )。更多外贸考题,请关A承运人不能以保函对抗善意第三人B承运人可能丧失责任限制的权利C船东保赔协会通常不负责给予赔偿D向托运人追偿也比较困难8、依据我国海商法的规定,承运人对下列( )原因造成的货损不负责任。A船舶不适航 B管货过失 C航行过失 D货物固有缺陷9、航次租船合同关于装卸时间的统算主要有( )约定方法。更多外贸考

7、题A装卸共用时间B可调剂使用装卸时间C装卸时间加权计算D装卸时间平均计算10、国际货运代理人在填写海上危险货物托运单时应注明的内容有( )。A联合国危险货物编号B危险货物DANGEROUS CARGO字样C危险货物的性质和类别D按国际海运危险货物规则填写货名11、海关的任务有( )。 A货运监管 B征收关税 C查缉走私 D受理报关 E编制海关统计12、申请出口退税须提供两单两票,它们是( )。 A盖有海关“验讫章”的出口报关单 B银行收汇核销单 C出口销售发票 D出口产品购进发票 E出口结汇水单三、名词解释1、推定全损2、受益人3、电子报关4、背书5、代理报检6、委托代理四、问答题1、简述托运

8、和承运的一般程序。2、构成国际多式联运的基本条件是什么?3、国际贸易中构成一项有效的接受必须具备的条件是什么?4、简述海运集装箱单的主要作用。5、简述集装箱运输的优越性有哪些?6、简述制作商业发票时应注意哪些问题?五、计算题1、某货主托运一票货,该货的积载因数是1.6立方米/吨。如将该票货装于某拼箱公司的国际标箱1CC箱中,已知该集装箱自重为2.5吨,最大总重量为24吨,计算亏箱后最大总容积为29立方米。请计算出:(1)1个1CC箱中最多可装多少吨该票货物? (2)如果货主仅托运3吨该票货物(计费标准按LCL条款,即USD200W/M),该发货人应付的运费额是多少? (要求写出计算过程)2、卖


10、在交货时,恰逢市场价格呈下跌趋势。A贸易公司将110公吨货物交船公司托运,并取得船公司签发的正本提单。A贸易公司凭商业发票(金额为USD55000)、提单等单证到银行结汇,但遭到银行拒付,理由是单、证不符。请问:(1)银行是否有权拒付,理由何在?(2)A贸易公司应交多少公吨货物才能既符合信用证的规定,又避免经济损失?(3)假如银行有权拒付,作为卖方的A公司应当如何处理此事?2、一票从上海运往泰国的整套流水线机器,货运单号777-89783442 ,由于机器比较庞大,用了6个箱子,每件重量60公斤,整套机器的价值USD6000,无申明价值,在终点站接货时,发现一个箱子开裂,经检验,这个箱子的机器

11、已完全受损,其它5个箱子完好。问:航空公司应如何赔偿?货代英语一、单项选择题1( )means that the seller delivers the goods to the carrier nominated by him but the seller must in addition pay the cost of carriage necessary to bring the goods to the named destination. ACPT BFCA CCFR DFOB2The scope of freight forwarders service on behalf of

12、consignor includes( ) Abooking space with exporter Bpaying the freight to the exporter Carranging export customs clearance Dbooking space with the insurer3、Payment of freight clauses normally appeared in the( )charterparty. Atime Bvoyage Cbareboat DTCT 4、MarineBs/Lperformanumberoffunctions,whichofth

13、efollowingisnotcorrect? ( ) Aevidence ofthecontractofcarriage Breceiptforthegoodsshipped Cdocument oftitletothegoods Dnon-negotiabledocument 5、Documentcreditmeanspaymentagainst( )insteadofagainstgoods. Acontracts Bdocuments Ccargoes Dbankdraft 6、Fromlegalpointofview,the(onthebillofladingisnotthepart

14、yofthecontract ofcarriageofgoodsbysea. Acarrier Bshipper Cconsignee Dnotifyparty 7、( )maybethemodesofcontainertransportforLCL/LCL. ACY/CY BDOOR/DOOR CDOOR/CY DCFS/CFS 8The( )is the person or company who has concluded a contract with the shipper for carriage of goods by sea. AShipper Breceiver CConsi

15、gnee DCarrier9The seller had made a sales contract under the CFR term with the buyer,therefore the scope of freight forwarders service on beh- alf of the buyer includes( ) Aarranging export customs clearance Bbooking space with the NVOCC Carranging import customs clearance Dbooking space with the ma

16、rine carrier二、判断题( )1Fumigation ordered because of illness of the crew under time chartering shall be for charterer s account. ( )2A foul bill of lading means that the bill of lading is very dirty.( )3、 The words “between” applying to any date or period in the credit referring to shipment will be un

17、derstood to include the date mentioned. ( )4、The marine cargo insurance is based on the principles of insurable interest, utmost good faith, and indemnity, etc. ( )5、A delivery order is a commitment on the part of the shipper to ship the goods and serves as the basis for the preparation of the bill

18、of lading. ( )6、UCP600 published by the International Chamber of Commerce will come into force on Oct. 1, 2007. ( )7、The time chartering means that the shipowner provides a designated manned ship to the charterer, and the charterer employs the ship for a specific period against payment of hire ( )8、

19、The words “in apparent good order and condition” indicated on the bills of lading are not accepted by the bank due to its unclear meaning . ( )9Cargo insurance contract is not a contract of indemnity. ( )10If the shipment date is “second half of May”in the credit, then the goods must be shipped befo

20、re may 20.( )11、One of the advantages in the multimodal transport is only to reduce the burden of documentation and formalities for the multimodal transport operators. ( )12、Procurement is concerned with purchasing and arranging outbound movement of materials, parts, and/or finished inventory from s

21、uppliers to customers. ( )13The forwarder can book spaces with ocean carrier on behalf of consignor basis on the CIFCFR terms in the sales cont- ract made by the consignor as the seller with the buyer三、多项选择题1According to INCOTERMS 2000, the groups of following trade terms( ) means that the sellers m

22、ust pay the costs and freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port or place of destination. ACFR, CIF BCPT, CIP CFOB, FCA DFOB, EXW2、A sound inventory strategy is based on a combination of five aspects of selective deployment: they are core customer segmentation, and( ). Aproduct profitabi

23、lity Btransportation integration Ctime-based performance Dcompetitive performance 3、According to INCOTERMS 2000, ( ) mean that the seller must pay the costs and freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination or must in addition pay the cost of carriage necessary to bring the g

24、oods to the named destination. ACFR、CIF BCPT、CIP CFOB、FCA DCPT、FCA 4、( )do not cover cargo damage due to fresh water or rain. AWA BFPA CAll Risks DFresh water and/or rain damage risks 5、The sea waybill is one of the shipping documents used for sea transportation and serve as ( ). Acargo receipt Bdoc

25、ument of title Cevidence of contract of cargo transportation Dnegotiable documetn 6、Usually the( ) charter parties provide a period of time for vessel employment. Avoyage Btime Cbareboat DTCT 7The All Risks of marine cargo transportation insurance covers risks of( ). Awar and strike Bgeneral average

26、 Cinherent vice of goods Dstranding of ship8Under a time charter party,the charterer pays for( )。 Acapital cost Bfuel Cloading costs Dwages of crew9、Forasupplychaintorealizethemaximumstrategicbenefitlogistics,thefullrangeof functionalworksmustbe( ). Amanaged Bintegrated Ctransported Dsupplied10Multi

27、modal transport has the advantages such as( ). Aproviding faster transit of goods Breducing cost of exports Csaving costs Dreducing the burden of documentation and formalities11The following trade terms( )can be used only for sea or inland waterway transport. ACIF BCIP CFCA DFOB四、完型填空题Transportation

28、 is one of the most significant areas of (41) because of its impact on customer service and the firms cost structure. The primary transportation value proposition is product movement up and down the supply chain. Without reliable transportation, most commercial activities could not function. The int

29、ernational (42) is nowadays frequently carried out in containers. Containers are particularly suitable for (43). If the exporter intends to fill a full container load, the forwarder or shipping line will prepare an empty container to the exporter for loading. If the cargo is (44), the exporter sends

30、 it to the container freight station, where it will be (45) with the goods of other exporters in a container. 1、Alogistics Binventory Cwarehousing Dpackaging 2、Atransshipment Btansportation Chandling Dconsolidation 3、Aair transport Broad transport Crail transport Dmultimodal transport 4、ALCL BFCL Cl

31、arge quantity Dbulk cargo 5、Astuffed Bconsolidated Cloaded Dfilled A large number of documents are used in the modern international trade such as marine bills of lading, letter of credit, insurance policy, commercial invoice, packing list, air waybill etc. The (46) is a document of title, the holder

32、 of which can get the goods at the port of destination from the carrier. (47) is the most common method of making international payments. The (48) mainly functions as receipt of the goods for dispatch, evidence of the contract of carriage between the carrier and the consignor in air transportation.

33、(49) is an evidence of insurance contract issued by the insurer to the assured in which stipulating each partys rights and responsibilities. (50) is a document issued by the authorized body in the exporters country stating the country of origin of the goods. 6、Asea waybill Bocean bill of lading Cair

34、 waybill Dinvoice 7、AInvoice BLetter of credit CCheck DBill 8、Ainsurance policy Bocean bill of lading Cair waybill Dinvoice 9、AInsurance policy BOcean bill of lading CAir waybill DInvoice 10、APacking list BCertificate of origin CInvoice DDock receipt In container cargo transportation, the bill of la

35、ding serves as a receipt for goods,an evidence of the contract of carriage, and a document of title to the goods. Thecarrier issues the B/L according to the information in the1. The shipped B/Lmust indicate that the goods have been loaded on board or shipped on a named vessel, and it must be signed

36、by the carrier or the2 or the agent on behalf of the carrier. The originals are marked as original on their face and all have equal value, that is, all have the same validity. The original B(s)/L are3 ,one of which must be surrendered to the4 at destination, duly endorsed in exchange for the goods o

37、r the delivery order. When one of the originals being surrendered to the carrier, the others become5 . ( )1、Adock receipt Bdelivery order Ccargo manifest Dsea waybill( )2、Acrew Bmaster Ctallyman Dchief officer ( )3、Aevidence of the contract of carriage Ba receipt of goods Cproof of ownership of good

38、s Dthe contract of carriage ( )4、Ashipper Bconsignee Ccarrier Dimporter ( )5、Avalid Beffective Cinvalid Dbe returned to the shipper五、英汉互译题1英译汉(1)clean bill of lading:(2)Factors of production:(3)insurance premium(4)partial shipments(5)port congestion surcharge(6)shipping order(7)commission agent:(8)t

39、ime of shipment:(9)Time charter (10)non-vessel operating common carriers (NVOCC)(11)Document of title (12)partial shipments:(13)Contract of affreightment (14)General cargo rates (15)port congestion surcharge:(16)Finished product (17)general average:(18)shipping order:2汉译英(1)市场调研:(2)运输单据:(3)固有缺陷(4)保险

40、费:(5)国际贸易(6)水渍险 (7)记名提单 (8)救助费用 (9)信用证 (10)包装容积(舱容) (11)保险费 (12)指定货物运价(13)陆上货物运输:(14)结关证书:(15)通讯系统(16)知识产权(17)物权凭证:(18)海运提单(19)装卸准备就绪通知书: (20)海关手续:(21)班轮公会:六、英文单证操作题根据下列所提供的信用证条款的主要内容及有关制单资料,填制集装箱海运托运单中(1)至(15)项内容和商业发票中(1)至(5)项内容。 Irrevocable documentary credit Number: LC123-268866 Date: January 2,2

41、003 Date and place of expiry : February 20, 2003 China Advising bank: Bank of China Beneficiary: China AAA import and export corp. Applicant: Japan BBB corp. Shipment from: Shanghai to Kobe,Japan not later than February 10,2003 Partial shipments: Not allowed Transshipment: Not allowed Description of

42、 goods: 100% Cotton Towel as per S/C No. CH2006 Total amount: USD10000 (SAY US DOLLARS TEN THOUSANDS ONLY) Total quantity: 40000 pieces packing in 200 Cartons Total gross weight: 20000 KGS Total measurement: 29CBM Price term: CIF Kobe,Japan Following documents required: +Signed commercial invoice in triplicate +Packing list in triplicate +Full set of clean on board ocean bill of lading made out to order of shipper and endorsed in blank and marked “fre

部分上传会员的收益排行 01、路***(¥15400+),02、曲****(¥15300+),
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