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1、安全工程专业英语Unit11。Because of the very rapid changes in these jobs and professions, it is hard for students to learn about future job opportunities。 It is even more difficult to know about the type of preparation that is needed for a particular profession-or the qualities and traits that might help indi

2、viduals succeed in it。由于这些工作和职业的飞速变更,其变化之快使得学生们很难了解未来有什么样的工作机会,更不知道为未来的具体职业生涯做出怎样的准备,也就是说学生们很难知道掌握何种知识、具备何种能力才能成功适应未来的社会.2。The purpose of this article is to provide in depth information about the safety profession that should help students considering a career in this challenging and rewarding field

3、。这篇文章将提供较为深入的安全专业方面的具体信息,它应该能够为安全专业的学生们在这个充满挑战也蕴含着发展机遇的职业中获得良好的发展而提供帮助。3.While these efforts became more sophisticated and widespread during the twentieth century, real progress on a wide front did not occur in the U。S。 until after Word War 。尽管这些专业手段在20世纪已经发展的较为成熟,也具有一定的广泛适应性,但在美国,这些都是第二次世界大战以后才取得的突

4、破性进展。4。This legislation was important because it stressed the control of workplace hazards。 This, in turn, defined a clear area of practice for the previously loosely organized safety profession. Other legislation passed during the next twenty years has increased the scope of safety practice into ar

5、eas of environmental protection, product safety, hazardous materials management and designing safety into vehicles, highways, process plants and buildings.这部法律很重要,因为它强调工作场所的危险控制,同时这部法律也为以前不成体系的安全业务划定了工作范围.此后20年中通过的一些立法,将安全业务的范围扩大到了环境保护、产品安全、危险物料管理以及机动车辆、高速公路、加工厂和房屋的安全设计等方面。5。As a result, the safety

6、profession has respect from other established professions such as engineering, medicine and law(all of which had traditionally been involved in hazard control, but had no special training in it)。因此安全专业受到了其他发展已经较为成熟的工医药及法律这样的专业的仰慕,这些专业的人们过去经常涉及危险控制问题,但是很缺乏专业化的训练。6。 Safety professionals apply principl

7、es drawn from such disciplines as engineering, education, psychology, physiology, enforcement, hygiene, health, physics, and management。 They use appropriate methods and techniques of loss prevention and loss control. “Safety science” is a twentyfirst century term for everything that goes into the p

8、revention of accidents, illnesses, fires, explosions and other events which harm people, property and the environment。安全专业人员综合运用工程学、教育学、心理学、生理学、法律法规、卫生、健康、物理、以及管理学等学科的基本原理,选择适当的方法和技术进行损失预防和控制.作为21世纪术语,“安全科学”泛指对事故、疾病、火灾、爆炸以及一切危及人们生命、财产和环境的事件的预防。7. Illness caused by exposing people to harmful biologic

9、al, physical and chemical agents produce great losses each year and accurate estimates of their impact are hard to make。暴露于有害生物、物理的或化学起因物所造成的疾病,其产生的损失则更是惊人,其负面影响已无法精确估算。8。 Ergonomics helps people understand the performance limits of humans and helps them design tasks, machines, work stations and fac

10、ilities which improve performance and safety。人机工程学有助于人们理解人类自身的局限性,从而致力设计能够有效提高安全性和绩效的作业任务、设备、设施、以及工作站。9。 From the careful design and operation of nuclear power generating stations to the elimination of leadbased paints in homes, the efforts to reduce threats to public safety go on nonstop.从核电站的精心设计到

11、家居无铅材料,人们致力于降低对公众威胁的努力从未停止。10. The application of safety science principles occurs in many places: in the workplace, in all modes of transportation, in laboratories, schools, and hospitals, at construction sites, on oil drilling rigs at sea, in underground mines, in the busiest cities, in the space

12、program, on farms, and anywhere else where people may be exposed to hazards。安全科学原理在人们可能暴露危险的工作场所、交通场所、实验室、学校、医院、建筑工地、海上石油钻井、地下开采、都市、太空探索、农场等得到了广泛的应用。11. To be called professionals, they must acquire the essential knowledge of safety science through education and experience so that others can rely on

13、 their judgments and recommendations。之所以称为专业人士,是因为他们必须通过教育和经验掌握基本的安全科学知识以使其他人可以信赖他们的判断和建议。12。 Regardless of the industry, safety professionals help to achieve safety in the workplace by identifying and analyzing hazards which potentially create injury and illness problems, developing and applying ha

14、zard controls, communicating safety and health information, measuring the effectiveness of controls, and performing followup evaluations to measure continuing improvement in progress.在各行各业,安全专业人员通过识别和分析可能导致伤害和疾病的危险、提出并实施危险控制方案、交流安全健康信息、测量控制方案实施有效性、评估持续改进项目等一系列工作以保障工作场所的安全。13. Emergency Response: org

15、anizing, training and coordinating skilled employees with regard to auditory and visual communications pertaining to emergencies such as fires, accidents or other disasters.应急响应:组织、培训和协调受训员工应对火灾、事故或其他灾害等突发事件的听觉和视觉交流。14. Management Safety Programs: planning, organizing, budgeting, and tracking comple

16、tion and effectiveness of activities intended to achieve safety objectives in an organization or to implement administrative or technical controls that will eliminate or reduce hazards。安全管理方案:规划、组织、预算、跟踪项目的完成情况与有效性,以实现组织的安全目标或通过管理或技术手段消除或减少危险。15. The satisfaction of knowing that people have been pro

17、tected because harmful accidents and other incidents have been prevented is just one of the many rewards associated with “what safety professionals do”。当认识到人们因为已经预防了事故或事件而使他们得到保护时,这种满足是所谓的“安全专业人士”得到的诸多奖励之一。Unit21。 Safety and health professionals who work in industrial settings concentrate primarily

18、on ensuring compliance with, at the very least, the minimum safety and health standard promulgated under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, as enforced by Occupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA)。在工业生产中,安全和健康专业人士主要工作集中于在确保生产至少符合基于1970职业安全与健康法案发布的各项安全与健康标准,这些标准由职业安全及健康管理局强制执行。

19、2。 Although numerous areas are addressed and a minimum level of worker protection is ensured by implementation of these many standards, it is important to note that the major driving factor for worker safety is contained not in the Code of Federal Regulations but in Section 5 of the Occupational Saf

20、ety and Health Act itself.虽然众多的领域都强调并且通过执行这些标准以确保保护工人最低的安全水平,但值得注意的是:真正推动工人安全的主要驱动因素在于职业安全与健康法案的第五部分而不是在于联邦法规条例中所包含的内容。3。 This factor, better known as the General Duty Clause, Section 5(a) (1), simply states that: Each employer shall furnish to each of his employees employment and a place of employm

21、ent which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees, and shall comply with occupational safety and health standards promulgated under this act.这一因素,即职业安全与健康法案第5(a) (1)部分一般责任条款,简明地阐述如下:每个雇主必须为其雇员提供安全健康的就业和工作环境,使他们免于那些导致或可能

22、造成员工死亡或严重身体伤害的可辨识的危险,并必须遵守基于本法案颁布的职业安全和健康标准.4。 In fact, the General Duty Clause has been the precursor for many of the regulations that have followed since 1970 and continues to ensure worker safety in the absence of a specific standard for a specific occupational situation.事实上,一般责任条款已经被1970年以来许多法规采

23、纳而成为母法,它同样在因缺少特定标准的特定职业情况下确保工人的安全。5. Less clear, but equally important to worker safety, is that the methods and techniques associated with the system safety effort are an excellent means of assuring that the intent of the General Duty Clause is met at the earliest possible time in the project or pr

24、ogram development process。对于工人安全同样重要,但表达不太清楚的地方在于有关系统安全的方法和技术是项目早期阶段或研发过程方案中确保符合一般责任条款的极好的手段。6。 However, as noted earlier, most standard and regulations reflect minimum requirements for safe operations and do not place any additional responsibilities on employers to be safer than what is required by

25、 these standards。然而,如前所述,大多数标准和法规反映了安全操作的最低要求,他们并没有提出比这些标准的要求更能确保安全的有关雇主责任的内容.7. It is well known within the occupational safety arena that, in order to ensure continued safety in a given situation, it is often necessary to exceed the minimum requirements established by law。在职业安全领域,众所周知的是:为了确保在给定的条件

26、下持续保持安全的状况,超过法律规定的最低要求通常是必要的。8。 Even though a majority of industrial accidents or incidents have historically been attributed to the unsafe acts or the unsafe conduct of workers, the importance of unsafe physical conditions and equipment can should not be minimized in any discussion concerning accid

27、ent risk potential.虽然大多数工业事故或事件在历史上被归因于工人的不安全行为或不安全地执行,但是不应该在所关于事故潜在风险的讨论中将物的不安全状态最小化。9. Injuries and/or property damage caused by mechanical hazards generally have a high potential severity, since they often result in a permanent total disability (e。g。, loss of motion or use of a body member, amput

28、ations, loss of sight, damages to hearing) and/or loss to essential equipment or facilities.机械性危险造成的伤害和/或财产损失一般具有较高的潜在严重性,因为他们往往会导致永久性的部分或全部失能(例如,丧失运动或身体某部位失能,截肢,失明,听力损害)和/或基础设备或设施的巨大破坏或损坏。10。 Furthermore, many of the so-called unsafe acts that cause such injuries or damage may not result in an acci

29、dent if the potential for risk is properly assessed well in advanced and safer physical conditions are implemented to control the hazards associated with the level of ascertained risk.此外,如果能够事先对潜在风险进行恰当的评价,并且控制与该风险水平相关的危险以提供一个较为安全的物理条件,那么,所谓的导致伤害的或损害的不安全行动就不会导致事故。11. Therefore ,accurate evaluation o

30、f applicable occupational and environmental standards and regulations, as well as an analysis of specific worker tasks, are absolutely essential in determining appropriate levels of protection。因此,如果能够事先对潜在风险进行恰当的评价,并且控制与风险水平相关的危险以提供一个较为安全的物理条件,那么,所谓的导致伤害或损害的不安全行动就不会导致事故。12。 Since the goals and objec

31、tives of both the industrial safety and system safety disciplines tend to serve each others best interests, it would not be prudent management practice to ignore the integration of the system safety program with the industrial safety effort.因为行为安全和系统安全两者的目标都旨在为对方提供最大利益,所以忽视系统安全方案和工业安全方面的整合都是不严谨的管理做法

32、。13。 Therefore, in order to fully comprehend the relationship between system safety and industrial safety, one must also understand how system safety can be successfully utilized in the analysis of the human factors element of task performance.因此,为了充分理解系统安全和行业安全的关系,还必须了解系统的安全是如何成功的运用于任务绩效中的人因分析14。 I

33、f this basic concept of human-system interface is not properly considered in the design phase, then all the safety incentives and motivational programs that money can buy will not encourage an individual to operate poorly designed equipment at a designated level of effectiveness。如果在设计阶段没有正确的考虑人与系统交互

34、的基本概念,则所有的安全动机以及金钱可以购买的激励方案都不能鼓励个体员工在指定有效性要求下操作一台设计糟糕的设备.15. Also, if personnel are trained to operate inadequately designed equipment under normal operating conditions, they will typically revert to very ineffective operations under emergency or other stress-include conditions.此外,如果员工平时在正常操作下操作设计不当

35、的设备,那么在紧急情况或其他应激性条件下,他们所表现的就是进行非常无效的操作。Unit31. The hazard analysis will also assist the engineer in further assessing which hazards are important and which are not and therefore do not need further study.危险分析也将有助于工程师进一步评估哪些危险是重要的,哪些危险不重要从而不必要进一步研究.2。 With this information, the associated risks are t

36、hen ranked and engineering management is better able to determine which risks are worth controlling and which risks require less attention。依据这个信息对相关的风险分级,在工程管理上能够更好的确定哪些风险是值得控制的,哪些风险是可以较少地关注。3. Some example engineering controls include: adding a relief value to a 2000psi oxygen system; building a be

37、rm around an oil storage tank; using only hermetically sealed switches in an explosive environment; or putting in hard stops in rotating machinery to prevent overtorquing。工程控制包括这样一个例子:给2000psi的氧气系统增加一个安全阀、在储油槽周围建一个护堤、在爆炸性环境只采用密封开关或在旋转机械设置强行停止开关以防止扭矩过大.4. Developing and implementing a plant safety pl

38、an is a good method of applying management controls to hazards.制定和实施工厂安全计划是应用风险管理控制的一种方法。5. Once controls are in place , a method needs to be usedto verify that the controls actually control the hazards or mitigate the risks to an acceptable level。一旦控制到位,需要使用方法验证那些控制真正的控制了危险或将风险减小到可以接受的水平。6. After t

39、he system has been studiedand hazards identified , then analyzed and evaluated with controls in place , management must make the formal decisions of which risks they are willing to take and which ones they will not take。经过系统研究和危险识别,然后对已采用的控制措施进行了分析和评价,管理者必须做出正式的决定 ,哪些风险他们能够接受,哪些风险 他们不可以接受.7。 This me

40、ans that the engineering and management organizations periodically review the safetyprogram , engineering processes , management organizations, and product field use。这意味着,工程管理机构定期审查安全方案,工程流程,管理组织和产品的现场使用情况.8。 The American automobile industry has lost billions of dollars in automobile recalls due to

41、safety problems , some of which possibly could have been avoided by periodic review of product use。美国汽车业由于安全问题在汽车召回中已经花费了数十亿美元,其中一些问题可以通过定期审查产品的使用情况来避免.Unit41) Note that all methods are abstractions-they simplify the thin being modeled by abstracting away what are assumed to be irrelevant details an

42、d focusing on the feature of the phenomenon that are assumed to be the most relevant需要指出的是所有模型都是抽象的,他们是通过抽调假定不相关的细节,关注假定最相关现象的特征从而简化了被建的模型2) That selection process in most cases is arbitrary and depend entirely on the choice of modeler ,but it is critical in determining the usefulness and accuracy o

43、f the model in predicting future events 因为选择过程大多数情况下是任意的,完全取决与建模者的抉择,但他在确定该模型预测未来事件的有效性和准确性方面是至关重要的.3) Because the accident model influence what cause(s) is ascribed to an accident, the countermeasures taken to prevent future accidents ,and the evaluation of the risk in operating a system ,the power

44、 and features of the model will greatly affect our ability to identify and control hazards and thus prevent accidents 因为事故模型影响着导致事故的原因、预防未来事故所采取的措施以及操作系统中的风险评价,所以,该模型的威力和特点建大大大影响我们辨识和控制危险,从而阻止事故发生的能力。4. At the same time that the development of new technology has sprinted forward ,the time to market

45、for new products has significantly decreased and strong pressure exist to decrease this time even further.与此同时,随着新技术的迅猛发展,新产品的上市时间已大大缩短,但强大的压力还要求将这一时间再进一步缩短.5。 Many of the approaches to prevent accidents that worked on electromechanical component failuresuch as replication of components to protect a

46、gainst individual component failureare ineffective in controlling accidents that arise from the use of digital systems and software.许多针对机电源件防止事故发生的方法,如果用备用元件以防止个别部件失效,在控制由数字系统和软件而引发的事故时是无效的。6. Overconfidence in redundancy and misunderstanding of the “failure modes of softwareimplemented functions ha

47、s played an important role in recent aerospace accidents, such as the loss of the Arianne 5 on its first flight。对冗余的过度自信和对软件工具功能失效模式的误解在近年的航空事故中占据重要作用,例如阿丽那5首发的失败7。 The most common accident models are based on an underlying assumption that accidents are the result of an uncontrolled and undesired re

48、lease of energy or interference in the normal flow of energy.最常见的事故模型是基于一个基本假设,即事故是能量失控和意外释放或能量在正常流通渠道受到干涉的结果。8. Software is an important factor hereit has allowed us to implement more integrated, multi-loop control in systems containing large numbers of dynamically interacting components where tight coupling allows disruptions or dysfunctional interacting in one part of the system to have farranging ripping effects。对于含有大量动态交互组件的系统,其组建的机密耦合度使得系统中某部分的瓦解或作用功能紊乱波及到系统范围而产生影响,软件在这里是一个重要因素,他是我们能够对系统实施更加综合、多回路的控制。9. Our new scientific and technological discoveries have not only create

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