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1、常用100词根精品文档常用100词根1. ag, act L=to do, to drive做,驱使词根ag来自拉丁动词agere的词干部分,意思相当于英语的to do(做)或to drive(驱使)。act是个英语核心单词,其实它的前身act是ag的同源异形词根,来自agere的动名词形式 actum的词干部分,基本含义也是to do或to drive。下面先分析几个由ag构成的常见派生词。agent ag=to do做;-ent n.=person人“person who does 办事者” n. person who works for another person or organiz

2、ation 代理人:a sales agent 代售商 agential agent;-ial a. a.代理人的;起媒介作用的agency ag=to do做;-ency n.=the quality or state of 表性质或状态“the abiliy or place of doing business 办事的能力或场所” n.power or force which causes a result 力量;作用:human agency 人力 the office of an agent;service organization 代理处;机构:travel agency 旅行社ag

3、enda ag=to do做;-enda(-a表复数)n.=things事情“things to be done要办的事项” n. list of things to be discussed or decided upon议事日程:the most important item on the agenda议事日程的首项agile ag=to do做;-ile a.=able能的“able to do能干的” a. able to do or move quickly or easily 敏捷的;灵活的:as agile as a monkey像猴子般灵活 agility agil(e);-i

4、ty n.敏捷;灵活agitate ag=to drive or keep moving 驱使,使运动;-itate(-ate)v.=make or cause使“cause to keep moving steadily引起不断的动荡” v. disturb鼓动:The audience were agitated by his speech听众被他的演说所鼓动。agitation agitat(e);-ion n. n.鼓动;激动不安agitator agitat(e);-or n. n.鼓动者以下介绍的是几个常用act的同根词。act act=to do 做“to do what is

5、required 做要求的事” v. do something行动:to act at once立刻行动 function起作用:The brakes wouldnt act.刹车失灵。 take part in a play or film扮演:Who is acting Hamlet? 谁演哈姆雷特? actor act;-or n. n.男演员;行动者actress act (o)r;-ess n. n.女演员re-act re-;act v. v.重做,再做;重演,再演overact over-;act v. v.演得过于夸张action act=to do做;-ion n.=the

6、process or result表过程或结果 n. process of doing, or deed 行动,活动:Actions speak louder than words.行动比语言更有说服力。 result of doing, or effect 作用:the action of an acid on metal 酸对金属的作用 charge 诉讼:to bring an action against someone 起诉某人 actionable action;-able a. a.可控诉的active act=to do做;-ive a.=able会的 a. able to d

7、o活跃的,积极的:Although he is over 70, he is still active.他虽然年过70,但依然很活跃。 activate activ(e);-ate v. v.使活动activism activ(e);-ism n. n. 哲 能动主义;积极,活跃activist activ(e);-ist n. n.活动分子,积极分子activity activ(e);-ity n. n.能动性;活跃;复 活动actual act=to do做;-u-;-al a.=the act or fact 表行为或事实 a. existing in fact;real实际的;现实的:

8、the actual amount of money实际金额 actualist actual;-ist n. n.现实主义者actuality actual;-ity n. n.事实,现存情况;现实性actualize actual;-ize v. v.实行,使现实化actuate act=to do做;-u-;-ate v.=to make or cause使 v. cause to do 驱动,激励:What motives actuated her? 什么动机驱使她这样做的? actuation actuat(e);-ion n. n.驱动,激励;开动exact ex-=out出;ac

9、t=to drive驱使“to drive out;driven out逼出来(的)” I v. demand or obtain by force 强求,索取:He exacted obedience from his students.他强要学生服从他。 a. correct and without mistake 准确的,精确的:to be exact in conduct行为一丝不苟 exacting exact v.;-ing a. a.苛求的,严厉的;强索的exaction exact v.;-ion n. a.强索;勒索;榨取exactitude exact a.;-itude

10、n. n.精确(性);严格,严谨react re-=back回返;act=to do做 v. do or act in reply反应:She was slow to react.她反应迟钝。 do against反动,反作用:to react against oppression 反抗压迫 reaction react;-ion n. n.反应;反作用;反动reactor react;-or n. n.引起反应的人或物;原 反应堆reactive react;-ive a. a.反应的;反动的interact inter-=between在之间;act=to do做“to do betwee

11、n two things在两者之间互动” v. have an effect on each other互相作用,互相影响:All things are inter-related and interacted on each other.一切事物都是互相联系又互相影响的。 interaction interact;-ion n. n.相互作用;相互interactant interact;-ant n. n. 化 反应物interactive interact;-ive a. a.互相作用的;计 交互的transact trans-=across or through穿过;act=to dr

12、ive驱使“to drive through使通过” v. carry on;manage执行,办理:He transacted some businesss at bank.他在银行处理了一些事务。 transaction transact;-ion n. n.办理,处理;交易,业务transactor transact;-or n. n.办事人,处理者练习1:1. 词根辩识A.判断下列单词中,哪些含有词根ag,act: age aggression agitational agaze tractor factory actuary coactionB.判断下列派生词中act是词根还是单词:

13、 react re-act ex-actor exactor underact overact coact enact2. 举一反三根据例子写出后面单词的中文意思。A.例:agitate v.鼓动agitator n.鼓动者 act v.行动,行为actor n. exact v.强索,强征(捐税等)exactor n. activate v. 化使活化activator n.B. active a.积极的actively ad.积极地 interactive a.相互作用的interactively ad. reactive a.反动的reactively ad. counteractive

14、 a.抵制的counteractively ad.3. 望文生义根据已知单词的含义求出其同根词的含义。 已知:coact v.共同行动,合力工作(提示:co-=together)求:coaction n.coactive a. 已知:counteract v.抵抗,抵制;抵消(提示:counter-=against)求:counteraction n.counteractive a. 已知:retroact v.倒行;追溯既往(提示:retro-=backward)求:retroactive a.retroaction n.4. 同义相连请将左栏的单词和右栏中相对应的词义连接起来。A.含ag的

15、名词派生词 coagenta.反作用剂;反抗力 subagent b.共事者;合作者 reagentc.副代理人 counteragent d.反应力;反应物 subagency e.分代理处B.含act的名词派生词 activablea.不活动的;不活跃的 exactableb. 化 能被活化的 inactive c.可强取的;可强求而得的 reactionaryd.倒行的;有追溯效力的 retroactivee.反动的5. 寻根问底指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。 coagency n.合作 agitprop v.宣传鼓动(提示:prop=propoganda宣传) coagulat

16、e v.(使)凝结;(使)合为一体 actuary n.(保险)精算师 enact v.制定(法律);通过(法案);颁布 underact v.表演(角色)不够充分2. am, amat L=to love爱常用词amiable和amateur分别来自同源异形根am和amat。am是拉丁动词amare的不定式词干;amat是这个动词的动名词词干,意思都相当于to love(爱)。amiable am=to love爱;-i-;-able a.=capable of可的“capable of being loved可爱的” a. lovable, or kindly可爱的;和蔼的:an amia

17、ble old lady可亲的老太太amateur amat=to love; -eur (-er) n.=person 人“persaon who does something for loving it (rather than for money)因爱好(不是为金钱)从事某项活动者” n. person who practices an art, sport or science for his own pleasure(艺术、体育、科学等)业余爱好者:radio amateur业余无线电爱好者 amateurism amateur;-ism n. n.业余活动amateurish am

18、ateur n.业余爱好者;-ish a.=like像的“like an amateur(rather than a professional hand)像业余的,不内行的” a. unskillful不老练的,外行的:He is still amateurish in playing golf.他打高尔夫球还不老练。 amateurishness amateurish;-ness n. n.外行amicable amic(来自 am 的同根名词 amicus)=person one loves, or friend亲爱者,朋友;-able a.=able to be能当的“able to b

19、e ones friend能做朋友的” a. in a friendly spirit, or peaceable友好的;和睦的:amicable settlement和解 amicability amicab(le);-ility n. n.友好;和睦amour am=to love爱;-our n.=the state or result表状态或结果“loving or the result of loving恋爱或恋爱的结果)” n. love恋爱 love affair桃色事件,偷情 amorous amo(u)r;-ous a. a.恋爱的;多情的enamour en-v.=to c

20、ause to be使;amour n.=love恋爱“to cause to be in love使恋爱” v. inflame with love使迷恋:Her beauty enam-oured the prince.王子被她的美貌迷住了。amatory amat=to love爱;-ory a.=related to与有关的 a. related to loving;expressing love恋爱的;爱慕的:amatory poems情诗练习2:1. 由此及彼通过分析已知单词的词素含义推断出另一单词的词义。 unhappy a.不幸的unamiable a. artist n.艺术

21、家amorist n.2. 寻根问底指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。 amity n.和好;和睦 enemy n.敌人(提示:en-表示相反;em是am的变体) inamorata n. 意女情人,情妇 inamorato n. 意男情人3. anim L=life生命anim是常用词 animal的词根,源于拉丁名词 anima,含有 mind(思想),spirit(精神),soul(灵魂),life(生存)等与生命现象有关的概念,可以看成英语基本词life(生命)的对等词。animal anim=life生命;-al n.=thing characterized by有特征的东西“t

22、hing characterized by having life有生命的东西” n. any creature动物:Is it an animal, vegetable, or mineral?它是动物,植物,还是矿物? any creature other than man除人以外的任何动物:the animals in the zoo动物园里的动物animalism animal;-ism n. n.动物性;兽欲animalize animal;-ize v. v.使动物化animate anim=life 生命;-ate a.=having有的“having life or spiri

23、ts有生命的,有精神的”a. living有生命的:animate objects生物 full of life or spirits生气勃勃的:animate youth朝气蓬勃的年青人 v. give life to, or make alive使活跃:His jokes an-imated the conversation.他的笑话使交谈活跃起来。animation animat(e) v;-ion n. n.活跃;生气reanimate re-;animate v. v.使复活;激励animosity anim=life, spirit生命,精神;-osity(-ous+-ity)n.

24、=special state or quality表特殊状态或性质“special spirit特殊的精神”“strong feeling强烈的感情” n. strong dislike;hatred敌意;仇恨:animosities between classes阶级仇恨magnanimity magn=great大;anim=spirit精神;-ity n.=the quality表性质“the greatness of spirit or mind精神上的大度” n. the spirit of being unusually generous, or generosity宽宏大量:He

25、 showed his magnanimity in forgiving you.他原谅了你,可见其宽宏大量。magnanimous magn;anim;-ous a. a.宽宏大量的equanimity equ=even平衡的;anim=spirit精神;-ity n.=the quality表性质“the spirit with an even quality平稳的精神品质” n. calmness or steadiness of mind沉着;镇定:He faced the disaster with equanimity.面对灾难,他泰然若定。equanimous equ;anim;

26、-ous a. a.沉着的;镇定的longanimity long(来自形容词longus)=long长久的;anim=spirit精神;-ity n.=the quality表性质“the spirit with the quality of enduring long能长久忍耐的精神素质” n. endurance;forbearance忍耐性;坚韧性:He is remarkable for his longanimity in struggle.他在斗争中以坚韧著称。longanimous long;anim;-ous a. a.坚韧的;忍耐的unanimous un=one一;ani

27、m=spirit, mind精神,思想;-ous a.=having有的 a. having one mind or sharing the same view思想一致的;观点统一的:The conference was unanimous in support of the decision.会议一致拥护这项决议。unanimity un;anim;-ity n. n.全体一致;无异议练习3:1. 同义相连请将左栏的单词和右栏中相对应的词义连接起来。 animalizationa.动物性 animatorb.无异议地 animalityc.动物化 unanimously d.动物性的 ani

28、malistic e.鼓舞者 animatedf.栩栩如生的2. 望文生义根据已知词根和词缀的含义求出下列单词的含义。已知:in-=not; -cule=small thing; re-=again求: inanimate animalcule reanimate3. 寻根问底指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。 animism n.泛灵论;万物有灵论 animus n.主导精神;意向 exanimate a.无生命的;无精神的exanimation n.死;意志消沉(提示:ex-=out) animadvert v.谴责,批评animadversion n.谴责,批评(提示:vert/ve

29、rs=to turn) pusillanimity n.卑怯,胆小pusillanimous a.卑怯的,胆小的(提示:pusill=weak)4. ann, enn L=year年ann来自拉丁名词annus,意思为year(年);enn是ann在添加前缀时产生的音变异体。ann在构词中常带有连接字母-u-或-i-,也可以把annu和anni作为词根异体看待。annual annu=year年;-al a.=of的 I a. of one year;yearly一年的;每年的:annual report年度报告n. book or pamphlet issued once a year年鉴;

30、年刊:the annuals of the Historical Society历史协会的年鉴anniversary anni=year 年;vers=to turn 转;-ary n.=thing物“the date connected with the turning of a year与时间周转一年相关的日子” n. the date of a year on which something happened周年纪念日:the 400th anniversary of Shakespeares birth莎士比亚诞生四百周年纪念日annals ann=year年;-al n.=thing

31、物;-s 表复数“many things of a year一年中的事情” n. yearly records;historical records编年史;历史记载:the war annals of the Red Army红军战史annalist annal(s);-ist n. n.编年史作者perennial per-=through通;enni=year年;-al a.“through a year通年的” a.lasting through the year常年不断的:perennial snow and ice终年不化的冰雪 overlasting长久的:perennial ef

32、forts持久努力perenniality perennial;-ity n. n.常年性;长久性annuity annu=year 年;-ity n.=thing connected with 表相关事物“money connected with one year 按一年计算的钱” n. yearly allowance or income年金;年收入:life annuity终身年金annuitant annuit(y);-ant n. n.领受年金者superannuate super-=over超;annu=year年age年龄;-ate v.=to cause to be使成为“to

33、 cause to be over-aged使成为超龄者” v. make to retire when one is over a certain age因超过年龄而令退休:He was superannuated as soon as he reached the age of sixty.他刚满六十岁,就被指令退休了。annu和enni还能与表示数目的前缀构成表示以“年”为单位的时间的单词。以下是常见的几个。semiannual semi-=half半;annu=year年;-al a.=of的 a. of a half year半年一度的:semiannual meeting半年一度的

34、会议biannual bi-=two, twice二,两次;annu=year年;-al a.=of的a. of twice a year每年两度的:biannual examination每年两次的考试biennial bi-=two二;enni=year年;-al a.=of的“of two years二年的” a. lasting two years持续两年的:a biennial research course两年的研究课程biennium bi-=two二;enni=year年;-um n.=thing物“the time of two years两年的时间” n. period o

35、f two years两年练习4:1. 词根辨识比较biannual和biennial表示的不同时间概念。分析其词形的不同点。2. 望文生义根据已知词根和词缀的含义求出所给单词的含义。已知:tri-=three; quadr-=four; quinqu-=five; sex-=six;sept-=seven; oct-=eight; dec-=ten; cent-=hundred;mille-=thousand.求: millennial centennium sexennial septennium deceenial quinquennium bicentennial octennium

36、quadrennial trimillennium5. anthrop GK=man人类anthrop是本书介绍的第一个来自希腊语的词根,它的词源是希腊名词anthropos,意思为man或human kind(人类)。在构词中,anthrop后面常跟着连接字母-o-,也可以把anthropo看作异形词根。anthropology anthropo=man人类;-logy n.=branch of science一门科学“the science about man研究人类的科学” n. the science dealing with the physical, social, and cul

37、tural development of man人类学anthropologist anthropolog(y);-ist n. n.人类学者philanthropist phil=to love 爱;anthrop=man 人类;-ist n.=person人“person who loves man 爱人类者” n. person who loves his fellow men, especially, who is engaged in helping the poor men博爱主义者;慈善家philanthropy phil;anthrop;-y n. n.慈善;仁爱philant

38、hropic phil;anthrop;-ic a. a.博爱的misanthropist mis=to hate恨;anthrop=man人类;-ist n.=person人“person who hates his fellow men厌恶人类者” n. person who hates everybody and avoids being in the company of others离群索居者;愤世嫉俗者:A misanthropist can never become a philanthropist.愤世嫉俗者是成不了慈善家的。misanthropy mis;anthrop;-y

39、 n. n.厌世misanthropic mis;anthrop;-ic a. a.厌世的;厌世者的anthropoid anthrop=man人类;-oid a.=like像 a. like a man;in the form of a man类人的;有人形的:anthropoid ape类人猿anthropography anthropo=man人类;-graphy n.=the study学“the study about man 有关人类情况的学说” n. the study of the geographical distribution of human races人种地理分布学a

40、nthropogenesis anthropo=man人类;genesis=the origin起源 n. the study of mans origin and development人类起源和发展学anthropotomy anthropo=man人类;tomy=anatomy解剖学 n. human anatomy人体解剖学练习5:1. 望文生义根据所学的词根和词缀的知识写出下列单词的词义。 anthropogeography n. anthroposociology n.2. 寻根问底指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。 anthropomorphous a.有人形的;似人的ant

41、hropomorphize v.(把动物等)拟作人(提示:morph=shape) anthropophagy n.食人肉的习性anthrophagous a.食人肉的(提示:phag=to eat) anthropometry n.人体测量学(提示:metr=to measure) anthropocentric a.以人类为宇宙中心的(提示:centr=center) zoanthropy n. 医 变兽幻想(提示:zo=animal)6. arch GK=rule统治在政治术语anarchy, monarch, monarchy和oligarch中,有个常用词根arch。它来自希腊名词a

42、rkhos,意为rule(统治)。在派生词中arch常作ruler(统治者)或government(政体)解。anarchy an-(a-)=no, without无;arch=rule治理;-y n.=the state表状态“the state without rule or government缺乏治理,没有政府” n. absence of government or control无秩序;无政府状态:Any form of government is better than anarchy. 任何形式的政体都比无政府状态好。anarchic anarch(y);-ic a. a.无政

43、府主义的anarchism anarch(y);-ism a. n.无政府主义anarchist anarch(y);-ist n. n.无政府主义者monarch mon=one, alone单一;arch=ruler统治者“only one ruler, or one who rules a country alone单独治理国家者” n. king of sovereign国王,君主:The monarch was ousted.国王被赶下台了。monarchal monarch;-al a. a.国王的,君主的monarchy mon-=one, alone单一;arch=ruler统

44、治者;-y n.=the state表状态“the state or government of only one ruler单人统治的政体” n. government ruled by a monarch君主政体;君主国:China was once a monarchy.中国曾经是个君主国。monarchic monarch(y);-ic a. a.君主制的;君主国的monarchism monarch(y);-ism n. n.君主制度;君主主义oligarch olig-=few少,寡;arch=ruler统治者“one of a few rulers少数统治者之一” n. memb

45、er of an oligarchy寡头统治成员:finan-cial oligarch金融寡头oligarchy olig-=few少,寡;arch=ruler统治者;-y n.=the state表状态“the state or government by a few rulers由少数人统治的政府” n. rule or government by a few, often for their own interests寡头政治;寡头统治的政府:Ancient Sparta was really an oligarchy.古斯巴达实际上是个寡头统治的国家。oligarchic oligarch(y);-ic a. a.寡头政治的polyarchy poly-=many多;arch=ruler统治者;-y n.=the state表状态“the state or government by many rulers多人的统治” n. rule or government by many heads多头政治matriarch matri=mother 母;arch=rule

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