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1、附件一项目总列表:题目Internet of Things usecases OW2 项目AspireRFID 关键词RFID, Sensors, M2M (Machine 2 Machine), IoT (Internet of Things), JavaEE, OSGi 描述The AspireRFID project aims at developing and promoting an open-source, lightweight, standards-compliant, scalable, privacy-friendly, and integrated middleware

2、to ease the development, the deployment and the management of RFID-based and sensors-based applications. The AspireRFID project proposes to contestants to prototype one of the usecases listed in http:/wiki.aspire.objectweb.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/SummerOfCode Usecases can be developed using RFID rea

3、ders and sensors simulators and/or using off-the-shelves RFID readers and sensors. A non-exhautive list is given here http:/wiki.aspire.objectweb.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Readers 项目联系人及EmailStephane Ribas (Stephane.Ribasinria.fr) John Soldatos (jsolait.edu.gr) Didier Donsez (didier.donsezimag.fr) 预计工

4、作量4 to 6 manmonths per usecase 题目Move Dragon XML data to a JCR or an XML database OW2 项目Dragon Governance Platform (http:/dragon.ow2.org) 关键词SOA governance, JCR, XML database, Exist 描述Dragon is the SOA governance platform contributed by EBM WebSourcing to OW2. Dragon handles many XML structured file

5、s like WSDL documents, XML Schemas, In the current version, these files are saved in a relational database. The aim of the contest is to change the persistence layer to use either a JCR implementation like exo JCR (), or an XML database like eXist ( 项目联系人及Emailolivier.fabre, gael.blondelle 预计工作量4 ma

6、nmonths 题目CEP and SEP JBI component in PEtALS OW2 项目PEtALS ESB (http:/petals.ow2.org) 关键词ESB, JBI, CEP, SEP 描述EBM WebSourcing wishes to implement a JBI compliant Service Engine artifact running on top of PEtALS ESB to compute Complex /Streamed Event Processing. This component must receive / transmit

7、 events based on WS-Notification/WS-Topics OASIS standards. References : http:/ilpubs.stanford.edu:8090/641/1/2004-20.pdf 项目联系人及Emailpatrice.conil 预计工作量4 manmonths 题目An OSGi Shell service for JORAM OW2 项目JORAM (http:/joram.ow2.org) 关键词J2EE, JMS, OSGi, MOM, administration, JMX 描述In order to interact

8、with Joram it is necessary to have an interactive shell that allows to issue commands to the server and to obtain information from it. OSGi Framework usually provides extensible shell service, the goal of this project is to provide a dedicated shell for the Joram JMS provider. Such a shell could pro

9、vide multiple user interfaces: textual, graphical, etc. This work could be based on the new OW2 Shelbie project. 项目联系人及EmailAndre Freyssinet, ScalAgent D.T. TCO andre.freyssinet 预计工作量3 to 4 manmonths depending of the number and complexity of the implemented functions 题目JORAM over AMQP OW2 项目JORAM (h

10、ttp:/joram.ow2.org) 关键词JavaEE, JMS, MOM, interoperability, AMQP 描述AMQP enables complete interoperability for messaging middleware, an AMQP messaging infrastructure will be open, platform agnostic and interoperable. Defining an AMQP entry point for the Joram server will allow the use of the MOM throu

11、gh multiples clients, languages and platform. 项目联系人及EmailAndre Freyssinet, ScalAgent D.T. TCO andre.freyssinet 预计工作量3 to 4 manmonths 题目Deploying Business Distributed Components on Google Android OW2 项目Fractal (Juliac) 关键词PDA, Android, XMPP, Fractal, Juliac 描述The goal of this project is to integrate

12、the Fractal framework with Android (Dalvik, etc.) in order to migrate the Fractal eco-system to this environment. For that, we propose to extend the Juliac framework and to develop some stub and skeleton generators for the XMPP protocol in order to provide a support for distribution. 项目联系人及EmailRoma

13、in Rouvoy (romain.rouvoylifl.fr) 预计工作量2 manmonths 题目A Fractal-aware Maven repository OW2 项目Fractal 关键词Fractal, Maven 描述The goal of this project is to extend the Maven repository system in order to integrate the metainformation needed to store and retrieve Fractal components as Maven artifacts. The m

14、etainformation should include elements specific to Fractal components such as interface type, controller descriptor, programming language. 项目联系人及EmailJudicael Ribault (Judicael.Ribaultsophia.inria.fr) 预计工作量2 manmonths 题目topology2mgen OW2 项目JASMINe 关键词monitoring, XML, transformation 描述The goal of thi

15、s project is to generate a monitoring system configuration for a distributed middleware infrastructure using a description of this infrastructure. The solution will be based on tools of the JASMINe project, namely MBeanCmd, MGen. References: JASMINe: http:/jasmine.ow2.org MBeanCmd: http:/jasmine.obj

16、ectweb.org/doc/trunk/doc-en/html/mbeancmd_guide.html o MGen: http:/jasmine.objectweb.org/doc/trunk/doc-en/html/mbeancmd_guide.html#id1291493 项目联系人及EmailJulien Legrand (julien.legrand) 预计工作量4 manmonths 题目A Web 2.0 console for OW2 FraSCAti and SCA applications OW2 项目FraSCAti 关键词AJAX, GWT, JSON, Web 2.

17、0 描述The goal of this project is to implement a graphical user interface to manage the OW2 FraSCAti SCA platform and access SCA applications from Web browsers. This Web console would be implemented with recent Web 2.0 technologies like Google Web Toolkit (GWT), AJAX, and JSON-RPC. 项目联系人及EmailPhilippe

18、 Merle (Philippe.Merleinria.fr) 预计工作量3 manmonth 题目End-user OLAP interface OW2 项目SpagoBI 关键词Business Intelligence, OLAP, JPivot, Mondrian, Multidimensional analysis, Palo, MDX, JOLAP, XMLA 描述SpagoBI (http:/forge.objectweb.org/projects/spagobi) is the Business Intelligence platform promoted by the OW2

19、 community. SpagoBI covers all the analytical area of BI projects (e.g.: reporting dimensional analysis -OLAP-, data mining, dashboards, GEO, free and visual data inquiring, KPIs, charts) developing new engines or integrating ones. The goal of the project is to increase the number of engines, and th

20、e purpose here is to develop a new solution for OLAP: a generic Ajax interface, which provide all the OLAP capabilities (drill-down, drill-across, slice and dice, etc) independently from the OLAP engine (MDX server, rdbms with ROLAP operators, etc). 项目联系人及Emailgrazia.cazzineng.it 预计工作量4 to 5 manmont

21、hs 题目Faceted Analytical Display OW2 项目SpagoBI 关键词Business Intelligence, Dashboards, interactive analysis, what-if, simulation, charts, cockpits 描述SpagoBI (http:/forge.objectweb.org/projects/spagobi) is the Business Intelligence platform promoted by the OW2 community. SpagoBI covers all the analytica

22、l area of BI projects (e.g.: reporting dimensional analysis -OLAP-, data mining, dashboards, GEO, free and visual data inquiring, KPIs, charts) developing new engines or integrating ones. The goal of the project is to increase the number of engines, and the purpose here is to develop a new solution

23、for Faceted Analytical Display, where several related views are combined in a single page with visual parameters to highlight particular subsets of data and information. The engine will allow also a rule setting capability, in order to show hypothetical scenarios moving sliders for parameters. 项目联系人

24、及Emailgrazia.cazzineng.it 预计工作量4 to 5 manmonths 题目Web 2.0 BPM editor OW2 项目Orchestra 关键词Web, BPM, BPEL, BPMN, GWT, Flex 描述Orchestra is BPM solution based on the BPEL language. The objective of this development is to build a designer that could be integrated to the Orchestra Web 2.0 console. The desi

25、gner is targetted to non technical people and so should provide a fonctionnal view of the process. Once the process is designed, the description of the process should be generated in a format accepted by Orchestra. Technology used to develop this designer could be either GWT or Flex. 项目联系人及EmailGoul

26、ven Le Jeune (goulven.le-jeune) 预计工作量6 manmonths 题目Research and Designing of clustering strategy in ESB OW2 项目PEtALS 关键词Clustering, Load balancing, ESB 描述ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) have the characteristic of responding requests of different protocols. Clustering is a wide-accepted means to enhance

27、 the ability of ESB. No matter how clear it is to respond only one type of request in Java EE, there is still no accepted strategy of clustering in ESB at present. The aim of this project is to design a strategy of clustering in ESB, and implement it on PEtALS platform by applying JMS and HTTP proto

28、col across two servers. 项目联系人及EmailHuang JunChang huangjc 预计工作量6 manmonths 题目An editor for Customizing JMX monitor OW2 项目sJORAM, PEtALS and JOnAS 关键词JMX, customizable, monitoring, editor 描述JMX is a standard interface specification for managing and monitoring applications and services. A management m

29、onitor for one business based on JMX is different from another. The development process for each different platform based on JMX is costly and time-consuming. The aim of this project is to design a GUI editor that can customize the function and view of the monitor.The implementation of editor is on

30、JOnAS, JORAM and PEtALS (All are based on JMX) under the framework of Spring. 项目联系人及EmailHuang JunChang: huangjc 预计工作量6 manmonths 题目A Real-time Service Model of Web OW2 项目JOnAS 关键词Real-time, Web, Service model 描述The current B/S model that is widely used on the Internet is not a real-time model. The

31、server responds to the client in the same way. However, kernel applications call for real-time processing model in their business. The development of applications based on B/S framework in enterprise operations demands a different response level to clients request at the server-side. Considering thi

32、s, it is necessary to add real-time function to the current Internet Model which cannot achieve this. The aim of this project is to develop a real-time service model of Web which can be implemented on JOnAS and open source web browser. 项目联系人及EmailHuang JunChang: huangjc 预计工作量6 manmonths 题目Internet O

33、riented Code and its examples search engine OW2 项目Internet Oriented Code and its Examples Search Engine, part of the Trustie project, which will soon be available in the OW2. 关键词Source code, search engine, example 描述There are many source codes on the internet, which could help programmers learn to u

34、se source code component, such as class in java. The aim of the contest is to develop a code search engine which crawls source code from internet and allow programmers to retrieve examples of the code component they intend to use effectively. With the help of this engine, programmers will know and l

35、earn to use the code component more quickly and easily. 项目联系人及Emailwanglj07, lige 预计工作量8 manmonths 题目Web services runtime information collection and storage OW2 项目Web services runtime information collection and storage, part of the Trustie project, which will soon be available in the OW2. 关键词SOA, We

36、b Service, QoS, SOAP, Axis 描述Quality of Web services is very important for successfully building service-based applications. Sufficiently collecting service runtime information is the basis for measuring quality of web services. In this project, we are going to setup a framework, which can collect t

37、he runtime information from both the service provider and service requestor. The collected runtime information can be sent back to a server. This server can store the collected information and provide a high performance query interface. 项目联系人及EmailZhaojf, shaolsh 预计工作量6 manmonths 题目JOnAS Administrat

38、ion Console, a Flex module for OSGi services management OW2 项目JOnAS 关键词OSGi, Flex, Kerneos 描述JOnAS is the OW2 Java EE 5 (TM) certified application server. The management console jonasAdmin is currently being redesigned to integrate Flex modules, around a core named Kerneos. This makes the console mo

39、dular, to integrate any new module addressing an administration area. JOnAS 5 is built upon an OSGi services architecture, which makes integration with OSGi application world very easy. The objective of this project is to develop a Flex module to visualize and manage OSGi bundles and services deploy

40、ed on the JOnAS platform. 项目联系人及EmailStphane Zeng (Landry-Stephane.Zeng-Eyindanga) 预计工作量4 manmonths 题目NetBeans plugin for JOnAS OW2 项目JOnAS 关键词NetBeans, IDE Plugin 描述JOnAS is the OW2 Java EE 5 (TM) certified application server. For Java EE application developers, IDE plugins for their favorite appli

41、cation server is a critical resource. Today such a plugin exists for Eclipse (WTP adapter for JOnAS). The goal of this project is to develop a JOnAS plugin for the NetBeans IDE.References for NetBeans : beans.org/ 项目联系人及EmailFranois Fornaciari (Francois.Fornaciari) 预计工作量4 manmonths 题目IDEA plugin for

42、 JOnAS OW2 项目JOnAS 关键词IDEA, IDE Plugin 描述JOnAS is the OW2 Java EE 5 (TM) certified application server. For Java EE application developers, IDE plugins for their favorite application server is a critical resource. Today such a plugin exists for Eclipse (WTP adapter for JOnAS). The goal of this projec

43、t is to develop a JOnAS plugin for the IDEA IDE.References for IDEA : 项目联系人及EmailFranois Fornaciari (Francois.Fornaciari) 预计工作量4 manmonths 题目Extending an EPF-based (Eclipse Process Framework) tool for software process aspect OW2 项目Part of the Trustie project, which will soon be available in the OW2.

44、 关键词Software Process, SPEM, EPF 描述This tool is an Eclipse plug-in based on EPF, which can define process aspects and weave them into SPEM 2.0 (Software Process Engineering Meta-model 2.0) process models. For now the user interface implementation is fairly simple. Definition and weaving of process as

45、pects are both performed within the editor automatically generated by EMF (Eclipse Modeling Framework). Please refer to GMF Dash Board and develop a wizard which can guide users to define and weave a process aspect more easily and efficiently. For now only the adding operation to process models is supported. Please add deleting and modifying operations. Reference: Eclipse Process Aspect Framework (http:/process.seforge.org/processaspect_source_longyao.rar, http:/process.seforge.org/processaspect.rar) 项目联系人及Emailshilei07 预计工作量3 manmonths

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