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1、第三章 营销环境 公司必须随时观察并适应营销环境,以寻机遇,避免威胁。营销环境由所有影响公司在其目标市场有效运营能力的相关人员和因素组成。1、描述影响公司服务于顾客的能力的环境因素。公司的微观环境因素包括那些与公司密切联系的相关因素,它们综合起来形成了公司的价值传递系统,影响公司顾客服务的能力。微观环境包括公司的内部环境、营销渠道企业、用户市场、竞争对手和各种类型的公众。宏观环境由更广泛的社会因素构成,这些因素影响着整个微观环境。构成公司宏观环境的六大因素是:人口统计、经济、自然、技术、政治和文化因素。这些因素构成了公司面对的机会与威胁。 2、解释人口统计环境和经济环境的变化如何影响营销决策人



4、精神信仰的出现,以及更有意义和更持久的价值取向。5、讨论公司应如何应对营销环境公司可以将营销环境看成一个不可控因素,被动地接受并适应,随着环境的变化采取应对措施以避免威胁或利用机会。公司也可以采用一种环境管理的观点,积极地改变环境而不仅仅是去适应它。只要有可能,公司就应当采取后一种措施。 关键概念和原则营销环境既能带来机遇,也会造成威胁。公司营销人员对于识别和预测环境变化负有主要责任。营销环境由微观环境和宏观环境组成。在制定营销计划时,营销部门要兼顾公司的其他部门,营销经理必须与公司其他部门密切配合。供应商在公司整个顾客价值传递系统中起着重要的纽带作用。营销经理必须注意供应能力,监控关键供应品

5、的价格变动趋势。营销中间商帮助公司促销、销售以及分配产品给最终用户。包括经销商、货物储运公司、营销服务机构以及金融中介。现今的营销人员已经认识到与中间商通力合作而不仅仅是把它们当作销售渠道的重要性。 五种类型的顾客市场是消费者市场、产业市场、零售商市场、政府市场和国际市场。每个公司都应当考虑到自己的规模,以及同竞争对手相比在行业中的地位。公众包括:金融公众、媒介公众、政府公众、民间公众、地方公众、一般公众、内部公众世界人口数量高度的差异性既带来了机会也带来了威胁,营销人员应当密切注意国内外的人口发展趋势和市场变化,关注年龄和家庭结构的变化,人口的地理位置迁移,教育特点和人口的多样化。经济环境(

6、economic environment)由那些影响顾客购买力和消费方式的因素构成。各国在收入水平和收入分布方面差别很大。营销人员必须密切注意世界市场和各国市场的购买力变化趋势和人们的消费习惯。 自然环境(natural environment)指的是那些营销人员需投入的或是受到营销活动影响的自然资源。营销人员应当注意自然环境中的几个趋势。(1)原材料的短缺;(2)污染的增加;(3)政府对于自然资源越来越严密的管理。对于自然环境的关心掀起了一场绿色运动,现在,越来越多的公司已认识到良好的生态环境与健康发展的经济之间的联系。我们对于技术的看法,取决于我们是对它带来的新奇还是对它带来的错误留下更深

7、的印象。 技术环境的变化非常迅速,新技术创造了新的市场和机会。政治环境包括法律、政府机构和压力群体,在一个确定的社会中,它们影响和制约着各类组织和个人。几乎每一项营销活动都面对着一系列的法律和规定。在过去若干年中,世界各国都增加与工商业有关的立法。国际营销人员将与几十甚至上百个负责执行商业政策和法规的政府部门打交道。新的法律及其实施将继续出现。社会准则和职业伦理也制约着工商业,开明的公司鼓励其管理者不仅要遵守法规,还要做正确的事情。蓬勃发展的电子商务和网络营销带来了一系列新的社会和伦理问题。 文化环境由那些影响社会的基本价值观、观念、偏好和行为的风俗习惯和其他因素组成。特定社会中的人会有特定的

8、信仰和价值观,而且轻易不会改变。营销人员可以影响人们的从属信仰,但改变核心信仰的机会却微乎其微。社会的主要价值观通过人们对自己和他人的看法,以及对组织和社会、自然以及宇宙的看法表现出来。另一些公司则持一种环境管理的观点。虽然营销管理并不总能够影响环境因素,但在很多情况下,不能仅仅满足于简单地观察环境然后做出决策。CHAPTER 3THE MARKETING ENVIRONMENTSummaryIn order to correctly identify opportunities and monitor threats, the company must begin with a thorou

9、gh understanding of the marketing environment in which the firm operates. The marketing environment consists of all the actors and forces outside marketing that affect the marketing managements ability to develop and maintain successful relationships with its target customers. Though these factors a

10、nd forces may vary depending on the specific company and industrial group, they can generally be divided into broad microenvironmental and macroenvironmental components. For most companies, the microenvironmental components are: the company, suppliers, marketing channel firms (intermediaries), custo

11、mer markets, competitors, and publics which combine to make up the companys value delivery system. The macroenvironmental components are thought to be: demographic, economic, natural, technological, political, and cultural forces. The wise marketing manager knows that he or she cannot always affect

12、environmental forces. However, smart managers can take a proactive, rather than reactive, approach to the marketing environment.As marketing management collects and processes data on these environments, they must be ever vigilant in their efforts to apply what they learn to developing opportunities

13、and dealing with threats. Studies have shown that excellent companies not only have a keen sense of customer but an appreciation of the environmental forces swirling around them. By constantly looking at the dynamic changes that are occurring in the aforementioned environments, companies are better

14、prepared to adapt to change, prepare long-range strategy, meet the needs of todays and tomorrows customers, and compete with the intense competition present in the global marketplace. All firms are encouraged to adopt an environmental management perspective in the new millennium.Keywords and princip

15、leA companys marketing environment consists of the actors and forces outside marketing that affect marketing managements ability to develop and maintain successful relationships with its target customers environment.The companys microenvironment consists of six forces that affect its ability to serv

16、e its customers.The first force is the company itself and the role it plays in the microenvironment. This could be deemed the internal environment. All departments must think consumer if the firm is to be successful. The goal is to provide superior customer value and satisfaction.Suppliers are firms

17、 and individuals that provide the resources needed by the company and its competitors to produce goods and services. They are an important link in the companys overall customer value delivery system.Marketing intermediaries are firms that help the company to promote, sell, and distribute its goods t

18、o final buyers.Resellers are distribution channel firms that help the company find customers or make sales to them. Resellers often perform important functions more cheaply than the company can perform itself. Physical distribution firms help the company to stock and move goods from their points of

19、origin to their destinations. Marketing service agencies help the company target and promote its products.Financial intermediaries help finance transactions and insure against risks.The company must study its customer markets closely since each market has its own special characteristics. These marke

20、ts normally include: Consumer markets , Business markets, Reseller markets, Government markets, International markets.Every company faces a wide range of competitors. A company must secure a strategic advantage over competitors by positioning their offerings to be successful in the marketplace. No s

21、ingle competitive strategy is best for all companies.A public is any group that has an actual or potential interest in or impact on an organizations ability to achieve its objectives. A company should prepare a marketing plan for all of their major publics as well as their customer markets. publics

22、can be identified as being: Financial publics, Media public, Government publics, Citizen-action publics, Local publics, General publics, Internal publics.The company and all of the other actors operate in a larger macroenvironment of forces that shape opportunities and pose threats to the company. T

23、here are six major forces (outlined below) in the companys macroenvironment.Demography is the study of human populations in terms of size, density, location, age, sex, race, occupation, and other statistics. It is of major interest to marketers because it involves people and people make up markets.D

24、emographic trends are constantly changing. The economic environment includes those factors that affect consumer purchasing power and spending patterns. Marketers must carefully monitor economic changes so they will be able to prosper with the trend, not suffer from it.The natural environment involve

25、s natural resources that are needed as inputs by marketers or that are affected by marketing activities. During the past two decades environmental concerns have steadily grown. Some trend analysts labeled the 1990s as the Earth Decade, where protection of the natural environment became a major world

26、wide issue facing business and the public. Specific areas of concern were: Shortages of raw materials, Increased pollution , Government intervention , Environmentally sustainable strategies. The so-called green movement has encouraged or even demanded that firms produce strategies that are not only

27、environmentally friendly but are also environmentally proactive. Firms are beginning to recognize the link between a healthy economy and a healthy environment. The technological environment includes forces that create new technologies, creating new product and market opportunities. Technology is per

28、haps the most dramatic force shaping our destiny. New technologies create new markets and opportunities. The following trends are worth watching: Faster pace of technological change. There seems to be almost unlimited opportunities being developed daily. The challenge is not only technical but also

29、commercial-to make practical, affordable versions of products. Increased regulation. The political environment includes laws, government agencies, and pressure groups that influence and limit various organizations and individuals in a given society.Business is regulated by various forms of legislati

30、on.Almost every marketing activity is subject to a wide range of laws and regulations.New laws and their enforcement will continue or increase. Increased emphasis on ethics and socially responsible actions. Socially responsible firms actively seek out ways to protect the long-run interests of their

31、consumers and the environment.The boom in e-commerce and Internet marketing has created a new set of social and ethical issues. Concerns are:Privacy, Security, Access by vulnerable or unauthorized groups, Abuses toward consumers by Web companiesThe cultural environment is made up of institutions and

32、 other forces that affect societys basic values, perceptions, preferences, and behaviors. Certain cultural characteristics can affect marketing decision making. Among the most dynamic cultural characteristics are: Persistence of cultural values. Peoples core beliefs and values have a high degree of

33、persistence. Secondary beliefs and values are more open to change.Societys major cultural views are expressed in: Peoples views of themselves.Peoples views of others. Peoples views of organizations. Peoples views of society. Peoples view of nature. Peoples views of the universe. Many companies view

34、the marketing environment as an uncontrollable element to which they must adapt. They do not try to change it.Today, many companies are taking an environmental management perspective whereby a firm takes aggressive (rather than passive) actions to affect the publics and forces in the marketing environment. Whenever possible smart managers will take a proactive rather than a reactive approach to the marketing environment.

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